To His Excellency George M. Dallas, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States, this Print of the Vessels engaged in laying the Atlantic Telegraph Cable, is respectfully dedicated by his most obedient Servant, [...]
Josiah Taylor Del. Vincent Brooks Lith. London: Published August 4th 1857, by W. Foster, 114, Fenchurch Street. A large and fine coloured lithograph. Printed area 530 x 880mm (20¾ x 34½"). Trimmed into inscription area, losing dedicatee, a few repaired tears. The first attempt to lay a transatlantic telegraph cable, beaten when the cable kept breaking. The British ships are named as 'Agamemnon' & 'Leopard', the American 'Niagara' & 'Susquehanna'.
[Ref: 45849] £1,800.00