Catalogue: Trades
Iron Foundry Pl. 1.
Drawn & Etch'd by W.H. Pyne.
Pub. by Pyne & Nattes 1802. London, Publish'd August 1 1802 by Pyne & Nattes.
Aquatint. 230 x 295mm (9 x 11½"), very large margins. Margins dusty, printer's crease top right.
Four vignette scenes of an iron foundry, from Pyne's ‘Microcosm: or, a picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, manufacturers, &c. of Great Britain…'. William Henry Pyne was an English writer, painter and illustrator. He trained at a drawing academy in London. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1790. He specialized in picturesque settings including groups of people rendered in pen, ink and watercolour. Pyne was one of the founders of Royal Watercolour Society in 1804.
[Ref: 62456] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
An Iron Work, for Casting of Cannon; and a Boreing Mill, Taken from the Madeley side of the River Severn, Shropshire.
G. Robertson pinxit. Wilson Lowry Sculpsit
Published Feb.y 1788 by John & Josiah Boydell, No. 90 Cheapside London
Fine engraving, rare open letter proof, 410 x 550mm (16 x 21½"), with large margins. Repaired tears in outside of margins.
An industrial scene of ironworks and the boring mill in Madeley, built in 1788.
[Ref: 63113] £480.00
Ironmongery Manufactory. Ironmongery Warehouse.
[n.d. c.1830.]
Very rare lithograph on green stained paper. 133 x 235mm. 5¼ x 9¼".
Inside the factory and warehouse of an ironmongery.
[Ref: 24197] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
A Portrait Of An Italian Dancing Dog Master.
Painted by E. Bird. Engraved by Will.m Ward Engraver to His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
Bristol Published July 1805, by E. Bird.
Coloured mezzotint. 500 x 355mm (19¾ x 14").
A street entertainer posing with his bagpipe, a monkey sitting on the back of his chair.
[Ref: 8530] £450.00
Les Jardinieres Italiennes au Marché. Dédié à Monsieur J.B.M. Pierre, Ecuyer, Professeur de l’Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, Premier Peintre de Monseigneur le Duc d’Orleans. Par son très humble et très Obeissant Serviteur et Ami J. Ouvrier.
J.B.M. Pierre pinx. J. Ouvrier sculp. Gravé d’apres le Tableau Origiinal d’un pied cinq pouces de hauteur sur un pied dix pouces de largeur.
A Paris chez l’Auteur Place Maubert chez M. Bellot Md. Bonnetier au Soleil d’Or. [n.d. c.1760.]
Etching and engraving with small margins. Plate 255 x 316mm (10 x 12½"). Crease through middle.
Peasant woman standing in front of the stall of another woman selling vegetables; in the background, a tent in the background on the right, and a building in ruins on the left; other street vendors around. The print is dedicated to J.B.M. Pierre, from whose painting the engraving was made. Ex: Oettingen-Wallerstein collection.
[Ref: 28441] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
A Jeweller.
Pub. Jan. 1. 1806, by Tabart & Co.
Engraving. Plate: 70 x 115mm (2¾ x 4½").
A scene in a jeweller's workshop, a jeweller shown working at his work bench.
[Ref: 44647] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Jeweller.
[n.d., c.1810.]
Woodcut, with four sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½'').
A jeweller working at his bench, with text.
[Ref: 50498] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Jewellery. Plate 23. Vol. 5. Designed & Manufactured by J.H. Barlow.
No. 28 of R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pub. April 1. 1811, at 101 Strand, London.
Aquatint. Plate 272 x 222mm. 10¾ x 8¾". Two horizontal creases. Slight staining. Paper loss lower right-hand corner.
Jewellery designs for a necklace, earrings, a head-piece and bracelets. Ackermann's Repository of Arts was an illustrated, British periodical published from 1809-1829 by Rudolph Ackermann. The formal title of the publication was "Respository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics", and it did cover all of these fields. At the time, it was considered to be of great influence to the English taste in fashion, architecture, and literature.
[Ref: 19132] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[A Judge.]
[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller, Albermarle Street, Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand-coloured aquatint, with letterpress sheet. Sheet: 365 x 250mm (14½ x 9¾"). Staple in bottom left corner.
A portrait of a Judge shown seated in large wooden chair with a large book resting on his knee. From 'The Costume of Great Britain', a book containing 60 plates of people at work and scenes of everyday life. William Henry Pyne (1769-1843), the son of a London weaver who became an artist and writer, was commissioned to write and illustrate the book by the publisher, William Miller of Albermarle Street, London. The illustrations are particularly notable as they portray British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 44616] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Lacemaker.] Engraved from a Picture of Ger.d Dou in the Collection of His Grace the Duke, of Montague.
Gerard Dou pinxit Wbaillie Sculp.
Published Sept.r 1773.
Mezzotint, 440 x 320mm. 17¼ x 12½". Later issue c.1800. Margins foxed.
A lacemaker, after Gerard Dou (1613-75), who worked in Rembrandt's studio as a young man and went on to become the first and most famous of the Leiden 'Fine' painters. Engraved by Captain William Baillie (1723-1810). Baillie retired from the army in 1761 with the rank of Captain and thereafter devoted himself to printmaking and dealing. He specialised in imitating old-master drawings and prints, using a variety of printmaking techniques.
[Ref: 12241] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
Dentellière. Bruxelles.
Madou fc. Déposé. Lith: de Burggraaff rue Royale No.68.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand coloured lithograph. 241 x 190mm. 9½ x 7½". Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
Scene in Brussels: a lacemaker sat in a chair on her front doorstep weaving.
[Ref: 16219] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
[The Lacemaker.]
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Slight staining.
A scene in a lacemaker's workshop in which three figures work on the process of making the fine threads for lace. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38910] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[After Adriaen van Ostade.]
[n.d., c.1790.]
Original colour mezzotint. Fine. Sheet 305 x 245mm, 12 x 9¾". Trimmed & laid on album paper.
A Dutch lawyer in his office, after a painting by Adriaen van Ostade (1610-85). Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd
[Ref: 13836] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
A. Ostade Pinx.t R. Houston fecit [c.1780]
Rare mezzotint, sheet 335 x 255mm (13¼ x 10"). Trimmed inside platemark, losing publication line;
Engraving of a painting by Dutch artist Adriaen Jansz van Ostade (1610 - 1685) with library books on right, it was the basis of at least three different engravings in Georgian England. For other versions of this image see refs. 14391 and 13836.
[Ref: 43443] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Physic.] [&] [Law.]
Ostade Pinx. [A Walker Sculpt. ]
[J. & J. Boydell, London.. 1775.]
Pair of engravings. 286 x 392mm.
Very fine pair of proof engravings after the paintings by Adriaen van Ostade in the Collection of Alderman Beckford.
[Ref: 4512] £580.00
view all images for this item
[Picking and Drying Leaves.]
[n.d., c.1770.]
Etching. Sheet: 180 x 230mm (7 x 9''). Damaged. Trimmed.
A scene in a workshop, on the left figures are shown picking leaves from a tree, inside the workshop figures are shown collecting the leaves and arranging them on racks to dry.
[Ref: 49746] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Limonienframerinn. Vendeuse de citrons. [Lemon seller.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. J.E Mansfeld.
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy. Engraved by Johann Ernst Mansfeld (1739 - 1796).
[Ref: 11580] £170.00
(£204.00 incl.VAT)
The Letter Founder.
[n.d., c.1805.]
Wood engraving. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½'').
A scene in a letter founders workshop.
[Ref: 51147] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Gulielmus Lillius Astrologus Natus Comitat: Leicest: 1o Maij 1602.
Guliel: Marshall sculpsit.
[n.d. c.1647.]
Engraving. 165 x 114mm (6½ x 4½"). Tear taped. With small margins.
William Lilly (1602-81), the most important English astrologer of his time, was a great influence on modern fortune telling. He published an annual almanac that sold 30,000 in 1659. In 1652 he published images of a city on fire; he was later called in for questioning by the Parliamentary committee investigating the causes of the Great Fire of London. This portrait was the frontispiece to his 'Christian Astrology' of 1647. Wellcome: 1772
[Ref: 52560] £55.00
(£66.00 incl.VAT)
[Line Swinglers.] Plate 24.
Geo. Walker Del. Engraved by R. & D. Havell.
Publish'd by Robinson & Son, Leeds, March 1. 1814.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet size: 250 x 360mm (10 x 14¼"). Trimmed inside platemark.
Two men work cutting and preparing flax. From George Walker’s 'The costume of Yorkshire' published in 1814, containing forty-one coloured aquatint plates based upon the author’s original drawings of social and economic scenes in Yorkshire.
[Ref: 54261] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Plate V. To the Right Hon.ble Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough, This Plate representing a Perspective View of a Scutch Mill, with the Method of Breaking the Flax with groved Rollers, and Scutching it with Blades fixt on a Shaft, both turn'd by the Main Wheel, Great Improvements in the Method of Breaking and Scutching of Flax. Is most respectfully Dedicated by his Lordships obedient and much obliged humble Servant, Wm. Hincks.
Wm. Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20. 1791.
Very fine stipple. Plate 353 x 424mm. 13¾ x 16¾". Large margins, crease bottom left.
An interior view of a 'scutch' mill where rollers and blades are used to break and beat flax in order to remove the woody fibre. From William Hincks illustrations depicting the Irish Linen Industry.
[Ref: 19676] £400.00
[Part set: 9 Plates of 12 from Illustrations of the Irish Linen Industry.]
W.m. Hincks delin et sculp.
London, Published as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20 1791.
Stipples; early rich impressions. Plate: 410 x 345mm (16 x 13½"). Trimmed. Some repairs.
Part set of nine plates from a series of twelve from William Hinck's (1773-1791) 'Illustration of the Irish Linen Industry' first published in 1783. The series depicts all the processes involved in the making of linen from sowing the flax seed through the preparation of the cloth for export. (For Plates I, II and XII of the series see refs: 28599, 28598 and 28593.) Abbey Life: 444.
[Ref: 36544] £2,900.00
view all images for this item
Plate XI. To the Right Hon.ble Lord Viscount Kingsborough. This Plate representing a Perspective View of the Lapping Room, with the Measuring, Crisping, or Folding the Cloth in Lengths, Picking the Laps or Lengths, Tying in the Clips, acting by the Mechanic power of the Laver to press the Cloth round & firm, and Sealing it preparatory to its going to the Linen Hall; Is most humbly Inscribed by his Lordship's obedient humble Servant. Wm. Hincks.
Wm. Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20. 1791.
Stipple. Plate 353 x 424mm. 13¾ x 16¾". Large margins, few repairs with slight tear at bottom.
An interior view of a room in a mill or factory where several men are engaged in measuring, folding and binding cloth into lengths. From William Hincks illustrations depicting the Irish Linen Industry.
[Ref: 19683] £400.00
Plate XI. To the Right Hon.ble Lord Viscount Kingsborough, This Plate representing a Perspective View of a Lapping Room, with the Measuring, Crisping or Folding the Cloth in Lengths, Picking the Laps or Lengths, Tying in the Clips, acting by the mechanic power of the Laver to press the Cloth round & firm, and Sealing it preparatory to its going to the Linen Hall, Is most humbly Inscribed by his Lordships obedient humble Servant, W.m Hincks.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20. 1791.
Very fine stipple. Plate 340 x 420mm. 13½ x 16½". Tear in edge of plate top right.
An interior view of a Lapping Room, with the linen being measured, rolled and bundled, ready for sale. From William Hincks' illustrations depicting the Irish linen Industry.
[Ref: 21095] £400.00
To the Very Respectable the Linen Merchants and Manufacturers of Ireland, The Conductors of that Great and Beneficial Staple of our Country; This Perspective View of the Linen Hall in Dublin, with the Boxes and Bales of Linen ready for Exportation, the Emblems of their Industry, Is Dedicated by their obedient humble Servant, Wm. Hincks. Plate XII.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 349 x 425mm (13¾ x 16¾"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate XII of Manufacturer in Irish Linen: exterior of a large three-storey building with five arched entrances in the lowest storey in the central section, a clock set in a triangular pediment above, where men are gathered around crates and bales of cloth, one sitting to right, writing, resting his paper on a bale, others standing to left, talking while a workman piles up bales.
[Ref: 28593] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
To the Right Hon.ble Lord Visc.t Kilwarlin and Fairford, and Knight of the Shire for the County of Downe; This Perspective View of a Bleach Green taken in the County of Downe, Shewing the methods of Wet & Dry Bleaching, and the outside View of Bleach Mill, on the most approved construction: Is most gratefully Dedicated by his Lordship’s very respectful humble Servant, Wm. Hincks. Plate X.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 349 x 420mm (13¾ x 16½"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate X: of Manufacturer in Irish Linen; a landscape with a house on a hill to right, strips of cloth stretched out on the slope in front, men working outside a Bleaching Mill below, some washing linen in a trough, another sprinkling strips with a hose, with a couple reclining under a gnarled tree on a height in the foreground, a man riding over a bridge across the river, next to a mill, beyond to left and mountains in the background.
[Ref: 28594] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
To the Right Hon.ble Arthur Trevor, Viscount Dungannon and Baron of Older-Fleet in the County of Antrim; This Plate representing the Brown Linen Market at Banbridge in the County of Downe, This Weaver’s holding up their Pieces of Linen to View, the Bleachers elevated on Forms examining its Quality; Is most respectfully Dedicated by his Lordships most obedient Servant, Wm. Hincks. Plate VIII.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 351 x 431mm (13¾ x 17"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate VIII: of Manufacturer in Irish Linen; a crowd of men and women at the top of a slope, by the corner of an arcaded building, one inspecting a cloth, in front of a horse and foal, others waving rolls of cloth; women selling goods at two tables either side of the road and figures grouped in front of houses on the slope to left, a bridge curving over the river at the foot and people on the path ascending the hill beyond.
[Ref: 28595] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
To the Right Honorable Randal William Mc. Donnell Earl of Antrim, Viscount Dunluce, Baron of Antrim, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Antrim, and Knight of the Most Honorable Military Order of Bath, This Plate, representing the common Method of Beetling, Scutching and Hackling the Flax, Is Inscribed by his Lordships grateful humble servant, Wm. Hincks. Plate IV.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 336 x 419mm (13¼ x 16½"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate IV: of Manufacturer in Irish Linen; a simple interior, where women are hacking at bundles of flax, holding them over wooden posts, another is twisting a bundle of it, a man standing to right is carding a bundle over combs set in a bench in front of him and a girl is carding another bundle on a stone, using a roller, on the left, with a little girl playing with a dog in the foreground.
[Ref: 28597] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
To the Right Hon.ble and Hon.ble Members of Parliament and Glorious Volunteers of Ireland, The Protectors of our Liberty & Commerce. This View taken near Hillsborough in the County of Downe, Representing Pulling the Flax when grown, Hooking or putting it up to Dry, Ripling or saving the Seed, and Boging or burying it in Water. Is Dedicated with zealous wished for the everlasting harmony & happiness of England & Ireland by their obedient hum.ble Serv.t Wm. Hincks. Plate II.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 350 x 412mm (13¾ x 16¼"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate II: of Manufacturer in Irish Linen; a landscape with women gathering and binding flax in a field to right, loading it onto a cart, another passing it over a comb on a bench, under a tree, a third holding up a bundle behind her and a man standing in a pool in front, twisting a bundle to drain it; with a waterfall , mountains and a church in the background.
[Ref: 28598] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
To His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland; His Royal Highness Prince Edward; His Grace the Duke of Leinster; the Earls of Clanriacarde, Westmeath, Inchiquin, Drogheda, Tyrone, Shannon, Clanbrassil, Mornington, Courtown, Charlemount, Bective and Ely, Knights of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick. This View taken near Scaroa in the County of Downe, representing Ploughing, Sowing the Flax Seed and Harrowing; Is Dedicated by their most obedient and respectful humble Servant Wm. Hincks. Plate I.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20, 1791.
Stipple and etching. 350 x 419mm (13¾ x 16½"). Trimmed and some creasing.
Plate I: of Manufacturer in Irish Linen; a landscape with a man turning a plough, drawn by four horses, another whipping them along, a third scattering seed and a fourth coming after them, driving a pair of oxen, with women and children sitting, picnicking under a tree to left, a thatched cottage to right and a large building, coach and horses in the background to left.
[Ref: 28599] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Premises of linen draper Isaac Newton, 14 Leicester Square.]
[Thomas Hosmer Shepherd]
[n.d., c.1845.]
Colour wash sketch. Sheet 135 x 190mm (5¼ x 7½"). Mounted on album paper at corners.
A trade card in the British Museum Heal Collection (Heal,80.241) advertises ''Isaac Newton, Linen Draper... The well known Shop for Norwich Shawls''. On the mount of another (Heal,80.242) Heal has annotated on the mount: "In the 'Letters of Jane Austen' she speaks of shopping at 'Newton's in Leicester Square where Fanny bought some Irish Poplin' (see p.327.)''
[Ref: 60266] £300.00
[Original sketch for Tallis's London Street Views.] Regent House. Allison & Edwards, silk [***?], Linen Drapers, and General Warehousemen. 240 Regent Street.
[Thomas Hosmer Shepherd]
Colour wash sketch. Sheet 65 x 115mm (2½ x 4½"). Mounted on album paper at corners.
This is the original sketch for the engraving published in 'Tallis's London Street Views', published in parts 1838-40.
[Ref: 60271] £250.00
(£300.00 incl.VAT)
Link Sir Light your Honour.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Rare etching. Sheet 90 x 65mm (3½ x 2½"). Trimmed into image on three sides, laid on album paper.
A link-boy offers his services to a well-dressed man and a prostitute.
[Ref: 61769] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Lithographic Press.
R. Ackermann's Lithog.s [c.1820].
Lithograph, sheet 225 x 280mm (8¾ x 11").
Press used for making lithographs (of which this print is itself an example). To make a lithograph, an image is created on a slab of porous limestone, which is then imprinted on sheets of paper using a process based on the antipathy of grease and water to distinguish between inked and non-inked areas. Rudolf Ackermann, publisher of this print, was one of the first publishers to use lithography on a large commercial scale.
[Ref: 43371] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
London Characters. No. 12. Capitable Ingens Marm! Vy they'l last you all the vinter along a Beef Steaks. [&] Buy a broom?
Published by Charles Tilt. 86, Fleet Street. [n.d. c.1830.]
Hand-coloured etching. 185 x 235mm. 7¼ x 9¼".
Two scenes of street vendors; to the right selling onions, and to the left; selling brooms.
[Ref: 21555] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
London Fire Engines. The Nobel Protectors of Lives & Property. Dedicated to the Insurance Offices, by their Obedient Servant, Thos. McLean.
James Pollard Pinx.t. R. G. Reeve Sculp.t.
Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket. [n.d., c.1830].
Hand coloured aquatint with etching. Printed area: 520 x 750mm (20¼ x 29½"). Unexamined out of frame. Slightly time stained.
A night scene in London, showing three horse-drawn fire engines racing down a street towards a burning building on the far left, where a group of firemen are spraying a hose into the upper window. Many figures on the street are watching and running towards the scene, with several more watching from the windows above shops; 'Corn Dealer and Hay Salesman', 'Haberdasher and Silk Mercer' and 'Cabinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker'. The fire engines are inscribed, from left to right, 'County Fire Office, [Reg]ent Street', 'Westminster Fire Office, Established 1717, King Street Covent Garden', and 'Phoenix Fire Office, Lombard Street & Charing Cross'.
[Ref: 33617] £650.00
The Paviours.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
The crest of the Pavers company with a pair of gryphons a chevron panel with baskets of pickaxes shovels and spades. In addirion to constructing streets and pavements, the Company was responsible for removing scavenging pigs. Various craft guilds were established in London as early as the 12th century, later becoming known as City Livery Companies because they often wore a distinctive livery or uniform. The companies decided who could work or trade in their crafts, controlling prices and wages, working conditions and welfare. In return for exercising rigorous quality control they received monopoly powers. In continental Europe, various revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries swept away the guilds, but in England they continued, and several new Companies have appeared in recent years.From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17856] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
The Tradesmen & Artificers.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17852] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
The Woodmongers.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
The arms of the Woodmongers, who brought wood into the City of London for sale. The company became defunct in 1746. Various craft guilds were established in London as early as the 12th century, later becoming known as City Livery Companies because they often wore a distinctive livery or uniform. The companies decided who could work or trade in their crafts, controlling prices and wages, working conditions and welfare. In return for exercising rigorous quality control they received monopoly powers. In continental Europe, various revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries swept away the guilds, but in England they continued, and several new Companies have appeared in recent years. From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17848] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
Interior view of Lowther Arcade, Strand, London.
[London, Anon., c.1850.]
Steel engraving, book illustration, 140 x 100mm. 5½ x 4".
Figures walking past Harrison, jeweller and silversmith.
[Ref: 19075] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Royal York Foundry & Stove Grate Manufactory.
Osborne & Co. Sc. London.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Rare engraving. Sheet 155 x 105mm (6 x 4¼"). Trimmed into plate. Some foxing near title.
Interior view of the Royal York Foundry & Stove Grate factory.
[Ref: 63206] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[A set of four:] A Welch Market Woman and Son; An English Market Woman and Daughter; A Scotch Market Woman and Children; An Irish Market Woman and Children.
Designed by an Amateur. Engraved by I. Hassell.
London Published May 14, 1813, by H.Humphrey, 27, St. James's St.
Hand coloured engravings, 320 x 270mm. Trimmed to platemark
[Ref: 3069] £750.00
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[Pair.] A Vegetable Market. [&] A Poultry Market.
Painted by Ja.s Ward, Painter and Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Engraved by W.m Ward. [&] Painted & Engraved by Ja.s Ward, Painter and Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London: Pub. May 1. 1803, ny Wards & Co, No 6, Newman Street.
Pair of fine mezzotints, printed in colours and hand finished. Each 490 x 610mm, 19 x 24". Both trimmed close to plate at bottom. 'Vegetable' with small scratch; 'Poultry' witth a tiny hole in platemark.
A pair of fine mezzotints of markets, very rare as matching pair, both painted by James Ward (1769-1859), one engraved by him and one by his older brother, William (1762 - 1826). Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. See Frankau 303.
[Ref: 16984] £1,450.00
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[Horn turner.] Wildrüffünd horn=drehe...
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"), with very large margins.
A horn-turner working on a cow's horn held in a vice. Behind are samples of his products, including musical instruments An illustration from 'Abbildung der Gemain-Nutzlichen Haupt-Stande'.
[Ref: 41740] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Mask Maker] Dockenmache von ßappenseuch...
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Small margins. Foxed.
A scene inside a mask-maker's workshop. An illustration from 'Abbildung der Gemain-Nutzlichen Haupt-Stande'.
[Ref: 41739] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Le Marchand d'Allumettes. Je suis un fort petit marchand, Personne de cela ne doute; Et mon negoce est trop méchant, Pour faire bonne banqueroute.
J. Bonnart f. Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Jacques a l'aigle avec privil.
Paris, [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching. 265 x 190mm (10½ x 7½") very large margins
A shrewd street vendor holding a bundle of matches and carrying a basket. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Nicolas Bonnart from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54890] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Meat seller] Chorizero. Coleccion de Trajes de España. Segundo quaderno que contiene doce figuras. Marchand de Saucisse. Recueil de plusieurs Habillements Espagnols. Second Cahier qui contient douze figures. N 13.
Dibujado por D. Manuel de la Cruz. Grabado por D. Juan de la Cruz en Madrid año 1777.
[n.d. c.1777.]
Hand-coloured engraving 290 x 222mm (11½ x 8¾").
A meat vendor in Spain on the road carrying sausages and chorizo in his hands; a bag slung over his shoulder containing joints of meat. From "Colección de Trajes de España tanto antiguos como modernos que comprehende todos los de sus dominios".
[Ref: 30140] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Crieur de Melons. Pedant l'este hautement je méscrie Achetés des melons tourangeaux, ou langeais, Quitres souvent n'en vinrent de la vie, Et sortent de fumier de houille, ou d'un marais.
Chez N. Bonnart, a l'Aigle avec privil.
Paris [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching with engraving. 270 x 190mm (10¾ x 7½") very large margins Toning.
A street vendor selling melons from his basket. Published by Nicolas Bonnart from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54896] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Le Mercier. Au public je suis necessaire / Iay tout ce dont Il a besoin / Voyes ce qui fait vostre affair / Et prenes un peigne du moins.
J. Bonnart f. Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Iacques a l'aigle avec privil.
Paris [n.d. c.1674-1726].
Etching with engraving. 280 x 190mm (11 x 7½"). Small margin on left side. Some faint smudging. Top right corner creased.
A merchant carrying his wares in a box about his neck. Etched by Jean Baptiste Bonnart and published by his brother Nicolas Bonnart I
[Ref: 54728] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
Fire-Engine Presented to F. Hodges, Esq., of Lambeth, For valuable Services rendered by his efficient Brigade in extinguishing Fires; Manufactured by Merryweather & Sons, of Long Acre, and Lambeth, London.
Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden [n.d., c.1865].
Wood engraving, manufacturer's promotional handbill/supplement; sheet 260 x 325mm. 10¼ x 11¾". Folds, as usual, some tearing at extremities; some marginal spotting.
The illustration shows Victorian ladies and gentlemen admiring a rather elaborately-decorated horse-drawn fire engine; list of prizes won by the engine at various industrial exhibitions below. Merryweather and Sons, one of the leading makers of fire engines throughout the 19th century.
[Ref: 20489] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)