Catalogue: Trades
Watch Maker.
[c. 1810.]
Engraving. Sheet: 85 x 125mm (3¼ x 5").
The interior of a watch maker's workshop with a watch maker working at his bench.
[Ref: 44649] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Watch Maker.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand-coloured engraving. 102 x 63mm. 4 x 2½". Cut and laid on album scrap.
Watch-making is an employment so well known as to require no description, but it is usually combined, particularly in the country with that of clock-making. A man sat at his workbench cutting small fascias for a watch, grandfather and other clocks are seen. From "The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts".
[Ref: 25534] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Le Porteur d'Eau. Ce porteur d'eau, à bien la mine De conuertir son eau en vin, Et d'en boire tant de chopine, Qu'il avalera tout son gain.
J. Bonnart fecit.
Chez H. Bonnart, rue S.t Iacques vis a vis le Mathurins avec privil. [n.d. c.1680-1700].
Etching and engraving, 17th century watermark. 265 x 185mm (10½ x 7½"), with very large margins. Stains in top margin. Faint spotting and stains in image and title area.
A water carrier or seller carrying two buckets. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Henri Bonnart II, known for the breadth of their works of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54894] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Water Carrier &c.
Etched by R.B. Peake.
Published for William Fearman, Library, New Bond Street, Jan.y 1819.
Hand-colouered aquatint. Plate: 215 x 250mm (8½ x 9¾''). Trimmed.
A scene in a French sheet showing two nuns walking side by side, a man dragging a cart with a water barrel and other street traders. Advert for dentist on wall "La Presle Dentiste".
[Ref: 50648] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
No. 27. [Waterman to a Coach Stand.]
[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller, Albemarle Street Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand coloured etching with aquatint. Sheet 340 x 250mm (13¼ x 10").
A man carrying two buckets of water to horses harnessed to their coaches. The print was published in 'The Costume of Great Britain', a work notable for portraying British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 28716] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
The Whitening of Wax. [&] The Working of Wax into Rolls. [&] The Making of Wax-tapers and Candles.
[n.d., 1763.]
Three engravings. Each sheet c. 170 x 195mm (6¾ x 7¾"), with three sheets of letterpress. Original folds, slight offset from text.
From 'Spectacle de la Nature: or, Nature Display'd. Being Discourses On such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiosity, and Form the Minds of Youth'.
[Ref: 60859] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[Four women weavers at their looms.]
Erlini (?) inc. [faint mss. in ink lower right.]
[n.d., c.1820.]
Etching highlighted with white crayon on coarse album paper, sheet 240 x 408mm.
Continental etching.
[Ref: 7779] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
'Fallow Deer' Wedgwood, Etruria England.
Engraving for Wedgwood Pottery.
c. 1910.
Engraving 275mm diameter. Laid on old mount.
Charming rural scene with two fallow deer in foreground. Stamped. As per Title.
[Ref: 405] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Wedgwood & Byerley. York Street. St. James's Square. For No.2 of R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts.
Published Feby. 1809, at 101, Strand, London.
Scarce coloured aquatint, part J. Whatman watermarked paper. 130 x 215mm (5¼ x 8½"). Trimmed into image on three sides, mounted in album paper.
The interior of the 'Wedgwood and Byerley' London showrooms at York Street, St James's Square, showing figures looking at chinaware laid out on tables and on view in display cases. A plate from the 'Repository of Arts' periodical, published from 1809-1829. The formal title of the publication was 'Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics': it discussed and illustrated day to day life, and influenced English taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 58198] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Material=Ramme. Das Wind=berittne Schiff, laufft mit der Baar zu Lande. Die Baar dir zum sewin und Ruken mit Berstande.
Cor: Nico: Schurtz. Sc:
[n.d. c.1780.]
Engraving. Plate 266 x 160mm. 10¼ x 6¼". Crease.
Two allegorical scenes: a very Dutch figure of Mercury, surrounded by trade goods, includng bags of crocus bulbs and mistletoe (lignum sancti). Underneath is a ship, with whalers and a fort.
[Ref: 15204] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Wheelwright] Charron. Wagner.
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, rare with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾"). Slight loss of gum arabic on left.
A wheelwright's workshop.
[Ref: 36604] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Wine harvest] Vendemmia
Marco Ricci pinx.t Chatelain fecit Goupy direxit [c.1740s]
Etching, J. Whatman watermark; platemark 330 x 440mm (13 x 17¼"); large margins. Tears from top edge. Loss in margin at top right.
Man treading grapes in a barrel on wheels on right, with woman carrying a basket of grapes nearby. Several figures picking fruit from trees on left. One of a set of eight etchings after Marco Ricci originally published together by Joseph Goupy. Ricci (1676 - 1730) was a landscape painter who spent much of the period 1708-16 in England.
[Ref: 40662] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Wine Press.]
Printed for J. Hinton at the Kings Arms St Paul's Church Yard. 1747.
Engraving. Plate: 220 x 190mm (8¾ x 7½"), with large margins. Vertical creases as normal.
Two digarams one showing a wine press, the second showing a cider press.
[Ref: 44600] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
M:r Tycho Wing Philio:
J. Vanderbank pinx. 1731. G. White fec.
[n.d., c.1731.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed close to image. Foxed. Very small hole bottom left.
A half-length portrait of Tycho Wing (1696-1750), holding a celestial globe. Wing was a mathematician (teaching boarding pupils at Pickworth), astrologer, almanac author and Coroner for Rutland 1727-42. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd. CS: 58.
[Ref: 64554] £420.00
M:r Tycho Wing Philio:
J. Vanderbank pinx. 1731. G. White fec.
[n.d., c.1731.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed to image on three sides, mounted on album paper.
A half-length portrait of Tycho Wing (1696-1750), holding a celestial globe. Wing was a mathematician (teaching boarding pupils at Pickworth), astrologer, almanac author and Coroner for Rutland 1727-42. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd. CS: 58
[Ref: 64564] £420.00
[Advert.] Winnowing Machine. Drill Plough. Chambers & Co. Wolverhampton 1813 [Printed in reverse.]
Engraving. Sheet: 170 x 170mm (6¾ x 6¾''). Trimmed, creasing.
Two diagrams of machines designed and produced by James Chambers & Co.
[Ref: 49057] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Wire Drawer.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand-coloured engraving. 102 x 63mm. 4 x 2½". Cut and laid on album scrap.
The Wire-Drawer reduces rods of different metals into smaller sizes, in order to render them proper for use in various trades, and for manufactures, and also many other purposes. From "The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts".
[Ref: 25536] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
le Fendeur de Bois. Autre fois j'ay fendu du Bois pour Cupidon, Je voudrois bien encor en donner des lecons, Mais ce grand nombre d'ans, de mois, et de jour.née On trop emoussé ma cognée.
J. Bonnart f. Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Jacques a l'aigle avec privil.
Paris, [n.d. c.1674-1726].
Etching, 17th century watermark. 275 x 190mm (10¾ x 7½") very large margins. Tear near top left corner. Stains across image and sheet.
A woodcutter carrying a basket and saw on his back and leaning on a walking stick. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Nicolas Bonnart. Though there are strong similarities among groups of engravings by the Bonnart brothers, there is no evidence this was published as part of a set.
[Ref: 54887] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Woodcutter.] 35.
J West 1810.
Lithograph. 128 x 184mm (4¾ x 7¼").
A scene of a woodcutter and his apprentice on a barge; the young apprentice places a loaded basket of wood onto the head of a woman.
[Ref: 31094] £35.00
(£42.00 incl.VAT)
The Woodman. Far removed from noise and smoak, [/] Hark I hear the woodman's stroke...
Published 16th May 1793 by Rob.t Sayer & C.o Fleet Street London.
Fine hand-coloured mezzotint. Plate: 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾"). Small margins. Some chips in edges.
A portrait of a woodman, stood by a fallen tree and his dog, behind them two woodmen say through a large log.
[Ref: 42598] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Worsted Winder.]
[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller Albermarle Street, Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand-coloured aquatint, with letterpress page. Sheet: 365 x 250mm (14½ x 9¾"), Charles Wise watermark 1819. Staple in bottom left corner.
A scene in a workshop showing a worsted winder winding worsted upon a bobbin. From 'The Costume of Great Britain', a book containing 60 plates of people at work and scenes of everyday life. William Henry Pyne (1769-1843), the son of a London weaver who became an artist and writer, was commissioned to write and illustrate the book by the publisher, William Miller of Albermarle Street, London. The illustrations are particularly notable as they portray British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 44617] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)