Ramon Cabrera [facsimile signature.]
Louis Lopez ft. Lith. de Fourquenin. [Spanish/French, n.d., c.1840.] Lithograph on india paper with very large margins, india 480 x 350mm. 19 x 13¾". A little soiled, with closed tear to left margin. Generally good. Portrait of Ramon Cabrera y Griñó (1806 - 1877), Spanish Carlist general in the First Carlist War (1833-1839). The Carlists supported the pretender to the Spanish throne, the Infante Carlos ('Don Carlos', 1788 - 1855), second surviving son of King Charles IV and his wife, Maria Luisa of Parma. As Carlos V he was the first of the Carlist claimants. Cabrera died in London on the 24 May 1877. With vignette prospect of Morella, an ancient walled city in Valencia, eastern Spain (where Cabrera joined the forces of Don Carlos) below portrait.
[Ref: 27988] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)