Signora Baccelli.
Painted by T. Gainsborough R.A. Engraved by John Jones.
London Pub.d Feb.y 5th 1784 by J. Jones No. 63 Great Portland Street Marylebone.
Rare mezzotint. 535 x 350mm (21 x 13¾"), with largemargins on three sides. Slight mark centre top. Top area slightly rubbed.
Giovanna Baccelli (1774, fl.- d.1801), dancer. Baccelli, first appeared at the King's Theatre, Haymarket in 1774. She reached the peak of her career during the 1780-1 season when she appeared with Gaetan Vestris and his son Auguste in several important ballets devised by Noverre. She also danced in Venice in 1783-4, and at the Paris Opéra as late as 1788. Baccelli was equally known as a mistress of John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset (1745-99), who had set up Baccelli in a suite of rooms at Knole by October 1779. Baccelli accompanied him to Paris in 1783 when he was appointed Ambassador to France. They entertained lavishly, patronising the Paris Opéra, and were admitted to the friendship of Queen Marie-Antoinette. Horace Walpole records that when the Duke was awarded the Order of the Garter in 1788, Baccelli danced at the Opéra wearing the blue Garter ribbon around her head. As the events of the French Revolution unfolded, the pair returned to Knole, where Baccelli remained until their amicable parting in 1789. Engraved by John Jones after the portrait by Thomas Gainsborough (exhibited 1782) which hangs in Tate Britain. Gainsborough was well-acquainted with many theatre people, including Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the famous dramatist and part-owner of the King's Theatre. When this portrait was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1782, Gainsborough's portrait of the Duke of Dorset was withdrawn, presumably for reasons of decorum. As well as commissioning this portrait, the Duke also patronised Gainsborough's great rival Joshua Reynolds, who painted Baccelli in 1783. Horne: 7 II of III; CS 3 II of III.
[Ref: 47602] £1,500.00
James Balfour Esq.r. Secretary & Treasurer of the Edinburgh Company of Golfers. 1795. By desire of the Company.
Henry Raeburn pinx.t. J. Jones sculp.t.
Published as the Act directs by Will.m Murray, Bookseller, Parliament Close October 1796.
Mezzotint. 510 x 360mm (20 x 14¼"). Contemporary double frame. Unexamined out of frame.
Portrait of James Balfour (1705-95), Scottish advocate, author of three philosophical books and keen golfer, seated and gesturing as if in conversation. On his desk are books titled 'Record of the Gent. Golfers' and 'Bet Book'. As Secretary to the Edinburgh Company of Golfers he would have been involved in compiling the original rules of golf in 1777. His great-great-grandson was Robert Louis Stevenson, who was christened Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson. The Gentlemen Golfers of Edinburgh held the first recorded open golf championship on 2nd April 1744. CS: 4
[Ref: 56714] £1,500.00
John Barker Esqr.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Octr. 10th. 1786, by J. Jones, No. 63 Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Mezzotint, published state, image 580 x 380mm. 22¾ x 15". Trimmed to printed area; repaired tear on right; occasional pinholes.
Portrait of merchant John Barker (1707 - 1787), governor of the London Assurance Corporation. Seated at a tapestry-covered table, with his hand resting on a chart. Ramsgate harbour in the background. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792). Hamilton p.5, II of II.; CS: 5 (only state listed).
[Ref: 22389] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
[Edmund Burke] 'Hunc to, Dea, tempore in omni Onmibus ornatum voluisti excellere rebus.'
J. Jones fecit
[Publish'd as the Act directs, Feby 5th 1787, by J. Jones, No 63, Great Portland Street]
Stipple, sheet 190 x 140mm (7½ x 5½"). Trimmed, losing publication line; good impression. Bit messy.
Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797), Irish politician and author who served for many years in the House of Commons as a member of the Whig party. Burke is remembered for his support of the cause of the American Revolutionaries and for his later opposition to the French Revolution. He was thus seen as a leading figure within the conservative faction of the Whig parts, which he dubbed the "Old Whigs", in opposition to the pro-French-Revolution "New Whigs", led by Charles James Fox. He is also well-known for impeaching Warren Hastings, former Governor-General of Bengal, for his conduct in India. As an author (Hazlitt considered him the greatest prose writer in the English language) Burke is chiefly remembered for 'A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful' (1757), which fuelled growing interest in the pictorial and literary appeal of landscape, and "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790), a founding text for modern political conservatism. Engraving after George Romney, probably published as a pendant to a portrait of Charles James Fox (see ref. 40559). O'D 16; Ex Collection of Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 40560] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Honorable Lord Viscount Milton. Colonel of the Dorsetshire Volunteer Rangers.
Painted by Mr. T. Beach. Engrav'd by J. Jones Engraver Extraordinary to H.R. His Prince of Wales & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York
Publish'd as the Act directs July 20th 1795 by Tho.s Beach Strand Green Kew Bridge.
Mezzotint, platemark 510 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Thread margins.
George Damer, Lord Milton (1746 - 1808), army officer and son of Joseph Damer, 1st Earl of Dorchester. In the 1760s Damer, his brother John and the libertine and politician Thomas Lyttelton went on the grand tour. Damer became involved in a scandal with an Italian coachman, whose family had to be bought off. CS 56 ii/ii
[Ref: 38368] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Denmark] Christopher de Dreyer, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Denmark, at the Court of Great Britain, F.R.S.
F.L. Abbott pinx. John Jones fecit.
[n.d., c.1785.]
Mezzotint, rare, 490 x 350mm (19¼ x 13¾") Trimmed inside platemark. Laid on card, damaged.
[Ref: 27613] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Richard Farmer, D.D. Master of Emmanuel College in Cambridge and Principal Librarian of that University.
G. Romney pinx.t jussu Collegii. J.Jones sculpsit.
London Publish'd as the Act directs June 1785, by J. Jones. No.63, Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Mezzotint, with engraved title area and small margins and collector's mark. Plate 502 x 350mm (19¾ x 13¾").
Portrait almost half-length to right within oval frame, eyes to front, wearing short wig, robes and bands. Richard Farmer (1735-1797) was master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and canon of St. Paul's. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 29, iii/iii. CS: 27.
[Ref: 29130] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Fisherman Going Out.
G. Carter pinxt. J. Jones fecit.
London Pub.d as the Act directs Novr.19 1782 by G. Carter Margaret Street, Cavendish Square.
Mezzotint. 355 x 500mm. (14 x 19½").
[Ref: 1179] £320.00
The Fisherman Going Out. [&] The Fisherman's Return.
GCarter pinx.t. J. Jones fecit.
London Pub.d as the Act directs Nov.r 19 1782 by GCarter Margaret Street, Cavendish Square.
Pair of mzzotints, matching pair; 490 x 340mm (19¼ x 13½"), on 'H & S' wove paper. Repair to margin of 'Going Out'.
A fisherman walking to his boat, carrying the nets, and his return to his family with some of his catch. After George Carter (1737-94).
[Ref: 54222] £550.00
view all images for this item
The Right Honourable Charles James Fox.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. / Engraved by John Jones.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs, Nov.r 1784, by J. Jones, No. 63, Great Portland Street, Marylebone, and Mr, austin, Drawing Master, Knightsbridge.
Mezzotint. Platemark: 500 x 350mm. (19¾ x 13¾"). Large margins. Unexamined out of frame.
Charles James Fox (1749-1806), styled The Honourable from 1762, as a prominent British Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned thirty-eight years. Fox was the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and vocal supporter of American independence. Also known for his rivalry with William Pitt the Younger and a staunch opponent of George III, he was reckless in politics as at the gaming tables. Fox held office briefly as a Tory under Lord North then led the opposition. Fox strongly criticised Lord North and the conduct of the American war, viewing the cause of the American patriots as a struggle for liberty against oppressive external power. He supported the revolutionaries of the United States, often dressing in the colours of George Washington's army. He championed America’s cause, denouncing taxation of Americans without their consent. Reform was a passion but as a supporter of the revolutionary cause in France, his credibility was diminished from 1792 by the excesses of the French revolutionaries. CS: 28.
[Ref: 30012] £750.00
The Right Honorable Charles James Fox.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs Jan.y 23. 1796, by J. Jones, No.74, Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Mezzotint. 515 x 360mm (20¼ x 14¼"). Laid on sheet and trimmed.
Three-quarter portrait of Charles James Fox (1749-1806), the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and vocal supporter of American independence. The first of two very similar plates by Jones. Hamilton: p.28; v/v. CS 28: undescribed state. Russell: 29a.
[Ref: 21517] £360.00
The Right Honourable Charles James Fox.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs, Nov.r 1789, by J. Jones, No. 63, Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Mezzotint. 515 x 360mm (20¼ x 14¼"). Margin restored on right. Small margins.
Three-quarter portrait of Charles James Fox (1749-1806), the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and vocal supporter of American independence. From the second of two very similar plates by Jones. CS: 29. Hamilton p.29, one state only.
[Ref: 60737] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Charles James Fox.] [quotation in Greek.]
T. Day del.t. J. Jones fecit.
[Publish'd as the Act directs, Feby 5th 1787, by J. Jones, No 63, Great Portland Street.]
Stipple, sheet 180 x 140mm (7 x 5½"). Trimmed, losing publication line; good impression.
Charles James Fox (1749-1806), British Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned thirty-eight years. Fox was the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and a vocal supporter of American independence. Also known for his rivalry with William Pitt the Younger and as a staunch opponent of George III, Fox held office briefly as a Tory under Lord North then leading the opposition. He strongly criticised Lord North and the conduct of the American war, viewing the cause of the American patriots as a struggle for liberty against oppressive external power. He supported the revolutionaries of the United States, often dressing in the colours of George Washington's army. He championed America’s cause, denouncing taxation of Americans without their consent. Reform was a passion but as a supporter of the revolutionary cause in France, his credibility was diminished from 1792 by the excesses of the French revolutionaries. Stipple engraving after the little-known miniaturist Thomas Day, who exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1772 and 1778. Probably published as a pendant to a portrait of Edmund Burke (see ref. 40559). O'D 10. Ex Collection of Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 40559] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
The Father of the Turf, Tregonwell Frampton of Moreton, in Dorsetshire, _Keeper of the Running Horses at Newmarket, to their Majesties William the Third, Queen Anne, George the First, & George the Second; Died 12th of March 1727_Aged 86 Years.
Engraved (from an Original Painting by Mr. Wootton) by John Jones Engraver Extraordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, & Principal Engraver to H.R.H. the Duke of York.
Publish'd as the Act directs 7 June 1791, & sold by the Proprietor J. Bodger, Land Surveyor, Stilton, Hunts & at 53 High Holborn. Mr. Weatherby, Racing Calendar Office No.7 Oxendon Street Haymarket & at. Tattersalls, London. at the Coffee Room, Newmarket: Also at all the Principal Towns in England.___ See the Seven Companion Prints in Racing Calendar Book 1791, last Page...
Coloured mezzotint, 560 x 385mm (22 x 15¼"). Trimmed inside platemark at bottom; collector's stamp bottom right.
Portrait of Tregonwell Frampton (1641-1727), 'a commoner who thought nothing of losing 1,000 guineas on a race, who managed the royal stable though five reigns, from Charles II's to the first year of George II's, and became the arbiter in any enquiries, fouls, and disputes at the finishing line'. The text below includes an anecdote about Frampton and his horse, Dragon, 'supposed to be spoken by the Horse in the Elysium of Beasts and Birds'. CS: 30; see Donald W. Nichol, 'Lost Trousers' in TLS, July 26 2013; for uncoloured impression see ref. 23419
[Ref: 8627] £750.00
The Father of the Turf, Tregonwell Frampton of Moreton, in Dorsetshire [...] "I turned about in honest confusion, and blushed that I was a man".
Engraved (from an Original Painting by Mr. Wootton) by John Jones Engraver Extraordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, & Principal Engraver to H.R.H. the Duke of York.
Published as the Act directs, 4 June, 1791 & sold by the Proprietor J. Bodger, Land Surveyor, Stilton, Hunts. & at No. 53 High Holborn. Mr. Weatherby, Racing Calendar Office, No. 7 Oxendon Street Haymarket, & at Messrs. Tattersalls, London, at the Coffee Room, Newmarket: Also at all the Principal Towns in England. ____ See the Seven Companion Prints in Racing Calendar Book 1791, last Page.
Mezzotint, approx 550 x 360mm (21½ x 14¼"). Outside of frame 690 x 510mm (27 x 20"). Unexamined out of frame. Title area dirty.
Portrait of Tregonwell Frampton (1641-1727), 'a commoner who thought nothing of losing 1,000 guineas on a race, who managed the royal stable though five reigns, from Charles II's to the first year of George II's, and became the arbiter in any enquiries, fouls, and disputes at the finishing line'. The text below includes an anecdote about Frampton and his horse, Dragon, 'supposed to be spoken by the Horse in the Elysium of Beasts and Birds'. CS: 30; see Donald W. Nichol, 'Lost Trousers' in TLS, July 26 2013; for coloured impression see ref. 8627
[Ref: 23419] £490.00
Mr Henderson in the Character of Macbeth.
Painted by George Romney. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs Decr. 1st. 1787, by J. Jones, Engraver No. 75, Great Portland Street.
Mezzotint, 455 x 540mm. Trimmed to platemark lower left.
Portrait of John Henderson (1747 - 1785) as Macbeth, looking over his left shoulder at the Three Witches. A procession passes across the landscape in the distance. Chaloner Smith: 37, II.
[Ref: 8339] £420.00
Indolence. [&] Industry. Dedicated to the Young Ladies [parallel text in French]
G. Carter pinx.t. J. Jones fecit.
Publish'd as the Act directs Oct.r 31 1781 by G. Carter Margaret Street. Cavendish Square.
Pair of scarce mezzotints. Each c.260 x 190mm (10¼ x 7½"). Staining.
Industry: a young woman knitting. Indolence: a woman sits outisde in the cold, clasping her feet to her for warmth. The two prints followed in the tradition of didactic art which Hogarth (in series such as 'Industry and Idleness') had used so masterfully. The painter, George Carter (bap.1737-d.1794), was baptised in Colchester, Essex before moving to London. He travelled to Rome with John Singleton Copley (although there they parted, and Copley later described Carter as ‘a sort of snail which crawled over a man in his sleep, and left its slime and no more’). After exhibiting regularly at the Royal Academy in the 1770s, Carter's apparent lack of success led him to travel more in later years, visiting Gibraltar, Russia and India.
[Ref: 45133] £420.00
Indolence. [&] Industry. Dedicated to the Young Ladies [parallel text in French]
G. Carter pinx.t. J. Jones fecit.
Publish'd as the Act directs Oct.r 31 1781 by G. Carter Margaret Street. Cavendish Square.
Pair of rare arce mezzotints. Each c.260 x 190mm (10¼ x 7½"). Both with old folds above publication line, 'Indolence' with more damage in margins.
Industry: a young woman knitting. Indolence: a woman sits outisde in the cold, clasping her feet to her for warmth. The two prints followed in the tradition of didactic art which Hogarth (in series such as 'Industry and Idleness') had used so masterfully. The painter, George Carter (bap.1737-d.1794), was baptised in Colchester, Essex before moving to London. He travelled to Rome with John Singleton Copley (although there they parted, and Copley later described Carter as ‘a sort of snail which crawled over a man in his sleep, and left its slime and no more’). After exhibiting regularly at the Royal Academy in the 1770s, Carter's apparent lack of success led him to travel more in later years, visiting Gibraltar, Russia and India. Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd
[Ref: 38363] £320.00
view all images for this item
The Infant Cottager.
Painted by H. Singleton. Engrav'd by J. Jones Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York
Published as the Act directs March 29th 1799 by J. Jones No 7 Great Portland Street Portland Place
Rare mezzotint, platemark 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Very large margins; staining lower right
Girl, seated beside a stile and surrounded by foliage, feeding a bird. CS 89; Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38376] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Miss Kemble.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Published According to Act March 23 1784, by J. Jones, No 63 Great Portland Street.
Mezzotint. 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Trimmed to image, mounted in album paper.
Frances Kemble (1759-1822), younger sister of Sarah Siddons, also an actress but married a Shakespeare scholar, Francis Twiss. From 1807 she ran a girls' school in Bath. CS 42.
[Ref: 44342] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Miss Kemble.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Published According to Act March 23 1784, by J. Jones, No 63 Great Portland Street. Bit later.
Mezzotint. 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
Frances Kemble (1759-1822), younger sister of Sarah Siddons, also an actress but married a Shakespeare scholar, Francis Twiss. From 1807 she ran a girls' school in Bath. CS 42.
[Ref: 50434] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Sacred to the Memory of the Most Noble George Montagu, Duke and Earl of Manchester, Viscount Mandeville, & Baron of Kimbolton, Late His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of France, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, Lord Lieutenant Custos Rotulorum & Colonel of the Militia of the County of Huntingdon, High Steward of Godmanchester; Collector of the Customs Outwards in the Port of London, Grand Master of the Ancient & Honorable Society of Free Masons, President of the Lock Hospitalm L.L.D. &c. To all Lovers of Virtue the Plate is Dedicated with every mark of Respect by their obedient and devoted humble Serv.t W. Austin.
Painted by C.G. Stuart Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Jan.y 20th 1790 by W. Austin, Drawing Master, York Street, St. James's, & the Surry side of Westminster Bridge.
Mezzotint, very scarce, 505 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Trimmed to plate. Edges of paper a little scuffed.
George Montagu, 4th Earl of Manchester (1737-88), MP for Huntingdonshire, Privy Councillor, and Ambassador-extraordinary to France. Engraved by John Jones after a painting by the American portrait painter Gilbert Stuart, who lived in England between 1775 and 1793. CS: 50 (only state)
[Ref: 22505] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
The Most Rev.d John Moore, D.D. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England.
Painted by George Romney. Engraved by J. Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York.
Publish'd as the Act directs Feb.y 1. 1792, by J. Jones, No.75 Great Portland Street.
Stipple with Collector's mark and very large margins. Plate 515 x 392mm (20¼ x 15½").
Portrait of John Moore, Archibishop of Canterbury, seated three-quarter length, directed to left, left hand on the arm of his chair, right hand on knee, looking towards the viewer, wearing clerical vestments with large white sleeves, bands and chin-length wig. John Moore (c.1729-1805), son of Thomas Moore, was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1783. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 84, iii/iii.
[Ref: 29160] £150.00
(£180.00 incl.VAT)
William Osborn M.D.
Painted by T. Hardy. Engraved by J. Jones Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales, & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York
Published as the Act directs April 2 1791 by J. Jones No 75 Great Portland Street.
Fine mezzotint, platemark 510 x 355mm (20 x 14"), very large margins.
William Osborn (1736-1808), man-midwife. After practicing as a surgeon for some years, he was elected man-midwife to the lying-in hospital in Bloomsbury, London. He set up a private school of midwifery with Thomas Denman, and they taught together from 1770 until they parted company in 1782 (the two were believed to have educated more than 1200 practitioners of midwifery). Osborn also published widely on the subject, and the sheet of paper he holds here is probably intended to represent one of his manuscripts. CS 58. W.2189.
[Ref: 38369] £360.00
[Sculpture] The Osprey, or Fishing Eagle, taken in Lord Melbourne's Park, at Brocket Hall in Hertfordshire in 1786. One of the Wings was almost cut off in seizing it: Damer was present, and caught the Idea in that moment of its rage.
James Roberts del. Portrait Painter to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. John Jones sculp.
Publish'd as the Act directs, June 26, 1790 by James Roberts, Hogarth's Passage, Oxford; and J. Jones, No 75 Great Portland Street, London.
Stipple. Sheet 345 x 250mm (13½ x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate.
An engraving of a sculpture by Mrs Anne Seymour Damer (1749-1828), published in the rare work 'A Series of Engravings from the Works of The Hon. Anne Damer'. She gave this sculpture to Horace Walpole who displayed it at Strawberry Hill. Damer was an honorary exhibitor at the Royal Academy 1784-1818. Walpole described her as a 'female genius'.
[Ref: 59171] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Saint Frideswide's Shrine, In the Cathedral of Ch. Ch. Oxford. Anno 740. Respectfully Inscrib'd (by Permission) To the Rev.d the Dean and Chapter, by their much Oblig'd & very grateful Servant, James Roberts.
Painted by James Roberts, Portrait Painter, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence 1790. Engraved by J. Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York.
Publish'd as the Act directs June 20th 1791, by James Roberts, Hogarth's Passage, Oxford.
Scarce mezzotint. 460 x 560mm (18 x 22"). Large margins. Tears, creases and staining at top; damaged.
The gothic shine of Frithuswith (c. 650 - 727), patron saint of both Oxford and Oxford University, in Christ Church. Daughter of the a Mercian sub-king called Dida of Eynsham, Frithuswith was abbess of the Oxford nunnery. A stained glass window Edward Burne-Jones, showing her hiding from an unwanted suitor, is near her shrine. Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38394] £320.00
William Paley M.A. Archdeacon of Carlisle.
Painted by George Romney. Engraved by J. Jones Engraver Extraordinary, to his R.H. the Prince of Wales, & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York.
Publish'd as the Act directs April 11. 1792, by J. Jones, No.75 Great Portland Street, Portland Place.
Mezzotint with very large margins and Collector's mark. Plate 559 x 407mm (22 x 16"). Fine.
Portrait standing three-quarter length to right holding fishing rod and line, eyes to front, wearing black suit and hat, landscape behind. William Paley (1743-1805), the theologian and moralist. In 1782 he was appointed archdeacon of Carlisle and rector of Bishop-Wearmouth. He also wrote 'Evidences of Christianity'. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 92, ii/ii.
[Ref: 29164] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Revd. Samuel Parr L.L.D.
Painted by G. Romney. Engraved by J. Jones.
London Published as the Act directs Nov.r 1788 by I. Jones No.75 Great Portland Street Portland Place, Marylebone.
Mezzotint. 503 x 350mm (19¾ x 13¾"). Two wormholes in title area. Collector's stamp.
A very fine impression of this half-length portrait of Rev. Samuel Parr (1747-1825), scholar, critic, schoolmaster, writer, minister, Doctor of Law and Whig politician. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 95, iii/iii. CS: 60.
[Ref: 29165] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
William Pitcairn M.D. F.R.S. President of the College of Physicians, London. Anno MDCCLXXVII.
Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Engraved by J. Jones.
Published according to Act of Parliament [1777].
Very rare mezzotint. 380 x 280mm (15 x 11") Left margin chipped.
William Pitcairn (1712 - 1791), Scottish physician and botanist; president of the Royal College of Physicians from 1775-85. He wears a short wig and president's gown. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792). Chaloner Smith: 62. Hamilton p.55, I. Wellcom 2323-1.
[Ref: 30956] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
William Pitcairn M.D. F.R.S. President of the College of Physicians, London. Anno MDCCLXXVII.
Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Engraved by J. Jones.
[Published according to Act of Parliament (1777).]
Very rare mezzotint, published state, image 335 x 270mm. 13¼ x 10½". Title area chipped and damaged; crease through upper right corner.
William Pitcairn (1712 - 1791), Scottish physician and botanist; president of the Royal College of Physicians from 1775-85. He wears a short wig and president's gown. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792). Chaloner Smith: 62. Hamilton p.55, I.
[Ref: 12782] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Hon.ble William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1789.
[Engraved by J. Jones.]
Pub.d as the Act directs [May ye 20th 1789 by J. Jones N. 75 Great Portland] Street.
Mezzotint, scratched-letter proof. 505 x 355mm (19¾ x 14"). Thread margins, title area (only) rubbed, most of engraver's and publisher's inscription illegible.
A portrait of William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) dressed in his Chancellor's robes, after George Romney. Pitt served as Chancellor three times (1782-83, 1783-1801 & 1804-06), the last two terms while he was also Prime Minister. CS 63, i of ii.
[Ref: 43445] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. Thomas Price. This Print is Dedicated to the Gentlemen Subsribers by their much obliged & humble Servant, J.Jones.
Painted by W.m Lawranson. Engraved by John Jones.
Pub.d according to Act April 29 1783 by J. Jones No 63 Great Portland Street Marylebone.
Mezzotint, sheet 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Trimmed to image. Scarce.
Thomas Price, Master of the Farthing Pie House in Marylebone Lane. He was clearly an enthusiastic singer, judging from the book of music on the table in front of him, (open to show a song giving Anacreon's petition about twining myrtle of Venus with the vine of Bacchus). CS 65 i/ii; Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38370] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. Thomas Price. This Print is Dedicated to the Gentlemen Subsribers by their much obliged & humble Servant, J.Jones.
Painted by W.m Lawranson. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Printed for Robert Wilkinson, No. 125 Fenchurch Street. [n.d. c.1785.]
Mezzotint with large margins. Plate 380 x 280mm ( 15 x 11"). Scarce.
Portrait, bust in an oval, leaning in forward to right, resting head on left hand with the elbow on an open book of music on the table in front of him, a song giving Anacreon's petition about twining myrtle of Venus with the vine of Bacchus, right arm thrown back, smiling towards the viewer, with thin hair and plain, dark suit. Thomas Price (18th. century), Master of the Farthing Pie House in Marylebone Lane. CS: 65, ii.
[Ref: 28687] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Wm. Tytler]
Painted by H. Raeburn Esqr. ARA Engraved by J. Jones Principal engraver to HRH the Duke of York
[Ref: 4762] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Francis Rawdon-Hastings.]
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales & Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York.
Published as the Act directs May 1. 1792 by J. Jones No.75 Great Portland Street.
Fine and rare mezzotint. 665 x 430mm (26 x 17"). Small margins. Slight repair in title area bottom right.
A portrait of politician and military commander Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st Marquess Hastings (1754-1826) who was a commander during the American and the French Revolutions and served as Governor General of India between 1813-1823. Rawdon-Hastings is shown in his uniform, with his arm resting on a sword, behind him ranks of troops charge into battle. He requested his right arm be buried with his wife. Hamilton Page: 56; CS 67I
[Ref: 47587] £490.00
J. Jones excudit.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs, March 24th. 1787, by J. Jones, No. 63, Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Stipple and etching, 380 x 270mm. 15 x 10½". Uncut.
A young girl sitting feeding a robin perched on her right shoulder; trees behind in a landscape. Dedication to the Honble William Tollemache by the printmaker over four lines around arms below title. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792). Hamilton: pg.155, II.
[Ref: 13939] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Caroline Spencer Duchess of Marlborough.
Painted by Geo. Romney . Engraved by J. Jones Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Prince of Wales and Principal Engraver to His R.H. the Duke of York
Publish'd as the Act directs July 30 1792 by J. Jones No.75 Great Portland Street. [all text in image lower right].
Mezzotint. 610 x 380mm (24 x 15"), with large margins. Platemark cracked lower left.
Lady Caroline Russell (1743-1811), wife of politician George Spencer, fourth duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), resting against a pedestal. They had three sons and five daughters together.
After the portrait by George Romney. She was also portrayed by Sir Joshua Reynolds. CS: 53 [state not listed but post 1791 state listed]; Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd
[Ref: 38367] £850.00
Black Monday or the Departure for School. [&] Dulce Domum or the Return from School.
Painted by W.R. Bigg A. Engraved by John Jones. Principal Engraver to his Royal Highness the Duke of York [&] Engraved by John Jones. Extraordinary Engraver to his R.H. the Prince of Wales, and Principal Engraver to his R.H. the Duke of York.
Pub.d as the act directs. Dec.r ye 1st, 1790 by W. R. Bigg No.11 Tavistock Row Covent Garden.
Pair of mezzotints. 485 x 610mm (19 x 24"). 'Black Monday' trimmed to plate, re-margined to two sides; 'Dulce Domum' trimmed into plate, re-margined on left.
Two of the most famous education scenes: the first shows two boys leaving for boarding school; the second shows the joyous greeting they receive from their family on their return. William Redmore Bigg (1755-1828) specialised in genre scenes, often depicting children and acts of charity. Because of the popularity of his paintings he could commission the best engravers to produce prints from his works, including Jones, Robert Dunkarton, William Ward and John Raphael Smith. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 55284] £450.00
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The Death of Sydney. S.r Philip Sidney mortally wounded (the victorious) at the battle of Zutphen; being extremely thirsty, asked for water, but as he was going to drink it, he saw a poor wounded Soldier half expiring, casting up a wishful look to it; instantly without tasting it, he gave it to him, saying, here honest fellow take it, thy wants are greater than mine.
GCarter pinxit. J. Jones fecit.
London Publish'd as the Act Directs Oct.r 21, 1782 by Gcarter Margaret Street, Cavendish Square.
Mezzotint, Sheet 485 x 620mm (19 x 24½"). Trimmed to plate.
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586), poet and courtier, was shot in the thigh fighting the Spanish at the Battle of Zutphen (22nd September 1586), dying of gangrene three weeks later. Interred in the Old St. Paul's Cathedral, his grave was lost in the Great Fire of 1666.
[Ref: 54256] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
The Sleeping Girl.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs, April 1st. 1790, by J. Jones, No. 75 Great Portland Street.
Stipple engraving and etching, 375 x 275mm. Light soiling.
A young woman seated in a landscape, lying against a large rock, her head resting on her right arm. A strong impression. Hamilton: 149, II.
[Ref: 8078] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Lady Charlotte Spencer in the Character of Miss Rivers. Lord Cha.s Spencer in the Character of Col.l Rivers. Vide False Delicacy Act 4. Sc. 2. To their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough This Plate is most respectfully Dedicated By their Grace's most obliged and most grateful Servant, James Roberts.
Painted by J. Roberts 1788. Engraved by J. Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Dec.r 8th 1788, by J. Roberts, Oxford. & J. Jones, No 75, Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Fine mezzotint. 455 x 355mm (18 x 14"), very large margins. Glued in mount.
Two of the children of Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough, participating in the 'Marlborough Theatricals', held in the private theatre at Blenheim. Charlotte (1769?-1802) married the Rev Edward Nares in 1797. Charles (1740-1820) became MP for Oxfordshire and a Privy Councillor. This was one of three plates by Roberts and Jones illustrating the Marlborough Theatricals. CS: 55 ii 1st plate of iii
[Ref: 49963] £420.00
[George Spencer, Duke of Marlborough.]
Painted by G. Romney. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs Dec.r 1786, by J. Jones, No.63 Great Portland Street.
Mezzotint, proof before title, with Collector's mark, very large margins. Plate 621 x 380mm (24½ x 15"). Slightly foxed.
Portrait standing whole-length to front with his right hand on his hip, head turned to face l, wearing robes of the Garter and with his hair powdered, holding plumed hat in his right hand; pillars, curtain and tree behind. George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), the British courtier and politician. He served as Lord Chamberlain between 1762 and 1763 and as Lord Privy Seal between 1763 and 1765. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 80, i/iii. CS: 54.
[Ref: 29159] £650.00
George Spencer, Duke of Marlborough, &c. &c. &c.
Painted by G. Romney. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs Dec.r 1786, by J. Jones, No.63 Great Portland Street.
Mezzotint printed in colours, platemark 621 x 380mm (24½ x 15"). Cracks along platemark; small margins.
Full-length portrait of George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), courtier and politician, wearing robes of the Garter. He served as Lord Chamberlain between 1762 and 1763 and as Lord Privy Seal between 1763 and 1765. After his early years he played little part in political matters and lived quietly at Blenheim, but remained relevant in electoral terms for his influence in Oxfordshire. He employed Capability Brown to remodel the gardens at Blenheim and made important gifts to the university of Oxford. CS 54 ii/iii; Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd; for first state see ref. 29159.
[Ref: 38378] £380.00
Lord Henry & Lady Charlotte Spencer. To their Graces the Duke & Duchess of Marlborough This Plate is most respectfully Dedicated By their Graces' much obliged and very humble John Jones.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs, April 1st 1789, by J. Jones, No.75 Great Portland Street, Marylebone.
Stipple. Sheet 380 x 270mm (15 x 10½"). Collector's stamp of painter Sir Thomas Lawrence lower left. Trimmed within plate, small repaired hole in title edge.
The fourth & fifth children of George, 4th Duke of Marlborough: Lady Charlotte Spencer (1769-1802), later married Rev. Edward Nares; and Lord Henry John Spencer (1770-95), later MP and diplomat, but died of fever in Berlin aged 24. Charlotte is telling Henry's future by reading his palm. In this example the names of the subjects are in small letters just under the image. The British Museum has two apparent later states: the first, dated 1790, has the dedication removed and 'Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte Spencer' as the scratched letter title, engraved around the crest, described as a proof; the second, dated 1791 has the crest removed and the title 'The Young Fortune Teller'. Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) took over as 'Principal Painter in Ordinary to the King' when Joshua Reynolds died in 1792. Hamilton, p.65, states jumbled. This predates the 1790 of the first state, has the dedication of the second state and has 'Marylebone' added to the publisher's address as per the third.
[Ref: 52206] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. Tattersall.
Painted by Thomas Beach. Engraved by John Jones.
London, Publish'd as the Act directs, Decr. 8th 1787, by T. Beach, No. 54 Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square.
Mezzotint, rare, 505 x 350mm. 19¾ x 13¾". Few foxing marks, surface a little rubbed.
Imposing portrait of Richard Tattersall (1724 - 1795), horse dealer; his left hand resting on a 'Stud Book' on table at right, his right hand on a walking cane, wearing plain coat and hat with buckle. In 1766 he founded Tattersalls, to this day the main auctioneer of race horses in the United Kingdom. Tattersall had been stud groom to the second Duke of Kingston. The first premises occupied were near Hyde Park Corner, in what was then the outskirts of London. Two "Subscription rooms" were reserved for members of the Jockey Club, and they became the rendezvous for sporting and betting men. Among the famous dispersal sales conducted by "Old Tatt" were those of the Duke of Kingston's stud in 1774 and of the stud of the Prince of Wales (afterwards George IV) in 1786. After Thomas Beach (1738 - 1806). Chaloner Smith 71.
[Ref: 25964] £620.00
Anthony Todd Esqr.
Painted by G. Romney. Engraved by J. Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs April by John Jones. No.75 Gr. Portland Street. [n.d. c.1770.]
Mezzotint, platemark 380 x 274mm (15 x 10¾"). Very large margins. Crease bottom right.
Anthony Todd (c.1718-1798), foreign secretary of the Post Office. This made him responsible for supervising the opening and copying of foreign correspondence, liaison with the deciphering branch to deal with intercepted items in code, and making recommendations to be laid before the king. He fulfilled the position (albeit with interruptions during which his rival Henry Potts was favoured) under several governements and in both the Seven Year' War and American War of Independence. Following his marriage in 1758, Todd purchased an estate of around 150 acres in Walthamstow, Essex (now London), to which he retired after 1787. The painter George Romney befriended Daniel Braithwaite, the clerk to the Postmaster General, who introduced him Todd, who became one of Romney's first high-profile sitters. The oil is now in the British Postal Museum & Archive Collection. CS 72 ii/ii; for proof before letters see ref. 29141.
[Ref: 38372] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Anthony Todd Esqr.]
Painted by G. Romney. Engraved by J. Jones.
Publish'd as the Act directs April by John Jones. No.75 Gr. Portland Street. [n.d. c.1770.]
Very fine mezzotint with large margins, proof before title. Plate 380 x 274mm (15 x 10¾").
Anthony Todd (c.1718-1798), Anthony Todd, the Postmaster General from 1762-65 and 1768-1798. Portrait seated half-length to right, eyes to front, wearing short wig and plain coat and waistcoat. Romney befriended Daniel Braithwaite, the clerk to the Postmaster General, who introduced him Todd, who became one of Romney's first high-profile sitters. The oil is now in the British Postal Museum & Archive Collection. Ex Collection: Earl of Bute. Horne: 125. CS: 72, i/ii.
[Ref: 29141] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
The Hon.ble Mrs. Tollemache, in the Character of Miranda. Vide. Shakespears Tempest.
Painted by Sr. Joshua Reynolds, 1773. Engrav'd by John Jones, 1785.
London, Pubd. as the Act directs June 14, 1814, by A. Wivell 57 Great Portland Street Marylebone.
Mezzotint. Plate 617 x 381mm. 24¼ x 15". Laid on card.
Portrait after Reynolds; as Miranda in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'; standing whole-length to right with arms open, wearing pale dress with sash and her hair high; Caliban with bundle of sticks emerging from hole in ground at right, with Prospero peering through tree at left, landscape and ship seen on choppy sea beyond. Anna Maria Tollemache, Countess fo Dysart (1746-1804), wife of Wilbraham Tollemache, 6th Earl of Dysart. CS: 73, iii/iii. Hamilton: p.136, iii/iii. See
[Ref: 24809] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Honorable Lord John Townshend. To the Gentlemen of the Whig Club, and the Electors of the City and Liberty of Westminster This Plate is Dedicated by their most obedient faithful and humble Sert.t Will.m Austin.
Painted by Sr. Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones.
Published as the Act directs Mar. 25 1789 by Wm. Austin private Teacher of Drawing and Etching in York Street near St James's Church and the Surry Side of Westminster Bridge.
Fine mezzotint. 505 x 360mm (19¾ x 14¼"), with large margins. Repaired tear in left margin
Lord John Townshend (1757-1833), Whig M.P. for Cambridge University in 1780-4, Westminster from 1788-90 and Knaresborough 1793-1818. He became a Privy Councillor in 1806 and served as Paymaster of the Forces 1806-7.
[Ref: 55690] £360.00
William Tytler Esq Vice President of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries and F.R.S. Edin. 1790.
Painted by H. Raeburn. Engraved by J. Jones Principal Engraver to H.R.H. the Duke of York
London, Publish'd as the Act directs, Nov.r 30th 1790 by T. Philips, Pall Mall Court
Mezzotint, platemark 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Small margins.
William Tytler (1711-92), lawyer and historian. In 1760 Tytler published 'An historical and critical enquiry into the evidence produced by the earls of Murray and Morton against Mary, queen of Scots', which was generally well received by reviewers who included Samuel Johnson and Tobias Smollett. Tytler was an original member and vice-president of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries founded by David Erskine, eleventh earl of Buchan, in November 1780. Aside from the Enquiry he is best remembered for his edition of 'The Poetical Remains of James the First, King of Scotland' (1783). Tytler was a well-known member of Edinburgh's polite, literary society. He was a member of the Select Society (1754-c.1763) and a member and director of the Edinburgh Musical Society (founded 1728); he was himself a harpsichordist and flautist. CS 76 ii/ii; Ex Collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 38374] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)