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Tabula IV. Statuæ [...]
Tabula IV. Statuæ [...]
Annibal Carraccius pinx. in Ædibus farnesianis. Petrus Aquila delin et sculp.
Io. Jacobi de Rubeis formis Romæ ad Templ. S. Mariæ de Pace cu Priv. S. Pont. [1674-1693.
Etching, printed in sanguine. 370 x 560mm (14½ x 21¾") Wear to margins.
A plate from 'Imagines Farnesiani Cubiculi Cum ipsarum monocromatibus et ornamentis', illustrating Annibale Carracci's mural in the Villa Farnesina. These are six contorted, muscular 'Captives', telamones inside niches from the painted ceiling of the Farnese gallery, divided by door-frames.
[Ref: 33921]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Captiui, qui in utrâque Porticus fronte, Persei, atque Andromedes tabulas bracchijs, et humeris sulciunt; ijdemque ortamento sunt.
Captiui, qui in utrâque Porticus fronte, Persei, atque Andromedes tabulas bracchijs, et humeris sulciunt; ijdemque ortamento sunt.
Annibal Carraccius pinx. in Ædibus farnesianis. Petrus Aquila delin et sculp.
Io. Jacobi de Rubeis formis Romæ ad Templ. S. Mariæ de Pace cu Priv. S. Pont. [1674-1693.
Etching, printed in sanguine. 370 x 560mm (14½ x 21¾") Torn.
A plate from 'Galeriae Farnesianae Icones', illustrating works of art from the Farnese gallery, Rome. On the first row are four small paintings with Hercules and the hydra, Minerva and Prometheus, Arion riding on a dolphin, Hercules and Prometheus; on the second row, two roundels on either side with the personifications of Charity and Justice; at centre, on the second raw, two further paintings of Peleus and Thetis (or Galatea?) and two tritons involved in a battle; on the third row, three busts in a round niche; on the fourth raw, four full-length classical sculptures.
[Ref: 33920]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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