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Mr John Anderson, Falconer, at Barrowchaw, Renfrewshire, as he appear'd at the Coronation of His Majesty George the 4th, July 19th 1821.
Drawn & Engraved by I.R. Cruikshank.
Pub. by G. Humphrey, 27 St James's St. London, Aug. 16th 1821.
Rare coloured aquatint. 300 x 225mm (11¾ x 9"). Paper lightly toned.
John Anderson (c 1750-1833). falconer to Malcolm Fleming of Barochan, the Earl of Morton and Sir Alexander Donne of Ochiltree. At the coronation Anderson presented the king a pair of falcons on behalf of the 4th Duke of Atholl, Governor of the Isle of Man, accounting for the Manx triskelion on his sleeve.
[Ref: 41430] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Le Petit Oiseleur.
H. Vernet 1. Mai 1819 Paris. Lith de G: Engelmann.
Rare lithograph. In pencil under this print is a portrait of Bachu Thornhill the son of ..... Printed area: 250 x 300mm (9¾ x 11¾"), with very large margins. Uncut.
An exterior scene showing a young bird catcher, the young catcher looks over his right shoulder while holding a small bird. Provenance: Edge Hill, Cheshire
[Ref: 46733] £320.00
Grande Chasse A Loiseau, Dediee A Madame La Comtesse De Verrue, Veuve De Monsieur Le Comte De Verrue, Marechal des Camps en Armee du Roy Commissaire General de la Cavallerie de France. Par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur J. Moyreau 1733. Le Tableau original de P. Wouvermens qui est au Cabinet de Madame la Comtesse de Verrue, a trois pieds six pouces de large sur deux pieds quartre pouces de haut.
P. Wouvermens Pinxit. J. Moyreau Sculpsit.
a Paris chez Moyreau rue Galande vis a vis la Chapelle de St Blaise.
Engraving. 670 x 465mm. Trace of vertical fold through centre of image. Repaired tear into title area lower left.
'5e' inscribed lower right of plate. De Saumarez collection.
[Ref: 6713] £650.00
Départ pour la Chasse a l'Oiseau: Dédié à Monsieur le Marquis de Marigny, Conseiller du Roy en ses Conseils, Directeur & Ordonnateur Général des Batimens et Jardins de sa Majesté, Arts, Academies et Manufactures de France Par son très humble et très obeissant Serviteur J. Moyreau Grav. du Roy... 1756.
P. Wouvermens Pinx. J. Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris, Chéz Moyreau rue des Mathurines. Avec Priv du Roy.
Engraving. 440 x 65mm, 17¼ x 25½". Fine impression. Trace of vertical fold through centre of image. Repaired tear into title area lower left.
A hunting party leaving a run-down chateau. From the De Saumarez collection.
[Ref: 8365] £450.00
Fabul. XI. [Falcons]
J. El. Ridinger inv. fec. et excud.
[n.d., 1743.]
Engraving. 335 x 255mm (13¼ x 10"). Repaired tears in margins. Creases
An illustration of a fable: a man lies on the ground, clutching his hat. A hooded falcon sits on a branch, surrounded by wild birds.
[Ref: 64998] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Depart pour la Chasse au Vol. Gravé d'apres le Tableau Original de P. Wowermens qui est au Cabinet de Monsieur Crosat.
P. Wowermens Pinx. J. Moyreau Sculp.
AParis chez Moyreau ruë Gallande vis a vis la Chapelle de St Blaise. Avec Privilege du Roy. [n.d., c.1733.]
Etching, fine. 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"). Thread margins at top and left.
A falconry party ride out, one horseman holding a hawk aloft. BM: 1847,0305.44.
[Ref: 43482] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
"A Merlin small she held upon her Hande, With Hooded and Jesses gallantlie bedighte, But little did he neede or Hoode or Bande, Could he but gaze on her, full safe where he from flighte." Old Ballad.
Drawn on Stone by Richard Lane, from a Sketch by G.S. Newton.
London Pub.d Jan.y 6th. 1825 by J. Dickinson. New Bond St.t Printed by C. Hullmandel.
Lithograph. Sheet 214 x 171mm. 8½ x 6¾". Some light spotting.
A young girl, possibly the daughter of a falconer, holding a falcon with its hat already on.
[Ref: 19334] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Happy Days.
Edward Corbould. H. Robinson.
Peter Jackson, London & Paris. [n.d. c.1840.]
Mixed-method engraving. 272 x 209mm. 10¾ x 8¼".
The young count, with his falcon on his left hand, bids adieu to his maiden as he prepares to hunt. His page sits in front with his master's horse and hounds.
[Ref: 22648] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Plate XXX. Hawking.
Geo. Walker Del. Engraved by R. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, March 1, 1814.
Coloured aquatint with etching and letterpress. Sheet: 265 x 370mm (10½ x 14½").
A view of a group of men hawking. In the foreground a mounted man holds a hooded bird while a man who has several birds on a pole stands near him. From Walker's 'Costume of Yorkshire' 1814.
[Ref: 47073] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Lady Georgina North del. et inv.
[n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph on chine collé. Sheet 250 x 210mm (9¾ x 8¼").
A boy with seven teathered falcons, holding an eighth, overlooking an estuary Drawn by Lady Georgina North (1798-1835), an amateur draughtsman and printmaker, daughter of George, 3rd Earl of Guilford.
[Ref: 64995] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Lady Georgina North del. et inv.
[n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph on chine collé, proof before letters. Sheet 250 x 210mm (9¾ x 8¼"). Some spotting and toning to backing sheet, tear in left edge.
A boy with seven teathered falcons, holding an eighth, overlooking an estuary Drawn by Lady Georgina North (1798-1835), an amateur draughtsman and printmaker, daughter of George, 3rd Earl of Guilford.
[Ref: 64992] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
The Fountain of the Hunters.
Wowvermens pinx. E. Kirkall fec.
[n.d., c.1720.]
Scarce mezzotint, 18th century watermark. 205 x 260mm (8 x 10¼"). Small margins.
Riders hunting with falcons stop by an overgrown classical fountain.
[Ref: 64983] £360.00
[Hawking party.]
[French, c.1750.]
Scarce engraving, unfinished proof before letters. 390 x 450mm (15¼ x 17¾"). Narrow margins.
A hawking party resting their horses by an idealised architectural ruin. Ex Private Collection.
[Ref: 38098] £330.00
Geo. Walker Del. Engraved by R. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, March 1. 1814.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet size: 260 x 360mm (10¼ x 14¼"). Trimmed inside platemark.
A scene depicting a hawker on horseback as he prepares to release hawks, with two dogs to the right, and a gentlemen and lady on horseback beyond. From George Walker’s 'The costume of Yorkshire' published in 1814, containing forty-one coloured aquatint plates based upon the author’s original drawings of social and economic scenes in Yorkshire.
[Ref: 37160] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Hawking. In the Collection of Mr. Hurter, Painter.
Woverman pinxt. M. Cath. Prestel sculpt.
London Pub. May 15, 1788 by Molteno Colnaghi & Co. No.132 Pall Mall.
Aquatint in sepia. 220 x 260mm. Light foxing. Tatty right margin.
[Ref: 6715] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 235 x 330mm. 9¼ x 13". Frame 407 x 495mm. 16 x 19½".
Riders on horseback, including a lady, hawking, accompanied by dogs and hawkers on foot sending hawks into the sky to kill other birds, where other men on foot run collecting the fallen birds. Plate 1 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25714] £320.00
[Hawking in India.]
I. Taylor sculp.
[n.d., c.1767.]
fine engraving. 190 x 115mm (7½ x 4½"). Trimmed into plate top and left, crease across left corner.
A mounted noble with a hawk in jesses on his left hand.
[Ref: 52059] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 220 x 280mm (8¾ x 11"), with very large margins.
A sporting scene showing two men using an owl on a string to catch birds. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46246] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Page with Falcon and Bloodhound.
Frederick Tayler lithotint. C. Hullmandel's Patent.
[London: Thomas McLean, 1844-5.]
Lithograph. Printed area 325 x 230mm (12¾ x 9"), with large margins.
A youth in Tudor dress with a cape, sword and a dagger in his belt, a plumed cap in his right hand, a falcon on his left wrist, a bloodhound seated by his side. From 'Frederick Tayler's Portfolio'.
[Ref: 57673] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Aloynus, Cognomento Bavo, Natus Hasbaniae Comes Regum Franciae Consangineus, a S. Amando Ad Amorem Christi Inflammatus, Spreto Mundo & Alienatis In Dei Honorem, Saeculi Bonis In Omni Humilitate Christo Servivit Us Que Ad Annum Domini DCXXXI. Harlemensium Patronus. Colitur I. Octob.
P. Soutmanno Dirigente, Corn. Vischer Sculpebat Cum Privilegio.
P. Soutmannus Inv[missing] et Excudebat Harle[missing]. [n.d. c.1650].
Engraving with added hand colour. 310 x 435mm. 3 pin holes, paper edges damaged with multiple repaired tears. Trimmed to plate mark.
A French nobleman with his falcon on his left arm by Pieter Soutman, a Dutch painter and pupil of Rubens. Early colour.
[Ref: 5680] £320.00
Dedié a Monseigneur le Duc d’Orleans Premier Prince du Sang La Chasse aux Eperviers. 30e. D’Apres le Tableau Original de Wouvermens, de 2 piéds de large, sur 18 pouces de haut, Que est au Cabinet de Monseigneur le Duc d’Orleans. Par son très humble et très Obéissant Serviteur J. Moyreau Grav.r du Roy.
P. Wouvermans Pinx.
AParis chez Moyreau, rue Gallande, vis-à-vis la Chapelle Saint Blaise Avec Privilege du Roy. 1738.
Engraving. 349 x 470mm. 13¾ x 18½". Trimmed close to platemark.
An engraving depicting an elegant hunting party with sparrow hawks during their rest, with horses, dogs and many people around.
[Ref: 26941] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
Geo. Walker Del. Engraved by R. & D. Havell.
Coloured aquatint 300 x 200mm. Image.
From the 'The Costume of Yorkshire'. This view shows the point at which the dogs are setting and the falconer is unhooding the bird. This scene was inspired by Colonel Thornton of Thornville Royal.
[Ref: 6381] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Le Boufon Des Chasseurs. Grave d'apres le Tableau de Wouvermens qui a deux pieds de large sur dix huit puces de haut. Qui est au Cabinet de Monsieur D'Ormesson Du Cheray Conseiller Honaraire Au Parlement.
P. Wouvermens. Pinx. J Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris ches Moyreau Graveur du Roy, rue S.t Jacques a la Vieille Poste vis-a-vis la rue du Platre. Avec Privilege du Roy 1746.
Fine etching with engraving, 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
Group of hunters on horseback, waiting near a grand house located on the left, and about to go hawking; among them is a buffoon sticking out his tongue at a man carrying an owl on his arm.
[Ref: 63830] £320.00
Dedie A Monseigner Le Duc Chartres Prince Du Sang Le Present Du Chasseur. D'apres le Tableau Original de Wouvermens de 2 pieds de large, sur 18 pouces dehaut, qui est au Cabinet de Monseigneur Le Duc D'Orleans.
Ph. Wouvermens. Pinx. Par son tres humble et tres Obeissant Serviteur J. Moyreau Graveur du Roy.
A Paris chez Moyreau, rue Gallande vis avis la Chapelle de Saint Blaise.Avec Privilage du Roy. 1738.
Fine etching with engraving, 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
Group of hunters on horseback gathered outside a house. The house is decorated with a statue of Diana placed on a high pillar and covered in vines. One woman holds a sparrow hawk.
[Ref: 63831] £320.00
Petite Chasse A L'Oyseau. Grave d'apres le Tableau Original de Wouvermens de deux pieds Sept pouces de large, fur vingt pouces de haut. qui est au Cabinet de Monseigneur Le Chevalier D'Orleans. Wouvermens. Pinx. J. Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris chez Moyreau, rue Gallande, vis-avis la Chapelle Saint Blaise. Avec Privilage du Roy. 1739.
Fine etching with engraving, 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
Landscape with hunters on horseback approaching a river one carries a hawk. Some hunters are already resting on the bank.
[Ref: 63832] £320.00
La Fontaine De Venus. Grave d'apres le Tableau Original de Wouvermens de 20 puces de large, Sur 15 puces de haut, Qui est au Cabinet de Monsieur L Marquis Se Voyer D'Argenson, Marechal des Camps et Armees du Roy, Lieutenant General de la Haute et BAsse Alsace, Inspecteur General de la Cavalaire. Wouvermens. Pinxit. J Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris ches Moyreau Graveur du Roy, rue de Petit Pont S.t Severin a l'Image Notre-Dame. Avec Privilege du Roy 1750.
Fine etching with engraving, 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
Group of falconers on horseback rest and drink from an ornate fountain representing Venus on a chariot drawn by two dolphins, both supporting a cupid blowing a conch.
[Ref: 63829] £360.00
Le Mort Du Cerf. The Death Of The Stag. To Philip Earl of Chesterfield, this Print Ingrav'd after a Capital Picture of P. Wouvermans, is humbly Dedicated to his Lordship, by his most Obedient and Dutiful Servant Tho.s Major. [2 feet 8 in: Wide, 1 foot 9½ in: High. In the Collection of Mons.r Aved.]
P. Wouvermens pinxit. A. Lawrence fe. aqua forti. Tho.s Major Sculpsit.
London sold by T. Major Engraver to H.R.H the Price of Wales at the Golden Head in Chandois Street the Lower end of S.t Matins Lane. [Publish's accord.g to Act of Parliament Feb.y y.e 10. 1753]
Etching with engraving, sheet 495 x 660mm (19½ x 26") Trimmed to plate and glued to 18th century backing sheet on one side. Folded. Small crease at top. Small blue stain on dog bottom left.
Hunting party in a landscape, with at centre a man holding a flaying knife standing over a dead stag. Figures on horseback around him, one of whom, a man, is seen blowing his horn, another a lady with a small hawk.
[Ref: 63839] £360.00
La Fontaine Du Dauphin. Grave d'apres le Tableau de Wouvermens, de Quinze puce de largeur, Sur Quinze pouce de haui. Qui est au Cabinet de Monsieur Peilhon Secretaire du Roy.
P. Wouvermens. Pinxit. J. Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris ches Moyreau Graveur du Roy, rue des Mathurins la 4.e. Porte Cochere a gauche, en entrant par la rue de la Harpe. 1753 Avec Privilege du Roy.
Etching with engraving, 460 x 660mm (18 x 26"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
A rural scene featuring two riders resting next to a fountain decorated with a putto riding a dolphin and blowing a conch. A page prepares a drink while a female rider with a hawk on her arm watches on.
[Ref: 63843] £380.00
Grande Chasse A Loiseau, Dedie A Madame La Comtesse De Verrue Veuve De Monsieur Le Comte De Verrue, Marechal des Camps et Armee du Roy Commissaire General de la Cavallerie de France. Le Tableau original de P.Wouvermans qui est au Cabinet de Madame la Comtesse de Verrue, a trois pieds six pouces de large de large sur deux pieds quatre pouces de haut.
P. Wouvermens. Pinxit. J. Moyreau Sculpsit.
a Paris chez Moyreau rue Galande vis a vis la Chapelle de S. Blaise. Par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur J. Moyreau 1733.
Fine etching with engraving, 460 x 660mm (18 x 26"), with very large margins. Folded. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
A very large hawking scene in a rural landscape.
[Ref: 63835] £480.00
Depart pour la chasse au vol. Grave d'apres le Tableau Original de P. Wouvermens qui est au Cabinet de Monsieur Crosat. de 2 pieds 6. pouces de larges, sur 14. pouces 6. lignes de haut.
P. Wouvermens. Pinx. J Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris chez Moyreau rue Gallande vis avis la Chapelle de S.t Blaise. Avec Privilege du Roy. [n.d. c.1733]
Etching with engraving, 350 x 460mm (13¾ x 18"), with very large margins.
Horsemen and their dogs leave a villa to go hawking.
[Ref: 63828] £320.00
La Grote De L'Abreuvoir, Dedie a Monsieur Crosat Baron de Thiers. le Tableau Original de Wouvermens qui est dans son Cabinet, a 2. pieds de hauteur sur 19. pouces de largeur. Par son tres humble et Obeissant Serviteur, J. Moyreau, Graveur du Roi.
P. Wouvermens. Pinxit. J. Moyreau Sculp.
A Paris ches Moyreau rue des Mathurins. 1756 Avec Privilege du Roy.
Etching with engraving, 460 x 660mm (18 x 26"), with very large margins. Some light foxing, mostly localised to the margins.
A landscape featuring ruins on the right and a river where men are fishing and bathing on the left, with a hunter on a horse and carrying a hawk on his arm in the middle.
[Ref: 63842] £360.00
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