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View of Acre & H.M. Ship Le Tigre.
View of Acre & H.M. Ship Le Tigre.
Sketched on the Spot by F.B. Spilsbury, and Drawn by D.l Orme. Jeakes Aquaforte.
Edw.d Orme Excudit. [n.d. c.1819.]
Aquatint with added hand colour. 295 x 400mm (11¾ x 15¾"). Trimmed. Chip to paper upper left corner.
A view of St John of Acre (now Akka, Israel) from the sea, with HMS Le Tigre seen in the foreground. The draughtsman F.B. Spilsbury was a surgeon on board Le Tigre, which together with the H.M.S. Theseus, under the command of Commodore Sir Sydney Smith, was sent on a naval mission to the Holy Land and Syria. This operation was launched as part of the overall mission to counter the military campaigns of Napoleon in the Middle East in 1799 and 1800. Spilsbury's original on-site sketches of famous sites and local peoples were redrawn in London by Daniel Orme and reproduced in printed form, as here.
See RMG: PAF4679; Parker: 144A.
[Ref: 29960]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Athens, South View of the Acropolis.
Athens, South View of the Acropolis. To J. Spencer Smith, Esq.r M.P. F.R.S. & F.S.A. &c. The Print from the Original Drawing in his Collection, is respectfully inscribed by E. Orme.
Drawn by Préaux on the Spot 1799. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Published Nov.r 1 1804, by Edw.d Orme, His Majesty's Printseller, New Bond Street London.
Rare coloured aquatint. Sheet 440 x 590mm (17¼ x 23¼"), watermarked 'Russell'. Trimmed within plate, a little creasing.
A view looking up at the Acropolis, with the pediment of the Parthenon just visible above the walls. The artist, Jean Francois Préaulx, was a draughtsman in the service of the Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier in the Levant and near east. He also engraved several pictures in the collection of John Sydney Smith (1796-1845, younger brother of Admiral Sydney Smith), who served in the British Embassy at Constantinople 1793-1801, first as private secretary to the ambassador and Secretary of Legation from 1798.
[Ref: 59676]   £480.00  
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To the Rev.d Robert Stebbing, D.D.
To the Rev.d Robert Stebbing, D.D. This view of Beaconsfield Church and part of the Rectory is respectfully inscribed by his most obedient servant, John Call Maddox.
Drawn by J. C. Maddox. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Coloured aquatint, rare. Printed area: 380 x 260mm, 15 x 11". Small tear in bottom right corner. Some dirt outside of printed area.
View of St Mary and All Saints Church in Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire. It is situated at the Windsor end corner of the Old Town Crosswords. There was possibly an Anglo-Saxon Church on this site. The church building in this picture dates from around 1475. It has a distinctive squat steeple known as a 'Hertfordshire needle' which is surrounded by a wooden railing instead of a parapet. By the 18th century the church fabric was not in a good state and only small repairs were made. It was restored in the 1860s.
[Ref: 28083]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Constantinople. North view, taken from the Artillery Quay (called Tophana) with H.B.M's ships Le Tigre and La Bonne Citoyenne under the command of Sir Sidney Smith, 1799.
Constantinople. North view, taken from the Artillery Quay (called Tophana) with H.B.M's ships Le Tigre and La Bonne Citoyenne under the command of Sir Sidney Smith, 1799. After a drawing in the collection of John Spencer Smith Esq.r late his Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary at the Ottoman Porte, &c. &c. &c.
J.T. Serres Del. J. Jeakes Aculp.
Published [scratched out, c.1805.]
Scarce colour-printed aquatint with hand finishing. 430 x 570mm (17 x 22½"), on Whatman paper.
A view of the arrival of Two Royal Navy ships, both captured from the French, at Constantinople. 'La Bonne Citoyen' was carrying the Turkish Ambassador back to the city, protected by Le Tigre, commanded by Sir William Sydney Smith. The vessels and several Constantinople landmarks are identified by a key at the top of the print. At this time Napoleon had brought an army of 13,000 north out of Egypt into Ottoman Syria, capturing Gaza and Jaffa before moving onto Acre. Smith sailed from Constantinople and helped reinforce Acre's defences, then captured the French artillery being carried by sea for the siege. Thus weakened, Napoleon made two assaults on Acre before withdrawing back to Egypt. His ambitions in the Levant thwarted, Napoleon said of Smith: 'That man made me miss my destiny'.
NMM: PAH9210.
[Ref: 26739]   £950.00  
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His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S.
His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S. being on a cruise off Cape La Heve... to cut out a French lugger named Le Vengeur.. 18 April 1796... was boarded... but the cable cut by one of the prisoners... swept... into the River Seine... surrender..till they effected their escape. To J. Spencer Smith, Esqr. M.P. F.R.S. F.S.A. &c. this Print, from the original Drawing in his collection, is respectfully inscribed by E. Orme.
Drawn by J.T. Serres, from a sketch by J. Boxer, R.N. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Published for the Proprietor, as the Act directs, Septr. 1803, by Edwd. Orme, His Majesty's Printseller, 59, New Bond Street, London.
Coloured aquatint, image 370 x 565mm. 14½ x 22¼". Trimmed to plate, nicks and tears to exremities. Paper age toned. Crease through lower left corner of image.
The frigate 'Diamond' was overpowered in the port of Havre on April 17th 1796. Her commander Captain Sir William Sydney Smith was imprisoned but escaped in May 1798. The respective ships captioned above the image.
Parker: 114a; for better impression see ref. 13725
[Ref: 9025]   £360.00  
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His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S.
His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S. being on a cruise off Cape La Heve... to cut out a French lugger named Le Vengeur.. 18 April 1796... was boarded... but the cable cut by one of the prisoners... swept... into the River Seine... surrender..till they effected their escape. To J. Spencer Smith, Esqr. M.P. F.R.S. F.S.A. &c. this Print, from the original Drawing in his collection, is respectfully inscribed by E. Orme.
Drawn by J.T. Serres, from a sketch by J. Boxer, R.N. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Published for the Proprietor, as the Act directs, Sept.r 1803, by Edw.d Orme, His Majesty's Printseller, 59, New Bond Street, London.
Coloured aquatint, proof impression. 460 x 640mm (18 x 25¼"). Very good impression.
The frigate 'Diamond' was overpowered in the port of Havre on April 17th 1796. Her commander Captain Sir William Sydney Smith was imprisoned but escaped in May 1798. The respective ships captioned above the image.
Parker: 114a.
[Ref: 13725]   £700.00  
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His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S. being on a cruise off Cape La Heve...
His Majesty's Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S. being on a cruise off Cape La Heve... To J. Spencer Smith, Esqr. M.P. F.R.S. F.S.A. &c. this Print, from the original Drawing in his collection, is respectfully inscribed by E. Orme. Proof.
Drawn by J.T. Serres, from a sketch by J. Boxer, R.N. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Published for the Proprietor, as the Act directs, Sept.r 1803, by Edw.d Orme, His Majesty's Printseller, 59, New Bond Street, London.
Coloured aquatint, proof. 460 x 640mm (18 x 25¼").
While blockading Le Havre in 1796 'Diamond' was overpowered and her commander Captain Sir William Sydney Smith imprisoned. However he escaped two years later with the help of French Royalists, a crucial event in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: because of Smith's later service in the Mediterranean and Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte complained ''That man made me miss my destiny''. The respective ships captioned above the image.
Parker: 114a.
[Ref: 41423]   £550.00  
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Town House at Batavia.
Town House at Batavia.
[Engraved by J. Jeakes.]
[London: Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library, Whitehall. 1815.]
Aquatint, very rare. Image 272 x 419mm. 10¾ x 16½". Cut around image and title.
A view of the former Stadhuis of Batavia, the seat of the city government during the Dutch East Republic, and Fatahillah Square. The Dutch East India Company had founded the fort of Batavia c.1619; except for a brief interval from 1806 to 1815, the Dutch ruled Indonesia until the twentieth century. Batavia was renamed Jakarta in 1942. From Major William Thorn's "Memoir of the Conquest of Java", 1815.
Abbey Travel: Vol.II. 553.2.
[Ref: 25823]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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A View at the Head of the Canal or Bason at Paddington. 1360 Feet long by 95 Feet wide.
A View at the Head of the Canal or Bason at Paddington. 1360 Feet long by 95 Feet wide.
H. Milbourne Delin. J. Jeakes Sculpt.
London Published 10th February, 1813, by Robert Wilkinson, No. 58 Cornhill.
Coloured aquatint. 346 x 245mm image size. Abrasion on left side of image near right margin, minor browning of paper on edges
One from a set of four views of Paddington.
for another plate from the series, see ref. 4234
[Ref: 4236]   £440.00  
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A View from the Left of the First Bridge at Paddington, with the Company & Barges, on the 10th July, 1801.
A View from the Left of the First Bridge at Paddington, with the Company & Barges, on the 10th July, 1801.
H. Milbourne Delin. J. Jeakes Sculp.
London Published Septr. 10 1801, by G. Reibau, No. 2 Blandford Street, Manchester Square.
Coloured aquatint Laid on board.
One from a set of four views of Paddington.
for another plate from the series, see ref. 4236
[Ref: 4234]   £420.00  
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St. Iohn of Acré. Defended by the English under Sir Sidney Smith, against the French under General Buonaparte, from 19 March (28, Ventose) to 21 May (1. Praireal) 1799.
St. Iohn of Acré. Defended by the English under Sir Sidney Smith, against the French under General Buonaparte, from 19 March (28, Ventose) to 21 May (1. Praireal) 1799. To J. Spencer Smith, Esq.r L.L.D. F.R.S. & F.S.A. &c. The Print from the Original Drawing in his Collection, is respectfully inscribed by J. Jeakes. [Lettered key underneath as references to the small plan in title area.]
Drawn by Préaux at Constantinople from a Sketch by F.B. Spilsbury of H.B.M. Ship le Tigre 1800. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Publishd as the Act directs...180...
Aquatint. 425 x 588mm. 16¾ x 23¼". Cut. Vertical crease through centre. Some surface rubbing and scratching.
Here in 1799, the French launched an unsuccessful attack against the Ottoman-defended, walled city of Acre; the defense led by the British Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith (1764-1840). The artist, Jean Francois Préaulx, was a draughtsman in the service of the Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier in the Levant and near east. He also engraved several pictures in the collection of John Sydney Smith (1796-1845, younger brother of William), who served in the British Embassy at Constantinople 1793-1801, first as private secretary to the ambassador and Secretary of Legation from 1798.
[Ref: 19651]   £390.00  
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To His Grace y.e Duke of Queensbury, This West View of Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain,
To His Grace y.e Duke of Queensbury, This West View of Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, Supposed y.e Ruins of a Druids Temple, is Respectfully Dedicated by his Graces Most Obed.t Servant, Thomas Watson.
Drawn by T. Watson, 7 October 1805. Engraved by J. Jeakes.
Published Dec.r 9 1805 by T. Watson, No 22. Wellclose Square.
Aquatint, very rare. Sheet 280 x 405mm (11 x 16"). Extensive restoration on right, laid on archival tissue. Damaged.
A view before the restoration of the monument.
[Ref: 45332]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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A Perspective View of the Revolving Temple of Concord Invented by Sir William Congreve Bar.t.
A Perspective View of the Revolving Temple of Concord Invented by Sir William Congreve Bar.t. And erected in the Green Park for the display of A Grand Firework, in Celebration of the Glorious Peace of 1814. The Design & Decorations made by Greenwood & Latilla of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. The Allegorical Transparencies Designed by M.r Howard R.A, and painted by him; Smirke, Stothard , Woodforde, Dawe, Hilton and Genta _Sculptor M.r Chenu_ The Machinery by Mess.s Maudslay & C.o and Mr Drory.
J. Pain delin. R.W. Smart sculp. Aquatinted by I.Jeakes.
[n.d., c.1814]
Aquatint, watermark Ruse & Turney; sheet 330 x 415mm (13 x 16½"). Trimmed within plate and glued to backing sheet. Top corner torn. Tear through publication line repaired with tape. Creases.
A view of the Temple of Concord, The print depicts an architectural structure erected for the fireworks display held 1 August 1814 in Green Park, London, to celebrate the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the Jubilee of George III. The mastermind behind the Temple was Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Congreve (1772–1828), a rocket designer and Comptroller of the Royal Laboratory at Woolwich. Congreve designed the Temple with assistance from stage designers from the Theatre Royal and master engineers. It was an elaborate structure illuminated with colored lamps and decorated with gilding, festoons, and painted transparencies. Congreve had commissioned some of the nation’s best artists such as Thomas Stothard (1755 – 1834) to design and paint allegorical scenes on these ‘transparencies’, each tableau praising ‘the Triumph of England under the Regency’. When illuminated from inside it was made to revolve, so that spectators might view each side in turn.
[Ref: 57435]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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