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Simon Bosboom. Natif d'Emden en l'an 1614 fut bon Architect et tailleur de pierre il at este employe au service du tres illustre Prince Electeur de Brandenburch.
Niclaes de Helt Stocade pinxit. Petrude de Iode sculp.
Ioan Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1622.]
Engraving. Plate 165 x 114mm. 6½ x 4½". Glued to backing sheet.
Simon Bosboom (1614-1662) was a Dutch architect and writer. He was hired as a master mason to assist Jacob van Campen for his work as city architect of Amsterdam and helped with the City Hall of Amsterdam. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24510] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Serenissimus Potenissimusq Princeps Carolus DEI gratia Magna Britannia et Hibern. Rex.
Anton. van Dyck pinxit. Petrus de Iode fecit.
[n.d., c.1641.]
Engraving. Plate: 170 x 120mm (6¾ x 4¾'') very large margins.
A portrait of Charles I (1600-1649) after a painting by Anthony van Dyck.
[Ref: 48650] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Carolus Magnæ Britanniæ Princeps, Caroli Regis filius, Dux Cornubiæ et Rothsalæ & Natus anno, Christi MDCXXXI.
P. de Iode excud. Anton. van Dyck Pinxit.
[n.d., c.1641.]
Engraving. Plate: 170 x 120mm (6¾ x 4¾'').
A portrait of Charles II (1630-1685) while he was Prince of Wales, after a painting by Anthony van Dyck.
[Ref: 48651] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Petrus de Iode. A este tres bon engraveur, et desseigneur tres illustre: il a faict plusieurs chefs des oeuvres il a long temps demeure a Rome, et en l'an 1601. retournoit en Anvers, ville de sa naissance, aijant en pour maistre Henri Goltz, il mourut l'an 1634. le 9.d'auoust.
M. ferdinand pinxit. P de Iode Iunior Sculpsit.
Io. Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1650.]
Engraving. Plate 165 x 116mm. 6½ x 4½". Glued to backing sheet.
Pieter de Jode I (1570-1634) was a Flemish Baroque painter and engraver. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24505] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Petrus de Iode. Le ieusne, natif d'Anvers en lan 1606, le 22me de novembre: il et apris chez son pere, et il est devenu un graveur fort delicat, il at este avec son pere quelque temps a Paris, pour engraver quelques pieces pour Mons.r Bon enfant, et Sr. L'Imago on trouve plusieurs de ses estampes en lumiere il setient en Anvers.
Tho. Willeborts pinxit. Petr. de Iode Sculpsit.
Io. Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1650.]
Engraving. Plate 165 x 115mm. 6½ x 4½". Glued to backing sheet.
Pieter de Jode II (1606-1674), Flemish Baroque painter and engraver. He learned drawing and engraving from his father, Pieter de Jode I (1570-1634), whose engravings were a source for Karel van Mander. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24507] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Corneille Danckerts de Ry. Fut ne a Amsterdam l'an 1516, mourut 1634, age de 73 ans, a este environ 40 ans maistre macon et Architecte de ceste tant renommee Ville, il vient en la place du feu son Pere du mesme nom, qui avoit en son pivant servi la Ville dans ceste mesme charge il a faict une grande nombre de grands et signales bastiments (parce que l'aggrandis sement de la Ville se fit en son temps, il a basti la novelle porte de Haerlem, les trois novelles Eglises, la Bourse de marchants, et innummerables ouvrages apartenants a l'ornement de ceste Ville, il trouva par grande experience linvencion de bastir desponts de pierre sans restaindre le cours de l'eau sur des grandes Rivieres comme il en fit la preuve lan 1632 par dessus la Rivere d'Amstel large de 200 pieds ayant 7.arcqs.
Pet. Danckert de Rey delin. Pet de Iode Sculpsit.
Io. Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1650.]
Engraving. Plate 171 x 120mm. 6¾ x 4¾". Glued to backing sheet.
Cornelis Danckerts de Ry (1561-1634) was a Dutch Golden Age architect and sculptor, here in the process of executing an architectual drawing. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24500] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[George William, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg] Georgius Wilhelmus. Dei Gratia Dux Brunsuicensis et Lunaeburgensis etc.
Anselmus van Hulle pinxit Petr. de Jode sculpsit
Accessit Privilegium Caesareum Cum privilegio Regum et Hollandiae ordinum [1652]
Engraving, sheet 350 x 255mm (13¾ x 10"). Small margins.
George William, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1624-1705). After the death of Julius Francis, duke of Saxe-Lauenberg in 1689, George William invaded the duchy, which Julius Francis had decided to leave to one of his daughters rather than a close male claimant such as George William. Eventually the occupation was legitimised by Emperor Charles VI, when George William's second successor, George II, king of Great Britain, was formally given Saxe-Lauenberg. George William was the father of Sophia Dorothea of Celle, wife of George I of Great Britain.
[Ref: 42998] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[The Holy Family with St. Anna, holding the child.] Tenui eum; nec dimittam, donec Introducam illum in Domum Matris meae. Et in Cubiculum Genitricis Meae. Cant. 3.
[Abraham a Diepenbeke inventit.] Petrus de Iode Sculpsit Antwerpiae.
[n.d. c.1670.]
Engraving Plate 311 x 407mm. 12¼ x 16". Repaired tear in bottom centre.
By Pieter de Jode II (1601-74) after Abraham van Diepenbeeck (1596-1675), a painter and designer of prints and tapestries much influenced by Rubens. Hollstein 3.II
[Ref: 19400] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Henricus Liberti. Groeningensis Cathed Ecclesiae Antverp Organista.
Anton. van Dyck pinxit Petrus de Jode Sculpsit [c.1650]
Engraving, 17th century watermark; platemark 270 x 200mm (10½ x 8"). Trimmed to plate. Small damage to upper left corner,
Henricus Liberti (c.1610-69), Dutch composer and organist at Antwerp Cathedral, holding sheet music. Engraving after a portrait by Anthony van Dyck, c.1630, which exists in at least eight copies.
[Ref: 53822] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Paulus du Pont. Graveur admirable en taille douce, natif d'Anvers l'an 1603, il a faict son aprentisage chez Lucas Vostermans, et at demeure au pres Mons.r Rubens, ou il a faict quantite de chefs d'oeuvres: aussi pour Mons.r van Dyck, comme on voit par ses oeuvres.
I. Livens pinxit. P. de Iode sculpsit.
I Meyssens exc. [n.d. c.1622.]
Engraving. Plate 162 x 114mm. 6½ x 4½". Glued to backing sheet.
Paulus Pontius (1603-1658) was a well known Flemish engraver. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24526] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Athanasius Rodulphius. Patritius Florentinus, pro Magno Hetru riae Duce ad Pacis universalis trae tatus 1648. Inquirunt Pacem et Peresquuntur Eam.
Anselmus van Halle pinxit. Petrus de Ioden sculpsit.
Accessit Privilegium Caesareum. Cum privilegio Regum eet Hollandiae Ordinum 1649.
Engraving, with collector's stamp on verso with very large margins. Plate 305 x 196mm (12 x 7¾"). Excellent impression.
Anatasio Ridolfi, a Catholic theologian and secretary of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. He served as Envoy for the Peace of Westphalia. Lugt 1921: [Cabinet Brentano-Birckenstock].
[Ref: 28451] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Aegidius Sadeler. Un de premiers engraveurs de toute le monde. il est ne en Anvers l'an 1570 [...]
Aegidius Sadeler pinxit. Pet. De Iode sculpsit. Io. Meyssens excudit.
[n.d. c.1694].
Engraving. 165 x 115mm. Glued to backing sheet. Small margins.
Aegidius Sadeler II (?1570-1629), engraver, draughtsman and painter. Part of an important family of engravers, publishers and printsellers in Antwerp, Aegidius moved to Munich as a young man and also visited Rome. In around 1597 he arrived in Prague, working as an imperial engraver at the courts of Rudolf II, Matthias and Ferdinand II. Aegidius was admired for the psychological insight of his engravings, which earned him the sobriquet of the 'Phoenix of Engraving'. Engraving after a self-portrait, from the 'True Effigies Of the most Eminent Painters, and other Famous Artists That have Flourished in Europe' published in 1694 in Antwerp.
[Ref: 41463] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
David Teniers. Un tres excellent peintre en petites figures et paijsages, il a faict des remarquables pieces tantpour le Roy d'Espaigne que pour autres Roys, de mesme pour l'Archiduc Leopolde Guillaume, l'Evesque de Gand, et le Prince d'Orange Guillame et plusieurs autres Princes Seigneurs, et Amateurs de l'art ont beaucoup de ses oeuvres, il est ne d'Anvers lan 1610 aijant eu son pere pour maistre.
Dav. Teniers pinxit. Pet. de Iode Sculpsit.
Io. Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1622.]
Engraving. Plate 170 x 114mm. 6¾ x 4½". Glued to backing sheet.
David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690), celebrated Flemish artist. The Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, who assumed the government of the Spanish Netherlands, being a great lover of art, employed Teniers not only as a painter but as keeper of the collection of pictures he was then forming. From Cornelis de Bie's "Het gulden cabinet vande edel vry schilder const".
[Ref: 24512] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
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