The Posts.
David Jones invt. delin. et sculpt. Sepr. 7th. 1762. Publish'd According to Act of Parliament by J. Williams Bookseller next the Mitre Tavern Fleet Street, of whom may be had the Asses of G-t Bri-n the Laird of the Boot - Without & Within & the fall of Mortimer. Etching and engraving. 202 x 290mm (8 x 11½). Trimmed and laid on album page. Satire on Lord Bute's alleged promotion of Scots, in ten compartments each with two lines of verse (presumably reduced versions of ten larger prints, not all of which are in the British Museum collection). 'The Whipping Post': a Scotsman in a kilt flogs the naked figure of Britannia with a thistle, a sleeping lion rests at the foot of the whipping post beside Britannia's shield, Pitt begs on his knee for mercy and a chained mastiff barks furiously. 'The Scrubbing Post': Bute and two other Scots scratch themselves, one rubbing against a rough post topped by the head of a term. 'The Penny Post': a postman delivers a letter to a wealthy Scot while a chimney boy walks by. "The General Post": a Scottish general, preceded by a bagpiper, rides in front of a troop of infantry. 'The Highest Post': Bute expels Pitt from the Treasury and a number of Scots herd through the doors; a ghost (perhaps the old king, George II) appears on the left. 'The Triple Post': Britannia hangs Lord Bute at Tyburn (the triple tree) where a goose (probably the Duke of Bedford) and a fox (Henry Fox) are already hanging; a clergyman (possibly intended for Charles Churchill) stands beneath the gallows; on the left, Princess Augusta weeps while in the crowd behind her a man releases three pigeons into the air; on the right are two sheriffs on horseback, a woman ballad-seller with a 'Last Dying Speech' and an elegant couple. 'The Jumping Post': Scotsmen leap over posts labelled, 'Post Of[fice]', 'Custom Ho[use]", "Excise Of[fice]", and "Admiralty Of[fice]" towards the open window of the Treasury where a sentry sleeps on the ground in front of his box. 'The Starting Post': a horse race led by Bute who is cheered on by Princess Augusta. 'The Sign Post': an inn sign, lettered 'The Salutation', shows Bute and Princess Augusta kissing (see BM Satires 3953). 'The Directing Post': two Scotsmen hike along the 'Road to preferment' towards London which can be seen in the distance. From the Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection. BM Satires: 3944.
[Ref: 28360] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)