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[Alexander the Great pardons the family of Darius] Il est d'un roy de se vaincre soy mesme / Alexandre, ayant vaincu Darius pres la ville d'Isse entre dans une tente ou étoient la Mere la femme et les filles de Darius [...]
Car. le Brun pinxit J. Audran excudit
Se vend à Paris chez B. et J. Audran rue et faubourg St. Jaque vis a vis la rue St. Dominique. [c.1750]
Engraving, platemark 290 x 360mm (11½ x 14¼"), with very large margins. Paper time stained.
After defeating Darius in the battle of Issus (333 BC), Alexander found Darius' family (who he had left behind when fleeing the battlefield). One of a series of engravings reproducing a famous set of paintings by Charles Le Brun now in the Louvre. From the Library of Pitsligo
[Ref: 45146] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Battle of the Granicus] La vertu surmonte tout obstacle / Alexandre ayant passé le Granique, attaque les Perses a forces inegales [...]
C le Brun pinxit
Se vend a Paris chez Benoit Audran rue St. Jacques a St. Prosper et chez Jean Audran rue et faubourg St. Jacques vis a vis la rue St. Dominique [c.1750]
Engraving, platemark 290 x 600mm (11½ x 23½"). Folded as issued.
The Battle of the Granicus River in 334 BC, the first of Alexander the Great's three major battles against the Persian empire, fought in Asia Minor near the site of Troy. One of a series of engravings reproducing a famous set of paintings by Charles Le Brun depicting the battles of Alexander (now in the Louvre). From the Library of Pitsligo
[Ref: 45148] £360.00
Iohannes Hampden. Vindex Libertatis. De picta Tabella apud virum illustrem Richardum Ellys Baronettum.
I. Audran Sculp.
[n.d. c.1750.]
A very rare engraving and etching. 342 x 240mm. 13½ x 9½". Cut and tear to left.
Portrait of John Hampden, (1594-1643) English politician.; half length, to the right, eyes to the viewer, wearing cloak; in oval frame on pedestal with coat of arms.
[Ref: 23273] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
[Battle of the Hydaspes] La vertu plaist quoy que vaincue / Alexandre n'est pas seulement touché de compassion en voyant la grandeur d'ame du Roy Porus qu'il a vaincu [...]
Car. le Brun pinxit
Se vend a Paris chez Benoist Audran, rue St. Jacques a L'Image de St. Prosper et chez Jean Audran rue et faubourg St. Jacques vis a vis la rue St. Dominique [c.1750]
Engraving, platemark 290 x 600mm (11½ x 23½"). Folded as issued.
The Battle of the Hydaspes in 326 BC, between Alexander the Great and king Porus. The battle was fought on the banks of the river Hydaspes (now known as the Jhelum) in what is now the Punjab region of Pakistan. Alexander was so impressed by Porus' conduct that he allowed Porus to rule Hydaspes in Alexander's name. One of a series of engravings reproducing a famous set of paintings by Charles Le Brun depicting the battles of Alexander (now in the Louvre). From the Library of Pitsligo
[Ref: 45149] £360.00
Marie Eleonor d'Este. Épouse de Jacques II Roy de la Grande Bretagne.
Wander Werff pinxit. J. Audran sculpsit.
[n.d. c.1720.]
Engraving with large margins. Plate 310 x 185mm. 12¼ x 7¼".
Portrait of Mary of Modena, wife of King James II; bust and shoulders in frontal view, in a laurel oval on a pedestal draped with a curtain, a crown at left. Illustration to fourth volume (facing page 478) of Isaac de Larrey's "Histoire d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'Irlande" (Rotterdam: 1697-1713). Mary of Modena (1658-1718) was the Roman Catholic Queen of James II. She dedicated herself to the conversion of England, but her support of her husband's pro-Catholic policies made her unpopular. The fear of a Catholic succession to the throne, caused by the birth of their son James Francis Edward in 1668, led to the invitation of William of Orange to England.
[Ref: 24331] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Porus in battle] La vraye valeur est toujours invincible / Porus abandonné des siens blessa plusieurs de ceux qui l'environnoient [...]
Car. le Brun pinxit J. Audran excudit
Se vend à Paris chez B. Audran au Palais de Luxembourg et Chez J. Audran a l'entrée du Faubourg St. Jaque vis a vis l'Ygret. [c.1750]
Engraving, platemark 290 x 600mm (11½ x 23½"). Folded as issued.
King Porus distinguishing himself in the Battle of the Hydaspes against Alexander the Great in the ancient kingdom of Pauravas (now part of the Punjab province of Pakistan). One of a series of engravings reproducing a famous set of paintings by Charles Le Brun depicting the battles of Alexander (now in the Louvre). From the Library of Pitsligo
[Ref: 45147] £360.00
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