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The Affectionate Mother.
[T. Kirk.]
London Pubd. Novr. 1. 1787 by T. Simpson St. Pauls Church Yard.
Stipple with etching, printed in brown ink, sheet 200 x 150mm. 8 x 6". Trimmed to plate.
A very attractive oval composition in a wooded landscape; a woman in simple dress sitting under a tree in profile, embracing a naked infant with both arms; another child at her knee pulls on her skirts. By Thomas Kirk (1765 - 1797). Ex Collection Norman Blackburn.
[Ref: 18534] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Love Sleeps.
Angelica Kauffman del. T. Kirk sculp.
Published Jan. 1. 1794, by Poggi, No. 91 New Bond Street, London.
Very rare stipple. 175 x 190mm (6¾ x 7½"), with large margins. Top corner of margin torn, well outside plate mark.
Eros sleeps leaning on his mother Aphrodite as a putto takes his bow. The image is within a decorative border suggesting a Græcian pottery plate.
[Ref: 41948] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The Maid of Corinth.
F. Bartolozzi inv. T. Kirk sculp.
Published Jan. 1. 1794, by Poggi, No. 91 New Bond Street, London.
Very rare stipple. 175 x 190mm (6¾ x 7½") with large margins.
A story of Pliny: the unnamed 'Maid of Corinth', in love with a young man, marks the outline of his show on a wall, thus inventing drawing. The image is within a decorative border suggesting a Græcian pottery plate.
[Ref: 41949] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Paradise Lost. B.7 L.535
R. Westall R.A. del. / Tho.s Kirk Sculp.t
Publish'd June 4. 1795, by J. & J. Boydell, & G. Nicol, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall, & No. 90, Cheapside.
Stipple, sheet 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Trimmed inside platemark.
'Wherever thus created, for no place / Is yet distinct by name, thence, as thou know'st / He brought thee into this delicious grove'. The angel Raphael telling Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, how the world was created. One of a series of illustrations to Milton's epic poem 'Paradise Lost'.
[Ref: 38515] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Shepherds in Arcadia.
G.B. Cipriani Inv.t. Kirk Sculpsit.
Published March 25th 1789 by John & Josiah Boydell No.90 Cheapside London.
Stipple. Plate: 275 x 365mm (11 x 14½''). Thread margins.
A classical scene showing a group of shepherds and women coming across a large tomb.
[Ref: 48091] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Shakspeare. Titus Andronicus. Act IV. Scene I.
Painted by Tho.s Kirk. Engrav'd by Tho.s Kirk.
Publish'd Dec.r 24 1793 by John & Josiah Boydell, at the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall. & No 90 Cheapside London.
Stipple, open letter proof, without lines of verse. 565 x 415mm (22¼ x 16¼"), with large margins, uncut. Damp stains in top right margin.
Lucius flees from his aunt Lavinia, fearing that she is crazed. In fact, she merely wants to get to the book he is carrying, Ovid's Metamorphoses. She then turns through its pages until she reaches the story of Philomela and Tereus (Tereus rapes his sister-in-law Philomela and then cuts off her tongue so that she cannot reveal the crime), which she shows to her father and uncle to indicate what has been done to her. John Boydell (1720-1804), publisher and Lord Mayor of London in 1790, began his Shakespeare Gallery to encourage British historical painting by commissioning paintings on the theme of Shakeapeare's plays from leading artists and reproducing them as high quality prints. When his gallery in Pall Mall opened in 1789 it contained 34 paintings; by the end it has nearly 170, by artists including Angelica Kauffman, Richard Westall, Thomas Stothard, George Romney, Henry Fuseli, Benjamin West, Robert Smirke, John Opie & Francesco Bartolozzi. 96 were engraved, published separately until the bound edition, ''A Collection of Prints, From Pictures Painted for the Purpose of Illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great-Britain'' was issued in 1805. The project was over-ambitious, and the cost caused the firm to go bankrupt.
[Ref: 54000] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
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