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Catalogue: Trades
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured wood engraving. Sheet 135 x 215mm, 5½ x 8½". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image of a pair of bricklayers, one with a hod.
[Ref: 16429]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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British Fire Engines.
British Fire Engines. First Alarm. A struggle for the Start. [/] Near Approach. Take care, take care, we ar very near it now. [/] The Fire. See that no Lives are lost. [/] The Ruins. The Fire is out & now for Home.
H. Alken Del.t. B. Hughes. Sculp.t.
Lewis & Co. 79, Leadenhall St. London. [n.d., c.1860].
Very rare aquatint. Overall sheet size: 300 x 370mm (11¾ x 14½"). False margin at bottom edge. Creases. Repaired tear to top edge.
Four scenes on one sheet illustrating the stages of a fire; from the first alarm, in the top left, with a horse drawn fire engine from the 'Sun Fire Office 1820' racing along a street watched by onlookers; to the approach to the fire in the top right, where a fire engine inscribed 'Atlas Office' halts as it reaches the scene; then in the bottom left is the fire itself, as two fire engines, one named 'Westminster', pump water into a burning building, smoke billowing from the windows, with the sign above the door to the right reading, 'Fire Proof Linnen'; finally in the bottom right is a view of the ruins of the building, with the firefighters packing up two engines inscribed 'London', and 'County Fire Office 1800'. A very rare print after English painter and engraver Henry Alken (1785 - 1851), chiefly known as a caricaturist and illustrator of sporting subjects and coaching scenes.
[Ref: 33565]   £650.00  
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Marchande de balais de Cuir, des balais des houissoirs, des plumeaux.
Marchande de balais de Cuir, des balais des houissoirs, des plumeaux. No. 71.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A woman selling brushes and dusters, which are arranged like a peacock's fan from her backback. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33219]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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[Brushmaker] Brossier. Bürstenbinder
[Brushmaker] Brossier. Bürstenbinder
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, rare with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾").
A brushmaker's workshop.
[Ref: 36603]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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43. [Butcher.]
43. [Butcher.]
[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller, Albemarle Street Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand coloured etching with aquatint. Sheet 340 x 250mm (13¼ x 10").
A butcher wearing the traditional red-striped shirt, with sleeve guards. Astride a horse, an adapted saddle holds a joint of meat. The print was published in 'The Costume of Great Britain', a work notable for portraying British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution.
Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 28720]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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[Butcher] Boucher. Metzer.
[Butcher] Boucher. Metzer.
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, rare with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾").
The interior of a butcher's shop. One man chops ribs, another butchers a hanging cow carcase and a third makes sausages.
[Ref: 36839]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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London Market. No. 3. Poultry.
London Market. No. 3. Poultry.
J.Pollard del.t. M.Dubourg Sculp.t.
Published May 10, 1822, by Edw,d Orme, Editor of Prints to the King, Bond Street, corner of Brook Street, and T. & I. Elvey, 83 Fleet Street, & 30, Castle Street, Holborn, London.
Hand coloured aquatint. 280 x 340mm, 11 x 13½". A little colour fading with glue stains outside the plate mark and affecting the title area. Repaired tear upper left through margin into upper part of the engraved area.
A poultry shop, displaying turkeys, geese, ducks, and, oddly, pigs and rabbits. One of a rare set of four London markets.
[Ref: 16492]   £380.00  
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Billy Buttons.
Billy Buttons. From an Original Painting by the late J. Willis in the possession of the Publisher.
On Stone by W. Woods. A. Pocock lith, Bristol.
Published by C. Parminter, 17 John Street, Bristol. [n.d., c.1840.]
Rare tinted lithograph. Sheet 410 x 300mm (16 x 11¾"). Repaired tears, creases.
Billy Button ((b.c.1778–1838), a ballad singer who would wander around Bristol singing and dancing barefoot.
[Ref: 53713]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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The Cabinet=Maker. Enjoying his Tippling time.
The Cabinet=Maker. Enjoying his Tippling time.
E,, Martin pinx..t. J. Fried.k Martin Sculp.t.
Pub,,d as the Act der,ts Decem,,br 1779. Price 4s plain.
Etching, printed in brown, 18th century watermark. 240 x 180mm (9½ x 7"), with very large margins. Slight surface soiling, stain in left margin.
A scarce & interesting image showing a cabinet-maker. He stops working on the inlay of an occasional table to chat to a woman at the window, who has brought him a tankard of beer.
[Ref: 64474]   £360.00   (£432.00 incl.VAT)
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Cabinet Maker.
Cabinet Maker.
[n.d. c.1820.]
Hand-coloured engraving. 102 x 63mm. 4 x 2½". Cut and laid on album scrap.
A cabinet maker in his workshop working with wood, various instruments on the wall and table; wooden constructions around him. The business of a Cabinet-maker, and that of an Upholsterer, is now so generally united together, that any observations on either of these branches may, with propriety, be comprehended under one general head. From "The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts".
[Ref: 25544]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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[Cabinet-makers] Morgan & Sanders,
[Cabinet-makers] Morgan & Sanders, Catherine St. Strand.
No.8, of Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pub. Augt. 1st 1809, at 101 Strand London.
Fine hand coloured engraving. Sheet 145 x 235mm (5¾ x 9¼").
Specialists in the manufacture of “metamorphic” furniture, upholsterers and cabinet-makers Thomas Morgan and Joseph Sanders operated the highly successful firm of Morgan & Sanders. The firm flourished between 1801 and 1820. Sanders was a highly innovative designer, patenting designs and improvements to “The Metamorphic Library Chair,” “The Imperial Dining Table” and “Merlin’s Mechanical Chair.” They marketed aggressively, advertising in both London and provincial newspapers, and supplied furniture to not only the hero of the time, Lord Horatio Nelson, but enjoyed Royal patronage, as well. Much of what the company designed can be called campaign furniture, and they crafted furniture of “transportable comfort” aimed at the Army and Navy markets. In fact, both the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich and the Royal Naval Museum shows examples of their work. After the death of Joseph Sanders in 1818, the company was renamed Morgan & Co. and sold to their foreman, John Durham, in 1820. Numbered 'Plate 10. Vol. 2.' upper right, from Rudolph Ackermann's 'Repository of Arts' periodical, published from 1809-1829. A series of the firm’s designs were published in the magazine between 1809 until 1815. The formal title of the publication was "Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics", and it discussed and illustrated day to day life, and influenced English taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 55924]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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L'Oublieur. Je ne crains ny neiges, ny pluyes, C'est de quoy je fais peu de cas; L'ors que je vand bien mes oublies, Et sur quand je ne perds pas.
J. Bonnart fecit. Chez H. Bonnart, rue S.t Iacques vis a vis le Mathurins avec privil.
Paris [n.d. c.1674-1726].
Etching, 17th century watermark; 270 x 190mm (10½ x 7½") very large margins. Two stains in top margin.
A street vendor selling 'oublies' (wafer-like cakes) from a box in his left hand. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Henri Bonnart II. Though there are strong similarities among groups of engravings by the Bonnart brothers, there is no evidence this was published as part of a set.
[Ref: 54893]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Calico Printing.] Plate XII. Engraved for the Supplement. Facing Calico-printing.
[Calico Printing.] Plate XII. Engraved for the Supplement. Facing Calico-printing.
Printed for J. Hinton in Newgate Street. [n.d., c.1750]
Engraving. Plate: 350 x 220mm (13¾ x 8¾"), large margins. Light foxing.
A view in a fabric printing workshop showing figures printing onto rolls of fabric with blocks and two women painting onto calico.
[Ref: 44591]   £110.00   (£132.00 incl.VAT)
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Duncan Campbell's vision.
Duncan Campbell's vision.
[n.d., c. 1730]
A scarce etching, 100 x 155m (4 x 6"). Trimmed around image and title
Duncan Campbell (c.1680-1730), soothsayer.
[Ref: 21733]   £85.00   (£102.00 incl.VAT)
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[Carpenters] Charpentier. Zimmermann.
[Carpenters] Charpentier. Zimmermann.
[after Jean-Frédéric Wentzel] Lith. C. Fasoli et Ohlman à Stras.sbg.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Lithograph with fine hand colour heightened with gum arabic, are with large margins. Printed area 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾"). Small area of loss of image, slight toning of paper on right.
A carpenter's yard with the workers preparing beams.
[Ref: 36600]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured wood engraving. Sheet 135 x 215mm, 5½ x 8½". Trimmed, laid on album paper.
An educational image of a pair of carpenters in their workshop.
[Ref: 16430]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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Marchand de chains de Sureté.
Marchand de chains de Sureté. La sureté des Montres. No 35.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A man selling safety chains for watches and purses. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33231]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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Les Chanteurs Ambulants.
Les Chanteurs Ambulants.
Bacler Dalbe invenit & delt. Gravé par Lameau, les Figures par Misbach.
Déposé à la Bibliothéque Impériale. A Paris chez Testard Md. Estampes Quai Malaquais No.15. [n.d. c.1780.]
Engraving. Plate 330 x 396mm (13 x 15½"). Mount burn. Slight loss at top.
Street musicians playing to an audience sat outside eating.
[Ref: 30050]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Charbonier.
Le Charbonier. Bien qu'on juge, à voir sa figure, Qu'il sort de l'infernal manor; Ce Plumrt, comme on nous asseure, N'est pas si Diable qu'il est noir.
J. Bonnart f. Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Jacques a l'aigle avec privil.
Paris, [n.d. c.1675-1700]
Etching and engraving. 265 x 195mm (10½ x 7¾") very large margins.
A street vendor carrying a sack of charcoal on his back. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Nicolas Bonnart from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54880]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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la Crieuse de petit fromages.
la Crieuse de petit fromages. Je vends du laict, fromages, crême, Aux belles filles de Paris; Pour regaler leurs fauoris, Qui de leur côte font de même.
J. bonnart f.
Chez H. Bonnart rue S.t Jacques Vis à Vis les Mathurins avec privil. 116 [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching with engraving. 275 x 190mm (10¾ x 7½"). Trimmed and laid on album paper. Staining across the image. Creasing in right margin.
A street vendor selling cheese to young girls and their admirers. Printed by Henri II Bonnart (1642-1711) and from an album of 215 prints depicting different French costumes of the period, the majority are published by members of the Bonnart family. The four Bonnart brothers were renowed for the breadth of the works depicting contemporary fashion and costume.
[Ref: 54859]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Poine! Poine!  Fromage de lait caille.  [Cheese curds seller.]
Poine! Poine! Fromage de lait caille. [Cheese curds seller.]
Gezeichnet v. C. Brand Prof. Gestochen v. Joh Seigel.
[n.d., 1810.]
Etching, sheet 335 x 245mm. 13¼ x 9¾". Trimmed within plate.
Plate to a set of 'Cries of Vienna', after Christian Hilfgott Brand (1694 - 1756), who seems to have been a drawing master at the Vienna Academy.
[Ref: 11579]   £170.00   (£204.00 incl.VAT)
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The Cherry Girl. 362.
The Cherry Girl. 362.
[n.d. c.1790.]
Coloured mezzotint. Fantastically bright 18th century colour. 293 x 247mm. 11½ x 9¾". Trimmed to the image top and sides, and to just below the title at bottom, some text missing. Creasing.
A women holding a pair of balancing scales in her hand, one side full of cherries. Attached to her waist is the rope tied round her donkey. Another woman passes by with her small daughter, and all three are greeted by a beggar boy pointing into his empty hat.
[Ref: 16342]   £250.00   (£300.00 incl.VAT)
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[The Cherry Season.]
[The Cherry Season.]
Schütter ft.
[n.d. c.1840.]
Lithograph. 170 x 217mm. 6¾ x 8½".
A scene in the country. Gentlemen stand around a stall where two women are selling freshly picked fruit, in particular cherries.
[Ref: 16155]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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Crieur de Cerise.
Crieur de Cerise. Venez Janneton, et Cattin, Acheter des bonnes griottes; Je suis ma foy un bon calin, J'ay des gobets de bonne sortes.
J. Bonnart f.
Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Jacques a l'aigle avec privil. [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching and engraving. 265 x 185mm (10½ x 7¼"). Taped tear in bottom margin. . Very small stain in image.
A street vendor selling cherries from the baskets on his donkey; he carries scales over his shoulder. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Nicolas Bonnart, known for the breadth of their work on contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54883]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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La Crieuse de Chataigne.
La Crieuse de Chataigne. Cette vendeuse de Chataigne, Fait un mediocre profit; Et si l'on croit ce qu'on en dit Elle boit bein ce qu'elle gaigne.
J. Bonnart f.
Chez N. Bonnart, rue S.t Jacques a l'aigle avec privilege du Roy. 115 [n.d. c.1680-1700].
Etching with engraving. 265 x 185mm (10½ x 7¼"). Trimmed. Laid on Album paper. Stain in publication line.
A street vendor selling chestnuts from a basket on her arm. From the lines of verse we learn she is a hearty drinker. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Nicolas Bonnart, known for the breadth of their works of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54885]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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le Ramoneur.
le Ramoneur. Ce visage à geule beante Dans les rues crie pour trante, Ramones cy, ramones la, lalala, . La cheminee du haut en bas.
J. Bonnart fecit. Chez H. Bonnart, rue S.t Iacques vis a vis le Mathurins avec privil.
Paris, [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching with engraving, 17th century watermark. 270 x 190mm (10½ x 7½") very large margins. Some staining. Crease.
A chimney sweep crying his trade in the street. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Henri Bonnart II from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54895]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
W. Riviere del.t. Printed by C. Hullmandel.
[n.d., c.1830.]
Scarce lithograph. Sheet 340 x 265mm (13½ x 10½"). Laid on card.
A boy with a hen and chicks in a wicker cage, watched by a woman with an infant in her arms.
[Ref: 58513]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Der Claufürmacher.
Der Claufürmacher.
[Nuremberg: Johann Christoph Weigel. 1699.]
Engraving. Plate: 85 x 135mm (3¼ x 5¼"). Large margins.
A depiction of a clasp maker's workshop in which two figures are at work, finished claps lie on the bench alongside a large book with clasps. An illustration from 'Etwas für Alle...' by Abraham à Santa Clara (1644-1709).
[Ref: 38898]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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[Drawn & engraved by William Henry Pyne.]
Published by William Miller, Albermarle Street, Jan.y 1. 1805.
Hand-coloured aquatint, with letterpress sheet. Sheet: 365 x 250mm (14½ x 9¾"). Stapled at top right corner.
A scene showing two coal heavers filling up a sack of coal by the side of a river. From 'The Costume of Great Britain', a book containing 60 plates of people at work and scenes of everyday life. William Henry Pyne (1769-1843), the son of a London weaver who became an artist and writer, was commissioned to write and illustrate the book by the publisher, William Miller of Albermarle Street, London. The illustrations are particularly notable as they portray British life on the eve of the Industrial Revolution.
Abbey Life 430.
[Ref: 44611]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Reparateur de la Chaussure humaine et c:
Reparateur de la Chaussure humaine et c: Ce viel raptaceur de botte Fait plus d'un metier à la fois, Tire le ligneul avec les doits Pendant qu'il sifle la linotte.
Chez N. Bonnart, a l'Aigle avec privil.
Paris [n.d. c.1675-1700].
Etching with engraving. 270 x 185mm (10½ x 7¼") very large margins. Printers crease on right Some faint stains in margins.
A cobbler whistling while he works. Published by Nicolas Bonnart from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54897]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Savetier. No 88.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A cobbler in a tiny booth. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33235]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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Done from an Original Picture of Old Heemskerck by Jonathan Spilsbury.
London, Printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Printseller, at N.o33 in Fleet Street. [n.d., c.1760].
Mezzotint, sheet 330 x 230mm (13 x 9"). Trimmed to plate.
Cobbler sitting on a stool holding a shoe in his lap while pulling on a strap of leather slung around his knee and under his foot, wearing a soft cap set at a slant and a leather apron; with a slipper on a stool to left, a pitcher standing beneath it and wooden dresser and shelf with bowls, dishes, phials and cups to the left, shoes and tools lying on the ground in the foreground.
Holstein: undescribed. CS: undescribed. Russel: undescribed. Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 57082]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Marchande de Café.
Marchande de Café. café au lait tour chaud. No. 60.
Carle Vernet. S. lith de Delpech.
[Paris, n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured lithograph with very large margins. Printed area 300 x 140mm (11¾ x 5½").
A woman at a table pouring coffee from an urn. One of a series, 'Cris de Paris', depicting Parisian street vendors, lithographed by François Séraphin Delpech (1778-1825) after Antoine Charles Horace (Carle) Vernet (1758-1836).
[Ref: 33233]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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The Art of Coining.
The Art of Coining.
Engrav'd for the Universal Magazine 1750 for J.Hinton at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church-Yard, London.
Engraving. 105 x 205mm. Trimmed at bottom.
[Ref: 6978]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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The Comb Makers.
The Comb Makers.
[London, Printed for the Author Rich Wallis Citizen & Arms painter of London & are to be sold by him at his Shop against ye Royall Exchange 1677.]
Engraving. 200 x 155mm, 8 x 6". Trimmed, mounted in album paper.
The arms of the Comb-Makers of London, with three combs, a lion, and an elephant as a reference to their use of ivory. The Company was incorporated by Charles I in 1636. Various craft guilds were established in London as early as the 12th century, later becoming known as City Livery Companies because they often wore a distinctive livery or uniform (although the Comb-makers' Company had no livery or Hall). The companies decided who could work or trade in their crafts, controlling prices and wages, working conditions and welfare. In return for exercising rigorous quality control they received monopoly powers. In continental Europe, various revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries swept away the guilds, but in England they continued, and several new Companies have appeared in recent years. From "Londons Armory Accuratly delineated in a Graphical display of all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Motto’s of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London".
[Ref: 17849]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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Bill of Lading.
Bill of Lading.
G. Bickham sculp.
[n.d. c.1741.]
Engraving. 89 x 178mm. 3½ x 7". Cut.
George Bickham, who in The Universal Penman, published in parts between 1733 and 1741, gathered together examples of contemporary handwriting by all the best masters of the day, and produced one of the most splendid of English copy books. The end of the 17th century saw the beginning of a new era. With the increase of trade at home, and with English merchant shipping penetrating to ever-more-distant parts of the globe, there was a need for more and more clerks and accountants. In the busy world of commerce, what was most necessary was a good clear hand, easily learnt and easily read. So that, after the great variety of styles prevalent earlier, the English round-hand, a composite form which at its best was both practical and legible, became supreme. This hand, carried round the world by bills of lading, letters of credit and other commercial documents, gave the 18th century English writing masters a position in society.
[Ref: 21061]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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The Confectioner.
The Confectioner.
[n.d., c.1810.]
Woodcut, with two sheets of letterpress. Sheet: 150 x 90mm (6 x 3½''). Foxing.
A confectionary shop in which a woman and a child choose treats while a woman weighs them out, with text.
[Ref: 50500]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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G. Lewis pinx.t. F.C. Lewis sculp.t.
[n.d., c.1820.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 115 x 140mm (4½ x 5½"). Trimmed within plate, laid on album paper.
The interior of a cooper's workshop, with men making a barrel. The chiarioscuro lighting of the scene is inspired by the works of Joseph Wright of Derby.
[Ref: 56478]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Chaudronier
Le Chaudronier Avec sa voix de loup garou, Et son siflet rude à l'Oreille; Chacun dit qu'il scait à merueille Mettre la piece aupres du trou.
J. Bonnart fecit.
Chez H. Bonnart, rue S.t Iacques vis a vis le Mathurins avec privil. [n.d. c.1675-1700]
Etching, 17th century watermark. 270 x 190mm (10½ x 7½") very large margins.
A coppersmith selling his wares; he holds a whistle to his mouth. Engraved by Jean-Baptiste Bonnart and published by Henri Bonnart II from a series of 215 prints of figures in a wide variety of contemporary French costume and fashion.
[Ref: 54881]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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A Coroners Inquest.
A Coroners Inquest. Juror_ The Man's alive Sir, for he has open'd one eye. Coroner_Sir the doctor declar'd him Dead two hours since & he must remain Dead Sir, so I shall proceed with the Inquest.
F. Delt.
London. Published by Tho.s Mc.Lean 26 Haymarket 1826.
Aquatint with fine hand-colouring, platemark 210 x 250mm (8¼ x 9¾"). Trimmed; glued to backing sheet at corners.
BM Satires 15361.
[Ref: 41566]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Pl.34. Le Coton et son emploi. No.1. Recolte du Coton. No.2. Nègres occupies à metre le coton en balles. No.3. Cardage du Coton. No.4. Filature du Coton. No.5. Fabricant de Bas.
Pl.34. Le Coton et son emploi. No.1. Recolte du Coton. No.2. Nègres occupies à metre le coton en balles. No.3. Cardage du Coton. No.4. Filature du Coton. No.5. Fabricant de Bas.
[n.d. c.1850.]
Hand-coloured engraving. 165 x 235mm. 6½ x 9¼".
The production of cotton where slaves are employed to carry out the manual labour, leaving the machinery tasks to the white men and women.
[Ref: 15480]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Saloon to the Private Boxes, Covent Garden Theatre.
Saloon to the Private Boxes, Covent Garden Theatre. Plate 12, Vol. 2.
N.º 14 of Ackermann's Repository of Arts & Pub. Feb. 1. 1810, at 101 Strand London.
Coloured aquatint. Sheet 150 x 240mm (6 x 9½"). Trimmed into plate.
A corridor lined with statues and seats, the doors to the boxes off the left side. A plate from the periodical, the 'Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics', published from 1809-29. It discussed day to day life in England, its illustrations influencing taste in fashion, architecture and literature.
[Ref: 62665]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Cribbage. When Greek meets Greek then comes the Tug of War.
G. Dawe Eng.r & Printer, 9 Southampton Pl. New Rd.
[n.d., c.1840.]
Rare coloured aquatint. Sheet 235 x 240mm (9¼ x 9½"). Trimmed within plate, into title at bottom, scratched.
Two filthy boy chimney sweeps play cribbage on a bench.
[Ref: 58830]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Cries of London Plate 6th.  Knives, Scissars, and Razors to Grind.
Cries of London Plate 6th. Knives, Scissars, and Razors to Grind. Couteaux, Ciseaux, Rasoirs a repasser.
Painted by F. Wheatley R.A. Engraved by G. Vendramini.
London Pub.d as the Act Directs, Jan.1. 1795, by Colnaghi & Co. No.132 Pall Mall.
Very fine stipple, printed in colours and hand finished. Sheet: 320 x 410mm (12½ x 16"). Trimmed within plate.
A knife grinder, speaking to two women, who hand him a pair of scissors. From the famous 'Cries of London' series after paintings by Francis Wheatley (1747 - 1801).
[Ref: 39975]   £450.00   view all images for this item
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Round & Sound Five Pence a Pound Duke Cherries.
Round & Sound Five Pence a Pound Duke Cherries. Cerises douces, Cerises, â la douce Cerise. Cries of London. Plate 8th.
Painted by F. Wheatly R.A. Directed by L. Schiavonetti. Engraved by A. Cardon
London Pub.d as the Act directs. June 25th. 1795 by Colnaghi & Co. No. 132 Pall Mall.
Stipple, printed in sepia, with very large margins. 415 x 320mm (16¼ x 12½").
A cherry seller gives a bunch to two small boys, while a young drayman stands nearby.
[Ref: 28150]   £320.00  
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Round & Sound Five Pence a Pound Duke Cherries.
Round & Sound Five Pence a Pound Duke Cherries. Cerises douces, Cerises, â la douce Cerise. Cries of London. Plate 8th.
Painted by F. Wheatly R.A. Directed by L. Schiavonetti. Engraved by A. Cardon
London Pub.d as the Act Directs. June 25th. 1795 by Colnaghi & Co. No. 132 Pall Mall.
Stipple, printed in colours and hand finished. 405 x 299mm. 16 x 11¾". Trimmed to the plate.
A cherry seller gives a bunch to two small boys, while a young drayman stands nearby. This is one of thirteen plates in Wheatley’s ‘Cries of London’, the most famous version of a popular theme in English printmaking. The shouts and songs of the street traders advertising their wares were a part of city life and inspired a number of artists of different styles, from these idealised scenes to the more raucous caricatures drawn by Rowlandson. Francis Wheatley (1747-1801) exhibited fourteen painted ‘Cries’ at the Royal Academy between 1792-5, with enough success for Colnaghi to commission some of the best engravers in England, including brothers Luigi and Niccolo Schiavonetti, Giovanni Vendramini & Thomas Gaugain to reproduce thirteen of the series in stipple. These were available as separate prints or as a set and were a great success (even abroad, as denoted by the French version of the titles), and have remained popular to this day.
[Ref: 22771]   £320.00  
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Hot Spice Gingerbread Smoaking hot!
Hot Spice Gingerbread Smoaking hot! Du Croquet de Pain d'Epices! Cries of London, Plate 12.
Painted by F. Wheatley R.A. Engraved by Vendramini.
London, Pubd as the Act directs May 1. 1796, by Colnaghi & Co. No. 132 Pall Mall.
Stipple engraving, 425 x 330mm. 16¾ x 13". Trimmed to plate, age toning.
Plate 12 from the 'Cries of London' series, a gingerbread seller. He holds his cart, with a young woman and three small children surrounding him.
Ex: Blackburn collection.
[Ref: 8745]   £320.00  
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A New Love Song only ha'penny a piece.
A New Love Song only ha'penny a piece. Chanson nouvelles deux sols le livret. Cries of London Plate 11.
Painted by F. Wheatley R.A. Engraved by A. Cardon.
London Pub.d as the Act directs 1st. March 1796 by Colnaghi & Co. (late Torres) No.127 Pall Mall.
Stipple, rich impression. Sheet 425 x 325mm (16¾ x 12¾"). Trimmed to plate, repaired tears,
A ballad seller with strip ballads, selling to two men, behind them two women with a child, and a small boy feeding a dog in the centre. This is one of thirteen plates in Wheatley's ‘Cries of London', the most famous version of a popular theme in English printmaking. The shouts and songs of the street traders advertising their wares were a part of city life and inspired a number of artists of different styles, from these idealised scenes to the more raucous caricatures drawn by Rowlandson. Francis Wheatley (1747-1801) exhibited fourteen painted ‘Cries' at the Royal Academy between 1792-5, with enough success for Colnaghi to commission some of the best engravers in England, including brothers Luigi and Niccolo Schiavonetti, Giovanni Vendramini & Thomas Gaugain to reproduce thirteen of the series in stipple. These were available as separate prints or as a set and were a great success (even abroad, as denoted by the French version of the titles), and have remained popular to this day.
[Ref: 63987]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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New Mackrel. New Mackrel.
New Mackrel. New Mackrel. Maquereux, Maquereux frais et Gros. Cries of London Plate 5th.
Painted by F. Wheatly R.A. Engraved by N. Schiavonetti Jun.r.
London Pub.d as the Act Directs, Jan.1. 1795 by Colnaghi & Co. No.132 Pall Mall.
Stipple, printed in sepia. Sheet 410 x 320mm (16 x 12½"). Trimmed to plate.
A fishwife, selling fish to two women at their doorstep. This is one of thirteen plates in Wheatley’s ‘Cries of London’, the most famous version of a popular theme in English printmaking. The shouts and songs of the street traders advertising their wares were a part of city life and inspired a number of artists of different styles, from these idealised scenes to the more raucous caricatures drawn by Rowlandson. Francis Wheatley (1747-1801) exhibited fourteen painted ‘Cries’ at the Royal Academy between 1792-5, with enough success for Colnaghi to commission some of the best engravers in England, including brothers Luigi and Niccolo Schiavonetti, Giovanni Vendramini & Thomas Gaugain to reproduce thirteen of the series in stipple. These were available as separate prints or as a set and were a great success (even abroad, as denoted by the French version of the titles), and have remained popular to this day.
[Ref: 28145]   £320.00  
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Do you want any Matches?
Do you want any Matches? Marchande d'Allumettes, achetè mes bonnes allumettes. Cries of London Plate 4th.
Painted by F. Wheatly R.A. Engraved by A. Cardon.
London Pub as the Act Directs July 1794 by Colnaghi & Co, no. 132 Pall Mall.
Stipple, printed in sepia. Sheet 410 x 320mm (16 x 12½"). Trimmed to plate, repaired tear top left.
A young woman holding matches in her hand, with a small boy, who also carries matches, standing in the street; carriage in the background. This is one of thirteen plates in Wheatley’s ‘Cries of London’, the most famous version of a popular theme in English printmaking. The shouts and songs of the street traders advertising their wares were a part of city life and inspired a number of artists of different styles, from these idealised scenes to the more raucous caricatures drawn by Rowlandson. Francis Wheatley (1747-1801) exhibited fourteen painted ‘Cries’ at the Royal Academy between 1792-5, with enough success for Colnaghi to commission some of the best engravers in England, including brothers Luigi and Niccolo Schiavonetti, Giovanni Vendramini & Thomas Gaugain to reproduce thirteen of the series in stipple. These were available as separate prints or as a set and were a great success (even abroad, as denoted by the French version of the titles), and have remained popular to this day.
[Ref: 28144]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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