Latone, entre des deux enfants Apollon et Diane, demandant vengeance a Jupiter de l'insolence des paisans de Lycie, qui sont changes em grenouilles. Grouppe de marbre blanc dans le Jardins de Versaillles. Par Balthazar Marsy de Cambray.
J.Edelinck Sculps. 1672. Engraving. Sheet 405 x 285mm, 16 x 11¼". Trimmed and laid on album paper. A statue of Latone and her two children by Jupiter, Apollo and Diana. When the peasants of Lycia refused to give her water to drink she got Jupiter to turn them into frogs. The statue was by Balthazar Marsy (1628-74), commissioned as part of the "Petite Commande" of 1664, the first series of garden ornaments for the new palace of Versailles, featuring mythological creatures suitable for the rustic setting of the original palace. The statuary was replaced during the later, grander developments, so this series is one of the only records of the original scheme.
[Ref: 13923] £450.00