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Adelaide, Heritiere des C.tes de Suze et de Turin Epouse d'Amede 1r. Cte. de Savoye et Margrave d'Italie. Tire en partie de Guichenon.
Touze. Fem Duflos.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 277 x 168mm.
[Ref: 1922] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
George Albemarle, General Anglois. d'Apres Barlow.
Touze d.
A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 278 x 168mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 1928] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Patagon. Ils onts 10 Pieds de hauts. de Dom Pernety.
Touze. Fen. Duflos.
A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 269 x 166mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2108] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Femme, Caraibe. Histore des Voyages.
Touze. Feme Duflos.
A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 276 x 168mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2014] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Noble Indien de la Nation Ottawa. Recueil de Jefrise.
Touze. Fine. Duflos S.
A Paris chez Duflos , Rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 276 x 165mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2051] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
[America] Homme, Caraibe. Histoire des Voyages.
Touze d. Femine Duflos S.
A Paris chez Duflos, rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 274 x 164mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2045] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Anne, Reine de la Grande Bretagne. d'apres Lens.
Touze d. Fiem. Duflos sc.
A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with exceptional hand colour. 274 x 162mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround.
[Ref: 1937] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Jean Marbourough. General Anglois. d'Apres Wenderf.
Touze d. PD
A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 278 x 167mm.
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough [1650 - 1722], soldier and statesman. Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right]. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough.
[Ref: 2081] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Edouard Coke Ancien Justicier d'Angleterre. d'Apres Langgan.
Touze d. Fine. Duflos.S.
A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 276 x 166mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 1971] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Gaspard De Coligni Amiral de France. D'apres une Peinture du temps, tire de la Bibliotheque du Roi.
Touze d.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 272 x 161mm.
[Ref: 1972] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Senateur, de Cologne. de Jean Weigel.
Touze d.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 273 x 164mm.
[Ref: 2130] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Olliver Cromwel. Protecteur et generalissime des Armees de la Gde. Bretagne. Tire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, de Burnett.
Touce d. Duflos S.
A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 278 x 166mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 1984] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Henry.F. Daguesseau. Chancellier de France., d'Apres le Statue pedestre de Mr. Berue.
Touze D. P Duflos.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 272 x 163mm.
Henri François d'Aguesseau (1668-1751), Chancellor of France three times between 1717 and 1750. Voltaire called him 'the most learned magistrate France every possessed'.
[Ref: 1985] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
[Italy] Andre Doria, Doge de Gene. Tire en partie des revolutions de Gene.
Touze d. Peine duflos.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue S. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 277 x 168mm.
Andrea Doria (1466-1560), Genoese condottiero and admiral.
[Ref: 2002] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Bertrand Duguesclin, Connetable de France. Tire des Antiquites du Pere Monfaucon.
Touze d. Fme. Duflos S.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 272 x 161mm.
[Ref: 2004] £30.00
(£36.00 incl.VAT)
Ancien Officier, Allemand. de Gaspard Ruts.
Touse d. Fnie. Duflos.S.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos, rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 277 x 167mm.
[Ref: 2103] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Achille Du Harlay. Premier President au Parlement de Paris. Tire en partie de la galerie des grands Hommes de l'Hotel du Pr. Pdt.
Touze d. Femme duflos S.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 163mm.
[Ref: 2041] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
[Asia] Lama Tartare de Kalmak. D'apres la Chine illustree de Kircher.
Touze.S Teine Duflos.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 269 x 162mm.
['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2146] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Michel De L'Hopital, Chancelliet de France; Tires des Antiquites du Pere Montfaucon.
Touze d.l. P Duflos sc.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 162mm.
Michel de l'Hôpital (1507-73), French statesman.
[Ref: 2072] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
[Asia] Calamin-Han, Empereur et souverain d'Asie. Tire des Estampes du Cabinet du Roi.
Touze d.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. 276 x 166mm.
A figure described by Fernand Mendez Pinto in the account of his explorations in Asia, 1537 - 1558. 'Calaminhan' is believed to be Luang Prabang in Laos, to which Pinto was taken as a prisoner by the Burmese.
[Ref: 1955] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
Senateur, de Leipzig. de Jean Weigel.
Touze d. Fennie Duflos Sc.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 269 x 167mm.
[Ref: 2131] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Edouard Zittleton. Premier Justicier d'Angleterre. d'Apres Vandick.
Touze d. Feme. Duflos.S.
A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 277 x 168mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right]. Edward Littleton, Lord Chief Justice.
[Ref: 2166] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Ancien Militaire Saxon. de Gaspart Ruts.
Touze d. Pierre Duflos.
A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with hand colour. 277 x 167mm.
Strong contemporary colour in gold leaf line surround. ['A.D.P.R.' (Avec Privilege Du Roi) inscribed lower right].
[Ref: 2089] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Anne De Monmorenci Connetable de France. Tire des Antiquites du Pere Monfaucon.
Touze d. Fme. Duflos Sc.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 271 x 161mm.
[Ref: 2090] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Othon IIIe, Empereur d'Occident. d'Apres un Sceau grave dans le chronicon Gottwicense, ins. pag. 209.
Touze d. Fme. Duflos S.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 166mm.
[Ref: 2105] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
[Persia] Grand Pretre Persan. Tire de la Pl. IXe, de la 1re. Edition du Tr. De Th. Hyde. Historia Rel. Vet. Persarum.
Touze d. P. Duflos. Sc.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 271 x 163mm.
[Ref: 2111] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Jean Jacque Poupar. Cure de St.Eustache et Confesseur de Louis XVI Roi de France. Dessine d'apres nature par Touzee.
Touzee. P Duflos.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 270 x 161mm.
[Ref: 2119] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Sigismond Empereur d'Occident. Tire en partie du Corpus juris publici de B.Gott.Struve.
Touze d. F[...] Duflos sc.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 275 x 166mm.
[Ref: 2135] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Sumatra] Aladin, (Sultan) Roi d'Achem.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 279 x 167mm.
[Ref: 1925] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
[Sweden] Gustave Adolphe. Roi de Suede D'apres Stouman.
A Pariz chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 278 x 169mm.
[Ref: 1923] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Sweden] Charles XII, Roi de Suede. d'apres Hiese.
Duflos S. Touze d.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 167mm.
[Ref: 1962] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
[Sweden] Christinne. Reine de Suede. d'apres d'Egmon.
Duflos S. Touze d.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le jeune. [n.d. c.1787] Avec Privilege du Roi.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 278 x 166mm.
[Ref: 1965] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
Marguerite De Valdema, Reine de Suede de Danemarck et de Norvege. Tire du Cabinet des Estampes du Roi.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 162mm.
[Ref: 2157] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
Omer Talon, Avocat General au Parlement de Paris. d'apres Champagne tire des Estampes du Cabinet du Roi.
Touze d. P. Duflos S.
A Paris chez Cuflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 274 x 160mm.
[Ref: 2144] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Tartare Orienteux. Tire de Nieuhof.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 278 x 166mm.
[Ref: 2104] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Jacq. Aug. De Thou, Encien President au Parlement de Paris. Tire en Partie de la Galerie des Grands Hommes de l'Hotel de Pr. Pdt.
Touze d. Femme Duflos. S.
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos le Jeune. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 276 x 163mm.
[Ref: 2151] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Vencatadrapa, Roi de Narsingue. Tire de Floris.
Touze d. Fem. Duflos.
Paris rue St. Victor chez Duflos.
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 274 x 163mm.
[Ref: 2158] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Italy] Victor Amedee Ir. Roi de Sardaigne. Tire des Estampes du Cabinet du Roi.
Touze d. P D
A.D.P.R. A Paris chez Duflos rue St. Victor. [n.d. c.1787]
Engraving with strong contemporary colour and a gold leaf line border. 277 x 164mm.
Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy (1587-1637).
[Ref: 2160] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
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