Caleb Whitefoord Esq. Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and late Secretary to the British Commission, for treating of Peace with America__Anno. 1782.__
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by I. Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His R.H. the Duke of York. Pubd. As the Act directs June 1st. 1795. by I. Jones. No. 74. Great Portland Street. Portland Place. Mezzotint. 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾). Trimmed. Caleb Whitefoord (1734-1810), wit and Diplomat. Friendship with Benjamin Franklin led to Whitefoord being chosen by Shelburne in 1782 as intermediary between Franklin, as minister of the United States at Versailles, and the British government. Whitefoord went to Paris in April and served for a year as secretary to the commission which concluded the peace with America.
[Ref: 53625] £320.00