Bataille in Braband.
Georg. Phil. Rugendas del. Abraham Drentwelt ornam. del. Jacob Andreas Friderich Sculpsit. Cum Gratia et Privileg: Sac: Cæs. Majest. Jerimias Wolff excudit aug: Vind; [n.d. c.1720] Engraving. 440 x 380mm. Tear just entering platemark. View of the Battle of Brabant, 1706. The view is surrounded by an extemely decorative allegorical border, also containing a plan of the battle and a short descriptive text. Published in Decker's 'Representatio Belli ob Successionem in Regno Hispanico', a history of the War of the Spanish Succession.
[Ref: 1695] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)