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Philip Affleck, Esq.r Rear Admiral of the White, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at Jamaica & the Bahama Islands.
Philip Affleck, Esq.r Rear Admiral of the White, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at Jamaica & the Bahama Islands.
Painted by Ed.d. Penny, R.A.
Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Cockspur Street, London, 1792.
A very fine mezzotint. 350 x 500mm (13¾ x 19¾"), wide wide margins.
Philip Affleck (1726-1799), British admiral. A full-length portrait to left seated at a table. He wears a captain's uniform and a white wig and buckled shoes. His left hand is on his knee and his right rests on a chart on the table. Also on the table is a pair of dividers, a globe, a paper knife and a book. In the right background on the wall is a painting of a ship off the Cape of Good Hope. Affleck spent his early sea training in the service of the Honourable East India Company before transferring to the Royal Navy. He became a lieutenant rather late in 1755. Boscawen made him a commander during the taking of Louisbourg in 1758 and, after following the admiral to the Mediterranean, he was made a captain after the Battle of Lagos in the following year. In the War of American Independence, he commanded the 'Triumph', 74 guns, and fought at Rodney's two actions with de Guichen in 1780. After getting his flag in 1787, he went as commander-in-chief to the West Indies, 1790-93. On his return he became a Lord of the Admiralty until he retired in 1796.
CS: 1 [only state].
[Ref: 4603]   £390.00  
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To the most noble the Marquis of Stafford This Plate of Chevy Chase
To the most noble the Marquis of Stafford This Plate of Chevy Chase is with permission inscribed by his obliged and devoted Servant, John Young.
Painted by Edward Bird A.R.A. Historical Painter to H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to H.R.H. the Prince Regent.
London, May 2.d 1814 by the Engraver, No.65 Upper Charlotte Street Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 571 x 744mm (22½ x 29¼").
The end of the battle of Chevy Chase, with mourning men and women, and priests surrounding the dying, Earl Douglas lying on the left and Hotspur on the right, while weeping soldiers march away behind, bearing a pennon, one raising his sword in a sad cheer. The Battle of Otterburn (1388) saw a Scottish victory led by James Douglas over the English under Henry "Hotspur" Percy.
Ex Collection: The Late Honourable Christopher Lennox-Boyd. CS: undescribed.
[Ref: 29030]   £480.00  
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The Country Girl Carrying a Present to the Lord of the Manor meets with an unwelcome Reception.
The Country Girl Carrying a Present to the Lord of the Manor meets with an unwelcome Reception. [&] The Country Girl Persued by the Mastiffs rescued by the Courage of her Brother.
Painted by R.M. Paye. Engraved by Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to His Royal Huighness the Prince of Wales.
London, Published Jan.y 1st 1792 by Young, Engraver to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Cockspur St.t.
Pair of very fine & rare mezzotints with large margins. Ea. 630 x 430mm (24¾ x 17").
The Country Girl has dogs set on her as a joke and is rescued by her brother with a club.
Ex: Oettingen-Wallerstein collection.
[Ref: 28437]   £850.00   view all images for this item
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William Coxe, AM. FRS. FAS.
William Coxe, AM. FRS. FAS. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver to H.R.H the Prince of Wales, from an Original Picture Painted by C.Grignon.
[n.d., c.1790.
Mezzotint. 240 x 190mm (9½ x 7½"), with large margins.
Three-quarter portait of priest and historian William Coxe (1747-1828), dressed in a dark fur-trimmed gown, seated on a chair with one arm resting on a large book and holding a small book in the other. He travelled throughout Europe as a tutor and travelling companion to various grand tourists including Samuel Whitbread and Lord Herbert, son of the Earl of Pembroke. He toured Switzerland with Herbert, after which he published 'Mont Blanc and the Adjacent Alps' in 1789, an early alpinist work.
CS 14, state ii of ii.
[Ref: 64381]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Credulous Innocence.
Credulous Innocence. In baleful whispers see the temper tries. To fill the Maid with prospects fine and gay, Her Lewd invention deals out pleasant lies to lead believing innocence astray.
Painted by G. Morland. Engrav'd by J. Young.
London Pub.d Nov.r 5, 1788, by Ia.s Birchall No.473, Strand.
Mezzotint, very large margins. Plate 506 x 355mm. 20 x 14".
A young woman sitting in a bare interior, unaware of a young man who peers slyly through the window, listening attentively to another woman in tattered clothes with a broad-brimmed hat, who reads her palm, a child carrying a basket of straw, bundle and water bottle standing beside her, looking towards the viewer, holding onto her mother's skirt.
CS: p.1646 [listed].
[Ref: 26960]   £320.00  
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Credulous Innocence. [&] Seduction.
Credulous Innocence. [&] Seduction.
Painted by G. Morland. Engrav'd by J. Young.
London Pub.d Nov.r 5, 1788, by Ia.s Birchall No.473, Strand.
Pair of mezzotints. 506 x 355mm. (20 x 14"). Damage to upper area.
A pair of scenes set in rustic settings: a young woman sitting in a bare interior, unaware of a young man who peers slyly through the window, listening attentively to another woman in tattered clothes with a broad-brimmed hat, who reads her palm; and a young woman wearing a mob cap, shawl and apron, sitting at the door of a thatched cottage, her left arm hooked over the back of her chair, reading a letter. There is a basket upside down beside her, and a bird drinking from a plate on the ground next to it. A young man is seen bribing a second woman behind a tree next to the cottage to the right.
Chaloner Smith: p.1646 [listed]. Ex collection of Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Ex Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection Sotheby's 13/11/97.
[Ref: 36981]   £590.00   view all images for this item
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Cupid and Psyche.
Cupid and Psyche.
Painted by Jn.o Hoppner Esq:r Portrait Painter to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver in Mezzotinto to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London, Published by Jn.o Young No 58 Upper Charlotte Street Rathbone Place Jan.y 1st. 1793.
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof. 565 x 435mm (22¼ x 17"). Small margins.
Romantic image showing Psyche asleep in a landscape, enveloped in vapour wafting from an open casket at her side, Cupid bending over her.
[Ref: 51164]   £690.00  
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Charles Dibdin Esq.
Charles Dibdin Esq.
Painted by Thos. Philips. Engraved by Jn. Young Engraver in/Mezzotinto to his R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London, Septr. 1799. Published by J. Young, No.58, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. Platemark: 380 x 275mm (15 x 10¾"). Fine impression. Large margins. Laid on scrap border.
A portrait of British musician, songwriter, dramatist, novelist and actor, Charles Dibdin (1745 - 1814). Seen half-length slightly to left within rectangular frame, eyes to front, wearing a dark, unbuttoned coat over a light waistcoat and cravat. Dibdin was successful in a number of fields and was notably the manager of Sadler's Wells and various other theatres. With regards to his song writing, he is best known for his nautical songs, in spite of the fact that he was only at sea for one brief voyage. Dibdin idealized sailors and wrote of them as noble heroes with faithful sweethearts and wives. His songs were popular not only in England, but in Canada and America before and during the American Revolution and during the War of 1812. He became one of the most celebrated songwriters in Britain.
Chaloner Smith 17.II.
[Ref: 34902]   £420.00  
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Thomas Dibdin Esq.r.
Thomas Dibdin Esq.r.
Painted by W. Owen R.A. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London, Feb.y 14. 1807 by the Engraver, No.65, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 360 x 275mm (14¼ x 10¾") very large margins. Wear in margins.
Portrait of Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), English dramatist and songwriter, seated at a desk, with quill and music book.
CS: 18 only state.
[Ref: 56389]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Edwin & Emma.
Edwin & Emma. She came, his cold hand softly touch'd, [/] And bath'd with many a Tear, [/] Fast falling o'er the Primrose pae [/] So morning dews appear, [/] But oh! his sister's jealous care, [/] A cruel Sister she! [/] Forbade what Emma came to say, [/] My Edwin! Live fo me!.
Painted by J. Downman. Engraved by J. Young. Engraver in Mezzotinto to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London. Published Sept.r 30th, 1789 by J. Young, No.23, New Store Street, Bedford Square.
Very fine mezzotint. Platemark: 610 x 485mm. (24 x 19"), with large margins.
Scene from The Ballad of Edwin and Emma, by David Mallet. The sister prevents a discussion between lovers.
From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection.
[Ref: 28401]   £520.00  
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Painted by J. Hoppner. Engraved by J. Young.
Published March 6th 1786 by J. Young No. 28 Newman Street Oxford Street London.
Mezzotint. 380 x 280mm (18 x 11"). Tear in left margin.
Portrait of a pensive woman at a window, with a songbird in a cage hanging on the wall. Chaloner Smith believed the woman to be Hoppner's wife, Phoebe Wright, the daughter of American-born sculptor Patience Wright.
CS: 74, ii of ii.
[Ref: 7617]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Painted by J. Hoppner. Engraved by J. Young.
London Publish'd March 1st, 1786, by J. Young, No 28 Newman Street, Oxford Street.
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof. 380 x 280mm (18 x 11"). Backed on paper.
Portrait of a pensive woman at a window, with a songbird in a cage hanging on the wall. Chaloner Smith believed the woman to be Hoppner's wife, Phoebe Wright, the daughter of American-born sculptor Patience Wright.
CS:74: I of II. Ex: Daniells. Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 15328]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Painted by J. Hoppner. Engraved by J. Young.
London Publish'd March 1st, 1786, by J. Young, No 28 Newman Street, Oxford Street.
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof, in a fine Daniell frame. 380 x 280mm (18 x 11"), large margins on 3 sides. Trimmed to plate at bottom. Unexamined out of frame.
Portrait of a pensive woman at a window, with a songbird in a cage hanging on the wall. Chaloner Smith believed the woman to be Hoppner's wife, Phoebe Wright, the daughter of American-born sculptor Patience Wright.
CS:74: I of II.
[Ref: 61423]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Charles James Fox [titled pasted on board below image.]
Charles James Fox [titled pasted on board below image.]
[John Young, after Anton Hickel.]
[n.d. c.1797.]
Proof mezzotint, with hand colour. 305 x 254mm (12 x 10"). Trimmed to image.
Head and shoulders portrait of Charles James Fox (1749-1806), Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned thirty-eight years, known for his rivalry with William Pitt the Younger.
CS: 25. Russell: 25, i.
[Ref: 24869]   £150.00   (£180.00 incl.VAT)
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The Right Hon.ble Charles James Fox, &c. &c. &c.
The Right Hon.ble Charles James Fox, &c. &c. &c.
Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales from a Bust. Modelled after Life by J. Nollekins R.A. From a Drawing by G.A. Kemon.
London, Published Jan.y 1808, by the Engraver, No.65, Upper Charlotte Street Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. Plate 507 x 355mm. 20 x 14".
Charles James Fox (1749-1806), styled The Honourable from 1762, as a prominent British Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned thirty-eight years. Fox was the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and vocal supporter of American independence. Also known for his rivalry with William Pitt the Younger and a staunch opponent of George III he was reckless in politics as at the gaming tables. Fox held office briefly as a Tory under Lord North then led the opposition. Fox strongly criticised Lord North and the conduct of the American war, viewing the cause of the American patriots as a struggle for liberty against oppressive external power. He supported the revolutionaries of the United States, often dressing in the colours of George Washington's army. He championed America’s cause, denouncing taxation of Americans without their consent. Reform was a passion but as a supporter of the revolutionary cause in France, his credibility was diminished from 1792 by the excesses of the French revolutionaries.
[Ref: 27800]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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The French Conscript.
The French Conscript.
Painted by Tho.s Stothard R.A. Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver on Mezzotint to his R.l H. the Prince of Wales.
London Jan.y 1st 1800 by Jn.o Young No 58 Upper Charlotte Street Fitzroy Square.
Fine mezzotint, printed in colours. 510 x 630mm (20 x 24¾"), large margins on 3 sides. Some toning of paper, platemark repaired upper left, pinholes in inscription area.
A young man is pulled away from his rustic family.
Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 43491]   £380.00  
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The Gipsy Fortune Teller. To her Grace the Dutchess of Devonshire This Plate is with permission Inscribed by her Graces most obedient & Devoted humble Servant J. Young.
The Gipsy Fortune Teller. To her Grace the Dutchess of Devonshire This Plate is with permission Inscribed by her Graces most obedient & Devoted humble Servant J. Young.
Painted by W. Beechy. Engrav'd by J. Young.
London Publish'd Novr. 6th. 1786 by J. Young No. 28 Newman Street, Oxford Road.
Mezzotint. 636 x 430mm. 25 x 17".
A gypsy woman with a baby strapped to her back pauses on her way along the path to read a young girl's palm.
Russell: 72: ii. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 14794]   £350.00  
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The Boy Discovering the Golden Eggs. [&] The Boy Disappointed of His Treasure.
The Boy Discovering the Golden Eggs. [&] The Boy Disappointed of His Treasure.
Painted by R.M. Paye. Engraved by John Young.
London, Published Jan.y 1.1796, by John Jeffreyes Ludgate Hill.
Pair of coloured mezzotints with small margins, partly printed in colour. Plate 603 x 440mm (23¾ x 17¼").
A boy and girl standing in front of the ruins of a wooden shed, the boy, smiling towards the viewer, displays two golden eggs to the girl, who throws up her hands in delight, while the goose flaps its wings, standing between them. [&] A boy and girl distraught at the death of their golden goose; the girl standing in the background, wiping her eyes, the boy sitting at a table on which the goose lies dead, one hand to his head, the other holding the goose's feet.
CS: listed on p.1646.
[Ref: 31116]   £690.00   view all images for this item
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Sergeant Major Patrick Gould, Royal Reg.t Edin.r Volunteers. (Blue) 1794.
Sergeant Major Patrick Gould, Royal Reg.t Edin.r Volunteers. (Blue) 1794.
Painted by George Watson. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto, to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, London.
Edinburgh, Published by P. Garof Printseller South Hanover Street, Dec.r 1810.
Mezzotint, with large margins. Plate 492 x 304mm. 19½ x 12". Paper toning.
Portrait of Patrick Gould (d.1815), Serjeant-Major of the Edinburgh Volunteers., whole-length standing directed to left, looking towards the viewer, wearing military uniform and plumed hat, gesturing with staff in right hand towards a troop of infantry lined up on the plain below to left, in front of a large building, with officers grouped in front.
CS: 28.ii.
[Ref: 27256]   £250.00   (£300.00 incl.VAT)
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[Catherine Viscountess Hampden.]
[Catherine Viscountess Hampden.]
[Painted by J. Hoppner, Engrav'd by J. Young.]
[Publish'd May 1st 1786, by J. Young No. 28 Newman Street, Oxford Street, London.]
Rare mezzotint, proof before all letters. 385 x 275mm (15¼ x 10¾"), with large margins. Title added in pencil.
A half-length portrait of Catherine Hampden (1749-1804), wife of Thomas 2nd Viscount Hampden, wearing large plumed hat, low dress and cape.
CS:32. state i of ii.
[Ref: 53488]   £360.00  
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Catherine Viscountess Hampden.
Catherine Viscountess Hampden.
Painted by J. Hoppner, Engrav'd by J. Young.
Publish'd May 1st 1786, by J. Young No. 28 Newman Street, Oxford Street, London.
Rare mezzotint. 385 x 275mm (15¼ x 10¾") large margins.
A half-length portrait of Catherine Hampden (1749-1804), wife of Thomas 2nd Viscount Hampden, wearing large plumed hat, low dress and cape.
CS:32. state ii of ii.
[Ref: 51809]   £320.00  
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[Francis Rawdon Hastings] Right Hon.ble Earl of Moira.
[Francis Rawdon Hastings] Right Hon.ble Earl of Moira. Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North Britain &c. &c. &c. From the original picture in the possession of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
Painted by Jn.o Hoppner R.A. Portrait Painter to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver in Mezzotinto to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London July 15 1805, Published by the Engraver, No 65 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square; and in Edinburgh, by W.m Walker, Buccheugh Rents, and D. McIntosh, No 15, St Andrews Street.
Mezzotint. 665 x 415mm (26¼ x 16¼"), with large margins. Tears repaired in margins.
Full-length portrait of Francis Rawdon Hastings (1754-1826), first Marquess of Hastings and second Earl of Moira, in uniform. 'North Britain' (or Scotland) was one of the military districts created on the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars.
CS 54, state ii.
[Ref: 52159]   £480.00  
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Humphreys The Celebrated Boxer.
Humphreys The Celebrated Boxer.
Painted by W.Whitby. Engrav'd by J.Young.
Publish'd Jan.y 1789, by W.Whitby, No 59 Poland Street London.
Mezzotint. 340 x 250mm, 13½ x 9¾". Late impression. Platemark cracked.
Richard Humphreys, known as the 'gentleman' boxer, painted just before his famous bout with his protegé Daniel Mendoza, 1788.
CS: 40, this example a later state not listed, not 1788 as CS.
[Ref: 16954]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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Humphreys. The Celebrated Boxer.
Humphreys. The Celebrated Boxer.
Painted by W.Whitby. Engrav'd by J.Young.
London, Publish'd by W.m Whitby Sep.r 1788 No 99 Holborn.
Mezzotint with scratch letters. 340 x 250mm.
Known as the 'gentleman' boxer.
CS: 40, state ii of ii, but an unlisted third state is known, with closed letters. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 6588]   £360.00  
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Infant Vanity.
Infant Vanity.
Painted by J. Hoppner Esq.r Portrait painter to His Royal Highness the prince of Wales. Engrav'd by J. Young. Engraver in Mezzotint to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
Publish'd March 1789 by J. Young. No.123 New Store Street, Bedford Square, London.
Very fine mezzotint, scratched letters, large margins. Plate 279 x 341mm. 11 x 13½". Time staining. Very slight foxing.
Two little children, one on the right glancing towards the viewer as she ties her bonnet strings under her chin, while the other standing beside her with a hat hanging from around its neck leans against her; trees behind.
CS: undescribed. Russell: undescribed.
[Ref: 27257]   £450.00  
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To Abraham Goldsmid Esq.r This Plate of Joseph Interpreting the Dream of Pharaoh's Chief Butler & Baker
To Abraham Goldsmid Esq.r This Plate of Joseph Interpreting the Dream of Pharaoh's Chief Butler & Baker is by Permission Dedicated by his Oblidg'd Serv.t John Jeffryes.
T. Stothard Pinx.t. J. Young Sculp.t.
London Published June 1st 1798 by John Jeffryes Ludgate Hill.
Mezzotint. 445 x 545mm (17½ x 21½"). Very large margins.
Joseph and Pharaoh's butler and baker: the butler to right, rejoicing; the baker turning aside to weep as he hears he will be hanged Abraham Goldsmid (c. 1756-1810) was a bill-broker in London in partnership with his brother Benjamin, dealing with the government during the Napoleonic wars. In 1810 Abraham was joint contractor with Thomas Baring for a government loan of £14,000,000; , but owing to a depreciation of the scrip he was forced into bankruptcy and committed suicide.
Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection, Sotheby's London Lot 627 13/11/97.
[Ref: 38220]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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To Abraham Goldsmid Esq.r This Plate of Joseph's Bretheren Presenting his Bloody Coat to Jacob their Father,
To Abraham Goldsmid Esq.r This Plate of Joseph's Bretheren Presenting his Bloody Coat to Jacob their Father, is by Permission Dedicated by his Oblidg'd Serv.t John Jeffryes.
T. Stothard Pinx.t. J. Young Sculp.t.
London Published June 1st 1798 by John Jeffryes Ludgate Hill.
Mezzotint. 445 x 545mm (17½ x 21½"). Very large margins.
Jacob clasping his hands together grief-stricken at the sight of Joseph's striped coat which Joseph's brothers hold up for him as evidence of his death, while Benjamin, a little boy, looks up. Abraham Goldsmid (c. 1756-1810) was a bill-broker in London in partnership with his brother Benjamin, dealing with the government during the Napoleonic wars. In 1810 Abraham was joint contractor with Thomas Baring for a government loan of £14,000,000; , but owing to a depreciation of the scrip he was forced into bankruptcy and committed suicide.
Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection, Sotheby's London Lot 627 13/11/97.
[Ref: 38224]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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This Portrait of Nathaniel Kent Esq.r
This Portrait of Nathaniel Kent Esq.r is most respectfully Dedicated to the Friends of Agriculture by their most obedient H.ble Serv.t John Rising.
Painted by Jn.o Rising. Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
Mezzotint with large margins, very scarce; 505 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Some creasing and wear to edges, short tear entering inscription area at bottom. Bit messy.
Nathaniel Kent (1737-1810), seated with books and map of Norfolk Farm by his elbow, a landscape through a window behind. Kent, was a land valuer, agriculturist, author, and manager of George III's estates at Windsor and Richmond. He wrote 'Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property' in 1775; his 'General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk' was included in the Survey of Norfolk issued by the Board of Agriculture in 1794. Kent assisted in the creation of Norfolk Farm in Windsor Great Park, introducing the Nofolk system of crop rotation.
CS: 44; Ex: collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 36545]   £320.00  
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Thomas Lonten Esq.
Thomas Lonten Esq.
Painted by Earl. Engraved by Jn. Young, Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
Published April 13th 1807 by Boydell & Comby. No. 90. Cheapside London.
Mezzotint. 260 x 355mm. Light foxing.
Founder of Lontenian Society & Solicitor [1747 - 1814].
CS: 48.
[Ref: 6766]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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The Distressed Girl. [&] The Sulky Boy.
The Distressed Girl. [&] The Sulky Boy.
Painted by R.M.Paye. Engraved by J.Young..
Published April 6th by J.Young No. 28 Newman Street Oxford Street London.
Pair of mezzotints. Each plate 590 x 440mm.
[Ref: 4582]   £750.00   view all images for this item
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The Boy Discovering the Golden Eggs [&] The Boy Disappointed of his Treasure.
The Boy Discovering the Golden Eggs [&] The Boy Disappointed of his Treasure.
Painted by R.M.Paye. Engraved by John Young.
London, Published Jany. 1st 1786 by John Jeffryes Ludgate Hill.
Pair of mezzotints. Each plate 600 x 440mm. Small surface creae on "Discovering".
Two scenes from Aesop's 'The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs'
[Ref: 4584]   £780.00   view all images for this item
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Rustic Ease.
Rustic Ease.
Painted by G. Morland. Engraved by J. Young Engraver to his R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London, March 15th 1800. Published by J. Young No 58 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 390 x 450mm (15¼ x 17¾"). Very large margins.
A woman supporting a toddler, talking to a man who lies on the ground, a dog beside them and an old woman watching from her seat just inside the door of a thatched cottage
Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38203]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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David Scott Esq.r M.P.
David Scott Esq.r M.P.
Painted by Geo. Romney Esq.r. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London, July 1798, Published by Jn.o Young, No.58, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 616 x 410mm (24¼ x 16¼") large margins. Repaired tear through inscription area, other small nicks, creases.
David Scott (1746-1805) of Dunninald, a very successful Scottish merchant in Bombay, director of the East India Company and a Member of Parliament. The original oil, painted 1780, is in the collection of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
CS: 61. Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 43497]   £320.00  
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Painted by G. Morland. Engrav'd by J. Young.
London. Pub. Nov.r 5. 1788 by Ja.s Birchall No. 473, Strand.
Mezzotint with large margins. Platemark: 500 x 355mm (19¾ x 14"). Light foxing. A few scratches to printed area.
A young woman wearing a mob cap, shawl and apron, sitting at the door of a thatched cottage, her left arm hooked over the back of her chair, reading a letter. There is a basket upside down beside her, and a bird drinking from a plate on the ground next to it. A young man is seen bribing a second woman behind a tree next to the cottage to the right. A companion print to item ref: 36981, 'Credulous Innocence'.
Ex collection of Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Ex Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection, Sotheby's 13/11/97.
[Ref: 36990]   £360.00  
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The Stray'd Child Restored. L'Enfant Retrouvé.
The Stray'd Child Restored. L'Enfant Retrouvé.
Painted by J. Ward. Engraved by S. Young.
London, Published May 20. 1798. by S. Morgan, 216 Holborn.
Mezzotint. 600 x 485mm (23½ x 19"), with very large margins.
The second of a pair of images depicting the loss and then rediscovery of a child, after 'The Stray'd Child'. The child is handed back into her mother's arms while her father looks to the heavens, relieved, and two older girls rush around overjoyed. In the street behind them figures continue about their business.
[Ref: 56762]   £320.00  
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[To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais,
[To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais, is, with permission, inscribed by her obliged and devoted Servant, John Young.]
London, June 20th 1815 Published by John Young 65 Upper Charlotte St. Fitzy Sqe.
Mezzotint, proof with dotted publication line only, 570 x 750mm. Some folds and creases in margins; plate generally good.
A very fine early proof of this dramatic scene. Queen Philippa on her knees before the throne of her husband Edward III, in his tent outside the walls of Calais, which he has reduced to surrender by seige (1447). She intercedes on behalf of the six citizens of the town who have come before him in chains as part of the ransom the king demanded.
See Ref: 8374 for a lettered impression.
[Ref: 8628]   £520.00  
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[To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais,
[To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais, is, with permission, inscribed by her obliged and devoted Servant, John Young.]
London, June 20th 1815 Published by John Young 65 Upper Charlotte St. Fitz.y Sq.e.
Engraving with roulette, preparatory proof before mezzotinting, dotted publication line. 530 x 730mm, 21 x 28¾". Edges frayed.
A very early proof of this dramatic scene, before any mezzotinting. Queen Philippa on her knees before the throne of her husband Edward III, in his tent outside the walls of Calais, which he has reduced to surrender by seige (1447). She intercedes on behalf of the six citizens of the town who have come before him in chains as part of the ransom the king demanded.
See Ref: 8374 for the published state and 8628 for proof before full lettering.
[Ref: 24586]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais,
To Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta This Plate of the Surrender of Calais, is, with permission, inscribed by her obliged and devoted Servant, John Young.
Painted by Edward Bird R.A. Engraved by John Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to H.R.H. the Prince Regent.
London, March 1. 1817, by the Engraver, No. 65 Upper Charlotte Street Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint, title in open letters, 570 x 750mm. Tatty and discoloured margins; plate generally good.
A dramatic scene. Queen Philippa on her knees before the throne of her husband Edward III, in his tent outside the walls of Calais, which he has reduced to surrender by seige (1447). She intercedes on behalf of the six citizens of the town who have come before him in chains as part of the ransom the king demanded.
See Ref: 8628 for an early proof.
[Ref: 8374]   £380.00  
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Travellers. [&] Villagers.
Travellers. [&] Villagers.
Painted by G. Morland. Engraved by Jn.o Young Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London, Published Feb.y 14th 1802 [& 1803] by Jn.o Young No 58 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Rare pair of mezzotints, scratched open-letter proofs. Each 585 x 420mm (23 x 16½"). Remargined at top, very small margins.
A pair of mezzotint scenes contrasting the sad tormented travellers with the happy settled villagers.
Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38199]   £520.00   view all images for this item
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The Visitation.
The Visitation. From the Altar Piece in the Cathedral Church at Antwerp
Painted by P.P. Rubens. Engraved by Jon. Young Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
Pub. Jan. 1 1800 by John & Josiah Boydell, No 90, Cheapside, & at the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall, London.
Mezzotint, platemark 920 x 305mm (36¼ x 12"). Damage to margins but platemark visible throughout; tear upper right; central fold as issued.
Extraordinary large mezzotint, in a highly unusual format, of the left panel of Rubens' Antwerp altarpiece (of which the central panel is the famous 'Descent from the Cross'). The pregnant Mary is in the centre, greeted by St Elizabeth. Joseph and St Zachariah are behind, with a servant-girl on the left. The British Museum have a mezzotint of the same size published by Boydell in 1799, but with Valentine Green named as engraver.
[Ref: 31873]   £320.00   view all images for this item
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Marquis Wellesley.
Marquis Wellesley.
Engraved by Jn. Young, Engraver to H.R.H the Prince of Wales from a Bust Modelled after Life by J.Nollekins, R.A. From a Drawing by G.A.Konan.
London Published, Jany.1st.1809, by the Engraver No. 65, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint in frame. 559 x 393mm.
Richard Colley Wesley, later Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley (20 June 1760 - 26 September 1842), was the eldest son of Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of Mornington, an Irish peer, and brother of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. British politician and colonial administrator who expanded the British Empire in India and sought reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.
CS: 68. II.
[Ref: 6769]   £480.00  
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