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James Anderson, L.L.D.-F.R.S.-F.A.S.-S.&c.
James Anderson, L.L.D.-F.R.S.-F.A.S.-S.&c.
J. Anderson del. Freeman sculp.
Gent. Mag. May 1809. Pl.I. p.401.
Stipple. Plate 165 x 114mm. 6½ x 4½".
Portrait, long half-length with short curly hair, seated to left, chin on his right chin with the elbow resting on the arm of his chair, a handkerchief in his left hand, wearing a dark coat, pale waistcoat and white cravat, with spectacles drawn up to his hair. Plate for the 'Gentleman's Magazine' of 1809. Dr James Anderson (1739-1808) was physician-general of the East India Company in Madras. He was also a botanist and publisher of 'The Bee', which was a weekly paper form 1790-1794.
Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove.
[Ref: 25380]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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George Bidder. The Calculating phenomenon of England.
George Bidder. The Calculating phenomenon of England. Who at eight years of age & having received no instruction ina rthmatic possessed the power of resolvin difficult arithmetical questions without hesitatin or shewing any appearance if mental operation Which power continues and improves. He was born at Morton Hampstead in Devonshire June 1806.
Engraved July 1815 by Freeman from a picture by John King.
Stipple. Sheet: 155 x 195mm (6 x 7¾"). Trimmed within plate.
A portrait of George Bidder (1806-1878) who was exhibited by his father around the country on account of his fascinating mental skills. Thanks to an education provided by figures such as Sir J. Herschel and Sir H. Jardine, Bidder went on to be a successful engineer who worked alongside the Stephensons advising on the creation of the railways.
For a portrait of Bidder as an adult see ref: 3964. For another portrait of Bidder as a boy see ref: 31184.
[Ref: 35729]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Femme de l'Orient. Childe Harold (Lord Byron).
Femme de l'Orient. Childe Harold (Lord Byron).
Pickersgill R.A. de Londres. Freeman Lith. Lith. Roder & 1.e Richer.
[n.d., c.1837.]
Lithograph. Sheet 365 x 260mm (14¼ x 10¼"). Trimmed.
A Greek woman with two children. A scene from Lord Byron's 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage', published in the 'Album Cosmopolite, ou Choix des Collectionss de M. Alexandre Vattemare, compose de sujets historiques et religieux, paysages, marines'.
[Ref: 57320]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Coy. But if you meet with one that's forward, Haughty, prudish and untoward, Never play the whining Coward, Let her, Let her go never mind her &c.
C. Williams Delin.t I. Freeman Sculp.t
London, Pub.d May 1. 1813 by S.W. Fores, No.50 Piccadilly.
Coloured stipple, printed in colour. 300 x 204mm. 11¾ x 8". Crease.
A coy young lady evading the prudish advances of a young man.
[Ref: 20146]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Eaton.  Aged 49 Years,a native Northamptonshire, Performed the following Pedestrian Feats.
Eaton. Aged 49 Years,a native Northamptonshire, Performed the following Pedestrian Feats. 1st Decr.26.1815, compleated on Blackheath,1100 miles, pn the Barclay plan, viz, a mile every hour. 2nd. July 20th.1816, at the same place he walked 1100 miles, comencing each mile within 20 mintues after each hour. 3rd. Decr. 5th.1816, on Brixton Causeway he accomplished 1998 half miles in 1998 succeeding half hours. 4th. June 18th.1817, this was a task of competitorship btween Baker & himself on Wormwood Scrubs & which was accomplished in one hour less than the given time, making 2000 miles in 42 days. 5th. Sept. 6th.1817, a grand match against time walking from Colchester to London, one day & returning to Colchester the next & so on fro 20 succeeding days, being 1020 miles.
T.C.Smith Del. Freeman Sculpt.
Published by T.C.Smith, Miniature Painter, Aske Terrace, Hoxton, & sold by all Print & Book Sellers. [n.d., c.1820.]
Coloured stipple engraving with etching. 335 x 250mm.
Pedestrian fl.1810 - 20.
[Ref: 5591]   £380.00  
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Eaton in his Costume on the Colchester match.
Eaton in his Costume on the Colchester match. Aged 49 Years a native Northamptonshire, Performed the following Pedestrian Feats. 1st Decr.26.1815, compleated on Blackheath, 1100, miles, on the Barclay plan, viz. a mile every hour. 2d. July 20th, 1816, at the same place he walked 1100 miles, comencing each mile within 20 mintues after each hour. 3rd. Decr. 5th. 1816, on Brixton Causeway he accomplished 1998 half miles in 1998 succeeding half hours. 4th. June 18th.1817, this was a task of competitorship between Baker & himself on Wormwood Scrubs & which he accomplished in one hour less than the given time making 2000 miles in 42 days. 5th. Sept. 6th.1817, a grand match against time walking from Colchester to London one day & returning to Colchester the next & so on for 20 succeeding days, being 1020 miles.
[n.d. c.1820].
Coloured etching. 295 x 220mm (11½ x 8¾").
Pedestrian fl.1810 - 20.
[Ref: 190]   £490.00  
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Heloise.  [&]  Abelard.
Heloise. [&] Abelard.
Buck, del. Freeman & Stadler, sculp.t.
Published Nov.r 20, 1807, by William Holland No.11, Cockspur Street, London.
Pair of aquatints, printed in colours and hand finished. 255 x 200mm (10 x 7¾"). Right margin of 'Abelard' rebuilt. Small margins.
A pair of portraits of the nun Heloise and the monk Abelard, with lines from 'Eloisa to Abelard', a poem by Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744). After Adam Buck (1759 - 1833), draughtsman and specialist in watercolours.
[Ref: 55535]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Evidences of Christianity.
Evidences of Christianity.
Engraved by Freeman.
Stipple, platemark 165 x 110mm (6½ x 4¼") large margins.
Woman indicating upwards to a black man kneeling before her. Probably frontispiece to an edition of 'Evidences of Christianity' by William Paley (1743-1805), which confirmed its author as one of England's most respected theologians.
For a portrait of Paley see ref. 29164.
[Ref: 44515]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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Ferdinand VII. King of Spain.
Ferdinand VII. King of Spain. From a portrait in the possession of Admiral Apodaca.
Freeman sculp.t
[n.d. c.1815.]
Stipple.152 x 120mm (6 x 4¾"). Cut.
King Ferdinand VII (1784-1833), twice King of Spain, in 1808 and from 1813 to 1833. He was known as 'Ferdinand the Desired' or 'The felon King'.
[Ref: 31215]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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William Forsthe.
William Forsthe.
Freeman sc.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple. Sheet 220 x 125mm (8¾ x 5"), with wide margins. Trimmed within plate, foxing.
William Forsyth (1737-1804), Scottish botanist, superintendent of the royal gardens at Kensington and St James's Palace, and a founding member of the Royal Horticultural Society. 'Forsythia' is named in his honour.
[Ref: 53179]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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Octavius Gilchrist.
Octavius Gilchrist.
Painted by Lonsdale. Engraved by Freeman.
Published by C. Dyer. Compton Str.t Soho. [n.d. c.1810.]
Stipple. Plate 165 x 115mm. 6½ x 4½".
Octavius Graham Gilchrist (1779-1823), was an English man of letters and antiquary. In 1803 he was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London.
Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove.
[Ref: 25388]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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Rev.d Rowland Hill, M.A.
Rev.d Rowland Hill, M.A.
Painted by Derby. Engraved by Freeman.
London, Published February 1st. 1831, by Page & Son, 62 Blackfriars Road.
Engraving. Sheet 400 x 295mm (15¾ x 11¾"). Slight creasing.
Rowland Hill (1744-1833), preacher, enthusiastic evangelical and, as a friend of Edward Jenner, an influential advocate of smallpox vaccination.
[Ref: 53118]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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Henrietta, eldest daughter of Edward Leeds Esqr. of Croxton, Cambridgeshire.
Henrietta, eldest daughter of Edward Leeds Esqr. of Croxton, Cambridgeshire. The Second Wife of John Howard, the Philanthropist.
Engraved by Freeman, from the original miniature formerly in the possession of Mr. Howard.
London, Published by Thos. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [n.d., c.1810].
Stipple, sheet 220 x 140mm. 8¾ x 5½". Lacking margins.
Portrait of Henrietta Leeds who married the prison reformer John Howard (1726?-1790) in 1758. She died in 1765, a week after giving birth to a son (also named John).
[Ref: 27502]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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Francis Jeffrey, Esq.
Francis Jeffrey, Esq.
From an original Picture by H. Raeburn. Drawn by W. Evans, Engraved by S. Freeman.
Published March 16, 1812, by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London.
Stipple engraving. Sheet 310 x 370mm. Left edge of sheet extremely tatty. Water stains and general dirt, outside image.
Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey [1773 - 1850], Judge and critic for the Edinburgh Review.
[Ref: 2358]   £40.00   (£48.00 incl.VAT)
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Lafayette. [Facsimile signature.]
Lafayette. [Facsimile signature.] A Commander of the Parisian National Guard in 1789.
Engraved by S. Freeman from an Original by Levachez.
A. Fullarton & Co. [n.d., c.1825.]
Stipple, sheet 250 x 155mm. 9¾ x 6".
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (1757 - 1834). French citizen who joined Continental Army during American Revolutionary War, voted Major General by Continental Congress. He commanded a light division at the Battle of Yorktown, and was a close associate of George Washington.
[Ref: 15258]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT)
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[Letitia Elizabeth Landon] L.E. Landon [facsimile signature].
[Letitia Elizabeth Landon] L.E. Landon [facsimile signature].
J. Wright del. S Freeman, sc.
London. Published by Henry Colburn, May 1837.
Stipple. Sheet 225 x 135mm (9 x 5¼"). Trimmed to platemark.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802-38), poet and novelist, better known by her initials L.E.L. An illustration to 'New Monthly Magazine'.
[Ref: 51795]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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Hm. Lawrence [signature facsimile]. From An Original Minature By A Native Artist.
Hm. Lawrence [signature facsimile]. From An Original Minature By A Native Artist.
S. Freeman, sc.
London, Richard Bentley, 1851.
Engraving on india paper. 155 x 235mm. Grease spot by publication line.
Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence [1806 – 1857], general and administrator in India who died defending Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny in 1857.
[Ref: 2570]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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The Penitentiary, Millbank.
The Penitentiary, Millbank. As it Appeared from the River during the Fire on Wednesday Night, the 7th Oct 1835.
Drawn on Stone by J. Freeman.
Printed and Published by W. Annan, 12 Gracechurch S.t.
Fine & scarce coloured lithograph. Sheet 300 x 395mm (11¾ x 15½"). Faint surface scuffing, laid on album paper.
A view from the Thames, with the walls of Millbank Prison sihouetted by the flames in the interior. The fire started in the laundry and destroyed the female wing and the infirmary, without loss of life.
[Ref: 61983]   £320.00  
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The Sorrows of Werter Translated from the German by Dr. Pratt. The Second Edition. London. [&] The last meeting of Charlotte & Werter.
The Sorrows of Werter Translated from the German by Dr. Pratt. The Second Edition. London. [&] The last meeting of Charlotte & Werter.
Thurston del. Freeman sculp.
London, Published by Thomas Tegg Cheapside, March 1813. Printed for Thomas Tegg No. 111 Cheapside. J. Cumming Dublin, and J. Dick Edinburgh.
Stipple. Plate 171 x 197mm. 6¾ x 7¾". Unut before binding.
Frontispiece and illustration to 'Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of the Young Werter)', Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's (1749 - 1832) tragedy.
[Ref: 27861]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT)
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Cath.e Stepney [facsimile signature].
Cath.e Stepney [facsimile signature].
A.E. Chalon R.A. S. Freeman.
London, Published by Henry Colburn, Dec.r 1837.
Rare stipple on chine collé. 230 x 145mm (9 x 5¾"), with large margins. Spotting on backing sheet.
Half-length portrait of novelist Catherine Pollok (1778-1845), who wrote novels under her married names of Catherine Manners and Catherine Stepney.
[Ref: 63294]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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[Tahiti] His Majesty Pomarrè, King of Taheite.
[Tahiti] His Majesty Pomarrè, King of Taheite.
Freeman sc.
Pub.d by F. Westley, Stationers Court May 1821.
Stipple, 140 x 100mm. 5½ x 4". Tears outside printed area.
Pomare II of Tahiti (1782-1821). He died of drink-related causes in December 1821 and was succeeded by Pomare III.
[Ref: 8721]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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[Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington] Waterloo. Le Vainqueur des Vainqueurs de L'Europe.
[Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington] Waterloo. Le Vainqueur des Vainqueurs de L'Europe.
The Portrait drawn from a Gem by Satchwell, the Battle piece drawn by Duplessi Bertaux, the whole engraved by Freeman.
Published by Samuel Leigh, Strand, 1816.
Stipple and engraving, rare. Platemark: 235 x 150mm (9¼ x 6"). Large margins.
A bust portrait of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, (1769-1852), in profile to the right, within a decorative circle, with ornate plaques on either side inscribed with 'Toulouse', 'St. Sebastian', 'Vittoria', 'Salamanca' and others. A small scene depicting the Battle of Waterloo is below the portrait.
[Ref: 37459]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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The Most Noble Field Marshal the Marquis Wellington, K.G. &c, &c.
The Most Noble Field Marshal the Marquis Wellington, K.G. &c, &c. Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies of England, Spain and Portugal, now invading France. 1814.
Done from the life in Spain by Carlo Amatucci. Freeman sculp.t.
Published & Sold March 1. 1814, by Edw.d Orme. Publisher to his Majesty, & H.R.H. the Prince Regent, Bond Street, corner of Brook Street, London.
Stipple. Open lettered proof impresson. Platemark: 200 x 130mm (8 x 5"). Very large margins. Small ink spot.
A bust portrait of Arthur Wellesley, (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, in profile to the left, wearing military uniform, with stars and the order of Golden Fleece. Within an oval, after a medallion wax relief c. 1813. Wellesley was an Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman, a native of Ireland belonging to the Protestant Ascendancy, and one of the leading military and political figures of 19th century Britain. His defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815 put him in the top rank of Britain's military heroes.
[Ref: 37457]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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John Wilkes, Esq.r
John Wilkes, Esq.r
Engrav'd by Freeman from an Original Portrait by Zoffani.
Published by Longman & Co. November 5th. 1804.
Stipple, with small margins. Plate 165 x 102mm. 6½ x 4".
John Wilkes (1725-1797), politician and agitator. His imprisonment for libel and banishment from the House of Commons brought into question the validity of parliamentary elections. Arrested in 1763 for publishing an attack on the King's speech. His case became very popular causing violent public protests to the cry of "Wilkes and Liberty". He was finally permitted to take his seat in 1774 and was elected Lord Mayor of London the same year. After a portrait by Johan Zoffany, the German painter who made his name in London with his portraits and 'conversation pieces' of influential figures.
Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove.
[Ref: 25526]   £85.00   (£102.00 incl.VAT)
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