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A View on the Maese, near Maestricht. From the Original Picture painted by Adrian Cuyp, in the Collection of the Right Honble. the Earl of Bute; To Whom this Plate is most humbly Dedicated, by his Lordship's most Obliged, and most Obedient humble Servant, J. Boydell. Size of the Picture, 5 feet by 8 F in Length. No.12.
Adrian Cuyp Pinxit. Will.m Elliott Sculpsit.
Published according to Act of Parliament, by J. Boydell Engraver, in Cheapside, London; December 1st. 1764.
Engraving. 405 x 605mm (16 x 23¾"), with wide margins.
A fine pastoral landscape with shepherds and their cattle near trees in left foreground, the River Maas with town in right background. Ex Collection Duke of Westminster.
[Ref: 38276] £520.00
A View of Tivoli. From the Original Picture painted by Rosa di Tivoli, In the Collection of John Hadleyt Esqr,,', to whom this plate is dedicated by his much Oblidge and most huble Servant. J. Boydell.
Rosa di Tivoli Pinxt, Will,,m Elliott Sculpt.
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, by Boydell Engraver, in Cheapside London: November 2d. 1765.
A very fine copper engraving. 605 x 405mm (24 x 16"), with large margins. Tear from the top edge, which has been repaired.
"The Most Capital Paintings in England" series of engravings in five volumes, late 1760s-1786, the first three (1769 to 1773) originally published under the title Sculptura Britannica. These were a critical and financial success for the publisher John Boydell who promoted the interests of both artists, engravers and Patrons establishing a tradition in Britain for collecting prints.
[Ref: 14393] £380.00
A View of Tivoli. From the Original Picture painted by Rosa di Tivoli, In the Collection of John Hadleyt Esqr,,', to whom this plate is dedicated by his much Oblidge and most huble Servant. J. Boydell.
Rosa di Tivoli Pinxt, Willm, Elliott Sculpt.
Publish'd accordin to Act of Parliament, by Jno. Boydell Engraver, in Cheapside London: November 2d. 1765.
Engraving. Platemark: 605 x 405mm (24 x 16"). Slightly time stained.
A landscape with shepherds on the left, one turning to look at his dog which growls and puts back its ears, looking at a pair of bulls which lock hornsThe ruins of a classical temple can be seen above the trees on the far bank to the right. From the series 'The Most Capital Paintings in England' series of engravings in five volumes, late 1760s-1786, the first three (1769 to 1773) originally published under the title Sculptura Britannica. These were a critical and financial success for the publisher John Boydell who promoted the interests of both artists, engravers and Patrons establishing a tradition in Britain for collecting prints. Ex Collection Duke of Westminster.
[Ref: 39368] £380.00
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