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Bougainville, abordant à Taïti, (iles Marquises.)
Rouargue frères del et sc.
[n.d. c.1846.]
Steel engraving. Sheet 146 x 235mm. 5¾" x 9¼".
Comte Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811), soldier, sailor. After studying law and mathematics, he published a Traité de calcul intégral (1754-56) and was elected to the Royal Society (London). Having entered the military in 1750, he was posted to Québec in 1756 as aide-de-camp to Montcalm.
[Ref: 9342] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Brazil] Suite du Panorama de la Baie de Rio de Janeiro. 3.e Partie. PL: 54.
J.B Debret del.t. Lith de Thierry frères.
[n.d. c.1835.]
Very rare hand-coloured lithograph. Sheet 320 x 510mm (12½ x 20"), large margins.
Four sketches on one sheet: a view of the bay of Rio de Janeiro from the hills; a granite outcrop with a signal base at the summit; and a tree with carvings made by Emperor Pedro. From the 'Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil' (1834-39) by J.B. Debret.
[Ref: 60392] £320.00
[Brazil] Les premières occupations du matin. Quèteurs. Voeu d'une messe demandée comme aumône. 3.e Partie. PL: 4.
J.B Debret del.t. Lith de Thierry Frères, Succ: de Engelmann.
[n.d. c.1835.]
Very rare hand-coloured lithograph, sheet 500 x 345mm (19¾ x 13¾"), very large margins. Slightly foxed, blue mark on left edge.
Two designs depicting the life and costumes of Brazilian people. On the top, a group of people busy with the first activities at the beginning of a new day. On the bottom, two illustrations of people asking and collection alms. Plate 4 of 'Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil' (1834-39) by J.B. Debret.
[Ref: 59602] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Brazil] Une mulatresse allant passer les Fetês de Noël, a la campagne. Concours des ecoliers, la veille du Jour de S.t Alexis. 3.e Partie. PL: 7.
J.B. Debret del. Lith de Thierry Frères, de Engelmann &
[n.d. c.1835.]
Very rare hand-coloured lithograph, sheet 470 x 340mm (18½ x 13½"), large margins. Slightly foxed, blue mark on left edge.
Two designs depicting the life and costumes of Brazilian people. On the top, a mixed race woman (described as a mulattress in text) and her daughter are accompanied by their black slaves who carry a bird in a cage, a basket, a rug and a jug along a country path; to spend the Christmas holidays in the countryside. On the bottom, children congregate in the street and enter schools, thrusting pieces of paper toward two adult men. A girl is escorted by a child slave and a black female slave carrying an umbrella on her head and carrying the girl's notebook and quills. Plate 7 of 'Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil' (1834-39) by J.B. Debret.
[Ref: 59601] £320.00
[Brazil] Marchand de fleurs, a la porte d'une église. Ex-voto de marins échappés d'un naufrage. 3.e Partie. PL: 6.
J.B. Debret, et la V.esse de Portes, d.t. Lith. de Thierry Frères de Engelmann &
[n.d. c.1835.]
Very rare hand-coloured lithograph, sheet 360 x 290mm (14¼ x 11½") large margins. Small tear on left edge.
Two designs depicting the life and costumes of Brazilian people. On the top, a flower seller, holding a plate full of cut coconut, offers flowers carefully placed on a banana trunk to an upper-class woman who is leaving mass with her servants and her child. On the bottom, barefoot sailors who survived a shipwreck bring a sail into a church, carrying their shoes and their hats. Plate 6 of 'Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil' (1834-39) by J.B. Debret.
[Ref: 59600] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[Brazil] Pauvre famille dans sa maison. Menuisier allant s'installer. Transport de feuilles d'aloès. 2.e Partie. PL: 34.
J.B. Debret del.t. Lith. de Thierry Frères, de Engelmann &
[n.d. c.1835.]
Very rare hand-coloured lithograph, sheet 360 x 295mm (14¼ x 11½") very large margins. Mount burn around image, nick to top left corner.
Two designs depicting the life and costumes of Brazilian people. On the top, the interior of the house of a poor family. On the bottom, a carpenter carrying tools to his shop and men carrying bundle of aloe leaves on their heads. Plate 34 of 'Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, ou Séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil' (1834-39) by J.B. Debret.
[Ref: 59599] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Le Cholera. Pardon, mon Capitaine. Ma[...] crois bien que c’est en donnant une poignée de mans au camarade [...]ntre, que j’aurai attrapé la pidérnie que’il sori de l’hopital y a huit jours.
H.te Bellangé 1832. I.Lith. de Gihaut frères éditeurs.
Boulevard des Italiens No.5.
Lithograph. 228 x 183mm. 9 x 7¼". Stain in the title area. Some text missing.
Cholera didn't reach France until the second pandemic between 1829 and 1831, at which point 20,000 succumbed in Paris and 100,000 deaths in all of France. Here a scene of soldiers and their captain drinking away their pains and sorrows at a local street-side bar. One soldier is particularly drunk, hardly holding himself up against a senior officer.
[Ref: 16816] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Deux Natures Excentriques. Uncommon Specimens!
Dessiné par Guebard. Bettannier Freres lith.
Paris_ Publié par F.Sinnett 1o Rotonde Passage Colbert. London_ Gambart & Co 25 Berners S.t Oxford S.t. [n.d. c.1860.]
Coloured tinted lithograph. Printed area 440 x 260mm. Some surface soiling.
Two cross-dressing women.
[Ref: 15035] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Fanny Essler.
Alexandre Lacauchie, Lith de Rigo frères, Pass, Saulnier, 19.
Publié par Marchant, 12, Boulol. St. Martin.
Lithograph. 248 x 159mm. 9¾" x 6¼". Some spotting.
Fanny Essler (1810-1884, Vienna), ballet dancer.
[Ref: 8500] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Foot-ball. Une erreur de ballon!!! 28
M. Marais. Imp. Bequet fr. Paris.
Jules Haeutecoeur, Paris [n.d., c.1890.]
Lithograph, printed in black, red and white, on thick coloured paper. Sheet 315 x 235mm (12¼ x 9¼"). Some surface dirt.
A satirical scene, with one player missing the oversized ball and kicking another player in the backside. One of 48(?) in the series 'Silhouettes Fantaisistes' by Maurice Marais (1852-1898) published by Hautecoeur between 1888 and 1893.
[Ref: 58848] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Filets Sautés au Vin de Madère.
Estienne pinx. Bettannier lith.
Paris Boivin, 3 rue de Valois, Palais Royal. Imp. Lemercier, Paris.
Hand-coloured, tinted lithograph. Sheet: 350 x 265mm (13¾ x 10½''). Foxing.
A French scene showing a chef sautéing filets in a kitchen, while swigging Madeira straight from the bottle. On the left a cat attempts to steal a bird from a table.
[Ref: 51066] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Le Petit Marchand des Rues.
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½").
A boy sellings good from a folding table. Plate 30 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36861] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Pl. 2. [Kazan from the North.] [&] Pl.3. [Kazan from the South].
Lith. de Thierry Frères à Paris.
[Paris, n.d., c.1830.].
A rare pair of lithographs, with Cyrillic titles pasted on. Sheets 205 x 260mm (8 x 10¼").
Two views of Kazan in Tartarstan, Russia, with the skyline dominated by the kremlin, a World Heritage Site.
[Ref: 38995] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Mariage de Malvina avec Edmond Seymour. 2.
Deveria del.t. Johannot Frères Sculp.t.
A Paris Chez Bulla M.d d Estampes Rue S.t Jacques N.º 38. Déposé à la Direction de la [n.d., c.1809.
Stipple with etching. 280 x 340mm (11 x 13½"), with large margins. Tears to edges, spotting and surface soiling.
A scene from Sophie Cottin's romantic novel ''Malvina'', published anonymously in 1801. A young French widow leaves France for Scotland after a loveless marriage and unexpectedly finds love with Edmond, opening her heart to pain.
[Ref: 63696] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
L'union fait la force. Régénération de L'Empire Ottoman. Verdu au profit de l' emancipation 1 Franc.
Lith. Thierry Freres, Cité Bergere, 1, A Paris. [n.d., c.1830].
Lithograph, very scarce & interesting. Sheet size: 550 x 355m. (21½ x 14"). Tear into text on right.
A scene in which five figures are seen holding a flag, topped with an Ottoman symbol, inscribed with 'Droit Egaux', translated as 'Equal Rights'. The figures are standing by a river, with a landscape of buildings in the background. Underneath the title is a list of four principles for the state to abide by. Titles in five different languages inscribed underneath image.
[Ref: 30005] £450.00
The Printer-Devil. (Le Diable de l'Imprimerie.]
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½"). Slight foxing.
A boy drying a printing plate. Plate 20 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36864] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
The Printer-Devil. (Le Diable de l'Imprimerie.]
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½").
A boy inking a printing plate. Plate 21 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36863] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Nos succés sont certains. (Success is Certain)
Peint par Teichel. Lith par Bettannier Frères.
Imp Lemericer r. de Seine 57, Paris. Paris, chez Bulla Frères et Jouy Editeurs. Berlin, Emile Seitz, 196 Friedrichstrasse. London, E. Gambart & C.o. 25 Berners S.t. Oxf. S.t. New- York, Emiles Seitz.
Hand-coloured lithograph with large margins. Sheet: 350 x 450mm (12¾ x 17¾"). Some very slight foxing. Some small tears in edges.
Interior scene in which two women get ready to leave the house; one woman checks her reflection in a dressing mirror while the other ties her boot, her foot resting on a stool.
[Ref: 35125] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Quinze Ans de Voyages Autour du Monde, par le Capitaine Gabriel Lafond (de Lurcy). Aniere (Détroit de la Sonde).
Lith. par S.t Aulaire et Freeman.
Lith de Rigo frères, Pass: Saulnier, 19. [n.d., c.1840.]
A rare tinted lithograph. Sheet: 375 x 520mm (14¾ x 20½"). Vertical crease.
A view of the Sunda Islands in North Sumatra with figures in the foreground. An illustration from 'Quinze Ans de Voyages Autour du Monde' by Gabriel Lafond de Lurcy who departed on his second voyage around the world in 1828, his description of his travels was published in 1840.
[Ref: 46712] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Melle Taglioni, dans la Sylphide.
Lith. de Gihaut frères Editeurs. Lith par F. Courtin.
Boulevard des Italiens, No. 5, Paris. [n.d., c.1831.]
Lithograph, on india paper. Sheet: 320 x 440mm (12½ x 17¼"). Marking in plate and margins, margins toned. Tears in edges, one in lower edge just into india.
A full-length portrait of Romantic ballet dancer Marie Taglioni (1804-1884) shown in costume and en pointe. Taglioni was the first dancer to use en pointe to express character in a dance. While this print is titled 'dans la Sylphide' the portrait is actually of Taglioni in the title role of La Bayadère and is after and English lithograph by R. J. Lane after A.E. Chalon. Dedication in pencil in lower right corner.
[Ref: 42851] £1,250.00
Lith de Rigo frères, Pass: Saulnier, 19. Alexe. Lacauchie.
[n.d. c.1840] Pari Publié par Marchann.
Lithograph. 254 x 159mm. 10" x 6¼". Some spotting.
Marie Taglioni (April 23, 1804-April 24, 1884) was a famous Italian ballerina of the Romantic ballet era, a central figure in the history of European dance.
[Ref: 8499] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
L'Apprenti Tailleur.
Lith. Rigo Freres 1, Richer, 7.
Desesserts Editeur. [Paris, 1841.]
Lithograph, rare. Sheet 220 x 140mm (8¾ x 5½").
An apprentice tailor, working cross-legged. Plate 9 from 'Les Enfans peints par eux-mêmes, sujets de composition, donnés a ses Élèves' by Alexandre de Saillet (1811-1866). Each picture was to illustrate a story about child labour written by pupils at de Saillet's boarding school.
[Ref: 36862] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Le Selim Turc. The Turkish Prayer.
Mme. Colin Pinx et Lith. Lit. de Gihaut Frères.
[French, n.d., c.1840.]
Lithograph in fine colour by hand with gum arabic, on scrap book page. Image 215 x 145mm, 8½ x 5¾". Lacking margins.
Highly romanticized image of two women in an interior in lavish 'oriental' costume; they seem to be a wealthy and important 'lady', seated and holding jewellery, and a servant or supplicant (standing, behind). Landscape through an open window, to left; curtain behind, to right.
[Ref: 25043] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
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