Catalogue: Trades
The Gold & Silver Refiners at Work.
Printed for J. Hinton at the Kings Arms. St Pauls Church Yard. 1747.
Engraving. Plate: 210 x 195mm (8¼ x 7¾"). Central vertical crease as normal.
A scene showing the interior of a metal refinary showing several figures at work.
[Ref: 44592] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Laitière. Provinces Méridionale.
J. Madou fc. Lith. de Burggraaff, à Bs.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand coloured lithograph. 246 x 196mm. 9¾ x 7¾ Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
A Milk maid walking through the countryside with a pale of milk balancing on her head, and a basket of two further jugs inside. Behind her walks a man and his ass pulling a cart.
[Ref: 16217] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Milchweiss. Laitiere. [Milk seller.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. Joh Seigel.
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11574] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
J. Madou Fe.
Lith de Burggraaff, à Brt. [n.d., c.1840.]
Hand-coloured lithograph. Sheet: 200 x 255mm (8 x 10").
A portait of a milkmaid carrying an urn on her head.
[Ref: 44641] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
La petite Laitière. (Paris).
[n.d., c.1840.]
Hand-coloured lithograph. Sheet: 180 x 250mm (7 x 9¾"). Foxing, title excised and stuck on at the bottom.
A portrait of a milkmaid in a red cap.
[Ref: 44642] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
The Milkman.
Drawn by G.F. Pidgeon. Engraved by W. Bond.
Pub.d April 20, 1803, by G.F. Pidgeon, London Street, Fitzroy Square.
Scarce & fine stipple, printed in colours and hand-finished. 425 x 285mm (19 x 11¼"), with very large margins, watermarked 1806. Hand colour faded, bottom edge chipped and soiled.
A man using a yoke to carry two buckets of milk. A 'G.F. Pidgeon' designed medals, for example one struck by the London Highland Society in tribute to the 42nd Regiment's action at the Battle of Alexandria, March 1801, with a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby. See Royal Collection Trust RCIN 443305 for the medal.
[Ref: 54835] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Milliner's Shop.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Etching. Sheet 170 x 110mm (6¾ x 4¼"). Trimmed within plate, laid on album paper.
A busy shop interior. Not in BM; See BM 4775.
[Ref: 58401] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Tableux de Paris. Les Singes.
Marlet [bottom left inside image.]
[n.d. c.1860.]
Lithograph. 260 x 330mm. 10¼ x 13".
A street scene in Paris with the Pont Neuf in the background. A showman displays his tightrope walking monkeys. From a series of 'Tableaux de Paris' (1820-4).
[Ref: 15091] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Le Md. de Moulins d'Eenfans. [Seller of toy windmills.]
[Paris, n.d., c.1775.]
Etching printed in red, laid paper, very scarce, 175 x 120mm. 7 x 4¾".
Four lines of verse below title; numbered '30' upper right. After Edme Bouchardon (1698-1762) famous series "Etudes dans le bas peuple prises ou les cris de Paris". Bouchardon executed drawings of Paris street merchants, Cris de Paris, that were widely distributed as engravings; some figures were reproduced in porcelain by the Meissen porcelain manufactory.
[Ref: 22950] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Faiseuse de Souriciére. Eine hechel u: Mausfallen macherin. [numbered list in French and German.] 166.
Cum Priv Maj. Mart. Engelbrecht excud. A.V. [n.d. c.1740.]
Engraving, very rare. Plate 300 x 192mm. 11¾ x 7½".
A female mousetrap maker, with various tools and traps tied around her waist; a castle seen on the hill in the background. From "Neü-eröffnete Sammlung der mit ihren eigenen Arbeiten und Werckzeugen".
[Ref: 26658] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
New Stock Exchange. Plate. 75.
Rowlandson & Pugin del et Sculpt. J.C. Stadler Aquat.
London, Pub. July 1st July, 1809 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts 101 Strand.
Hand coloured aquatint, plate 275 x 230mm (10¾ x 9"), with very large margins. On paper watermarked 'J Whatman 1808.'
London's 'New' Stock Exchange, built in Capel Court by James Peacock, 1801-2. A plate from Ackermann's 'Microcosm of London' (1808-9), a landmark publication in the documentation of London, bringing together two specialist artists, Thomas Rowlandson to design the figures and Augustus Pugin to provide the architectural draughtsmanship. The result was a series of scenes unprecedented in their combination of vivid activity and architectual accuracy. Abbey, Scenery: 212.
[Ref: 62691] £320.00
[The Newbury Coat.] To Robert Throckmorton Buckland House Farringdon This Print respresenting the beginning progress & completion of an extraordinary undertaking to prove the possibility if Wool being manufactured into cloth and made into a coat between sunrise and sunset, which was successfully accomplished on Tuesday 25th June 1811, Is respectfully dedicated his most obliged and humble Servant John Williams Sand Steward to the late Sir John Throckmorton.
Drawn on Stone by J.W. Giles
London Published by John Mitchell, 33 Old Bond Street.
Lithograph with large margins. Printed area 540 x 740mm (21¼ x 29"). A few creases in the sky.
A composite image showing a race to create a wool hunting coat from scratch in one day, held in Newbury Berkshire. The origin of the event was a comment made by John Coxeter, owner of Greenham Mills in Newbury to Sir John Throckmorton: 'So great are the improvements in machinery I have lately introduced into my mill, that I believe that in twenty-four hours I could take the coat off your back, reduce it to wool, and turn it back into a coat again'. Throckmorton calculated the time required for the various processes, accepting it could be done. Shortly after Throckmorton made a wager a thousand guineas that at eight o'clock in the evening of June the 25th, 1811, he would sit down to dinner in a well-woven, properly-made coat, the wool of which formed the fleeces of sheep's backs at five o'clock that same morning. A holiday was declared so the town could watch (greasy-pole climbing and fencing competitions can be seen to the right), and the race was on. Starting at five in the morning, Coxeter presented the coat to Throckmorton at 6.20, who put the garment on before over five thousand people, and sat down to dinner at eight o'clock in the evening. The sheep that provided the wool were roasted for the spectators. The 'Newbury Coat' is still owned by the Throckmorton family; an identical coat, made in a 1991 re-enactment, is in the West Berkshire Museum in Newbury.
[Ref: 31236] £850.00
A Newhaven Fishwoman.
T.M. Richardson Junr. del.t M & N Hanhart, lith Printers.
Edinburgh: Published by John Menzies, 61, Princes Street. [n.d. c.1820.]
Fine coloured lithograph with added gum arabic. 360 x 247mm. 14¼ x 9¾".
A fisherwoman standing on the bank to the River Ouse. Fishing boats and other vessels sit calmly docked and pulled ashore. Not in Abbey.
[Ref: 16534] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[News vendor] Gazetera. Grieuse de Gasette, et d'Almanaks N 2.
D. Manuel de la Cruz del. D. Juan de la Cruz sculp.
[Madrid, n.d. c.1777.]
Rare engraving, Sheet 295 x 210mm (11½ x 8½").
A woman seated in a paved street with a handful of sheets and a basket by her side. A newspaper seller. From "Colección de Trajes de España tanto antiguos como modernos que comprehende todos los de sus dominios".
[Ref: 51946] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Obliging Bar-Maid. Do you like it mild Sir?
London Published by Tregear, 123 Cheapside. Dean & Munday, Lithographers Threadneedle St. [n.d., c.1830.]
Hand-coloured lithograph. Sheet: 370 x 270mm (14½ x 10½''), with large margins. Mint.
A portrait of a young, pretty bar maid.
[Ref: 51070] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Der Oelschlager.
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Large margins.
A scene in which a man pours olive oil into a barrel while a woman next to him looks on, in the background a horse turns a large press. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38896] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
The Oil Press.
[n.d., 1763.]
Engraving. Sheet 170 x 195mm (6¾ x 7¾"), with a letterpress sheet with key. Original folds, slight offset from text.
An illustration of a press for olive oil. From 'Spectacle de la Nature: or, Nature Display'd. Being Discourses On such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiosity, and Form the Minds of Youth'.
[Ref: 60857] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[The old prosecutor] Le Procureur antique. / Ce rusé Procureur assis à son bureau, / De meme que le Chat, enclin à la rapine [...]
F. Eisen Pere pinx. C.F. Macret sculp.
A Paris chez Mr. Alliamet Graveur du Roi, rue des Mathurins vis à vis celle des Maçons; Et chez L'Auteur rue Gallande vis à vis celle des Rats, chez un Horloger [c.1763]
Fine engraving, platemark 315 x 255mm (12½ x 10"). Trimmed to platemark top and bottom; glued to album sheet at corners.
Scene in trompe l'oeil border with a wiley old prosecutor (and his equally rapacious cat) trying to think of new ways to ruin impoverished defendants. Engraved after François Eisen (c.1695-1778), painter who specialised in such genre pictures in a light-hearted Flemish manner. Eisen's son Charles was also a notable artist, hence the need to identify Eisen as 'Pere' [father] on this print.
[Ref: 44950] £550.00
Lithography Plate. 88. Chalk Drawing The Old Tower of Oxford Castle.
Drawn on Stone by I. Baker. Printed by D. Redman.
Oxford. Printed by I. & T. Bartlett, for T, Kelly London 1821.
Rare lithograph. 1818 Watermark. Sheet: 270 x 205mm (10½ x 8''). Paper tone.
A page from a book on printing techniques, this plate focussing on the process of lithography.
[Ref: 50396] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
The First Day of Oysters.
Painted by A. Fraser. Engraved by Wm. Greatbach.
Cassell & Company, Limited. [n.d. c.1841.]
Etching and engraving. 349 x 410mm (13¾ x 16"). Small tear into left of sheet. Trimmed.
At a market stall, a group eagerly reaching towards a woman at left opening the oysters, which fill a large basket before her.
[Ref: 52389] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Published by Longman & C.o 1810.
Rare etching, plate 180 x 105mm (7 x 4¼"), with large margins.
A numbered diagram of a hand, presumbably it originally came with a key, for palm reading.
[Ref: 57068] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Paper Maker.
Pub. by Tabart & Co. 137 New Bond Street, Jan. 1803.
Engraving, with 4 sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Slight foxing.
A scene in a paper maker's workshop.
[Ref: 51146] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Manner of Sorting Linen Rage, & Mthod of fermenting them for Making Paper.
Engraved for the Universal Magazine. [n.d., c.1750.]
Engraving. Sheet: 190 x 300mm (7½ x 11¾"). Trimmed within plate. Creasing as normal.
Two scenes showing the processes of making paper. The first scene shows several woman sorting through pieces of fabric which fall through a hole in the floor into a large basin filled with liquid while a man overseas.
[Ref: 44593] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
A Paper Mill, with the Men at Work.
Engraved for the Universal Magazine, for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in Newgate Street. [n.d., c.1747.]
Engraving. 180 x 280mm. Binding folds flattened.
[Ref: 6990] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
D.r Silvester Partridge's Predictions. P.150 Voll. 1.
E. Kirkall Sculp.
[London, c. 1700.]
Engraving. Sheet 160 x 95mm (6¼ x 3¾").
An astrologer sits in his study, surrounded by customers and the tools of his trade. 'Silvester Partridge' was the invention of satirist Thomas Brown (1662-1704), who published weekly instalments of a parody, 'The Infallible Astrologer', by 'Mr Silvester Partridge'. He based his character on on 'real' astrologers John Silvester and John Partridge.
[Ref: 63461] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Patent Architectural Pottery, Hamworthy.
Drawn & Eng.d by P. Brannon.
Pub.d by Sydenham, Poole, August 1855.
Engraved writing sheet. Folded, front 205 x 130mm (8 x 5"). Creased, tape stains.
A Dorset pottery specialising in patent coloured and glazed bricks and mouldings; tessellated glazed wall tiles and encaustic paving tiles. The Architectural Pottery Company was originally based in Stoke-on-Trent, but opened in Hamworthy in 1854. It became the Poole Pottery in 1895.
[Ref: 63289] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
[Set of five patterns.] Ornaments for Painting on Wood & Fancy Work. [x 3] [&] Black and White Borders. [&] Black and White Pattern.
Published Dec.r 1 1816 [& Feb.y 1 1817], at R.Ackermann's, 101 Strand.
Three aquatints & two lithographs (undated), sheets c.150 x 240mm, 6 x 9½". Some foxing on some.
Eight patterns from 'Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions'. Ackermann was one of the first British publishers to take up the lithographic process.
[Ref: 19138] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
view all images for this item
[Set of five.] Muslin Patterns.
[Rudolph Ackermann, n.d., 1812 & 1815.]
Five lithographs, sheets c.130 x 230mm, 5 x 9". Trimmed, losing publication lines. Some staining on some.
Five muslin patterns from 'Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions', vols 6 & 14. Ackermann was one of the first British publishers to take up the lithographic process.
[Ref: 19136] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
view all images for this item
[Set of eight Needlework Patterns.]
London, Pub. Sept.r 1 1814 at R.Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand. [etc.]
Eight aquatints with etching, different dates. sheets c.150 x 240mm, 6 x 9½". Some staining on some.
Eight needlework patterns from 'Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions'.
[Ref: 19137] £250.00
(£300.00 incl.VAT)
view all images for this item
[Peat Cart] Plate 27.
Geo. Walker Del.t. Engraved by R. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, June 1. 1814.
Fine hand coloured aquatint. 290 x 380mm (11½ x 15"), with wide margins.
One man stands at a cart as another man cuts peat on a hillside. From George Walker’s 'The costume of Yorkshire' published in 1814, containing forty-one coloured aquatint plates based upon the author’s original drawings of social and economic scenes in Yorkshire.
[Ref: 54265] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
L'agreable Parfumeuse. (Paris.) N.o 25.
Ch. Philipon [in stone].L Imp Litho. de M.lle Formentin, rue des S.ts Peres N.o 10.
Depot chez F. Janet, rue des S.ts Peres N.o 10. Published by Charles Tilt, 86 Fleet Street, London. [n.d., c.1824].
Rare lithograph with fine hand colour, sheet 360 x 245mm (14¼ x 9½"). Foxing in borders.
From the series' Têtes de Femmes'. A woman perfume-seller holds a small lavender bag up to her face. After Charles Philipon (1800 - 1862) French lithographer, caricaturist, journalist and the founder and director of the satirical political journals La Caricature and of Le Charivari. Joséphine-Clémence Formentin (Mademoiselle Formentin) (c.1802- 1863) was a female French lithographer, publisher and printer.
[Ref: 58223] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. Ross's Room, Bishopsgate Street.
No.1 of R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pub. Jany. 1 1816 [101 Strand, London].
Hand coloured etching with aquatint, image 130 x 215mm. 5 x 8½". Offered with corresponding text leaf.
The interior of Mr Ross's perfumery at Bishopsgate Street showing the perfumes prepared by Ross for the Emperor of China. For Rudolph Ackermann's 'Repository of Arts' periodical, published from 1809-1829. The formal title of the publication was "Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics", and it discussed and illustrated day to day life, and influenced English taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 18971] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Slight staining.
A scene in a shop containing dressers stocked with metal platters and jugs. A figure stands behind a counter while another carries a heavy load of dishes towards the door. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38914] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Pewter Shop.]
Georg Christoph Kilian excudit A.V. [n.d. c.1700.]
Mezzotint engraving, extremely rare. 362 x 481mm. 14¼ x 19". Trimmed. Some damage, loss and staining.
A pewter shop in a wooden booth at the side of street; women selling their goods, a mother and child to the left, a man inspecting a tankard to the right.
[Ref: 19240] £480.00
Drawing the Retorts at the Great Gas Light Establishment, Brick Lane.
W. Read Sculpt.
London Pubd. by Sir Richd. Phillips & Co. Feby 1. 1821.
Aquatint. 195 x 241mm. 7¾ x 9½". Two vertical creases. Spotting. Small hole top right-hand side. Little tears around the edges. Paper repaired on left-hand side.
The dramatic moment when coke was raked out of the ovens, an image equating factories with hell. Published in the Monthly Magazine.
[Ref: 14260] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Drawing the Retorts at the Great Gas Light Establishment, Brick Lane. Monthly Mag. 350.
W. Read Sculp.t.
London Pub.d by Sir Rich.d Phillips & Co. Feb.y 1. 1821.
Aquatint. Sheet 185 x 220mm (7¼ x 8¾"). Folds as usual, trimmed close.
The dramatic moment when coke was raked out of the ovens. Published in the Monthly Magazine.
[Ref: 63961] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Drawing the Retorts at the Great Gas Light Establishment, Brick Lane.
W. Read Sculp.t.
London Pub.d by Sir Rich.d Phillips & Co. Feb.y 1. 1821.
Aquatint, printed in colours. Sheet 200 x 240mm (8 x 9½") Folds as normal and damage of edges of paper.
The dramatic moment when coke was raked out of the ovens. Frontispiece for One Thousand Experiments in Chemistry', Colin MacKenzie 1822. Ex Norman Blackburn Collection.
[Ref: 56698] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Drawing the Retorts at the Great Gas Light Establishment, Brick Lane. Monthly Mag. 350.
W. Read Sculp.t.
London Pub.d by Sir Rich.d Phillips & Co. Feb.y 1. 1821.
Aquatint. Sheet 205 x 245mm (8 x 9¾") Folds as usual, staining top right.
The dramatic moment when coke was raked out of the ovens. This was the frontispiece to the February 1821 edition of The Monthly Magazine.
[Ref: 63960] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Labourage nivernais, also called Le Sombrage (Ploughing in Nevers, also called The First Dressing).]
Rosa Bonheur [scratched in plate lower right.]
[n.d., c.1920.]
Colour printed mezzotint, 295 x 530mm. 11½ x 20¾".
Two teams of Charolais-Nivernais oxen pulling heavy ploughs in the Nivernais landscape of France. After Rosa Bonheur's (1822 - 1899) oil dated 1849. The French State commissioned the painting from Bonheur in 1848 for the Musée de Lyon, but decided to keep it in Paris, at the Musée du Luxembourg. When the artist died it was put in the Louvre and is now part of the Musée d'Orsay collection.
[Ref: 9449] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 115 x 195mm, 4½ x 7¾". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image showing a pair of horses dragging plough.
[Ref: 16439] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
a Potter Working.
[n.d. c.1850.]
Hand-coloured lithograph. 203 x 146mm. 8 x 5¾".
Inside a potters; a man sat moulding with his hand inside a large pot, moistening the outside with wet cloth.
[Ref: 23408] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
The Potter.
[n.d., c.1810.]
Engraving. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½'').
A potter working in his workshop with two apprentices spinning the potters wheel.
[Ref: 50490] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Pottery and Leather Dressing. Pl. 1.
Drawn & Etch'd by W.H. Pyne.
Pub. by Pyne. London, Pub.d Novem.r 1802 by Pyne & Nattes.
Aquatint. 295 x 230mm (11¾ x 9") very large margins.
Vignette scenes of pottery making and leather dressing from Pyne's ‘Microcosm: or, a picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, manufacturers, &c. of Great Britain…'. William Henry Pyne was an English writer, painter and illustrator. He trained at a drawing academy in London. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1790. He specialized in picturesque settings including groups of people rendered in pen, ink and watercolour. Pyne was one of the founders of Royal Watercolour Society in 1804.
[Ref: 62455] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Marchand de Volailles. Bruxelles.
Madou fc. Déposé. Lithog: de Burggraaff.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand coloured lithograph. 246 x 190mm. 9¾ x 7½". Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
Scene in Brussels: a poultrer standing in a market place with a duck and rabbit laid out over his wicker basket. Behind him is another basket and his ass. In the backgroud are other vendors.
[Ref: 16220] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
[The Preemer Boy]
Geo. Walker Del. Engraved by R. & D. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, Jan.y 1. 1814.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet size: 255 x 350mm (10 x 13¾"), with sheet of letterpress. Trimmed inside platemark.
A boy sitting on a flagstone floor, using a metal toothed comb to remove the flocks of wool from the teasels discarded by the two croppers working on a bench behind. From George Walker’s 'The costume of Yorkshire' published in 1814, containing forty-one coloured aquatint plates based upon the author’s original drawings of social and economic scenes in Yorkshire.
[Ref: 54262] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Wenn ich mir da was aussuchen durfte.
Schoeller del. Zechmayer sc.
Hand-coloured etching, rare. Sheet: 255 x 200mm (10 x 8"). Trimmed. Vertical central crease as normal.
A street scene showing two window displays. The first, to the left, shows a well dressed crowd of figures, men women and children, inspecting various prints on display. In the centre, a figure stands in the doorway of his shop, looking to the left at two children and a gentlemen who are viewing food on display in the window which they cannot afford.
[Ref: 37486] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured wood engraving. Sheet 135 x 225mm, 5½ x 9". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image showing a pair of printers at work at their press.
[Ref: 16432] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Letter Press Printer.
London, Publish'd by Tabart & Co. Aug 12 1804.
Engraving, with 4 sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Slight foxing.
A scene showing a printer working a printing press.
[Ref: 51145] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
The Printer-Devil. (Le Diable de l'Imprimerie.]
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½").
A boy inking a printing plate. Plate 21 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36863] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
The Printer-Devil. (Le Diable de l'Imprimerie.]
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½"). Slight foxing.
A boy drying a printing plate. Plate 20 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36864] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)