Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Louis, Bart. K.M.T. & K.F. &c.&c.
Livesay pinx.t. Joseph Daniell sculp.
[London: James Daniell, 1807.]
Rare mezzotint. 295 x 215mm (11½ x 8½"). Trimmed to plate at bottom, narrow margin on right.
Head and shoulders portrait of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Louis (1758-1807) in uniform. He saw service in the American and French Revolutionary Wars, serving with Kepple at the Battle of Ushant (1778), Nelson at the Battle of the Nile (1798) but missing Trafalgar (1805) when his ship was sent for supplies and the enemy fleet unexpectantly sallied out from Cadiz, and as second-in-command at the Battle of San Domingo (1806). He died at Alexandria in 1807, after an unidentified sickness he had contracted in the West Indies returned. Despite the signature here the BM states the engraver and publisher was James Daniell.
[Ref: 61374] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[Madonna and Child] Als Moeder en Maghet: mueght ghij v. verblijden Want ws ghekijcken: en is tot gheenen tijden.
[Hieronymus Wierix?]
[n.d., c.1600.]
Scarce engraving. 145 x 100mm (5¾ x 4"), with separately-printed illustrated borders, total 250 x 190mm (9¾ x 7½"), large margins. Glue stains in corners. Folds.
A portrait of the Madomna and Christ child, within a separately-printed border with seven vignette scenes from Mary's life. The plate is included in Louis Alvin's 'Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre des frères Jean, Jérôme et Antoine Wierix', but marked 'doubtful'.
[Ref: 61390] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Done after a capital picture of Rembrandt, in the collection of Mr. Reynolds. This print obtained the first premium, granted by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts &c. Anno. 1765
Rembrandt pinx.t. Humphrey fecit.
Sold by W. Humphrey, near New Street S.t Martin's Lane.
Fine mezzotint, sheet 375 x 285mm (14¾ x 11¼"). Creasing. Trimmed to plate and tipped into album sheet at sides.
An almost three-quarter length portrait of a moustachioed man, standing behind a table, his right hand holding a pencil and resting on a closed book, his left hand in an open one. He wears a cap over his long hair and a robe. CS 23. Charrington 93 II of II.
[Ref: 61592] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Sancta Maria Magdalena.
C. Smith pinx: J Smith fec: & excud:
[n.d., c.1691.]
Mezzotint, fine impression with watermark; Sheet 340 x 260mm (13½ x 10¼"). Trimmed to image on three sides, into plate at bottom.
Mary Magdalene resting on a rock, wearing a loose dress with one breast bared, a halo above her head. Under her elbow is a rock; a skull lies beside her. Challoner Smith suggests it is a portrait of Mrs. Voss, Godfrey Kneller's mistress. CS 287.
[Ref: 61480] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Petrus Vander Meulen Pictor.
N de Largilliere pinx: I Beckett fe: et ex:
[n.d. c.1688]
Rare mezzotint, sheet 375 x 280mm (14¾ x 11"). Trimmed and glued to backing album. Damaged and loss bottom & top left.
Head and shoulders oval portrait of Flemish battle painter Pieter van der Meulen (1638-c.70). His long hair cascades down his shoulders and he wears an open collar and robe. After French painter and draughtsman Nicolas de Largillière (1656-1746). CS 95 I of II.
[Ref: 61581] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Miss Hudson.
T. Hudson Pinx.t I. Faver Fecit.
[n.d. c.1756]
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark, 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Creased bottom right and stained. Thread margins. Tipped into album paper.
Full length portrait of Miss Hudson. She stands on a balcony against a country landscape; a classical urn on a pedestal at the end of the balustrade to right. She wears a beautiful dress, feathered cap on a slant and a miniture portrait on a chain across her body. In her folded arms she carries a fan. A pug-dog at her feet looks up at her adoringly. Presumably a relation to the artist Thomas Hudson (1701-79) whom the print is after. CS 197 only state.
[Ref: 61587] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Mrs Anderson]
R. E Pine pinx.t. S. Okey Jun.r Sculp.t
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, by S. Okey in Great Carter Lane Doctors Common N.o 12. [n.d. c.1770]
Rare mezzotint, 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Glued to backing sheet.
A three quarter length portrait of a woman with a shawl around her head and shoulders beside a column. Identified as Mrs Anderson by Bromley. CS 2. Bromley p429.
[Ref: 61566] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Mrs Chelsum] Inscribed to the best of Parents by her affectionate Son, J.C.D.D. AEt: 87 A.o 1789. Me, let the tender office long engage...
S. Elmer pinxit. W.m Pether sculpsit.
Rare mezzotint; sheet 375 x 285mm (14¾ x 11¼"). Trimmed within plate and tipped into album sheet at sides.
Half-length seated portrait of Mrs Chelsum with six lines of verse from Pope underneath the dedication line. She wears gloves, a dark shawl, dark sash around her waist and dark bonnet tied under her chin with a frilled white cap underneath. CS4 II of II.
[Ref: 61574] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The Rev.d M.r Zachariah Mudge, Prebend of Exeter &c. &c.
Reynolds pinx.t. Watson fecit.
Sold by Ryland & Bryer, at the Kings Arms Cornhill [n.d., c.1766].
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark. 330 x 230mm (13 x 9"), very large margins. Repaired tears.
Reverend Zachariah Mudge (1694-1769), a clergyman known for his sermons, painted by Reynolds three times, in 1761, 1762 & 1766. When his friend John Smeaton finished the Eddystone Lighthouse in 1759, the pair sang the Old Hundredth Psalm as a thanksgiving from the top of the lighthouse.
[Ref: 61378] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
James Naylor [Nayler]. Born at Adresloe near Wakefeild in Yorkshire, Was an Independent & Served Quarter Master in ye Parliament Army about ye Year 1641, Turn'd Quaker in 1651, Published as a Blasphemer 1656, Author of many Books & Dyed at Holm in Huntingtonshire 1660, Aged 44.
T. Preston Fecit [after Francis Place].
[n.d., c.1750.]
Fine & rare mezzotint, pt 18th century watermark, sheet 375 x 275mm (14¾ x 10¾"). Trimmed within plate and glued to album sheet at sides. Damaged on left.
Having been a quarter-master in the Parliamentarian army, Nayler became a Quaker in 1651, joining the Valiant Sixty, a group of early Quaker preachers and missionaries. Nayler [1618-60] was one of the more radical members, and in 1656 he and his friends staged a demonstration entering Bristol on a donkey, re-enacting Christ's entering Jerusalem. Nayler was arrested and convicted of blasphemy; branded on the forehead with the letter B and his tongue bored through, he went to prison for two years. On his release he repented of his actions, but continued his Quaker life until he died a day after being mugged. Despite the blasphemy he remained an influential figure to the Quaker movement. CS 3 only state.
[Ref: 61578] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
William Neild. Would'st thou be happy; Turn, instantly, from every Evil way; Seekest thou for Peace...
Parry Pinx.t I. Jehner Fecit.
Feb, 25, 1777.
Rare mezzotint, 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"), with large margins. On laid 18th century watermarked paper. Some foxing.
Three-quarter seated portrait of William Neild (d.1786). He sits in a high-backed chair and wears trousers, waistcoat, coat with shirt poking out of the sleeves and a cravat. CS 8 II of II.
[Ref: 61580] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
M.r John Norden.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Stipple, proof before title etc. 190 x 130mm (7½ x 5¼"). Trimmed into plate at bottom. Small margins on 3 sides.
Head and shoulders portrait of John Norden (1548-1625?), topographer and cartographer, titled in facsimile handwriting. Five county maps by him were included in Camden's 'Britannia' in 1607, and were copied for John Speed's county atlas in 1611 in preference to the older Saxton maps.
[Ref: 61391] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Nurse and Child. [Drawn by E. Edwards from ye Original Picture of ye same size, painted by Sebasts. Bourdon, the Orig. Drawing in ye Possessn. of R. Sayer.]
Rob.t Lowrie fecit. [after Sébastien Bourdon]. R. Sayer Excudit.
[ London, Printed for Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street as the Act directs, 2 Jany. 1772.]
Mezzotint, sheet 375 x 300mm (14¾ x 11¾"). Trimmed losing second half of title and publication line and glued to a backing sheet.
A nurse wearing a turban lifting a child from cushions, cleans the infant with a cloth it as it looks back over left shoulder and puts its arm around the nurse's neck. Scene within an oval stone frame.
[Ref: 61598] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Richard Oastler [signature facsimile.]
Painted By B. Garside. Engraved By J. Posselwhite.
[n.d., 1840.]
Stipple and line engraving. Sheet 430 x 285mm (17 x 11¼"). Trimmed within plate, surface scuffing.
A seated portrait of Richard Oastler (1789-1861), with two books, 'White Slavery' and 'Marcus'. Ostler was Tory Radical known as 'The factory king' for his attempts to limit the factory working day to ten hours, writing a letter to the Leeds Mercury in 1830 titled ‘Yorkshire Slavery'. He was also an abolitionist, but opposed Catholic Emancipation and Parliamentary Reform. Commissioned by Irish Chartist Feargus O’Connor (1796-1855), this engraving was distributed with copies of the Northern Star, 12 December 1840. See Ref: 7998.
[Ref: 61551] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Johannes Ogilvius.
P. Lilly Pinxit. Guil. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d., c.1654.]
Fine engraving. Sheet 290 x 200mm (11½ x 8"). Trimmed within plate, slight damage in two corners, mounted in album paper at sides.
John Ogilby (1600-1676), a multi-talented Scot. From an early apprenticeship to a dancing master, he became a translator of classsics and then a successful publisher, with his crowning achievement being his 'Britannia', Europe's first atlas of roadmaps. This portrait was used as frontispiece to his 'Works of Publius Virgilius Maro', 1654.
[Ref: 61562] £360.00
John Opie R.A. To John Boydell Esq.r Aldermann of the City of London This Plate is by Permission, Respectfully Inscribed by his much obliged & humble Serv.t S.W. Reynolds.
Ipse pinx. Engraved by S.W. Reynolds.
Published June 1. 1802 by John Jeffryes, Clapham Road.
Mezzotint. Sheet 335 x 230mm (13¼ x 8¾"). Trimmed within plate, laid on album paper at edges.
A self-portrait of John Opie, first published by Reynolds in 1798. Boydell published many of Opie paintings, including five subjects for his Shakespeare Gallery, most notibly Juliet's death from Romeo and Juliet. Whitman 221, state ii of ii.
[Ref: 61634] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Portrait of Ortelius.]
[Drawn & engraved by Philips Galle.]
[Antwerp, n.d., c.1590.]
Engraving with hand colour. 320 x 215mm. (12½ x 8½"), with large margins. Shallow tears in top left hand corner and some creasing confined to margins.
Portrait of the famous Dutch cartographer, an oval within a fine strapwork cartouche, published in posthumous editions of his atlas, the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. The motto reads: 'By looking, Ortelius gave mortal beings the world; by looking at his face, Galleus gave them Ortelius'. Galle engraved many of the maps in the Theatrum.
[Ref: 61517] £380.00
The true and lively Poraiture of the Ho.ble and learned Knight S.r Walter Ralegh. Tam Marti, Quam Mercurio
Ro: Vaughan Sculp:
[n.d. c.1650]
Engraving, sheet 375 x 280mm (14¾ x 11"). Trimmed within plate right and top. Tipped into album sheet at edges.
Portrait of Walter Raleigh (1552-1618), half length, wearing ruff, holding baton, and hand over a globe inscribed 'Guiana'; bookshelf at upper right, arms at upper left.
[Ref: 61638] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
't Orgineele Schildery is in de Collectie van Heer Ketelar.
Rembrandt pinx. P. Louw fec.
AParis ches Basan. [n.d. c. 1760]
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 310 x 210mm (12¼ x8¼"). With small margins. Tipped into album sheet at sides. Creased.
Head and shoulders portrait of a bearded man wearing a turban. Charrington 101 II of II.
[Ref: 61596] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Rembrandt's Father. Done from an Original Painting by Rembrandt belonging to Will.m Baillie Esq.r.
Jn.o Greenwood fecit.
Published by J. Boydell Engraver in Cheapside, Jan.ry 1764.
Mezzotint, 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 10), with large margins. Late. Slight staining. Repaired tear left margin.
Head and shoulders of a bearded man with a wide-brimmed hat, then thought to be after Rembrandt. CS 9. Charrington 60.
[Ref: 61593] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Rembrandt's Father.
Printed for Tho.s Bowles in S.t Pauls Church Yard, and John Bowles & Son, at the Black Horse in Cornhill. [n.d. c.1760]
Scarce and very fine mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 355 x 260mm (14 x 10¼"). Small margins.
So-called Rembrandt's father; portrait of an unidentified elderly man seated in an arm-chair, resting his left hand on the rest, the other holding a stick, wearing a high cap and a coat. CS pg 1743 132. Charrington 12. Charrington had not seen a complete impression.
[Ref: 61594] £360.00
Rembrandt's Mistress. From a celebrated Picture as large as the Life metioned particularly in the Life of Rembrandt. In the possesion of the Right Hon.b;e Lord Viscount Maynard.
Rembrandt pinx.t. R: Cooper del.t & sculp.t.
Publish'd as the Act directs June 1781. by Richard Cooper N.o 24 Edward Street Square.
Fine mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 330 x 225mm (13 x 8¾"), with large margins. Reapired tear top left margin. Some foxing.
A woman sits up in bed pulling back a curtain. After Rembrandt's painting 'A Woman in Bed' which currently resides in the Scottish National Gallery. It is widely agreed that the model for this painting was Rembrandt's partner Hendrickje Stoffels (1626–63). However the Scottish National Gallery think this is not a portrait of her but the subject is of the Old Testament Apocryphal Book of Tobit, and this is Tobias' wife Sarah on their wedding night cheering him on to defeat the demon Asmodeus. Charrington 39 II of II.
[Ref: 61595] £360.00
Peterus Paulus Rubens & c.
P. Pelham fec: et Excud: 1724.
Fine mezzotint. 350 x 255mm (13¾ x 10"). Thread margins, mounted in album paper at edges. Repairs left centre border.
A half-length self-portrait of Flemish baroque painter Petrus Paulus Rubens (1577-1640). CS 33, apparently predating the listed first state, which has the address of John Bowles.
[Ref: 61642] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Sancta Barbara Der Hochgebornen Reichsgraefin Luise von Wallmoden Gimborn unterthaenigst gewidmet von J Gerh Huck. as Orginal befindet sich in der Gallerie des H Feldmarshall Reichsgrafen von Wallmoden Gimborn.
Parmegianino pinx.t J: Gerh Huck Sculp
Hannover 1803.
Rare mezzotint, 285 x 220mm (11¼ x 8¾"), with large margins. Paper aged. Tipped into album sheet at sides.
Depiction of Saint Barbara holding her tower and a quill.
[Ref: 61604] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Madam Philadelphia Saunders.
P.Lely Eques pinxit.
Sold by Alex Browne at ye Balcony in little Queen Street.
Mezzotint. 250 x 400mm (9¾ x 15½"). Trimmed close to plate on all sides.
CS:33:II. Turner B44ii. See Ref: 3831
[Ref: 61549] £290.00
(£348.00 incl.VAT)
Carolina Lady Scarsdale. And Her Son the Honourable John Curzon.
S. Paul fecit. Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt.
Printed for John Bowles at No. 13 in Cornhil [n.d., c.1775].
Mezzotint. 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"), large margins. Slight tear in margins centre right.
Portrait of Lady Caroline Scarsdale (née Colyear) (1733-1812), wife of Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Baron Scarsdale. She cradles her infant son John Curzon (1759-94), naval officer; curtain behind, landscape through window at left. Engraved by Samuel De Wilde (1751-1832) under the pseudonym 'S. Paul', after Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792). Hamilton p.130. Chaloner Smith 5. See Ref: 22475.
[Ref: 61547] £360.00
Angelica Kauffman inv.t. F. Bartolozzi Sculp.t.
Pub.d as the Act directs April 28th 1780.
Stipple, plate 250 x 200mm (10 x 8"), with margins. Some foxing. Tipped into album sheet at edges.
Illustration to 'The adventures of Telemachus', by François Fénélon. Socrates seated on steps in prison writes on a piece of paper with pen leaning against his knee. He holds a scroll in his other hand. DeV 1729 II of IV
[Ref: 61650] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
His Grace Charles Spencer, Duke of Marlborough, Master General of the Ordnance, General in Chief of His Majesty's Foot Forces, Knight of ye most Noble Order of ye Garter, & oneof his Maj.ties most hon.ble Privy Council &c. Done from a Picture in the Possession of the Rt. Hon.ble the Earl of Pembroke; to whom this Plate, is most humbly Inscribed by His most Dutiful and Obedient Servant. Rich:d Houston.
J. Reynolds Pinx.t 1758. R. Houston Fecit.
Sold by R. Houston, Charing Cross. Price 2.s.
Mezzotint. Sheet 330 x 225mm (13 x 8¾"). Trimmed to image on three sides, repaired tear in inscription area, mounted in album paper. Repaired left corner.
Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough (1706-58), soldier and politician who served briefly as Lord Privy Seal in 1755 and led the British forces during the Raid on St Malo in 1758 during the Seven Years' War. Colletor's mark. Lugt: 572, John Charrington, Conservtor Fitzwilliam Museum. CS: 77, state ii of ii. Hamilton: p.51. See Ref 24423 for Proof before letters.
[Ref: 61646] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
The Strawberry Girl.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engrav'd by Tho.s Watson.
Publish'd Nov 1st 1774 for W.Shropshire, No. 158 & T.Watson, No 142, New Bond Street.
Mezzotint. 370 x 280mm (14½ x 11"), very large margins.
Possibly Theophilia Palmer, niece of Reynolds known as 'Offie'. Goodwin, 52, iii of iv. CS 43, ii of iii.
[Ref: 61380] £370.00
S. Thomas. 9. Credo in Spiritu, Sanctum. S. Thomas Parthis et Medis Evangelizans, in idolorum Indiæ sano hasta transfixus est.
Jodocus Winghæus invent. Crispin d. passe fe. et excudit.
[n.d., 1594.]
Engraving. Sheet 145 x 110mm (5¾ x 4¼"). Trimmed within plate. Some staining.
St Thomas, half-length, reading a large tome with a spear.
[Ref: 61389] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The most Hono.ble Thomas Lord Marquiss of Wharton Lord Privy Seal.
G. Kneller S.R.I. et Magna Brit: pinx.
Sold by J. Smith [sic] at ye Lyon & Crown in Russell Street Covent Garden. [n.d. c.1712.]
Fine mezzotint, old ink mss. in inscription area. 355 x 250mm (14 x 10"). Horizontal central crease.
Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquess of Wharton (1648-1716). Politician; a brilliant political manager; he was thought the most 'universal villain' by the Tories. Engraved and first published by John Simon. CS 267; Russell 162a state ii.
[Ref: 61369] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Honourable S.r John Willes, Lord Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of Comon Pleas, And one of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council.
Johnson fecit [after Thomas Hudson].
[n.d., c.1746.]
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark. Sheet 265 x 195mm (10½ x 7¾"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
Three-quarter seated portrait of Sir John Willes (1685-1761), the longest-serving Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas since the 15th century. He was also notorious for gambling and womanising, and was said to have several illegitimate children. William Hogarth portrayed Willes unflatteringly in a pair of paintings, 'Before' and 'After' (sex). now in the Tate. CS p.731.
[Ref: 61648] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. William Wollaston. Done after the Marble Bust, in Her Majesty's Hermitage in the Royal Garden at Richmond.
I. Faber fecit.
Printed for Tho: Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, & John Bowles at the black Horse in Cornhill. [n.d., c.1745.]
Mezzotint. 355 x 255mm (14 x 10''), 18th century watermark, with large margins.
A portrait of philosophical writer William Wollaston (1659-1724) who wrote 'The Religion of Nature Delineated' 1722. From the series 'Philosophers of England'. CS 121.I.
[Ref: 50385] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[A woman reading a letter.]
[after Henry William Bunbury]
[Published 4th June 1786 by Wickstead, 30 Henrietta S.t Covent Garden] [in old ink mss.].
Stipple, proof before letters. 220 x 145mm (8¾ x 5¾"), with very large margins. Some damp staining on left.
An oval portrait of a woman, leaning against the back of a chair reading a letter. BM 1877,0512.534, no mention of a publisher.
[Ref: 61357] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Woodand Mary.
J.C. Wilson [in image].
[n.d., c.1840.]
Lithograph. 180 x 130mm (7 x 5"). Trimmed to printed border, mounted on album paper.
A pretty young woman, an illustration to a popular ballad.
[Ref: 61420] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
[Mrs Worlidge] [married 1.stly Worlidge the artist, 2.ndly M.r Ashley, 3.rdly Captain Robinson. She kept the "Star and Garter" at Richmond; died 1790.] [in ink below print]
T. Worlidge pinx.t. G. Powle sc.
Published according to Act of Parliament. [n.d. c. 1776]
Very rare mezzotint, 225 x 170mm (9 x 6¾"), with good margins. Tipped into album sheet at edges. Slight crease.
Half-length portrait of Elizabeth Worlidge (nee wickstead) (1743-c.90). She wears a lace cap tied at the top of her head, and a dark cape with a cross hanging at her neck. She was Thomas Worlidge's (1700-66) third wife and assisted him in his artistic work, and gained a reputation for herself by her skill in copying paintings in needlework. After Worlidge's death she carried on the sale of his etchings at his house in Great Queen Street; but she let the mansion to Hester Darby and her daughter, Mary Robinson ('Perdita'), on her marriage to a wine and spirit merchant James Ashley, using the name Mrs Ashley until 1771. She later remarried again a Captain Robinson, and kept the 'Star and Garter' at Richmond. CS II of II.
[Ref: 61577] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)