Iacq. Callot. Gentilhome lorainios….le 27me de mars. '113' annotated in ink.
Masne delin. Asoemans Sculpsit. I. Meyssens excudit. [n.d. c.1694]. Engraving. 160 x 110mm. Jacques Callot [1592 – 1635] French etcher and engraver. In 1612 he went to Florence where he learned to etch and where he developed and introduced the use of a hard varnish ground that allowed both greater flexibility and finesse. His technical innovations established important procedures for subsequent etchers, and his work influenced many major masters, including Rembrandt and Watteau. From the 'True Effigies Of the most Eminent Painters, and other Famous Artists That have Flourished in Europe' published in 1694 in Antwerp.
[Ref: 4208] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)