Le Boxeur Blessé et ses Parieurs Consternés. Scènes Anglaises dessinées à Londres, par un français prisonnier de Guerre.
A Paris chez Demaison Rue St. Jacques N.o 43 [n.d., c.1820]. Rare coloured etching. 260 x 330mm (10¼ x 13") very large margins. The aftermath of a casual street-contest, recorded by a French prisoner of war. A lean pugilist, stripped to the waist, sits on the knee of a supporter as a fat publican pours the contents of a tankard into his mouth, trying to revive him. The punters stand around grim-faced at the loss of their bets. First published in 1814 by Aaron Martinet (BM Satires 12352).
[Ref: 60500] £650.00
Birth place of John Locke. Wrington Somerset. Original Drawings for Dugdales' England & Wales.
[Thomas Hosmer Shepherd] [n.d., c.1838.] Colour wash sketch. Sheet 135 x 190mm (5¼ x 7½"). ''Original Drawings for Dugdales' England & Wales'' written in red ink mss. Mounted on album paper at corners. The cottage birthplace of philosopher John Locke (1632-1704). This is the original sketch for the engraving published in ''Curiosities of Great Britain: England and Wales Delineated'', by Thomas Dugdale, published by John Tallis in parts from 1838.
[Ref: 60256] £150.00
(£180.00 incl.VAT)
[Jan Wyck] Optimi Ingenÿ Viro Joanni Wootton, Joannis Wyck insignis Præliorum Pictoris quondam Discipulp hanc Magistri Effifiem 29. Octobris 1652 Natus est Obÿt 1700. D.D.D. Faber.
G: Kneller pinx: 1685. J. Faber fecit 1730. Mezzotint. 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Half-length portrait of painter Jan Wyck (1645-1702), born in Haarlem but probably living in London from the age of twelve. He received patronage from the Dukes of Ormond and Monmouth, as well as William III. Among his military subjects were several paintings of the Battle of the Boyne. He died in Mortlake. CS 397.
[Ref: 60716] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)