Catalogue: Trades
[Fortune Teller.]
C.W. White Sculpt.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple, 140 x 140mm (5½ x 5½"). Mark on clothing of figure on right.
The figure on the left reads the palm of the girl on the right, while a third girl looks on.
[Ref: 8564] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Les Devineresses.
Gouget direx.
[Paris, n.d., c.1834.]
Engraving. 320 x 240mm (12½ x 9½").
A young couple consult a fortune-teller who reads cards. An owl stands on her table. From Jean de La Fontaine's Fables, Fable 15, Book 7.
[Ref: 36871] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Fortune Teller]. O Fortune, fair, like all thy treach’rous kind, / But faithless still, and wav’ring as the wind! / O painted monster, form’d mankind to cheat, / With pleasing poison, and with soft deceit!
[n.d., c.1740.]
Rare etching. Sheet 130 x 85mm (5 x 3¼"). Trimmed within plate, laid on album paper.
A fortune teller reads the palm of a young woman. The verse comes from Alexander Pope's paraphrasing of Chaucer's 'Merchant's Tale'.
[Ref: 57528] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[The Gypsy Fortune Teller].
[Published by R.Sayer] [n.d., c.1780].
Woodblock engraving. Sheet: 230 x 315mm (9 x 12½"). Trimmed to image. Crease across centre.
Exterior scene by a church. A gypsy with a young child strapped to her back and a child standing behind her tells the fortune of a well dressed woman using her palm. A well dressed man looks on smiling.
[Ref: 33137] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
''Your Thoughts are upon a Dark Man, My Dear'', and ''You'll have 18 Children.''
W. Clerk, lith, 202 High Holborn.
London Published by Glover & Co, Water Lane, Fleet St. [n.d., c.1840.]
Lithograph. Sheet 260 x 210mm (10¼ x 8¼").
A gypsy reads a young woman's palm. ''Designed for & presented GRATIS with No. 118 of the FLY''.
[Ref: 49492] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
Frontispiece to European Magazine V.41. The Entrance to Coade and Sealy's Gallery of Sculpture. of Artificial Stone, Westminster Bridge.
Drawn & Engraved by S. Rawle_
Published by J. Sewell Cornhill Feb.1.1802.
Engraving. Plate 197 x 126mm. 7¾ x 5".
Coade Stone was a moulded artificial stone material with a hard surface finish, used for many types of monuments and other objects during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. It wasn't until 1799 that John Sealy was made a partner in the company and the firms stampe became Coade and Sealy.
[Ref: 16639] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
A Press to squeeze Apples or make Verjuice. Plate 24 Vol. II page 255.
Engraving and etching. Plate 148 x 197mm. 5¾ x 7¾".
A medieval apple press. Verjuice is a very acidic juice made by pressing unripe apples. During the middle ages it was widely used in sauces or as a condiment. Ex Collection Norman Blackburn.
[Ref: 18510] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
[Fruitseller] La Petit Fruitiers.
Designed & Drawn on Stone by J.J. Chalon.
London. Published by Rodwell & Martin New Bond St. May 1 1820. C. Hullmandel's Lithography.
Lithograph with very fine hand-colouring, printed area 235 x 165mm (9¼ x 6½"), with wide margins.
A fruit seller with a stall in a Parisian street. From the 'Costumes of Paris', a series of 24 plates by Swiss painter John James Chalon (1778-1854). Abbey 108.
[Ref: 54515] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
The Furze Cutter.
Painted by J. Barney. Engraved by W. S. Reynolds.
London, published Aug.t 21st, 1799, by S. Morgan. No.22 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square.
Mezzotint and etching with large margins. Platemark: 640 x 445mm. (25¼ x 17½").
An agricultural worker holding a bill-hook and carrying a bundle of furze on his back; after Joseph Barney (1751 - 1829). Joseph Barney studied with Angelica Kauffmann and Antonio Zucchi, assisted Matthew Boulton at Wolverhapton in finishing mechanical paintings, exhibited at the Royal Academy and British Institute, and became Drawing Master at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Unusually, the engraver Samuel William Reynolds' initials have been inscribed incorrectly (as 'W.S. Reynolds')! From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection; Whitman: 327
[Ref: 28393] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
The Little Italian Gardener.
Sig.ra Rozalba pinx. Thos. Letton sculp. No. 15.
London. Pub: as the Act directs. Nov.r 5, 1781 by I.Birchall. No.473. Strand.
Stipple, printed in sanguine. 190 x 140mm.
From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection, Sotheby's London 1997.
[Ref: 5286] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Le Jardinier Industrieux.
From a Painting by David Teniers in the Possession of Dawson Turner Esq.
[n.d., c.1820.]
Engraving. Plate: 240 x 190mm (9½ x 7½"), with large margins.
A portrait of a hard working gardener carrying a heavy pot while a woman behind helps with cuttings.
[Ref: 47007] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Italian Gardener.
Mle. Benedetti Delineavit et Sculpsit.
Publish'd as the Act directs Nov 25th. 1786, by W. Dickinson Engraver Bond Street.
Rare stipple engraving in sepia, sheet 255 x 170mm (10 x 6¾"). Trimmed to plate. Crease.
Michele Benedetti (b.1741) was an Italian-born engraver in stipple who spent some time in London, and who may have been a pupil of Bartolozzi, whose style his work resembles. From the Norman Blackburn Collection.
[Ref: 7416] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Brick Lane] Interior of a Gas House.
Drawn by Charles Blunt. Engraved by J. Dower.
London Published by William Orr Paternoster Row. Septr. 1833.
Engraving. 114 x 142mm. 4½ x 5½". Trimmed to the image along the top edge. Laid on separate album sheet.
Men inside a gas house, stoke the furnaces with coal and wood. Steam swells around the room.
[Ref: 16814] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Der Blatt Muller.
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼").
A scene inside a cog-maker's workshop. The figure works on a bit of machinery made up of various cogs and keys. An illustration from 'Abbildung der Gemain-Nutzlichen Haupt-Stande'.
[Ref: 39554] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
The Gipsy Fortune Teller. To her Grace the Dutchess of Devonshire This Plate is with permission Inscribed by her Graces most obedient & Devoted humble Servant J. Young.
Painted by W. Beechy. Engrav'd by J. Young.
London Publish'd Novr. 6th. 1786 by J. Young No. 28 Newman Street, Oxford Road.
Mezzotint. 636 x 430mm. 25 x 17".
A gypsy woman with a baby strapped to her back pauses on her way along the path to read a young girl's palm. Russell: 72: ii. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 14794] £350.00
The several Methods of blowing and casting Plate Glass, with the Men at Work.
Printed for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in St Pauls Churchyard. London _ For the Universal Magazine, November 1747.
Engraving. 205 x 240mm. Tear in bottom edge.
[Ref: 6994] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
The Art of Grinding and Polishing of Plate Glass.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church-Yard, London 1748.
Engraving. 195 x 230mm. Binding folds flattened.
[Ref: 6982] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
View of the British Plate Glass Manufactory; View of the British Plate Glass Warehouse.
[n.d.. c.1810.]
Rare aquatint, 270 x 215mm. (10½ x 8½"), with large margins. Paper toning. Small tears in margins.
[Ref: 61520] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Dr. Syntax in the Glass-House.
Drawn by T. Rowlandson.
[R. Ackermann, n.d. c.1820.]
Coloured aquatint. 158 x 250mm. 6¼ x 9¾".
Dr Syntax and another man blowing glass, a man to the far left prods the man behind. Onlookers applaud in delight. From 'The Second Tour of Dr Syntax. In Search of Consolation'.
[Ref: 23558] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
A Glass House. The Glass-Makers at Work.
C.Grignion sculp.
Printed for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in Newgate Street. 1747.
Engraving. 180 x 280mm. Binding folds flattened.
[Ref: 6991] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
The rough polishing of Glasses. [&] The Running of Glasses. [&] The Polishing of Glasses.
[n.d., 1763.]
Three engravings. Each sheet c. 170 x 195mm (6¾ x 7¾"), with three sheets of letterpress. Original folds, slight offset from text.
From 'Spectacle de la Nature: or, Nature Display'd. Being Discourses On such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiosity, and Form the Minds of Youth'.
[Ref: 60858] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
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A New method of Cultivating Vines. &c and procuring their Fruit in the greatest Perfection.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine 1751, for J. Hinton at the Kings Arms at St Pauls Church Yard London.
Engraving. Sheet: 310 x 200mm (12½ x 8"). Trimmed. Creases as normal.
A diagram showing the design for a hot house for growing vines.
[Ref: 44601] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Glassware] Messrs. Pellatt & Green, St. Paul's Church Yard.
For No.5 of Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pub. May 1809, at 101 Strand, London.
Hand coloured aquatint. Sheet 150 x 245mm (6 x 9¾"). Trimmed.
Glassware on display inside the showroom of Apsley Pellatt in the City of London. He was the inventor of the glass lenses, known as ‘deck lights,' used for giving light to the lower parts of ships, for which he obtained a patent in 1807. From Rudolph Ackermann's periodical, the ''Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics'', published from 1809-29. It discussed English day to day life; the illustrations influenced English taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 62643] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[After Jan Van Vliet.]
[Published by Gaspard Duchange?] [n.d. c.1750.]
Etching. 210 x 165mm. 8¼ x 6½". Trimmed to the plate.
The glaziers; a male figure in left foreground glewing panes of glass on a table, another working in right background. This is one from a series of twenty-two plates (plus title) after Jan van Vliet, published by Gaspard Duchange, with French captions. Ex Collection: Norman Blackburn. See BM: S.6186 [in reverse].
[Ref: 19915] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Nalders & Co's. Glove Factory, Shacklewell.
Eastman & Yeo, Cheapside. [n.d. c.1815.]
Engraving. 102 x 210mm. 4 x 8¼". Laid on album scrap.
A glove factory owned by Nalders & Co, in Shackewell, Hackney, London.
[Ref: 24111] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
The Gold & Silver Refiners at Work.
Printed for J.Hinton at the King's Arms, St Pauls Churchyard. 1747.
Engraving. 200 x 220mm. Binding folds flattened.
[Ref: 6992] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
The Gold Beater.
[n.d., c.1810.]
Woodcut, with three sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½'').
A gold beater working at a piece of gold with a large hammer, with text.
[Ref: 50499] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Das Goldspinner.
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Slight staining.
A scene in a goldspinner's workshop, showing a woman spinning the thin gold around a thread. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38894] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Marchande de Raisin. du bon chasselas a la livre. No 32.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A woman with baskets of grapes. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33227] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Gray's Inn Wine Establishment. High Holborn, London. 23, High Holborn, George Henekey and Comp.y.
Letterpress advert with wood engraving. Sheet: 135 x 230mm (5¾ x 9").
An advert for Gray's Inn Wine Establishment with a wine list printed on the back. From 'The Quaterly Review' 1841.
[Ref: 44627] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
A Sketch of Part of the Vaults of the Gray's Inn Wine Establishment.
[Anon, c.1840]
Wood engraving printed on pink paper, rare; sheet 75 x 125mm (3 x 5"). Trimmed;
The vault of the Gray's Inn Wine Establishment, 23 High Holborn, London. Vignette image published as part of an advertisement and price-list for the premises in 'The Quarterly Review', 1841.
[Ref: 43361] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Iohann Gutemberg. Buchdrucker in Maintz, Gebürtig von Strassburg. lebte um das Jahr Christi A. 1455. war mit Johann Fausten in Companie.
[n.d. 17th century.]
Engraving with large margins, platemark 152 x 102mm (6 x 4").
Johannes Gutenberg (c.1395-1468), the German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. It was his invention of mechanical moving type printing that started the Printing Revolution. It influenced the development of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. In 1455 he completed his 42-line Bible, known as the Gutenberg Bible.
[Ref: 28448] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Hair dresser.
London Pub. by Tabart & Co. Sep. 14. 1808.
Engraving, with three sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Foxing.
A barber combing the hair of a man reading a paper, with text.
[Ref: 50497] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Woman with a hairdresser.]
Petrus Schenck inven: Fecit et exc Amstela: Cum Privil. Ord: Holl et West-Frisi [n.d., c.1690.]
Scarce mezzotint, 17th century watermark. 245 x 185mm (9¾ x 7¼"). Thread margins, a little surface scuffing.
A hairdresser positions two mirrors so a woman with long, crimped hair can see the back of her head.
[Ref: 60129] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Oysters! Mar'm! Oysters! Oysters! Corney Harriman.
On Stone by J.P. Hunter. Printed by Day & Haghe to the King, London.
Published by W. Watts Bookseller, Wisbech.
Scarce lithograph on chine collé. 220 x 175mm (8¾ x 7") very large margins.
A street trader selling oysters, with wicker basket and pipe.
[Ref: 58099] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 115 x 155mm, 4½ x 6". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image showing a boy leading two horses dragging a harrow. Harrowing breaks up clods of earth after ploughing to make a fine finish to the soil in readiness for planting.
[Ref: 16438] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Marchande de Casquettes. Voulez vous des Casquettes? Achetez des casquettes.
Carle Vernet. lith. de. Delpech.
[n.d., c.1820].
Hand coloured lithograph with very large magins. Sheet size: 365 x 275mm (14¼ x 10¾").
A woman selling hats of various shapes and sizes from a wicker basket. Plate number 8 from the series 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33602] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
The Art of Hat-Making.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine according to Act of Parliament 1750 for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church-Yard, London.
Engraving. 200 x 240mm. Binding folds flattened.
[Ref: 6984] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Le Petit Marchand des Rues.
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½").
A boy sellings good from a folding table. Plate 30 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36861] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
A Herb Market. In the Gallery at Houghton.
Snyders & Long John Pinxerunt. Joseph Farrington delin.t. Rich.d Earlom Sculpsit.
John Boydell excudit 1779. Published Nov.r 13th 1779 by John Boydell, Engraver in Cheapside.
Mezzotint. 415 x 570mm (16¼ x 22½"), large margins. Tears repaired, one just entering incription area, some creasing.
A vegetable stall, with a woman filling a basket with produce as a boy slyly empties her purse. On display are asparagus, artichoke, cabbage, cauliflower, onions and shallots. One of several market scenes painted by Snyders, which were part of Sir Robert Walpole's celebrated collection of Old Masters at his gallery at Houghton. When much of the gallery's contents were sold by Walpole's grandson to Catherine the Great of Russia, the eminent publisher John Boydell commissioned a series of mezzotints of Houghton's key works.
[Ref: 58746] £580.00
A true & exact Representation of the Art of Casting & Preparing Letters for Printing.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine 1750. for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in St Pauls Churchyard. London.
Engraving. 205 x 250mm.
[Ref: 7136] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The Printing Press. Composing Stick. The Letter Case for the Roman.
W.H. Toms sculp.
Printed for J.Hinton at the King's Arms, St Pauls Churchyard. 1747.
Engraving. 165 x 125mm.
[Ref: 6993] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
The Hoop Makers.
Forster & Co. Lith. [n.d., c.1840s.]
Rare sepia tinted lithograph, sheet 110 x 180mm (4¼ x 7").
A man making hoops surrounded by women and children, which he uses for barrels; a woman uses them as a dress support.
[Ref: 15433] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Hop Picking.
Drawn & Etch'd by W.H. Pyne.
Pub. by Pyne & Nattes 1804. London, Pub.d Sep.r 1804 by Pyne & Nattes.
Aquatint. 225 x 290mm (8¾ x 11¼"), large margins.
Vignette scenes of hop picking, from Pyne's ‘Microcosm: or, a picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, manufacturers, &c. of Great Britain…'. William Henry Pyne was an English writer, painter and illustrator. He trained at a drawing academy in London. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1790. He specialized in picturesque settings including groups of people rendered in pen, ink and watercolour. Pyne was one of the founders of Royal Watercolour Society in 1804.
[Ref: 62457] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Musical Instrument Maker.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Woodcut, with seven sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Foxing.
A musical instrument maker working on a harp, with text.
[Ref: 50495] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
The Mathematical Instrument Maker.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Woodcut. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Foxing.
A man examining a a collection of mathematical instruments.
[Ref: 50494] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Se vend ches Haid. [n.d. c.1780.]
Stipple and etching with large margins, printed in brown ink, paper watermarked. Plate 190 x 139mm (7½ x 5½"). Some slight foxing.
Interest: A girl stood holding a basket watching a butcher-boy take an axe to a leg of meat. From a series of prints of prints showing children performing 'adult' tasks.
[Ref: 28739] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Plate V. To the Right Hon.ble Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough, This Plate representing a Perspective View of a Scutch Mill, with the Method of Breaking the Flax with groved Rollers, and Scutching it with Blades fixt on a Shaft, both turn'd by the Main Wheel, Great Improvements in the Method of Breaking and Scutching of Flax. Is most respectfully Dedicated by his Lordships obedient and much obliged humble Servant, W.m Hincks.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by R. Pollard, Spafields June 20. 1791.
Coloured stipple, sheet 345 x 425mm (13½ x 16¾). Trimmed to plate.
An interior view of a 'scutch' mill where rollers and blades are used to break and beat flax in order to remove the woody fibre. From William Hincks illustrations depicting the Irish Linen Industry.
[Ref: 60388] £360.00
Plate IX. To the Right Hon.ble Lord Bangor, This Plate Representing a Complete Perspective View of all the Machinery of a Bleach Mill, upon the Newest and most approved Constructions. Consisting of the Wash Mill, Rubbing Boards moved by a Crank, and Beetling Engine for Glazing the Cloth, with a View of the Boiling House. Is most respectfully Inscribed by his Lordships obedient humble Servant. W.m Hincks.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by W.m Hincks Aug.t 23, 1783.
Stipple, sheet 340 x 415mm (13¼ x 16¼"). Trimmed to plate on two sides, nicks at edges.
An interior view of a mill where three men and a woman are engaged in washing, rubbing, glazing and boiling fabric. From William Hincks illustrations depicting the Irish Linen Industry.
[Ref: 60378] £380.00
Plate V. To the Right Hon.ble Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough, This Plate representing a Perspective View of a Scutch Mill, with the Method of Breaking the Flax with groved Rollers, and Scutching it with Blades fixt on a Shaft, both turn'd by the Main Wheel, Great Improvements in the Method of Breaking and Scutching of Flax. Is most respectfully Dedicated by his Lordships obedient and much obliged humble Servant, W.m Hincks.
W.m Hincks delin. et sculp.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs by W.m Hincks, July 1783.
Stipple, sheet 345 x 420mm (13½ x 16½"). Trimmed to plate, nicks and tears at edges. Small holes on image.
An interior view of a 'scutch' mill where rollers and blades are used to break and beat flax in order to remove the woody fibre. From William Hincks illustrations depicting the Irish Linen Industry.
[Ref: 60381] £380.00