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[G.P.R. James.]
[G.P.R. James.]
F. Cruikshank. J.C. Armytage.
[n.d., c.1860.]
Engraving. Plate: 230 x 160mm (9 x 6¼''). Foxing.
A portrait of English novelist George Payne Rainsford James (1779-1860) who served as British consul in Europe and the USA.
[Ref: 50582]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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Very truly yours Southwood Smith [facsimile handwriting].
Very truly yours Southwood Smith [facsimile handwriting].
Miss M. Gillies. J.C. Armytage.
Published by Smith, Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill.
Stipple engraving on india. 210 x 130mm (8¼ x 5¼") very large margins. Backing paper spotted.
Thomas Southwood Smith (1788-1861), physician and sanitary reformer. Despite his belief in the miasma theory his reports on quarantine (1845), cholera (1850), yellow fever (1852), and on the results of sanitary improvement (1854) were of international importance. However he is best known for his highly controversial public dissection of Jeremy Bentham in 1832 and his correspondence with Charles Dickens.
[Ref: 43392]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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Very truly yours Southwood Smith [facsimile handwriting].
Very truly yours Southwood Smith [facsimile handwriting].
Miss M. Gillies. J.C. Armytage.
Published by Smith, Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill.
Fine stipple engraving on steel. 210 x 130mm (8¼ x 5¼") large margins.
Thomas Southwood Smith (1788-1861), physician and sanitary reformer. Despite his belief in the miasma theory his reports on quarantine (1845), cholera (1850), yellow fever (1852), and on the results of sanitary improvement (1854) were of international importance. However he is best known for his highly controversial public dissection of Jeremy Bentham in 1832 and his correspondence with Charles Dickens, wrote the life & letters of Dickens.
[Ref: 43393]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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