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Eugene Verboeckhoven. 1844 [in image] Dessiné sur pierre d'apres nature par Eugene Verboeckhoven.
Bruxelles, Imprime par P. Degobert, Lith. Du Roi. [c.1845.]
Tinted lithograph. Printed area 325 x 410mm (12¾ x 16"), with wide margins.
Eugene Verboeckhoven (1798-1881), Belgian painter.
[Ref: 53264]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Chiens de Terre-neuve.
Chiens de Terre-neuve.
Eugène Verboeckhoven 1844. Imp. Lemercier, Paris.
Paris, H. Gache, 66 rue de la Victoire.
Lithograph, scarce. Sheet: 335 x 510mm (13¼ x 20").
A scene showing three Newfoundland dogs.
[Ref: 47485]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Salon de 1845.
Salon de 1845.
Eug. Verboeckhoven pinx.t. Ghémar lith.
Société des Beaux-Arts.
Lithograph, rare. Sheet: 305 x 220mm (12 x 8½").
A scene showing the Salon of 1845 with a retriever, macaw & toy spaniel.
[Ref: 47476]   £85.00   (£102.00 incl.VAT)
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