Edmund Anderson K.t L.d Cheife Justice of the Com: Pleas.
W. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d., c.1664.]
Engraving. Sheet size: 205 x 135mm (8¼ x 5½"). Trimmed inside plate. Corners glued to backing sheet.
A portrait of Sir Edmund Anderson (1530 - 1605), Chief Justice of the Common Pleas under Elizabeth I. Anderson sat as judge at the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. A frontis piece to 'Les Reports du Tres erudite Edmund Anderson', London published 1664. Fagan: p.19. I/II.
[Ref: 37717] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Edmund Anderson Kt: Ld: Cheife Iustice of the Com: Pleas Aetat: 76.
W: Faithorne Sculp:
[n.d. c.1684.]
Engraving with large margins, 18th century paper watermarked. Crease. Repaired damage in centre.
Portrait of Sir Edmund Anderson (1530-1605), Chief Justice of the Common Pleas under Elizabeth I, who sat as judge at the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. Frontispiece to 'Les Reports du Tres erudite Edmund Anderson' (London, 1684). Fagan: p.19.
[Ref: 28678] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Reverend Father in God, Ralph Brownrig Lord B.p of Exeter, who dyed aged 67. Dec: 7 1659. So here's a Prelate, in whom Light, & Heate / Learning & Zeale, Meeknesse, & Courage met [...]
W. Faithorne Sculp [1661]
Engraving, sheet 220 x 145mm (8¾ x 5¾"). Trimmed; tipped into album sheet.
Ralph Brownrigg (1592-1659), bishop of Exeter. A noted Calvinist, Brownrigg held positions at St Catherine's College and Cambridge University before he lost them in 1645, when he was arrested for giving a sermon in which he was reported to have instructed Christians to put obedience to their sovereign before following Christian practice. The following year Brownrigg lost his episcopal office too, limiting his activities in his final years, although he achieved a posthumous reputation following the publication of his sermons, a 1661 volume of which this print was the frontspiece to. Engraving by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), printmaker who was apprenticed to the printseller William Peake, with whom he served in the royalist army during the civil war. At the Restoration Faithorne was appointed engraver in copper to the king, doubtless as reward for his devotion to the Stuart cause. The finest native British engraver born before the eighteenth century, Faithorne was highly esteemed by Pepys (who recorded many visits to his shop) while enthusiasts such as Horace Walpole ensured his posthumous reputation, which led to fine proofs of his work fetching extraordinary prices in the late Georgian period. Fagan p.24
[Ref: 42241] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Unfortunately this item is either sold or reserved. If you are interested in similar items and cannot find what you're looking for on our website, please consider filling in our interests form. If you register, we can also send you items that match your interests when the website is updated.
Hen: Do: Cary Baro de Leppington Comes Monmouthensis, et Hon:mi Ord: Balniae Eques.
Guil: Faithorne fe:
[n.d. c.1656.]
Engraving. 222 x 152mm (8¾ x 6"). Trimmed to plate mark.
Henry Carey, 2nd Earl of Monmouth (1595-1661) was an English nobleman and translator. He served four terms as a Member of Parliament, representing Camelford, Beverley, Tregony and St Mawes between 1621 and 1626. NPG: D29090. Fagan: p.49; ii/ii.
[Ref: 24556] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Hen: Do: Cary Baro de Leppington Comes Monmouthensis, et Hon:mi Ord: Balniae Eques.
Guil: Faithorne fe:
[n.d. c.1656.]
Engraving, fine. 220 x 150mm (8¾ x 6"). Trimmed to plate mark, mounted in album paper.
Henry Carey, 2nd Earl of Monmouth (1595-1661) was an English nobleman and translator. He served four terms as a Member of Parliament, representing Camelford, Beverley, Tregony and St Mawes between 1621 and 1626. After taking his seat in the Lords in 1639 he played little part in the upheaval of his times, although he spoke in the House of Lords in June 1641 on the bill for depriving the bishops of their seats in parliament. NPG: D29090. Fagan: p.49; ii/ii.
[Ref: 43122] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Edmundus Castellus S.T.D. Ecclesiae Christi Cantuariens: Canonicus etc. Aetat. 63 Anno 1669.
Will. Faithorne Pinxit et Sculpsit.
Engraving. Sheet 220 x 320mm. Trimmed to image. Repaired tear c.6cm through top of image.
Edmund Castell was an English orientalist [1606 - 1685]. His great work, the Lexicon Heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicum (1669), took him eighteen years to complete, working (according to his own account) from sixteen to eighteen hours a day.
[Ref: 2384] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Corruptibilem pro incorruptibile.
W. Faithorne fec. E. Cooper.
[n.d., c.1695.]
Mezzotint. Sheet: 315 x 200mm (12½ x 8"). Trimmed and laid on card.
A portrait of Charles I shown standing with his hands raised as light eminates from his head, a hand holds a crown from a cloud above Charles's head. Lines of verse below criticise Ludlow and other critics of Charles I. C S 4
[Ref: 43737] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
The History of King Charles by H. L. Esq.r.
G. Faithorne. f.
Engraving. 220 x 135mm (8¾ x 5¼"). Undermounted on a album sheet.
Title-page to Hamon L'Estrange, 'The History of King Charles' London, 1655 with inscriptions in Latin and Greek. Fagan:p.75.
[Ref: 10873] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
The History of King Charles by H. L. Esq.r.
G. Faithorne. f.
[London: Edward Dod & Henry Seile the younger, 1655.]
Engraving. Sheet 215 x 135mm (8½ x 5¼"). Trimmed to printed border, laid on album sheet.
Title-page to 'The History of King Charles' by Hamon L'Estrange (1605-60). Fagan:p.75.
[Ref: 64087] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Carolus Primus D.G. Angliæ Scotiæ Franciæ et Hiberniæ Rex. &c.
G Faithorne Excud.
[London, 1658.]
Engraving. Sheet 240 x 165mm (9½ x 6½"). Trimmed and mounted in album sheet.
Frontispiece to William Sanderson's 'Compleat History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles'. Fagan:p.4 i of ii.
[Ref: 42294] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Unfortunately this item is either sold or reserved. If you are interested in similar items and cannot find what you're looking for on our website, please consider filling in our interests form. If you register, we can also send you items that match your interests when the website is updated.
The Second Charles, Heire of ye Royall Martyr...
Guil. Faithorne sculp.
[n.d. c.1670.]
Very rare engraving of 1st state of famous image. Plate: 330 x 240mm (13 x 9½"), with very large margins. Slight creasing in centre.
A half-length portrait of Charles II, in armour, set into an oval. Fagan: pg 8
[Ref: 45523] £520.00
Mr Jeremiah Collier.
Edmund Lely pinxit. W.Faithorne Fecit. E.Cooper exc.
[n.d., c.1700.]
Very scarce mezzotint. 255 x 185mm (10 x 7¼"). 17th century watermarked paper. Trimmed into plate. Some creasing and damage to corners.
Portrait of Jeremy Collier (1650 - 1726), English theatre critic, non-juror bishop and theologian. CS 6. Sharpe 377 page 147. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64667] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
Mr: Abraham Cowley.
W. Faithorne Sculp. 1687.
Engraving. Plate 263 x 171mm. 10¼ x 6¾". Laid on card.
Portrait of Abraham Cowley, bust length in an octagonal frame, long hair, wearing gown. Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) was an English poet. Frontispiece to his 'Works' (1687). Fagan: p.30 [Plate B, first state].
[Ref: 24664] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
Mr: Abraham Cowley.
Vertue sc.
[British, n.d., c.1730.]
Engraving, 130 x 80mm. 5 x 3¼". Slight stain lower right.
Portrait of Abraham Cowley (1618 - 1667), poet; bust length in oval frame, long hair, wearing gown. Lettered to pedestal. By George Vertue (1683 - 1756), probably issued as a frontispiece to an edition of the sitter's 'Works'. A prolific poet, Cowley had a profound impact upon later seventeenth-century poetry. His reputation was short-lived however and had waned by the mid-eighteenth century. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, his first volume of verse, Poetical Blossoms, was published in 1633 when he was fifteen and included poems written from the age of ten. As a Royalist during the English civil wars he was deprived of his Cambridge fellowship in 1643. He joined King Charles I at Oxford before following Queen Henrietta Maria to France as her secretary. On the Restoration she granted him land. He studied medicine and became an MD in 1657, thereafter living in retirement, studying botany and writing essays. After the portrait by Sir Peter Lely (1618 - 1680). Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove. Alexander: 285.
[Ref: 25460] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Abraham Cowley] Abrahamus Cowleius Anglus
W. Faithorne sc. [c.1667]
Engraving, sheet 160 x 105mm (6¼ x 4"). Trimmed and glued to backing sheet.
Abraham Cowley (1618 - 1667), poet: bust on pedestal in a niche. Frontispiece to Cowley's 'Poemata Latina' (1668). Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, Cowley's first volume of verse was published in 1633 when he was fifteen, and included poems written as early as aged ten. As a Royalist during the English civil wars Cowley was deprived of his Cambridge fellowship in 1643. He joined King Charles I at Oxford before following Queen Henrietta Maria to France as her secretary. At the Restoration she granted him land. He studied medicine and became an MD in 1657, thereafter living in retirement, studying botany and writing essays. A prolific poet, Cowley had a high reputation among his contemporaries such as John Dryden and the earl of Rochester (his 'Works' were printed some fourteen times between 1668 and 1721). By the mid-eighteenth century he had come to seem old-fashioned, but still attracted praise from the likes of Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson. Engraved by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), printmaker who served in the royalist army during the civil war. At the Restoration Faithorne was appointed engraver in copper to the king, doubtless as reward for his devotion to the Stuart cause. The finest native British engraver born before the eighteenth century, Faithorne was highly esteemed by Pepys (who recorded many visits to his shop) while enthusiasts such as Horace Walpole ensured his posthumous reputation, which led to fine proofs of his work fetching extraordinary prices in the late Georgian period. Fagan p.30 i/ii
[Ref: 42244] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Unfortunately this item is either sold or reserved. If you are interested in similar items and cannot find what you're looking for on our website, please consider filling in our interests form. If you register, we can also send you items that match your interests when the website is updated.
[Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, with olive tree inscribed with names complimentary to Cromwell] Olivarius Primus / Archontas summos inter foelicis Olivae, Primus Olivari nomen et omen habes.
G. Faithorne fec. [1656]
Two rare engravings, combined area 380 x 155mm (15 x 6"). Both trimmed and pasted to album sheet; glue stains to edges.
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with a battle taking place behind him, after a painting by Robert Walker. With allegorical tree glorifying Cromwell below. Both were published as illustrations to Louis de Gand's 'Parallelum Olivae' (1656). Two engravings by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), printmaker who was apprenticed to the printseller William Peake, with whom he served in the royalist army during the civil war. At the Restoration Faithorne was appointed engraver in copper to the king, doubtless as reward for his devotion to the Stuart cause. The finest native British engraver born before the eighteenth century, Faithorne was highly esteemed by Pepys (who recorded many visits to his shop) while enthusiasts such as Horace Walpole ensured his posthumous reputation, which led to fine proofs of his work fetching extraordinary prices in the late Georgian period. Fagan pp.32, 75.
[Ref: 42242] £360.00
Sir. William D'Avenant K.
Io. Grenhill pinx. W. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d. c.1700.]
Engraving. Plate 260 x 171mm (10¼ x 6¾"). Trimmed to platemark and tipped into album sheet
William D'Avenant (1606-1668) was appointed Poet Laureate by Charles I in 1638, hence the bayleaves he wears on his head. He was satirised by various literary rivals, most of whom singled out the fact that his nose had been affected by syphilis. Frontispiece to 'The works of Sir William D'Avenant : consisting of those which were formerly printed and those which he design'd for the press now published out of the authors original copies. (London : Printed by T.N. for Henry Herringman, 1673)' Fagan:p.32
[Ref: 28262] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Sir William D'Avenant K.t.
Jo. Greenhill pinx. W. Faithorne Sculp. [c.1672.]
Engraving, sheet 250 x 165mm (9¾ x 6½"). Trimmed and glued to backing sheet.
A portrait of Sir William Davenant (1606-68), poet and playwright, showing his nose severely disfigured by syphilis. Made Poet Laureate by Charles I in 1638, he had to flee to France in 1641 after being found guilty of high treason by Parliament for his participation in the First Army Plot, a Royalist plan to occupy London. He returned to fight in the Civil War until the defeat at Naseby in 1645, after which he returned to France. In exile Charles II appointed him to the symbolic post of treasurer of the colony of Virginia in 1649; in 1650 he was made lieutenant governor of Maryland but was captured at sea by Parliament and sentenced to death. He was reprieved but spent 1651 in the Tower of London before being released. Davenant made much of a personal connection to Shakespeare. His parents owned the Crown Tavern in Oxford, where the Bard often stayed when travelling from London to Stratford-upon-Avon. In some accounts Shakespeare was Davenant's godfather; according to John Aubrey, Davenant even suggested Shakespeare was his real father. This portrait was the frontispiece to his 'Works of Sir William Davenant Kt, Consisting of those which were formerly Printed, and those which he design'd for the Press: Now Published out of the Authors Originall Copies'. Fagan p.32.
[Ref: 42245] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[The Compleat Ambassador: or two Treaties of the intended marriage of Qu: Elizabeth of Glorious Memory...]
[Gu. Faythorne sculp;]
[Sold by Ga: Bedell, and Tho: Collins, at the Middle Temple Gate: 1655.]
Rare engraving. Sheet 190 x 160mm (7½ x 6¼") Trimmed, losing bottom third including title & inscription, mounted in album paper.
A portrait of Elizabeth I, flanked by her two most trusted advisors, Secretary of State William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley and spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. Title page to 'The Compleat Ambassador... Faythfully collected by the truly honourable, S.r Dudley Diggs Kt, late M.r of the Rolls'. Fagan: p4
[Ref: 42972] £320.00
[The true and lively pourtraicture of Valentine Greatrakes Esq.r of Affane in ye Country of Waterford, in ye Kingdome of Ireland famous for curing several Deseases and distempers by the stroak of his hand only.]
[Sold by W.m Faithorne.] [n.d.,. 1666.]
Etching. Sheet 130 x 115mm (5¼ x 4½"). Trimmed into image, losing all text, top edged chipped, laid on album paper.
Valentine Greatrakes (1628-82), an Irish faith healer who toured England in 1666, claiming to cure people by the laying on of hands. A religious man, he started his healing in 1662 after feeling an impulse, curing Robert Phayre, a former Commonwealth Governor of County Cork, of acute ague in 1665. In 1667 he returned to farming in Ireland. The frontispiece of ''A brief account of Mr Valentine Greatrakes and divers of the strange cures by him lately performed''.
[Ref: 57203] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
[Henry Hare, 2nd Lord Coleraine.] Effigiem hanc praenobilis Henrici Heri Baronis de Colerane [...]
[Begun by William Faithorne, finished by George Vertue 1728.]
Engraving, platemark 360 x 225mm (14¼ x 8¾). Excellent impression; trimmed inside platemark
Henry Hare, second Baron Coleraine (bap. 1636-d.1708), antiquary and architect. Coleraine traveled in Italy and translated G.F. Loredano's 'The Ascents of the Soul'. He was also MP for Old Sarum in Wiltshire, although he lived for most of his life in Tottenham, Middlesex (now in London) where he remodelled the family house, Bruce Castle (which still survives as a museum, and which Coleraine is said to haunt). William Faithorne, a contemporary of Coleraine, began this plate, presumably after his own drawing, which was completed much later by George Vertue. Coleraine's grandson Henry, 3rd Baron (1693-1749) was a friend and patron of Vertue. Alexander 579; Fagan p.28 ii/ii; for Faithorne's frontispiece to Hare's translation of 'The Ascents of the Soul', see ref. 14866.
[Ref: 34225] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Henry Hare, 2nd Lord Coleraine.] Effigiem hanc praenobilis Henrici Heri Baronis de Colerane [...]
[Begun by William Faithorne, finished by George Vertue 1728.]
Engraving with very large margins, platemark 370 x 235mm (14½ x 9¼). Good impression.
Henry Hare, second Baron Coleraine (bap. 1636-d.1708), antiquary and architect. Coleraine traveled in Italy and translated G.F. Loredano's 'The Ascents of the Soul'. He was also MP for Old Sarum in Wiltshire, although he lived for most of his life in Tottenham, Middlesex (now in London) where he remodelled the family house, Bruce Castle (which still survives as a museum, and which Coleraine is said to haunt). William Faithorne, a contemporary of Coleraine, began this plate, presumably after his own drawing, which was completed much later by George Vertue. Coleraine's grandson Henry, 3rd Baron (1693-1749) was a friend and patron of Vertue. Alexander 579; Fagan p.28 ii/ii; for Faithorne's frontispiece to Hare's translation of 'The Ascents of the Soul', see ref. 14866.
[Ref: 34224] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
[Frontispiece to Henry Hare.]
W. Faithorne Sculp. IB.
[London, 1681.]
Copper engraving. 268 x 160mm. 10½ x 6¼". Trimmed.
Frontispiece to Henry Hare, second Baron Coleraine's translation of Giovanni Franceso Loredano, "The Ascents of the Soul". The translator, in pilgrim's habit, sitting and writing, before a pyramidal monument, on which is represented Jacob's ladder with angels ascending and descending. To the left-hand side in the distance, a view of Venice can be seen. O'Donoghue: 3. Fagan: p.28: II state.
[Ref: 14866] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Henricus VIII. Angliæ Rex &c.
WF fe.
[n.d., c.1672.]
Engraving. Sheet: 190 x 120mm (7½ x 4¾"). Trimmed and laid on album sheet.
A half-length portrait of Henry VIII set in an oval. An illustration to Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury's 'Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth' 1672.
[Ref: 43721] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis. Aet. suae. 91.
W. Faithorne sculps.
[n.d., c.1680.]
Scarce etching. Sheet 195 x 140mm (7¾ x 5½"). Trimmed just within plate, laid on card.
Half-length portrait in oval of social philosopher, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The first state of the plate had his age as 76; this state has been changed to 91, the year of his death. Fagan p.41. Ex collection of Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
[Ref: 63106] £290.00
(£348.00 incl.VAT)
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis Aetatis suae. 76.
[n.d., c.1760.]
Etching, sheet 195 x 135mm (7¾ x 5¼"). Holes and fold in right margin where previously bound. Trimmed within plate on left.
Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679), social philosopher. Hobbes wrote extensively on history, geometry and politics. His major work, Leviathan (1651), was an important influence on the tradition of utilitarian political thinking. He was the friend of Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson and William Harvey, and tutor of Charles II, who later granted him a pension, but his reputation as an atheist gained him many opponents within the Church and government. Inscribed 'pag. 221' upper right. After William Faithorne (c.1620 - 1691), engraver and draughtsman. Not in BM, NPG.
[Ref: 63012] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Honble: Charles, Earle of Carlisle, Vicount Howard of Morpeth, Baron Dacre of Gilsland~Lord Lieutenant in the Counties of Cumberland, and Westmoreland, and one of the Lords of his~Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell.etc:_
Faithorne fec.
Copper engraving, rare. Sheet 280 x 127mm. 11 x 5". Cut and laid on separate sheet, and then onto back sheet.
Charles Howard (1629-1685) was an English politician and military leader. In 1645 he became a Protestant and supported the government of the commonwealth, being appointed high sheriff of Cumberland five years later. He bought Carlisle Castle and became governor of the town. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Worcester on Cromwell's side and made a member of the council of state in 1653, chosen captain of the proctector's body-guard and selected to carry out various public duties.
[Ref: 15075] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
John Kersey Borne at Bodicot Neere Banbury in the County of Oxford. A.O D.NI 1616. Vox audita perit Litera scripta manet.
Soest pinx. Faithhorne Sculp.
Engraving. Sheet size: 255 x 170mm (10 x 6¾"). Trimmed to image. Glued to album sheet at corners.
Portrait of English mathematician and textbook writer, John Kersey the elder (1616 - 1690?) half length in an oval, wearing bands and a gown. Inscribed below is a banner with the inscription 'Vox audita perit. / Litera scripta manet.', and four books, two open and displaying mathematical equations and symbols. A frontispiece to Kersey's 'Elements of that Mathematical Art Commonly Called Algebra' (London: William Godbid for Thomas Passinger and Benjamin Hurlock, 1673). Fagan. p.43. III of III.
[Ref: 33837] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
John Kersey Borne at Bodicot neere Banbury in the County of Oxford, Ao. Dni. 1616. Vox audita perit, Litera scripta manet.
Soust pinx. 1672. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d. c. 1680].
Engraving. Sheet 260 x 175mm (10¼ x 7"). Trimmed inside plate mark.
Head and shoulders portrait of John Kresey (1616-90?], published as the frontispiece to his 'Elements of Algebra' of 1673. Fagan page 43.
[Ref: 5679] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[Frontispiece to James Howell, 'Lexicon tetraglotton'] Associatio Linguarum. La Ligue des Langues
W Faithorne Fc. [c.1660]
Engraving, platemark 260 x 165mm (10¼ x 6½").
Frontispiece to a later edition of 'Lexicon tetraglotton' (first edition 1660) by James Howell (1594?-1666), a dictionary in four languages. The four women are emblematic of the English, French, Spanish and Italian languages. The publication of this work was supported by Bulstrode Whitelock (for whom see ref. 21594). Engraving by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), printmaker who was apprenticed to the printseller William Peake, with whom he served in the royalist army during the civil war. At the Restoration Faithorne was appointed engraver in copper to the king, doubtless as reward for his devotion to the Stuart cause. The finest native British engraver born before the eighteenth century, Faithorne was highly esteemed by Pepys (who recorded many visits to his shop) while enthusiasts such as Horace Walpole ensured his posthumous reputation, which led to fine proofs of his work fetching extraordinary prices in the late Georgian period. Fagan p.86.
[Ref: 43674] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Frontispiece to Henry Hare's translation of Giovanni Francesco Loredano's 'The Ascents of the Soul']
W. Faithorne Sculp.
[Printed by A. Godbid and J. Playford for Robert Harford, London, 1681.]
Engraving, 17th century watermark. Sheet 270 x 160mm (10½ x 6¼"). Collector's stamp of Walter Francis Tiffin on reverse. Trimmed to the image.
A writer in pilgrim's habit, before a pyramidal monument on which is an image of Jacob's ladder with angels ascending and descending. In the background is a map-view of Venice and the city's crest. Giovanni Francesco Loredano (1607-61) was a Venetian writer and politician, a founder of the 'Accademia degli Incogniti' and member of the Council of Ten and the Minor Consiglio. Henry Hare (1636-1708) was the second Baron Coleraine; it is suggested that the writer is either him or his father Hugh (the first baron), who had actutally travelled to Venice. Walter Francis Tiffin was a miniature painter, who published (for private circulation), a 'Catalog of a collection of English Portraits in Mezzotint' in 1883. Lugt: 1051
[Ref: 52535] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
St. Luke. This holy Artist with Inspired Pen. The great Messiah pourtrayes, and to Men Whose Sin ore: loaded Soules to Death encline, Att once becomes Pyisician and Devine. Place this in Sect: 14. P [213] (page number writter over in pen: '137').
1653. W Faithorne scul:
Engraving. 292 x 210mm (11½ x 8¼"). Crease. Trimmed close to the plate. Some loss top right.
St Luke, at a desk, ox to the right, painting a carved tablet of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child.; Illustration to Jeremy Taylor's "The Great Exemplar".
[Ref: 19301] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
St. Marke. Markes lion, (as his Gospell) doth beghinne, A Criers voice the Wildernes within, Make straight his pathes; this same is onely hee of Ivdah's Tribe who was foretold to bee: Place This fig: Sect. P: 115.
1653. W Faithorne scul:
Engraving. 290 x 216mm (11½ x 8½"). Creased and wrinkled. Trimmed close to the plate.
St Mark, writing at a desk, lion to the right. Illustration to Jeremy Taylor's "The Great Exemplar".
[Ref: 19300] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
Franciscus Moore de Faley in Comitatu Berks Miles Serviens ad Legem.
W. Faithorne fec:
[n.d. c.1663.]
Engraving. 198 x 135mm (7½ x 5¼"). Trimmed and creasing.
Portrait of Sir Francis Moore (1558-1621), prominent Jacobean barrister and MP. Engraved by William Faithorne, one of the finest seventeenth century printmakers, as frontispiece to 'Cases Collect & Report per Sir Francis Moore Chivaler, Serjeant de Ley' (London, 1663). Fagan: p.49 [second state].
[Ref: 28731] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
L'Illustrissimo Cavaliero Giovanni Viconte Mordaunt D'Aviland Barone de Rygase Contestabile del Real Castello di Windsore, e Luogo Tenente del Contado di Surrey.
[n.d. c.1660.]
Copper engraving. 272 x 196mm. 10¾ x 7¾". Cut.
Portrait of John Mordaunt, first Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon, half length in an oval, wearing collar and armour; oval decorated with scrolls and coats of arms; at top, the motto 'Prohibetque Clotho stare fortunam'. John Mordaunt, 1st Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon (1627-1675). Ex Collection: Norman Blackburn.
[Ref: 24081] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Franciscus More de Faley in Comitatu Berks Miles Serviens Ad Legem.
W.Faithorne fec:
[n.d., c.1680.]
Engraving. 200 x 135mm, 8 x 5½".
MP and author, died 1621. Fagan.pg.49.1st state.
[Ref: 10640] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
[Sir] William Noy Atturney Generall to King Charles the first.
[Engraved by William Faithorne, c.1674.]
Engraving, rare; 120 x 80mm (4¾ x 3"). Trimmed; red spot centre bottom
Sir William Noy (1577-1634). Portrait first prefixed to his 'The Compleat Lawyer: or a Treatise concerning Tenures and Estates in Lands of Inheritance for Life, &c...'. Fagan notes that 'in later impressions the word "Sir," appears as if erased', as here. Engraved by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), one of the most significant and prolific printmakers in seventeenth-century Britain. See Fagan p.51. Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove.
[Ref: 25483] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Johannes Ogilvius.
P. Lilly Pinxit. Guil. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d., c.1654.]
Engraving. Sheet 290 x 200mm (11½ x 8"). Trimmed to image.
John Ogilby (1600-1676), a multi-talented Scot. From an early apprenticeship to a dancing master, he became a translator of classsics and then a successful publisher, with his crowning achievement being his 'Britannia', Europe's first atlas of roadmaps. This portrait was used as frontispiece to his 'Works of Publius Virgilius Maro', 1654.
[Ref: 56731] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Johannes Ogilvius.
P. Lilly Pinxit. Guil. Faithorne Sculp.
[n.d., c.1654.]
Fine engraving. Sheet 290 x 200mm (11½ x 8"). Trimmed within plate, slight damage in two corners, mounted in album paper at sides.
John Ogilby (1600-1676), a multi-talented Scot. From an early apprenticeship to a dancing master, he became a translator of classsics and then a successful publisher, with his crowning achievement being his 'Britannia', Europe's first atlas of roadmaps. This portrait was used as frontispiece to his 'Works of Publius Virgilius Maro', 1654.
[Ref: 61562] £360.00
E'ffigies Johannis Pordage. Philosophi Medici Theologi. Authoris bujus Figurae hierogliphiae.
[William Faithorne.]
Pub.d by W. Richardson Castle Street Leicester Square. [n.d. c.1795.]
Engraving, with large margins. Plate 204 x 159mm. 8 x 6¼".
John Pordage (1607-1681) was an Anglican priest, astrologer, alchemist and Christian mystic. He founded the English Behmenist group, which later became known as the Philadelphian Society. NPG: D28905. W: 2361.
[Ref: 24609] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Robert, Earle of Warwicke, and Lord Rich of Leeze, etc.
[engraved by William Faithorne, c.1640-5]
Engraving, 96 x 73mm (3¾ x 2¾"). Laid on backing sheet with surrounding frame added in watercolour.
Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick (1587-1658), naval officer and colonial promoter mostly associated with the island of Catalina (Providencia) off Nicaragua, where he arrived in 1629 to set up plantations. He was a supporter of Puritan and Parliamentarian causes. Engraved by William Faithorne (c.1620-91), one of the most significant and prolific printmakers in seventeenth-century Britain. This print was originally engraved on the same plate as a portrait of Henry Rich, Earl of Holland see Fagan p.66, state ii/ii (the plate divided). Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove.
[Ref: 25475] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Franciscus Rous Armig: Collegii Etonensis Praepositus. Anno Christi } 1656. Aetatis. 77. Adam the first, this Image claymes as his, Within, the Second Adams Image is. That is the hidden Face not seen by thee, But God it sees, and it Gods Face shall see.
Guil: Faythorne Scul.
[n.d. c.1657.]
Line engraving. 201 x 143mm. Trimmed.
Francis Rous or Rouse (1579-1659) was an English politician and a prominent Puritan. He was also Provost of Eton, and wrote several theological and devotional works. He took a leading part in Parliament: he was elected to Parliament for Cornwall in 1604 and 1656; for Truro 1626, 1640 and 1654; for Tregony 1628; and for Devon 1653. In the 1628 parliament he took part in the ferocious criticisms of Roger Mainwaring. In the Long Parliament Rous opened the debate on the legality of William Laud's new canons on 9 December 1640, and presented the articles of impeachment against John Cosin on 15 March 1641. When the Westminster Assembly was set up, 12 June 1643, he was nominated one of its lay assessors, and on 23 September 1643 he took the Solemn League and Covenant. He was chairman of the committee for ordination of ministers constituted on 2 October 1643 following, and a member of the committee of appeals appointed for the visitation of the University of Oxford on 1 May 1647. On 16 July 1648 he was sworn of the Derby House Committee. He was Speaker of the House during Barebone's Parliament of The Protectorate. In 1657 he offered a seat in Cromwell's House of Lords, but did not take it. He obtained many offices under the Commonwealth, among them that of provost of Eton College. At first a Presbyterian, he afterwards joined the Independents, in 1649. In early 1652 he served on the committee for propagation of the gospel, which framed an abortive scheme for a state church on a congregational plan. When Barebone's Parliament dissolved itself, Rous was sworn in on Oliver Cromwell's council of state. In 1654 he was on the committee for approbation of public preachers; he was also one of the committee appointed on 9 April 1656 to discuss the question of the kingship with Cromwell. He contributed works to various compilations, such as a sonnet and poems; although his main works where stand-alone theological papers and pamphlets. He was a versifier of the Psalms. His translation, with some modifications, was adopted by the Church and Parliament of Scotland for use in public worship, a position which it held almost exclusively until the middle of the 19th century. He was one of Cromwell’s peers and was called "the old illiterate Jew of Eton". NPG: D22924.
[Ref: 12557] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Thomas Shadwell]
[After Johannes Karsebbom][Engraved by William Faithorne junior]
[n.d. c.1700.]
Mezzotint, scarce proof before letters, sheet 330 x 250mm (13 x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate losing artist and engraver's names, glued on album sheet on three sides. Some creases and stains on image.
Three-quarter length portrait of Thomas Shadwell (c.1642-1692). Wearing a wig, lace cravat, and robe, with pillar, trees and buildings in the background. Shadwell was an English poet and playwright who was appointed Poet Laureate in 1689. CS 36.I. See Ref: 10816 & 58575 for lettered impressions.
[Ref: 59395] £320.00
[Thomas Shadwell] [in pencil]
[Kerseboom] [W. Faithorne Juny] [in pencil]
[n.d. c.1700]
Scarce mezzotint, sheet 215 x 170mm (8½ x 6¾"). Trimmed within plate and glued to backing sheet at top.
Portrait of Poet Laureate (appointed 1689), Thomas Shadwell (c.1642–1692). After the artist Johannes Kerseboom and mezzotinted by William Faithorne the Younger (c.1669-1703). Chaloner Smith 36.
[Ref: 58575] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Thomas Shadwell Esqr. Poet Laureat & Historiographer to their Majesties K.William & Q.Mary. He died in December 1692.
I: Kersaboom pinx: W Faithorne fec.
Cum Privilego Regis. Sold by E Cooper at ye 3 pidgeons ni Bedford street. [n.d., c.1705.]
Mezzotint, 350 x 250mm. 13¾ x 9¾". Laid on card. Slightly foxed, scuffed in places.
Thomas Shadwell (c.1642 - 1692), Poet laureate and dramatist. After Johannes Kerseboom. Chaloner Smith: 36, II.
[Ref: 10816] £320.00
Christophori Simpson Effigies.
J. Carwarden pinxit. Guil: Faithorne sculp.
[n.d., c.1659.]
Rare engraving. Sheet size: 205 x 145mm (8 x 5¾). Trimmed to image. Glued to abum sheet at corners.
A portrait of English musician and composer, Christopher Simpson (1602/1606 - 1669), nearly half length in an oval frame, wearing bands and gown. A coat of arms is inscribed below the image. The portrait was used as a frontispiece to Simpson's 'Division-violist, or, An introduction to the playing upon a ground' (London, 1659). Fagan. p.59. II of II.
[Ref: 33839] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
The true Effigies of the Most Illustrious Princess Anna Sophia of Hanover declared by a late Act of Parliament for settling the Succession in ye Protestant line to succeed to the Crown of England after Her Ma.tie Queen Ann and Her Royal Issue. Done from ye Original brought from Hanover by ye R.t Hon.ble Tho: L.d Raby and dedicated to his Lordshirep by his most humble Servant I.B.
I. Simon fec: [but William Faithorne.]
Cum Privilegio. Sold by John Bowles opposite to Stocks Mark:t & at Mercers Hall Cheapside. [n.d., c.1725.]
Mezzotint with large margins. Sheet 350 x 260mm (13¾ x 10¼").
Princess Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630-1714). As a granddaughter of James I she was declared heiress presumptive to Queen Anne by the Act of Settlement 1701. However she died just two months before Anne, so her son became George I. Although Simon has signed the plate he only made alterations to the plate by Faithorne. CS 38, state iii of iii. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Not in Fagan.
[Ref: 34370] £270.00
(£324.00 incl.VAT)
The most Illustrious Princess Anna Sophia of Hanover declared by a late Act to Succeed to ye Crown of England after Her Majestie Queen Ann and Her Royal Issue.
[W. Faithorne fe.
Cum Privilegio Regis. E. Cooper ex.] [n.d., c.1710.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 205 x 145mm (8 x 5¾"). Trimmed within plate, losing engraver & publisher's name.
Princess Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630-1714). As a granddaughter of James I she was declared heiress presumptive to Queen Anne by the Act of Settlement 1701. However she died just two months before Anne, so her son became George I. CS 38a, state i of ii 'One known'. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Not in Fagan.
[Ref: 34369] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
The most Illustrious Princess Anna Sophia of Hanover declared by a late Act to Succeed to ye Crown of England after Her Majestie Queen Ann and Her Royal Issue.
[Engraved by William Faithorne.]
Printed & Sold by Tho: Bakewell next the Horn Tavern in Fleetstreet. [n.d., c.1740.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 205 x 145mm (8 x 5¾"). Narrow margins.
Princess Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630-1714). As a granddaughter of James I she was declared heiress presumptive to Queen Anne by the Act of Settlement 1701. However she died just two months before Anne, so her son became George I. NPG D9137. CS 38a, state ii of ii, with jewels on the bodice.. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Not in Fagan.
[Ref: 34368] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Henricus Spelmannus. Eques Auratus.
Guil: Faithorne Sculp:
[n.d. c.1680.]
Engravng. 222 x 145mm. 8¾ x 5¾".
Portrait of Henry Spelman, bust length in an oval frame, wearing lace-edged cap, ruff and gown; coat of arms below. Sir Henry Spelman (c.1564-1641) was an antiquary and historian, noted for his detailed collections of medieval records, in particular of church councils. In 1603 he was knighted, and a year later he was appointed High Sheriff of Norfolk, and in 1625 he served as a Member of the Parliament of England for Worcester. In 1627 he became treasuer of the Guiana Company and was also a member of the council for New England. His last post in 1636 came as an offer of the mastership of Sutton's Hospital, Charterhouse. Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove. Fagan: p.61.
[Ref: 25265] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)