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[Irish Setter with Dead Woodcock & Springer Spaniel].
[Irish Setter with Dead Woodcock & Springer Spaniel].
G.Vernon Stokes.
Coloured drypoint etching, 72 of 75, signed by the artist. 210 x 280mm.
[Ref: 5741]   £330.00  
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Macédoines No.12. Setter & Grouse
Macédoines No.12. Setter & Grouse
E.d. Travies.
Paris Ledot ainé Edit.r. rue de Rivoli 174. London Gambart et c. 25 Berners St, Oxford St. [n.d., c.1840].
Coloured lithograph, printed area 220 x 270mm.
A setter stalking a partridge. The oval image is within a very ornate lithographed border.
[Ref: 6179]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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[Setters on a moor.]
[Setters on a moor.]
G.Vernon Stokes. [signed in pencil.]
[n.d. c.1930.]
Coloured etching, 250 x 300mm (10 x 11¾"). Edition: 29/75. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
Two Setters in a moor. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 59746]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)

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[Irish Setters.]
[Irish Setters.]
G.Vernon Stokes. [signed in pencil.]
[n.d. c.1930.]
Coloured etching, 235 x 285mm (9¼ x 11¼"). Edition: 27/75. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
A pair of Irish Setters. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 59747]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Setter & Grouse.
Setter & Grouse.
Richard Ansdell. H.T. Ryall.
London. Published May 1, 1855, by Lloyd Brothers & Co., Ludgate Hill.
Mixed method engraving. 370 x 270mm (14½ x 10¼").
A setter retrieving a dead grouse.
[Ref: 429]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Setters and Pointers] Ready. [&] Steady.
[Setters and Pointers] Ready. [&] Steady.
G. Muss-Arnolt.
Published by Oscar Rudolph, New York. London, Richard C. Hall u. Co. 72 Dean Str. W. - Printed in Berlin. [n.d., c.1900.]
Pair of colour-printed photogravures on chin collé, rare. Each 450 x 550mm (17¾ x 21¾"). Laid on board.
Scenes of setter and pointer pairs in the field. Gustav Muss-Arnolt (1858-1927), German-born animal painter who emigrated to America c.1890, becoming a director of the American Kennel Club, licensed to judge all breeds in dog shows.
[Ref: 47810]   £440.00   view all images for this item
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H. Alken del.t. I.Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T.McLean, Jan.y. 1.1820.
Coloured aquatint. Paper watermarked: Whatman 1824. Plate 280 x 381mm. 11 x 15". Marking around the image.
Three setters running in the rolling hills of the British countryside.
[Ref: 63]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Maud Earl.
Copyright 1906 by Photographische Gesellschaft. Berlin Photographic Company Berlin, London W, 133 New Bond Street; New York, 14 East 23rd Street. Copyright 1906
Photogravure on chine collé, printed in colours, signed by the artist in pencil. 420 x 590mm (16½ x 23¼"), with large margins.
Two Setters in long grass.
[Ref: 56247]   £420.00  
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[''Runtie lay still & let Elizabeth Virginia pull'']
[''Runtie lay still & let Elizabeth Virginia pull'']
[n.d., c.1944.]
Pencil drawing. Sheet: 305 x 220mm (12 x 8¾"). Laid on board.
A scene in which a young girl pulls at the hair of an Old English Sheepdog. An original drawing by animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954) for Muriel Denison's 'Happy Tramp: the Story of a Little Girl and Her Old English Sheep Dog', 1944. After her father is wounded as a soldier in World War II and her mother is killed by in a German air raid Biddie and her Old English Sheepdog are evacuated to America where her father has found work as a kennel man for a wealthy New York dog breeder.
[Ref: 47826]   £150.00   (£180.00 incl.VAT)
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Duck Shooting.
Duck Shooting.
G. Morland Pinxt. London.
[n.d. 1800].
Mezzotint. Plate: 370 x 335mm (14½ x 13¼"). Tear into plate in top edge. Margins messy.
An exterior scene in marshland which a man, accompanied by his gun-dog, shoots at some ducks.
[Ref: 39881]   £360.00  
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H. Goffey signed in pencil.
[n.d. 1940.]
Etching. 195 x 275mm. Minor creasing in the margins.
A Siberian Husky. Harry Goffey (1871-1951).
[Ref: 2750]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Skye Terrier.
Skye Terrier.
Painted by A. Cooper R.A. Drawn on Stone by Thomas Fairland.
[London: B.B.King, c.1835. Printed by Graf & Soret.]
Hand coloured lithograph with gum arabic, sheet 280 x 225mm. 11 x 8¾". Sheet trimmed.
Fine colour. Published for a series of dog heads.
[Ref: 11633]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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[Engraved by Charles Mottram after Sir Edwin Landseer.]
[London: Henry Graves & Son, 1875.]
Engraving on india. 400 x 370mm, 16 x 14½". Artist's printed monogram & Printsellers' blindstamp. Margins soiled.
Circular portrait of the head of Cairnach, Queen Victoria's Skye Terrier, painted by Landseer on Price Albert's commission. The original painting was given by Albert to Victoria as a Christmas present in 1842.
Graves: 304. PSA: BL: 25.
[Ref: 18597]   £360.00  
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[Skye Terrier] [Dear Old Boz.]
[Skye Terrier] [Dear Old Boz.]
[Engraved by Charles Mottram, 1875.] [EL: artist's monogram.]
London Published Oct.r 1875 by Henry Graves & Co, the Proprietors Publishers to H.M. the Queen &, T.R.H. The Prince & Princess of Wales, 6 Pall Mall, Copyright Registered. [Published by Henry Graves & Co. Printsellers and Publishers to Her Majesty the Queen and T.R.H. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Pall Mall, London. Sold by D. Woodcock & Co., 17, Farringdon Street, London.]
Mixed method engraving, proof before letters on india. Printseller's Association Stamp. Artist Proof Edition, Limited to One Hundred Copies. 450 x 527mm (17¾ x 20¾"). Uncut, mint.
'Boz', Queen Victoria's skye terrier, with a rabbit. Boz was named after Charles Dickens' early pseudonym. He was purchased by Victoria a a present for her mother, the Duchess of Kent, in 1857, but joined the Royal houshold when the Duchess died in 1861. The original painting was exhibited at the British Institution in 1865 and now hangs at Osborne House, the Royal Residence on the Isle of Wight. From "Her Majesty's Pets being a Collection of Twenty Steel-Place Engravings from Paintings by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. By Special Permission of, and Dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen".
Ex. Collection of Hon Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 23037]   £550.00  
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[Engraved by Charles Mottram, 1875.] [Inside plate: EL 1841.] [EL: artist's monogram.]
London Published March 22.nd 1875 by Henry Graves & Co, the Proprietors Publishers to H.M. the Queen &, T.R.H. The Prince & Princess of Wales, 6 Pall Mall, Copyright Registered. [Published by Henry Graves & Co. Printsellers and Publishers to Her Majesty the Queen and T.R.H. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Pall Mall, London. Sold by D. Woodcock & Co., 17, Farringdon Street, London.]
Mixed method engraving, proof before letters on india. Printseller's Association Stamp. Artist Proof Edition, Limited to One Hundred Copies. Plate 439 x 534mm. 17¼ x 21". Uncut, foxing off image.
A portrait of a Skye terrier, the original crayon drawing belongs to Her Majesty the Queen, and hangs at Windsor. From "Her Majesty's Pets being a Collection of Twenty Steel-Place Engravings from Paintings by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. By Special Permission of, and Dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen".
Ex Collection of The Hon Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 23018]   £520.00  
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[Engraved by Charles Mottram, 1875.] [EL: artist's monogram.]
London Published July 1875 by Henry Graves & Co, the Proprietors Publishers to H.M. the Queen &, T.R.H. The Prince & Princess of Wales, 6 Pall Mall, Copyright Registered. [Published by Henry Graves & Co. Printsellers and Publishers to Her Majesty the Queen and T.R.H. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Pall Mall, London. Sold by D. Woodcock & Co., 17, Farringdon Street, London.]
Mixed method engraving, proof before letters on india. Printseller's Association Stamp. Artist Proof Edition, Limited to One Hundred Copies. Plate 400 x 369mm. 15¾ x 14½". Uncut, mint.
A portrait of a Skye Terrier. From "Her Majesty's Pets being a Collection of Twenty Steel-Place Engravings from Paintings by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. By Special Permission of, and Dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen".
Ex Collection of Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 23021]   £550.00  
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[Dandie Dinmont and the Hedgehog.]
[Dandie Dinmont and the Hedgehog.]
[Engraved by Charles Mottram, 1874.] [EL: artist's monogram.]
London Published Nov.r 1874 by Henry Graves & Co, the Proprietors Publishers to H.M. the Queen &, T.R.H. The Prince & Princess of Wales, 6 Pall Mall, Copyright Registered. [Published by Henry Graves & Co. Printsellers and Publishers to Her Majesty the Queen and T.R.H. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Pall Mall, London. Sold by D. Woodcock & Co., 17, Farringdon Street, London.]
Mixed method engraving, proof before letters on india. Printseller's Association Stamp. Artist Proof Edition, Limited to One Hundred Copies. Plate 444 x 533mm. 17½ x 21". Uncut, mint.
An old Skye terrier given to the Queen by H.R.H. Prince Albert, on May 1842. The name Dandie Dinmont came from a character in Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering', this name was later given to the breed of dog now known as Dandie dinmonts. The original picture belongs to Her Majesty the Queen, and hangs at Osborne. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1854. From "Her Majesty's Pets being a Collection of Twenty Steel-Place Engravings from Paintings by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. By Special Permission of, and Dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen".
Ex Collection of Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 23032]   £620.00  
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[His First Night From Home.]
[His First Night From Home.]
HD. Herbert Dicksee [pencil signature].
Pub. London Nov. 1901 by the Fine Art Society Ltd. 148, New Bond St. W.
Etching on vellum, signed by the artist. 205 x 290mm (8 x 11½). Frame with Frost and Reed label. Small scratch in image. Unexamined out of frame.
A tiny puppy curled up asleep.
[Ref: 50057]   £750.00  
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La Chasse De La Becassine.
La Chasse De La Becassine. [Snipe Shooting].
Peinte par G. Morland. Dirigee par A. Suntach.
Publieé les 15 Aout 1792 par Antoine Suntach.
Stipple with large margins. Platemark: 270 x 315mm (10 ½ x 12¼").
Winter scene with a man aiming a rifle to right to shoot a bird out of the sky, his dog, below at left watching the prey. Two other men can be seen with their guns on the snow in the background. After English painter, George Morland (1762/3 - 1804) renowned for his scenes of English rural life and picturesque landscapes. Engraved and published by Italian reproductive stipple engraver, Antonio Suntach (1744 - 1828). Part of a series of nine hunting scenes, including some plates after Ibbetson.
Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection. See 33225
[Ref: 33230]   £380.00  
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Snipe Shooting.
Snipe Shooting.
Painted by Heywood Hardy, Goupil gravure.
Printed in Paris & Published April 1st 1895 by Boussod Valadon & Co. Publishers, Successors to Goupil & Co. Paris_London_The Hague. Berlin Verlad von Boussod, Valadon & Co. New York Published by Boussod, Valadon & Co.
Photogravure. 590 x 755mm.
Very fine shooting scene with retrievers.
[Ref: 3022]   £680.00  
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Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Société des Partageux. Society for the Equal Division of Property.
Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Société des Partageux. Society for the Equal Division of Property.
Godfroy Jadin pinx.t. Émile Lassalle Lith.
London Publ.d 1st of April 1852 by Goupil & Co.
Tinted lithograph. Printed area 550 x 370mm (21½ x 14½"), blind stamp of Goupil Paris.
Three dogs around a bowl. The muzzled bulldog pushes to the front of the queue. Louis Godefroy Jadin (1805-82), painted hunting scenes in both Napoleon III's rooms in the Louvre and the dining room of the Palace of Tuileries for Ferdinand-Philippe, Duke of Orleans.
[Ref: 3424]   £350.00  
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Société des Fréres et Amis. Society of Friends and Brothers. [&] Société des Partageux. Society for the Equal Division of Property.
Société des Fréres et Amis. Society of Friends and Brothers. [&] Société des Partageux. Society for the Equal Division of Property.
Godfroy Jadin pinx.t Émile Lassalle Lith.
London Publ.d 1st of April 1852 by Goupil & Co.
Pair of tinted lithographs. Printed area 550 x 370mm.
A surtitle on both plates reads 'Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité'. Louis Godefroy Jadin (1805-82) painted hunting scenes in both Napoleon III's rooms in the Louvre and the dining room of the Palace of Tuileries for Ferdinand-Philippe, Duke of Orleans.
[Ref: 3425]   £850.00   view all images for this item
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[Spaniels & Partridge]
[Spaniels & Partridge]
G.Vernon Stokes.
Coloured drypoint etching, 29 of 75, signed by the artist. 250 x 305mm.
[Ref: 5746]   £340.00  
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[Spaniel & Pheasant].
[Spaniel & Pheasant].
G.Vernon Stokes.
Coloured drypoint etching, 39 of 75, signed by the artist. 290 x 245mm (11½ x 9½") very large margins.
A Spaniel chasing a pheasant. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 53655]   £360.00  
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[Spaniel looking at flying mallard.]
[Spaniel looking at flying mallard.]
G. Vernon Stokes [signed in plate and in pencil.]
[n.d., c.1930s.]
Framed coloured drypoint etching, 260 x 300mm (10¼ x 11¾"). Edition: 18/75 in pencil. Unexamined out of frame.
A spaniel in a stream in a marshy landscape; looking up to the sky at ducks flying overhead. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 60169]   £320.00  
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[North and South.][Westie & Springer.]
[North and South.][Westie & Springer.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 235 x 300mm (9¼ x 11¾"), with very large margins. Limited edition: 4/150. Mint.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59663]   £250.00   (£300.00 incl.VAT)
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[Spaniels & Partridge]
[Spaniels & Partridge]
G.Vernon Stokes.
Framed coloured drypoint etching, 250 x 300mm (9¾ x 11¾"). Edition: 36/75. Unexamined out of frame.
A pair of Spaniels watching some partridges. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 60157]   £320.00  
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[Gun Dog.]
[Gun Dog.]
F. Barlow delin. J. Smith excudit.
[n.d., engraved c.1690 but printed later.]
Mezzotint. Plate: 145 x 200mm (5¾ x 8"). Small margins.
A scene showing a pheasant shoot, one figure is led on a horse while in the foreground a spaniel lies watching a covey of games birds.
[Ref: 47451]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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[Spaniel looking at flying mallard.]
[Spaniel looking at flying mallard.]
G. Vernon Stokes [signed in plate and in pencil.]
[n.d., c.1930s.]
Coloured drypoint etching, from a limited edition numbered 75/75 in pencil, 260 x 300mm. 10¼ x 11¾".
A spaniel in a stream in a marshy landscape; looking up to the sky at ducks flying overhead. George Vernon Stokes (1873 - 1954).
[Ref: 19440]   £340.00  
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[Springer Spaniels.]
[Springer Spaniels.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Published by H.C. Dickins, 9 Great Pulteney St. W.1.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 200 x 295mm (8 x 11½"). Limited edition: 54/75. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59745]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Springer Spaniel.]
[Springer Spaniel.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 180 x 225mm (7 x 9"), with very large margins. Limited edition: 136/250. Mint.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59691]   £170.00   (£204.00 incl.VAT)
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[Pair of Welsh Springers.]
[Pair of Welsh Springers.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 240 x 300mm (9½ x 11¾"), with very large margins. Limited edition: 18/250. Mint.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59714]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Irish Water Spaniels.]
[Irish Water Spaniels.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 255 x 350mm (10 x 13¾"), with very large margins. Limited edition: 50/250. Mint.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59706]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Sprightly Springers.]
[Sprightly Springers.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 235 x 345mm (9¼ x 13½"), with very large margins. Limited edition: 62/150. Mint.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 59707]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Arrêt sur les faisans. 'Pheasant pointing.']
[Arrêt sur les faisans. 'Pheasant pointing.']
[D'après Gélibert.]
Copyright 1893 by Boussod, Valadon & Co. Printed in Paris.
Very fine photogravure, printed in colours, original printed title stuck verso right. Printed area: 450 x 330mm (17¾ x 13")with very large margins. Paper soiled in borders. Rubs and scuffs with foxing. Some tears to the edges.
A Clumber Spaniel startles a group of pheasants in a field. After French painter Jules Bertrand Gélibert (1834 - 1916).
[Ref: 52822]   £480.00  
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Wachtelhund und Ente / Spaniel and Wild duck.
Wachtelhund und Ente / Spaniel and Wild duck.
[after Richard Ansdell]
Berlin P. Sala & Co. Uter den Linden 57.
Lithograph 260 x 320mm, image. Glue stains from verso in sky.
German lithograph of the popular Richard Ansdell picture.
[Ref: 430]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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[Springer Spaniel] Surprisé [pencil].
[Springer Spaniel] Surprisé [pencil].
Paul Wood [pencil.]
© Paris Etching Society NY U.S.A. [n.d., c.1935.]
Aquatint and etching, printed in colours, titled and signed in pencil by the artist. 225 x 170mm (9 x 6¾"). Ink stamp 'Made in France' on verso.
A springer spaniel surprised by a woodcock taking flight, by Paul Wood (1897-1964). Wood, who studied art at both the Springfield School of Fine Arts in Massachussetts and at the Art Students League in New York, specialised in watercolours and etchings of dogs.
[Ref: 46170]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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Water Spaniel
Water Spaniel
Painted by A. Cooper R.A. Drawn on Stone by Thos. Fairland.
[n.d. 1835] London. Published by B.B.King Monument Yard. Printed by Graf & Soret
Lithograph 205 x 275mm Minor crease in margin.
[Ref: 1381]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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[Springer Spaniels and Pheasant.]
[Springer Spaniels and Pheasant.]
G.Vernon Stokes. [signed in pencil.]
[n.d. c.1930.]
Coloured etching, 255 x 295mm (10 x 11¾"). Edition: 8/75. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
A pair of Springer Spaniels watching a pheasant. By animal artist George Vernon Stokes (1873-1954).
[Ref: 59749]   £320.00  
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H. Alken del.t. I.Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T.McLean, Jan.y 1.1820.
Etching with coloured aquatint. 280 x 380mm (11 x 15"). Minor discolouration to sky area top left.
[Ref: 64]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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The Sportsman's Kennel,
The Sportsman's Kennel, A Series of Heads of the principal British Sporting Dogs; Fox Hound. Terrier. Blood Hound. Spaniel. Pointer. Setter. Greyhound. Water Spaniel. Harrier. Beagle. Deer Hound. Newfoundland.
Executed in Lithography by Thos. Fairland, After Pictures Painted From The Life, And Expressly For This Work by Edwin Landseer, R.A. A. Cooper, R.A. And Charles Hancock.
London. Published by B.B. King, Monument Yard. Sold Also By Ackermann & Co. Strand, Charles Tilt, Fleet St. & Thos. Mc.Lean Haymarket. Printed by Graf & Soret. [1833.]
Extremely rare. Twelve lithographic plates and frontispiece on india laid paper in original green morocco boards, folio (500 x 350mm, 19¾ x 13¾"). Complete as isssued. Boards stamped in gilt on cover: 'The Sportman's Kennel. By Edwin Landseer, R.A. Abraham Cooper, R.A. & Charles Hancock'. Boards scuffed and rubbed; missing spine. Soiling and some spotting to plates, water stain to lower edge of all sheets. Images largely unaffected, good.
A fine set of lithographs of the principal sporting dog breeds. All plates captioned below image and inscribed 'London, Published by Harding & King, 24, Cornhill Novr. 1st. 1833.'
[Ref: 8533]   £1,250.00   view all images for this item
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La Convoitise. Épagneul & Havanais. The Greedy Dogs _ Codicia.
La Convoitise. Épagneul & Havanais. The Greedy Dogs _ Codicia.
Lithog par J. Didier d’après le tableau original de Zacharie Noterman.
Paris, Desgodets et 20 Rue Hautefeuille. London V.or Delarue. Imp. Lemercier, rue de Seine 57 Paris. [n.d. c.1860.]
Coloured lithograph. 601 x 776mm. 23¾ x 30½". Repaired tears.
A Springer spaniel and a terrier staring at fish in a dish on the side, a dead hare lying over a bench, and oysters in a basket on the floor.
[Ref: 25913]   £480.00  
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[Springer Spaniel.][Springers in the Marsh.]
[Springer Spaniel.][Springers in the Marsh.]
Henry Wilkinson.
Etching signed by the artist. 245 x 300mm (9¾ x 11¾"). Limited edition: 211/200.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 47925]   £170.00   (£204.00 incl.VAT)
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[Springing Spaniels.]
[Springing Spaniels.]
[Painted by Philip Reinagle Engraved by Lewis.]
[n.d., 1806.]
Proof aquatint. 610 x 475mm. A very fint print, mint.
Philip Reinagle, (1745-1833), ARA and later RA. Animal and flower painter.
Siltzer: pg. 235.
[Ref: 7054]   £520.00  
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[Springer Spaniels] [Mother & Daughter]
[Springer Spaniels] [Mother & Daughter]
Henry Wilkinson.
Coloured etching signed by the artist. 171 x 222mm (6¾ x 8¾"). Limited edition 39/250.
An etching by artist Henry Wilkinson (1921-2011) who specialised in sporting dogs and scenes.
[Ref: 9707]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Les Chiens du S.t Bernard.
Les Chiens du S.t Bernard.
Landseer pinx. Marin Liavigne del. Lith de C. Motte.
Publié par Rittner & Goupil, 13 Boulevart Montmatre [n.d., c.1860].
Lithograph on chine collé, with printed backing paper. Sheet 415 x 480mm (16¼ x 19"). Backing sheet spotted.
A scene of two St Bernard dogs standing over and protecting a traveller lying beneath a pile of snow, with one of the dogs barking to alert three monks in the background. Further back is the hospice. This famous scene encouraged the myth that the dogs carried small casks of brandy on their collars.
[Ref: 60194]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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Dogs of St. Bernard's.
Dogs of St. Bernard's.
G.A.Fitzwygram Esq.r [after Edwin Landseer].
[n.d., c.1850.]
Lithograph on chine collé, on printed backing sheet, total 410 x 505mm (16 x 19¾"). Tear in backing sheet taped on left.
An adapted copy in reverse of Edwin Landseer's 1820 painting of two St Bernard dogs standing over and protecting a traveller lying beneath a pile of snow, the hospice in the background. In this version the traveller's head is buried and there is no monk behind. This famous scene encouraged the myth that the dogs carried small casks of brandy on their collars.
[Ref: 60116]   £320.00  
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[The Dogs of St. Bernard.]
[The Dogs of St. Bernard.]
[George Baxter after Edwin Landseer.]
[n.d., c.1860.]
Baxter process. Sheet 440 x 605mm (17¼ x 23¾"). Trimmed to image as usual, laid on board.
A scene of two St Bernard dogs standing over and protecting a traveller lying beneath a pile of snow, with one of the dogs barking to alert three monks in the background. Further back is the hospice. This famous print encouraged the myth that the dogs carried small casks of brandy on their collars.
[Ref: 47713]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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[Woman, boy, & St Bernard.]
[Woman, boy, & St Bernard.]
Daniel A. Wehrschmidt [Pencil signature]
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2nd January, 1904. Published by Messrs Mawson, Swan & Morgan Ltd., 11, Grainger Street West.
Mezzotint on india paper, sign by the artist. 470 x 450mm (18½ x 17¾"), Printsellers' Association blind stamp. Some spotting
A circular portrait of the three subjects lying on the floor, a fluted pillar, grape vine and wooded landscape behind. Daniel Albert Wehrschmidt (Veresmith) (1861-1932) is best known for his portrait of Scott of the Antarctic, the only one done from life.
[Ref: 47714]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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St. Bernard.
St. Bernard.
John C. Janes [Pencil signature.]
Etching 202 x 152mm.
[Ref: 3430]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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