Franciscus Albanus Bonon. Albanum mihi Fama iubes depingere; pingam. Pictura, Is pariter si sibi Pictor erit. [On pedestal:] Picturae Francisci Albani in Aede Verospia.
Petrus de Petris inv. et delin. Io. Hyeronymus Frezza incid. Romae cum Priv. Sum. Pont. an. 1704. Engraving with large margins. Image plate 362 x 280mm. 14¼ x 11". Title plate 32 x 280mm. 11¼ x 11". Crease to upper right corner. Foxed. Frontispiece with Albani's portrait surrounded by Fame and a putto, with allegory of Painting lying in the foreground. One of a series of 17 prints after Francesco Albani's and Sisto Badalocchio's frescoes in Palazzo Verospi, Rome. Albani frescoed the loggia, while Badalocchio worked on the ground floor decorations. Francesco Albani (1578-1660), the Italian Baroque painter.
[Ref: 25905] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)