Catalogue: Trades
The Printers letter Case, & composing stick.
Hulett sculp.
[n.d., c.1755.]
Etching and engraving, image 55 x 105mm. 2¼ x 4". Staining to lower paper edge.
A book illustration.
[Ref: 9671] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
D. Levy fec.
[n.d, c.1800.]
Etching. Sheet size: 230 x 185mm (9 x 7¼").
An interior view depicting a lithographer in his studio. He is sat at a desk in front of a large window, with his tools in front of him. He appears to be copying the image, which rests on some books, onto a large stone. There is an image of a church or cathedral on the wall behind him.
[Ref: 35777] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Fig.1 The Printing Press. Fig. 2 The Letter Case for the Roman. Fig. 3 Composing Stick.
W.H. Toms Sculp.
Printed for J. Hinton. at the Kings Arms S.t Pauls Church Yard. 1747.
Engraving. 165 x 125mm (6½ x 5"). Folds.
A diagram of a printing press, a plate from the Universal Magazine, an early periodical, published monthly from 1747-1814.
[Ref: 62382] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Two Cambridge Printsellers]
T. Orde ft 1768.
Etching, sheet 220 x 185mm (8¾ x 7¼").
Etching by Thomas Orde-Powlett (1746-1807), politician also known for his etched caricatures (mostly of Cambridge celebrities) which were published by his drawing-master, the well-known printmaker James Bretherton. An impression of the print in the British Museum is inscribed 'Mrs. Hammond Printseller & D. Randal Printman at Cambridge'.
[Ref: 41705] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Wayside Sketches No. 25. Punch and Judy
N. Spalding delt.
[n.d., c.1860.]
Chromolithograph. Sheet 300 x 235mm (11¾ x 9¼"). Trimmed, some soiling, laid on album paper.
A Punch & Judy booth with a one-man band and a dog in a ruff, outside a village inn.
[Ref: 58806] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Naples] Sampognaro che fa ballare i pupi.
[Naples, c.1831.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 145 x 110mm (5¾ x 4¼"). Faint stains.
A man playing a Zampogna (Italian bagpipes) makes punchinello and 'Judy' dolls dance with a string tied to his knee. From 'Scene Populari di Napoli'.
[Ref: 62673] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Marchande de Chiffons. Chapeaux a vendre, des vieux Chapeaux. avez vous des vieux Chiffons a vendre? v'la la Marchande de Chiffons. No. 28.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A woman buying selling old hats and rags, with several hats on her head. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33226] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
The Rat-Catcher. To James Sherriff, Esqr...[dedication.]
Painted by C. Hancock. Engraved by W. Raddon.
London, Published March 12, 1838, For The Proprietor, By Ackermann & Co. Strand.
Engraving on india laid paper, 245 x 305mm. 9¾ x 12".
The quarry has evidently gone to ground. Four terriers and their master surround a hole in the ground. After Charles Hancock (1802 - 1877).
[Ref: 12361] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
La Mort aux Rats.
C. Vischer inv. F. Basan Exc.
[n.d., c.17y0.]
Engraving. Sheet 370 x 320mm (14½ x 12½"). Trimmed within plate on all sides, into inscription area at bottom.
A reversed engraving of Cornelis Visscher's 'Rat Catcher of Paris'.
[Ref: 44978] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
Strohlchneider. Coupeur de paille. [Straw cutter/bailer.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. [?] Mark?
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11577] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
La mort aux rats.
[n.d. c.1790.]
Engraving, very rare. Plate 326 x 210mm. 12¾ x 8¼". Some light mount staining.
A tradesman selling rat traps and bellows to blow poison.
[Ref: 26660] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Vende pasta per i Sorci.
[Annibale Carracci.]
[n.d. c.1646.]
Etching. Plate 274 x 171mm. 10¾ x 6¾".
A seller of rat poison, walking holding a bowl of poison and a flag with four rats. Original drawing held in the Louvre, Paris.
[Ref: 26659] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Pubd. Jany. 1796 by G. Thompson No.50, Old Bailey, & I. Evans No.41 Long Lane Wt. Smithf.d
Stipple, printed in red. 142 x 114mm. 5½ x 4½". Trimmed.
A rat-catcher and his dog; to the right a woman looks on. In the Wellcome Library Collection: 38229i
[Ref: 26667] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
[A rat-catcher.]
I.G Wagner del: CH* sculps:
C.A. Grossmann exc: A.V. NoVI. [Augsburg, n.d., c.1790.]
A rare attractive soft ground etching printed in red ink, on watermarked laid paper. 235 x 180mm, 9¼ x 7".
The man holds his trap and some food bait (cheese?) in the other hand, with rats crawling about his person; his faithful dog lower left. After Johann Georg Wagner (German, 1744 - 1766); from a series.
[Ref: 19421] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[Ratcatcher] Achetez de ma mort aux Rats / Et défaites vous de vos Chats, / Qui partout font tant de ravage / Et vous cause trop dommage [...]
Gravé par Meheux
A Paris Chez Audran, rue St Jacques aux 2 Pilliers d'Or. [c.1700]
Rare mezzotint & fine, sheet 390 x 260mm (15¼ x 10¼"). Trimmed to plate; creased.
A ratcatcher advertises his services with a rhyme explaining his efficiency and his superiority to reliance on cats. Scarce early mezzotint by Jacques Meheux.
[Ref: 43743] £320.00
Le Md. de Couteaux et Peignes. [Blade/razor and comb seller.]
[Paris, n.d., c.1775.]
Etching printed in red, laid paper, very scarce, 175 x 120mm. 7 x 4¾".
Four lines of verse below title; numbered '42' upper right. After Edme Bouchardon (1698-1762) famous series "Etudes dans le bas peuple prises ou les cris de Paris" Bouchardon executed drawings of Paris street merchants, Cris de Paris, that were widely distributed as engravings; some figures were reproduced in porcelain by the Meissen porcelain manufactory.
[Ref: 22949] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Marchand de Rubans. Bruxelles.
J.J. Eeckhout fc. Déposé. Lith: de Burggraaff.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand coloured lithograph. 241 x 190mm. 9½ x 7½". Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
Scene in Brussels: a lady in the market with a make-shift stand to sell her ribbons.
[Ref: 16222] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Kastenweiss. Femme aux marons. [Roast chestnuts seller.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. Frid. Brand.
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy. Engraved by Friedrich August Brand (1735 - 1806), son of Christian, brother of Johann Christian Brand, and by 1783 himself a professor at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11584] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
[The Rosary Maker.]
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Slight staining.
A scene in the workshop of a rosary maker, lots of moulds for beads litter the floor and rosarys hang in the window. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38916] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Saddler] Sellier. Sattler.
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, rare with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾").
The interior of a saddler's, although through the door two men are working on a coach.
[Ref: 36606] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[After Jan Van Vliet.]
[Published by Gaspard Duchange?] [n.d. c.1750.]
Etching. 210 x 165mm. 8¼ x 6½". Trimmed to the image.
Sailmakers: two seated male figures holding sewing needles working on a large piece of cloth; various instruments suspended from nails on the back wall. This is one from a series of twenty-two plates (plus title) after Jan van Vliet, published by Gaspard Duchange, with French captions. See BM: S.6198 [in reverse].
[Ref: 19914] £85.00
(£102.00 incl.VAT)
Marchande de Saucisses. du lard et des saucisses.No. 56.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A woman selling hot sausages, cooking them on a stove on a tray strapped to her waist, a bread basket at her feet. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33229] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Frontispiece. Young Man's Companion Or Book Of Knowledge.
London, Thomas Kelly [1837].
Engraving, sheet 215 x 115mm. 8½ x 4½". Some staining/spoiling.
Students in a library gather around a globe as a teacher explains geographical theory with the aid of a compass. The image also features brushes, easels and canvasses.
Frontispiece to Thomas Bartlett's ( 1789 - 1864) 'The Young Man’s Companion or, Book of Knowledge ... to which is prefixed, a brief history of the progress of knowledge ... Illustrated by engravings.' British Library system number: 000216349.
[Ref: 9520] £30.00
(£36.00 incl.VAT)
Marchande de Moules. Provinces méridionales.
J. Madou fc. Lith. de Vanden Burggraaff, rue Royale. No.68.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand coloured lithograph. 241 x 190mm. 9½ x 7½". Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
Mussel merchants, probably in Holland: three dogs chained to a cart with muzzles and wooden collars. On the cart is a large basket of mussels, which the and his mother are selling as they walk around the market place.
[Ref: 16214] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Seamstresses] Les Brodeuses.
Designed & Drawn on Stone by J.J. Chalon.
London. Published by Rodwell & Martin New Bond St. Aug. 1 1820. Printed by Hullmandel.
Lithograph with very fine hand-colouring, printed area 235 x 165mm (9¼ x 6½"), with wide margins.
Seamstresses at work in an open window. From the 'Costumes of Paris', a series of 24 plates by Swiss painter John James Chalon (1778-1854). Abbey 108.
[Ref: 54514] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Seller of pleasures] La Marchande de plaisirs. Jeunesse qui courez à ces friands Plaisirs / Vous pouvez les gouter sans en craindre l'usage [...]
F. Eisen pinx. P.L. Cor Excu.
Se Vend AParis chez Cor Graveur Quay des Augustins du coté du Pont neuf [c.1762].
Engraving, platemark 390 x 280mm (15¼ x 11"). Trimmed to platemark; glued to album sheet at corners.
Scene in trompe l'oeil border with a young streetseller; verses below explaining how unlike pleasures encountered in later life, these are not followed by repenting. Engraved after François Eisen (c.1695-1778), painter who specialised in such genre pictures in a light-hearted Flemish manner.
[Ref: 44960] £650.00
Kuchentrager. Pourvoyeur de cuisine. [Seller of kitchen supplies.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. Joh Seigel.
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11587] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
Stubenmadgen. Servante. [Maid servant.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. [?] Mark?
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 250mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate. Foxing. Tear in title area.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11581] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
Der Todfengraber.
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Large margins.
A scene in which a sexton removes the bones from a large comunal grave to make way for new bodies, a barrow of bones rests beside him. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38911] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Sheep Shearing.
[n.d. c.1845.]
Hand-coloured lithograph. 115 x 134mm. 4½ x 5¼". Trimmed, laid on album sheet.
Farmers in the stable shearing their flock for the summer.
[Ref: 19384] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Sheep Shearing, &c.
Drawn & Etch'd by W.H. Pyne.
London, Pub.d Sep.r 1804 by Pyne & Nattes.
Aquatint. 290 x 225mm (11¼ x 8¾"), large margins.
Vignette scenes of sheep shearing, from Pyne's ‘Microcosm: or, a picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, manufacturers, &c. of Great Britain…'. William Henry Pyne was an English writer, painter and illustrator. He trained at a drawing academy in London. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1790. He specialized in picturesque settings including groups of people rendered in pen, ink and watercolour. Pyne was one of the founders of Royal Watercolour Society in 1804.
[Ref: 62458] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Lavage des moutns au moyen de l'appareil de Bigg, en usage sur la ferme de Meudon, appartenant à J. A. P. Le Prince Napoléon.
O. de Penne Pinx.t. Imp. Zanote, rue des Boulangers, 13 Paris.
Journal d'Agriculture pratique publié sous la directions de M.r. Barral.
Chromolithograph. Sheet: 260 x 195mm (10¼ x 7¾").
A view in a French farmyard in which the farmhands use a new machine for cleaning sheep by dipping the sheep, held in a cage, into a tub of water.
[Ref: 40330] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Sheffield Cuttler] Plate 39.
Geo. Walker Del.t. Engraved by R. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, June 1. 1814.
Hand coloured aquatint. 290 x 380mm (11½ x 15"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1811'.
Four men standing at benches, hammering cutlery into shape. From George Walker’s 'The costume of Yorkshire' published in 1814, containing forty-one coloured aquatint plates based upon the author’s original drawings of social and economic scenes in Yorkshire.
[Ref: 54264] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Shepherdess and Cattle.]
Printed & Sold by Thos. Bakewell next the Horn Tavern, Fleet Street [n.d., c.1737-42]
Mezzotint, platemark 175 x 125mm (7 x 5"). Thread margins; small nick inside platemark lower left.
[Ref: 37662] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured wood engraving. Sheet 135 x 225mm, 5½ x 9". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image showing a cobbler at work.
[Ref: 16433] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
The Weekly Register. To John Bentley Esq. One of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster, This print from the Original Picture in his Collection, is respectfully dedicated by The Publishers.
H. Liverseege. W. Giller.
London: Published Aug.t 1, 1832, by Moon, Boys & Graves, 6, Pall Mall, and J.C. Grundy, Manchester.
Mezzotint. 215 x 270mm (8½ x 10½"), with large margins.
A shoemaker with spectacles reads a newspaper surrounded by his tools, framed by the window of his workshop. A pipe lies on the sill.
[Ref: 59768] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Shops] Harding Howell & Co. 89 Pall Mall.
For No.3 of Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pub March 1809, 101, Strand, London.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet 140 x 235mm (5½ x 9¼"), Trimmed within plate.
Customers in the haberdashery department of perhaps the very first true department store, in business 1796 to 1820. The departments were: fur and fans, fabric for dresses, haberdashery, jewelry and clocks, perfume and millinery. Numbered 'Plate 12' upper right, for Rudolph Ackermann's 'Repository of Arts' periodical, published from 1809-1829. The formal title of the publication was "Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics", and it discussed and illustrated day to day life, and influenced English taste in fashion, architecture and literature. Ink stamp of the 'Radio Times Hulton Library'.
[Ref: 56477] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Silk Production.]
Haussard sculp.
Paris, 1785.
Engraving. 390 x 540mm. Trimmed into printed area lower left.
12 scenes depicting silk production from Abbe Grosier's 'Atlas General de la Chine'..
[Ref: 2857] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
The manner of placing the Leaves on Scaffolds & Shelves to Feed Silkworms.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine, according to Act of Parliament, 174, for J. Hinton, at ye Kings Arms, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London.
Engraving. 197 x 248mm. 7¾ x 9¾". Some tears and foxing, vertical crease to left as normal
The feeding of slikworms.
[Ref: 22248] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
The Silk Manufacture in China.
For the London Magazine, 1750. Plate 1.
Engraving. Plate 178 x 216mm. 7 x 8½".
Water staining along the lower edge, vertical crease to right as normal.
Six scenes showing the processed of manufacturing silk; winding the cods in ye Cauldron, Balneum Mariae to kill ye worms in the Cods, Taking the Cods from ye Mats after smother'd in the Earthen Pots, Hanging up ye Sheets of Paper with Eggs on them, Ways of Winding the Silk, Winding from the Cods in a Copper of Warm Water.
[Ref: 22249] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
The Silke Throwers.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
The arms of the Silk Weavers of London, with a mulberry tree and two turbaned men. The Silk-throwers were incorporated in 1630 by Charles I under the name of 'the master, wardens, assistants, and commonalty of the trade, art, or mystery of Silkthrowers of the City of London'. Various craft guilds were established in London as early as the 12th century, later becoming known as City Livery Companies because they often wore a distinctive livery or uniform (although the Silk Throwers had no livery or hall). The companies decided who could work or trade in their crafts, controlling prices and wages, working conditions and welfare. In return for exercising rigorous quality control they received monopoly powers. In continental Europe, various revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries swept away the guilds, but in England they continued, and several new Companies have appeared in recent years.From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17851] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
The Silkmen.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
The arms of the Silkmen, incorporated by Charles I in 1631, featuring bales of silk, camels and a merchant ship. Various craft guilds were established in London as early as the 12th century, later becoming known as City Livery Companies because they often wore a distinctive livery or uniform. The companies decided who could work or trade in their crafts, controlling prices and wages, working conditions and welfare. In return for exercising rigorous quality control they received monopoly powers. In continental Europe, various revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries swept away the guilds, but in England they continued, and several new Companies have appeared in recent years.From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17862] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
John Parker's Manufactory & Show Rooms, for Silver & Plated Wares, Summer Row, Birmingham. A Splendid assortment of the Most Fashionable Table Servies always on view... Orders for Exportation executed with the utmost dispatch.
W. Green Del. I. Tye Sculp.t.
[n.d., c.1825.]
Rare engraving, J. Whatman 1825 watermark. 355 x 230mm (14 x 9"), large margins. Some restoration.
A large scarce advertisment, with an elevation of the premises and a display of tableware.
[Ref: 59647] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Le Chanteur Gothique.
A. Booth Pinx. F. Basan sculp.
a Paris ches Basan Graveur rue St. Jacques. Et a Amsterdam ches Pierre Fouquet [n.d., c.1760].
Etching and engraving, with large margins; 370 x 270mm. 14½ x 10¾". Two stain spots to image, else a good impression.
Countryside scene: a singer stood on an up-turned basket singers to onlookers standing by; hymn singing as they hold scores in their hands.
[Ref: 27678] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller, Albermarle Street, Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand-coloured aquatint, with letterpress sheet. Sheet: 250 x 365mm (9¾ x 14½"). Staining on right edge, staple in top right corner.
A portrait of a slaughterman standing next to a dead cow, his hands resting on a large hammer. From 'The Costume of Great Britain', a book containing 60 plates of people at work and scenes of everyday life. William Henry Pyne (1769-1843), the son of a London weaver who became an artist and writer, was commissioned to write and illustrate the book by the publisher, William Miller of Albermarle Street, London. The illustrations are particularly notable as they portray British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 44613] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Blacksmith's Forge.]
Done from a Capital Picture of_Brouwer in the Collection of B: Cleeve Esq:r By Jas. Mc.Ardell.
Sold by JMc.Ardell at the Golden Head in Covent Garden. Price 2s.
Mezzotint. 368 x 261mm (14½ x 10¼"). Collector's mark. Trimmed.
The interior of a blacksmith's forge, where one man pulls a chain above him, bending his head down and holding a piece of metal in the embers; whilst another man hammers at a piece of metal on an anvil. Goodwin: 206. Ex Collection: J.F. Gigoux in Paris. Lugt: 1164a.
[Ref: 20181] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Smith's Forge.
Brouwer Pinx.t. Spooner fecit.
[Robert Sayer?, c.1770.]
Mezzotint. 150 x 115mm (6 x 4½").
The interior of a blacksmith's forge, where one man pulls a chain above him, bending his head down and holding a piece of metal in the embers; whilst another man hammers at a piece of metal on an anvil. This plate also appears with the inscription 'Printed for Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street, London'. Ex: Collection of Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd
[Ref: 55921] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Smith Brothers Patent Jacquard Loom. Obtained The Prize Medal 1862.
[n.d. c.1862]
Steel engraving, 295 x 230mm (11½ x 9"). A bit of creasing and nicks to margins.
A mechanical loom weaving a floral pattern called "jacquard", necessitating a complex mechanism and repartition of the threads. On the sides of the machine are three characters, a man and two women: the man is wearing a three piece suit with a top hat, and the ladies are both wearing short-brimmed bonnets which tie under the chin. One of them, turning her back to the viewer, can be seen wearing a crinoline because of the width of her skirts, even though they are partially out of frame. Jacquard used very early form of computer.
[Ref: 58996] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Soap making] Savonnier. Seifensieder.
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, rare with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾").
The interior of a workshop making soap.
[Ref: 36599] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
The Hall at the Royal Academy, Somerset House. Plate 29, Vol. 3.
N.º 17 of Ackermann's Repository of Arts & Pub. May 1. 1810, at 101 Strand London.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet 150 x 240mm (6 x 9½"). Trimmed into plate, slightly time stained.
A neo-classical room with Greek and Roman sculpture. A plate from the periodical, the 'Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics', published from 1809-29. It discussed day to day life in England, its illustrations influencing taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 62656] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)