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Position of the English, and Spanish & French Squadrons, before the Action on the 12 July 1804.
Owen del. Wells sc.
Publish'd by Bunney & Gold, Sep.1.1801.
Aquatint. 145 x 234mm. 5¾ x 9¼". Time staining around the edges.
Saumarez's actions off Algeciras and Gibraltar. On July 12th 1801 aboard Caesar, Admiral Sir James Saumarez led the last attack against the French Admiral Linois. This being the second stage of the battle meant that the extensive damage that the British had received during the first stage allowed for the French and Spanish ships to escape to Cadiz.
[Ref: 20163] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
[Almeria. She now was pensive, now was gay, And loll'd the sultry hours away.]
Painted by Will.m Owen Esq.r R.A. Engraved by Henry Meyer. G.t Russell S.t Blooms.y.
[London, Published by the Engraver March 17th. 1812.]
Mezzotint, a rare proof before title and completed inscriptions.
A scene from John Dryden's play 'The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, being the Sequel of The Indian Queen', showing Almeria, who is a consort of Montezuma but falls in love with Hernan Cortez. Looking thoroughly European, she reclines on a couch, being attended to by an African girl. Ex: Collection of the Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 44041] £320.00
Major Mony's Perilous Situation. When he fell into the Sea July, 23, 1785, off the Coast of Yarmouth.
Engraved by Owen, from a Drawing by Thurston for the Gallery.
London, Published by R.N. Rose, 45 Holborn Hill May 1. 1820.
Engraving. Plate: 190 x 125mm (7½ x 5"), with very large margins.
A scene showing a pioneer of British ballooning Major John Money (1752-1817) struggling to keep afloat after his balloon crashed into the sea. Saved by the sloop Argus he went on to write 'A Treatise on the Use of Balloons and Field Observators' (1803), in which he advocated the use of balloons for military purposes, retiring from the British army as full general.
[Ref: 45035] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
A New & Accurate Map of the Netherlands or Low Countries. Laid down from the best Authorities, assisted by the most approved Modern Maps and Regulated by Astron.l Observations.
by Eman. Bowen.
[London, c.1747.]
Engraved map. 360 x 440mm, 14¼ x 17¼".
Map of Belgium and Luxembourg, published in 'A Complete System of Geography'. A text refers to the Barrier Treaty of 1715, during the War of the Spanish Succession.
[Ref: 13579] £85.00
The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green. Engraved from the Original Picture in the Possession of Thomas Heathcote Esq.r to whom this Plate is Dedicated by his most Obed.t Humble Serv.t W.m Ward.
Painted by W.m Owen. Engraved by Will.m Ward Mezzotinto Engraver to his Royal Highness the Duke of York.
London Pub.d April 2, 1804 by Wards & Co, No. 6, Newman Street.
Mezzotint. 600 x 485mm (23½ x 19"), with large margins. Surface abrasions in inscription area. Small tear on left.
A grey-haired beggar in a rustic setting, his pretty daughter standing with one had on his shoulder and the another open and outstretched. A scene from a popular Elizabethan ballad ('The Blind Beggar of Bethnall Green'), in which the beggar gives a surprisingly generous dowry for his daughter's wedding to a knight. The Blind Beggar public house in Whitechapel (infamous for its connection to the Kray twins) is reputed to be the site of his begging. A version of the ballad was recorded by Ewan McColl for the Riverside anthology 'Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection'. CS 95. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox Boyd. Frankau 30.
[Ref: 49970] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green. Engraved from the Original Picture in the Possession of Thomas Heathcote Esq.r to whom this Plate is Dedicated by his most Obed.t Humble Serv.t W.m Ward.]
[Painted by W.m Owen. Engraved by Will.m Ward Mezzotinto Engraver to his Royal Highness the Duke of York.]
[London Pub.d April 2, 1804 by Wards & Co, No. 6, Newman Street.]
Mezzotint, printed in colours and hand finished. Sheet 560 x 475mm (21¾ x 18¾"). Very fine colour. Trimmed to image on all sides, title reinstated in manuscript, laid on thick paper.
A grey-haired beggar in a rustic setting, his pretty daughter standing with one had on his shoulder and the another open and outstretched. A scene from a popular Elizabethan ballad ('The Blind Beggar of Bethnall Green'), in which the beggar gives a surprisingly generous dowry for his daughter's wedding to a knight. The Blind Beggar public house in Whitechapel (infamous for its connection to the Kray twins) is reputed to be the site of his begging. A version of the ballad was recorded by Ewan McColl for the Riverside anthology 'Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection'. CS 95. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox Boyd. Frankau 30.
[Ref: 49971] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green. Engraved from the Original Picture in the Possession of Thomas Heathcote Esq.r to whom this Plate is Dedicated by his most Obed.t Humble Serv.t W.m Ward.
Painted by W.m Owen. Engraved by Will.m Ward Mezzotinto Engraver to his Royal Highness the Duke of York.
London Pub.d April 2, 1804 by Wards & Co, No. 6, Newman Street.
Mezzotint. 600 x 485mm (23½ x 19"). Thread margins, tears entering plate on right. Slight vertical crease.
A grey-haired beggar in a rustic setting, his pretty daughter standing with one had on his shoulder and the another open and outstretched. A scene from a popular Elizabethan ballad ('The Blind Beggar of Bethnall Green'), in which the beggar gives a surprisingly generous dowry for his daughter's wedding to a knight. The Blind Beggar public house in Whitechapel (infamous for its connection to the Kray twins) is reputed to be the site of his begging. A version of the ballad was recorded by Ewan McColl for the Riverside anthology 'Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection'. CS 95. Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox Boyd. Frankau 30.
[Ref: 49969] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green.]
[Painted by Wm Owen.] [Engraved by Willm Ward Mezzotinto Engraver to his Roual Highness the Duke of York.]
[London. Pubd. April 2 1804 by Wards & Co. No.6 Newman Street.]
Mezzotint, proof before all letters. Plate 601 x 482mm. 23¾ x 19". Trimmed along lower edge; creasing.
Open landscape; the old man seated directed to left, white hair dishevelled by the wind, holds out hat in right hand. Pretty Bessie stands by him, facing front; a large hat, low bodice; her left hand on the beggar's shoulder, with the right she indicates his supplicating action; to right, corner of cottage. Ex Collection: Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Frankau: 30. CS: 95.
[Ref: 27651] £380.00
A New & Accurate Map of Brasil, divided into its Captainships. Drawn from the most approved Modern Maps & Charts, & Regulated by Astronomical observations
By Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 360 x 425mm (14¼ x 16¾").
A map of Brazil with an inset map of the island of St Katherine (Santa Catarina Island), published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'. The map contains a note: 'We have purposefully omitted Inserting the imaginary Island of Ascension, upon the Authority of the late very ingenious and learned Dr Halley'..
[Ref: 34191] £260.00
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View of a Palace of Shereef Bey.
On Stone by J.C. Bourne from a Drawing by Owen B. Carter Archt.
Printed by C. Hullmandel [1840].
Hand coloured lithograph, image 250 x 375mm. 9¾ x 14¾".
Groups of camels and their handlers on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. Plate 10 to Robert Hay's 'Views in Kairo' 1840. Abbey Travel: 270, 10.
[Ref: 9776] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Cape of Good Hope.
Owen del. W. Ellis sculp.
Publish'd June 1st. 1801, by Bunney & Gold.
Aquatint. Sheet: 145 x 245mm (5¾ x 9¾''). Trimmed.
A view of the Cape of Good Hope with Table Top Mountain in the distance.
[Ref: 49937] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Cape of Good Hope.
Owen del. Ellis sculp.
Publish'd June 1st 1802 by Bunney & Gold, Shoe Lane.
Aquatint. 140 x 229mm. 5½ x 9". Toning.
British naval ships in the bay of the Cape of Good Hope. This engraving was published in the 'Naval Chronicle'. Gold was the founder and publisher.
[Ref: 23314] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Captain Sir Christopher Cole, R.N. To C.R. Colonel of Marines, &c. &c. &c.
Painted by William Owen R.A. Engraved by George H. Phillips
Mezzotint, platemark 550 x 415mm (21½ x 16¼"), with very large margins. Open-letter proof; ms incription in pencil to lower margin. Uncut.
Sir Christopher Cole (1770-1836), naval officer and politician whose achievements included capturing Neira, one of the Banda Islands (now part of Indonesia) from the Dutch in 1810 (he became known as the 'conqueror of Banda'). After retiring from the navy Cook was elected, unopposed, as MP for Glamorgan in 1817, a seat he retained until 1830. O'D 1. Provenance: Edge Hall Library, Cheshire
[Ref: 47076] £320.00
[John Wilson Croker.]
[Engraved by George Clint after William Owen.]
[n.d., c.1830.]
Mezzotint. Proof before letters. Plate: 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾''), with large margins. Slight horizontal crease.
A half-length portrait of politician and writer John Wilson Croker (1780-1857) who served as Secretary of the Admiralty and was a founding member of the Athenaeum Club.
[Ref: 48248] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Thomas Dibdin Esq.r.
Painted by W. Owen R.A. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
London, Feb.y 14. 1807 by the Engraver, No.65, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 360 x 275mm (14¼ x 10¾") very large margins. Wear in margins.
Portrait of Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), English dramatist and songwriter, seated at a desk, with quill and music book. CS: 18 only state.
[Ref: 56389] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Honourable John Scott, Baron Eldon. Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, &c. &c. &c.
Painted by W. Owen Esq.r Portrait Painter to H.R.H. the Prince Regent
Pub.d May 1 1813, by Colnaghi & Co. Cockspur Str. London.
Mezzotint printed on two plates, combined platemark dimensions 630 x 420mm (24¾ x 16½"), with large margins. Uncut.
John Scott, first earl of Eldon (1751-1838), lord chancellor during the reigns of George III and George IV, and a major figure in the political world of early nineteenth-century England. Engraving after a portrait by William Owen (1769-1825), painter whose work included portraits of distinguished sitters including Sir John Soane and William Pitt.
[Ref: 47092] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Vue d'un intérieur de forge sur le Hoyoux près de Huy.
Le G.l de Howen del. Lith: de Jobard.
[Brussells, Jobard, 1825.]
Tinted lithograph. 160 x 205mm, 6¼ x 8".
A view of the interior of a forge, published in Jean De Cloet's 'Voyage pittoresque dans le royaume des Pays-Bas'. Ex Collection of Norman Blackburn
[Ref: 16573] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
View of Wampooh China.
Owen del. Wells sc.
Publish'd by Bunney & Gold, June 1, 1802.
Aquatint. 140 x 225mm (5½ x 8¾").
Huangpu, in the Guanghzou region of China. Published in the 'Naval Chronicle' in 1802, where it was described as 'a small but populous village, pleasantly situated on the eastern bank of the Pe-kiang river, about twenty miles below the city of Canton'. It was the docking area for many nations trading with China in the 18th century and was the site of a battle between Chinese and British forces in 1841 during the Opium Wars.
[Ref: 37027] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Second Bar, China
Owen del. Wells sc.
Published by J. Gold 103 Shoe Lane 1st Nov.r 1802
Aquatint and accompanying letterpress sheet140 x 225mm (5½ x 8¾").
'A picturesque view on the river Canton, the only river, in that extensive country [China] . into which the vessels of foreign nations are admitted', as the accompanying text informs. In the Shizi Ocean in the Guanghzou region of China, 'Second Bar' was one of two 'bars' which was the term used by the British to refer to sandbanks which impeded ships' transport up the Canton River. It was situated near current Huangpu New Port.
[Ref: 37028] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
A New & Accurate Map of the Island of Jamaica. Divided into its principal parishes. Drawn from surveys and regulated by astron.l observat.ns
By Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 355 x 430mm (14 x 17"). Split at centre fold.
A map of Jamaica with inset charts of Port Antonio & St Francis and Kingston. Published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'.
[Ref: 34188] £180.00
A New & Accurate Map of the Island of Jamaica. Divided into its principal parishes.
Drawn from surveys and regulated by astron.l observat.ns by Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 355 x 430mm (14 x 17"). Printer's crease, folds as normal
A map of Jamaica with inset charts of Port Antonio & St Francis and Kingston. Published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'.
[Ref: 62159] £320.00
Creswell Lodge, Old Brompton.
W. Cowen.
Printed by Hullmandel & Walton [n.d., c.1850].
Hand coloured lithograph, sheet 260 x 320mm. 10¼ x 12½". Slight age toning.
A substantial residence on the site of what is now Creswell Gardens, between Old Brompton Road and Creswell Place in South Kensington, London. After William Cowen (1791 - 1864), landscape painter who lived at Gibraltar Cottage, Thistle Grove, Old Brompton.
[Ref: 10703] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Drawn by S. Owen. Engraved by W.B. Cooke.
London, Published July 1, 1814, by W.B. Cooke, 2 York Place, Pentonville.
Engraving. 155 x 255mm (6 x 9¾"), with very large margins. Uncut.
A view of Kingston from 'The Thames' by Samuel Owen (c.1769-1857). Across the river is the wooden bridge replaced in 1828 by the current Kingston Bridge, designed by Edward Lapidge.
[Ref: 34049] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Georgiana Fleming Leicester, Lady de Tabley.]
[after William Owen.]
[n.d. c.1820.]
Mezzotint, proof before all letters. 665 x 410mm (26¼ x 16"). Thread margins, extreme upper right corner of margin missing. Paper evenly age-toned, occasional foxing.
Georgiana Maria, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-colonel Cottin [1794-1859], wife of John Fleming Leicester, 1st Baron de Tabley, of Tabley house in Cheshire. Her beauty was captured by Sir Thomas Lawrence in the famous portrait of her in the character of Hope. This is a rare engraving after the painting by William Owen R.A. (1769-1825) that hangs at Tabley. The engraver is uncertain: it is possibly the suppressed plate by Charles Turner (1773-1857). William Owen worked as an apprentice to Charles Catton, R.A., for seven years, starting in 1786. He entered the Royal Academy as a student in 1791, receiving encouragement from, among others, Sir Joshua Reynolds. He was elected R.A. in 1806, became portrait painter to the Prince of Wales in 1810, and was appointed principal painter to the Prince Regent in 1813. Provenance: Sold by Christies July 1929. CS: Unrecorded. Not in NPG.
[Ref: 4523] £950.00
This Plate Presented to Beeston Long By the Directors of the London Dock Company, As a testimony of their Regard and Esteem, and for his indefatigable zeal and attention to the affairs of the Company as their Chairman.
Painted by Will.m Owen Esq.r R.A. Engraved by S.W. Reynolds.
London: Pub. by the Engraver June 10, 1817.
Mezzotint. 660 x 390mm (25¾ x 15½"), with wide lateral margins. Small tear just entering inscription area. Margins dusty.
Seated portrait of Beeston Long (1757-1820), books and a plan of Wapping Docks on one side, a globe on the other, with a window opening onto a busy dockside. Long was a senior partner of Long, Drake & Co. before succeeding his father-in-law as Chairman, and governor of the Bank of England from 1806-8. He led the London Docks Company, a private venture to construct the docks at Wapping, receiving a lucrative 21-year monopoly to unload all vessels entering the Port of London (other than at the East and West India Docks) with tobacco, rice, wine and brandy
[Ref: 53916] £390.00
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The lovely babe was born with every grace; / Such was his form, as painters, when they show / Their utmost art, on naked loves bestow. _ Dryden.
Painte by W. Owen, Esq.r R.A. Engraved by S.W. Reynolds, Engraver to the King.
London Published June 1st 1833 by Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Co. Printsellers to the Royal Family. Pall Mall East.
Mezzotint. Mount sight size 330 x 370mm, 13 x 14½". Framed with Christies's auction description pasted on verso. Faint spotting, unexamined out of frame.
Cupid on a cloud, quiver over his shoulder, arrow in hand. Provenence: Heathcote Heirlloms, Bighton Wood, Alresford, Hants. Whitman: 423, iii of iii.
[Ref: 27836] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Particular Draughts of some of the chief African Islands in the Mediterranean, as also in the Atlantic and Ethiopic Oceans.
By Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 360 x 425mm (14¼ x 16¾").
Eight maps on one sheet: Malta, Gozo & Comino; Saldanha Bay, the Dutch fort at the Cape of Good Hope and Table Bay, all South Africa; Tenerife; Madeira; the Cape Verde Islands; and St Helena. Published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'.
[Ref: 34200] £240.00
The Departure Of The Packet.
On Stone by Paul Gauci, from a Drawing by S. Owen.
Printed by Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co. And Published by them at 14, Newman St., London Jan 1, 1830.
Lithograph on india laid paper, sheet 200 x 240mm. 8 x 9½". Some foxing. Glued at corners to album page.
A tranquil harbour scene; figures on a quayside and the largest ship departing for sea to right. After marine painter and watercolourist Samuel Owen (1768/9 - 1857), by Paul Gauci (1834 - 1866; fl.), son of Maxim Gauci and brother of William Gauci.
[Ref: 11623] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
A New & Accurate Map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c. Laid down from the latest Improvements and Regulated by by Astronomical observations
By Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 360 x 425mm (14¼ x 16¾").
A map centred on the Rio de la Plata, showing Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay & Argentina. Published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'.
[Ref: 34199] £240.00
A New & Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones. Drawn from the most authentick French Maps &c and Regulated by Astronomical observations
By Eman. Bowen.
[London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, 1749.]
Engraved map. 360 x 430mm (14¼ x 17").
A map of Peru but also showing Amazon River and its tributaries. Published in Emanuel Bowen's 'A Complete System of Geography'.
[Ref: 34197] £240.00
Pharoah's Seat, with the sacred Island of Philae [pencil title on reverse]
By Owen Jones [pencil on reverse].
[n.d., c.1830.]
Watercolour on card. Sheet 190 x 550mm (7½ x 21½"). Wear to edges.
A view of the Egyptian temples in their original positions on the island of Philae, before the building of the Aswan Dam. The viewpoint is the same as the lithograph 'Philae - Looking South' in 'Views on the Nile from Cairo to the Second Cataract' by Jones & Jules Goury, 1843, with changes to the rocks and staffage.
[Ref: 61264] £1,450.00
The Right Hon.ble William Pitt Engraved by Bartolozzi from the much esteem'd picture in the possession of Lord Viscount Melville
W. Owen pinx.t
London, Pub.d Feb.y 1. 1806 by W. Barnard No.1 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy Square.
Engraving, platemark 340 x 255mm (13½ x 10"). Small margins.
William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), prime minister. In 1782, at the age of twenty-three, Pitt was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer in the ministry of Lord Shelburne as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Shelburne resigned due to opposition from Charles James Fox and Lord North early in 1783, after which Pitt resigned, rejecting overtures to join forces with Fox and North. Following the impact of the American Revolution on the Fox-North coalition, Pitt took advantage of this to secure his administration, and began to enact his agenda. Later that year he became the youngest ever Prime Minister in 1783 at the age of 24. Engraving after a portrait by William Owen (1769-1825), whose sitters also included Lord Grenville and Sir John Soane, many of whose paintings of rustic subjects also became popular engraving. Owen was made portrait painter to the prince of Wales in 1810 but met an unfortunate end, dying of poisoning after a chemist's assistant mistakenly gave him a bottle of opium instead of the correct medication.
[Ref: 41688] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
William Praed Esq.r
Painted by W. Owen Esq. R.A. Portrait Painter to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Engraved by C. Turner Warren St. Fitzroy Square.
London. Published March 28 1816, by C. Turner, 50 Warren Street, Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint, platemark 510 x 350mm (20 x 13¾"), with very large margins. Fine.
William Mackworth Praed (1747-1833), banker and politician. Praed was elected MP for St Ives in 1774 (although he was unseated following allegations of bribery) and again in 1780, remaining so until 1806. In 1779 became a junior partner of his father's bank, the Cornish Bank at Truro, and became senior partner after his father's death in 1802. In 1801 he was senior partner in a separate venture, opening a bank on Fleet Street, London, in a building designed by Sir John Soane. Engraving after a portrait by William Owen (1769-1825), painter whose work included portraits of distinguished sitters including Soane and William Pitt. O'D 1; Whitman 480.
[Ref: 47081] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Milns-Bridge-House near Huddersfield Bar.t. For the Prompt & Judicius Exertions of this Intrepid Magistrate during a Period of Insubordination, Danger & Alarm, in the year 1812. His Sovereign Created Him a Baronet with the Singular Favor of a Gratuitous Patent. The Original Portrait placed in the Court House at Wakefield, and This Print are the tribute of Public Respect and Gratitude.
Painted by W. Owen R.A. Portrait Painter to H.R.H. the Prince Regent. Engraved by J. Heath, Engraver to His Majesty & H.R.H. the Prince Regent.
[n.d., 1813.]
Engraving on chine collé. Sheet 580 x 365mm (220 x 14½"). Trimmed inside platemark.
Portrait of Joseph Radcliffe (1744-1819), seated with a large dog lying between his feet. A magistrate for the West Riding of Yorkshire, Radcliffe gained a reputation for heavy-handed justice. 'The Insubordination' commemorated by this portrait was that of the Luddites: he used spies and informers to infiltrate workers' meetings and, having sent three men to trial, sat on the jury that sentenced them to death. He then watched the hanging.
[Ref: 60122] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Milns-Bridge-House near Huddersfield Bar.t. For the Prompt & Judicius Exertions of this Intrepid Magistrate during a Period of Insubordination, Danger & Alarm, in the year 1812. His Sovereign Created Him a Baronet with the Singular Favor of a Gratuitous Patent. The Original Portrait placed in the Court House at Wakefield, and This Print are the tribute of Public Respect and Gratitude.
Painted by W. Owen R.A. Portrait Painter to H.R.H. the Prince Regent. Engraved by J. Heath, Engraver to His Majesty & H.R.H. the Prince Regent.
[n.d., 1813.]
Engraving. Sheet 585 x 365mm (22¼ x 14½"). Trimmed within plate.
Portrait of Joseph Radcliffe (1744-1819), seated with a large dog lying between his feet. A magistrate for the West Riding of Yorkshire, Radcliffe gained a reputation for heavy-handed justice. 'The Insubordination' commemorated by this portrait was that of the Luddites: he used spies and informers to infiltrate workers' meetings and, having sent three men to trial, sat on the jury that sentenced them to death. He then watched the hanging.
[Ref: 60121] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Richmond Bridge.
Drawn by S. Owen. Engraved by W.B. Cooke.
London, Published March 1, 1814, by W.B. Cooke, 2 York Place, Pentonville.
Engraving. 155 x 255mm (6 x 9¾"), with very large margins. Uncut.
A view of Richmond Bridge from downriver, looking towards Richmond Hill. From 'The Thames' by Samuel Owen (c.1769-1857).
[Ref: 34044] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Elizabeth Laura Henrietta/ Youngest Daughter of Lord William Russell.
Painted by Will.m Owen Esq.r R.A. Engraved by Henry Meyer.
London. Published Oct.r 24 1808 by W.m Holland, No.11, Cockspur Street.
Handcoloured mezzotint partly printed in colour, very fine & scarce. Platemark: 345 x 240mm (13½ x 9½"). Slight mountburn to lower edge with small stain in lower margin.
A portrait of Elizabeth Laura Henrietta (1803-1866), as a child. She is seated outdoors, directed to front with legs to the left side, holding a tambourine under her left arm, with her right arm behind her knee. She is wearing a shoulderless dress and laced shoes.
[Ref: 32411] £320.00
Nicholas Smith Esquire, Accountant General of the Court of Chancery.
Painted by W. Owen Esqr., R.A. Portrait Painter to his R.H. the Prince Regent. Engraved by Wm. Ward Engraver to their R.H. the Prince Regent & Duke of York.
Pubd. Nov. 21. 1812 by the Engraver 24 Buckingham Place Fitzroy Square.
Rich mezzotint, title in open letters, 350 x 250mm. 13¾ x 9¾". A fine amd rare impression, with full margins.
Portrait of Nicholas Smith (active 1802 - 1819), Barrister-at-law, and later Accountant-General in Chancery; wearing dark coat, vest and necktie, his hair short and curly. After William Owen (1769 - 1825). From the Encombe Collection, Lord Eldon. Chaloner Smith 75, II. NPG D41759.
[Ref: 21651] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
An Improved Map of the County of Somerset Divided into it's Hundreds: Laid down & Collected from the best materials, and illustrated with various additional Improvements; with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Trade, Manufactures &c.
By Eman: Bowen, Geographer to His Majesty.
Printed for Carington Bowles in St Pauls Church Yard. Rob.t Sayer in Fleet Street [n.d., c.1767].
Engraved map with original colour. Dissected and laid on linen, probably as issued, total 540 x 720mm (21¼ x 28¼"), with index label on linen. Three old ink stamps from a French library and crayon mss. on map area.
A map of Somerset, surrounded by engraved text and decorated with decorative cartouches for the title & scale and a plan of Bath. It was engraved by Emmanuel Bowen for John Hinton's 'Large English Atlas', the first new large-format county maps in a century. The maps were issued individually, starting in 1749 and completed in 1760, when the full atlas was published. The maps were still available individually, as this example, which is presented as a travel map.
[Ref: 59724] £350.00
Somerset House
Drawn by S. Owen. Engraved by W.B. Cooke.
London, Published March 31, 1814, by W.B. Cooke, 12 York Place, Pentonville.
Engraving. 155 x 255mm (6 x 9¾"), with large margins.
A view of Somerset House from the Thames. From 'The Thames' by Samuel Owen (c.1769-1857).
[Ref: 34045] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
The Old 'Strad'.
Lionel J. Cowen pinx. Swan Electric Engraving Co.
Published by G.L Jefferys & Co 78 Newman Street, Oxford Street, 1894.
Photogravure, very large margins. 570 x 420mm (22½ x 16½").
An old man in his workshop closely examining a Stradivarius violin. The 'Morning Advertiser' announced: ''The Old 'Strad.' An important print from the celebrated picture of a connoisseur inspecting a genuine Stradivarius, by Lionel J. Cowen, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1886. The picture has been reproduced in a most admirable manner, in photogravure, by the Swan Electric Engraving Company, of London, and cannot fail to have a ready sale amongst violinists, musical instrument makers, and all who take an interest in thoroughly genuine works of art'.
[Ref: 31229] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
The Right Hon.ble Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor & Under Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer. _ 1815.
Painted by W. Owen Esq.r R.A. Portrait Painter to His R.H. the Prince Regent. Engraved by W.Ward A.R.A. Engraver to their R.H. the Prince Regent & the Duke of York.
[n.d., c.1825.]
Mezzotint. 505 x 350mm (19¾ x 13¾"), with very large margins.
Three-quarter length portrait of Nicholas Vansittart in his ceremonial robes. Vansittart (1766-1851), Lord Bexley, was one of the longest-serving Chancellors of the Exchequer. He is best remembered for not abolishing Income Tax at the end of the Napoleonic Wars. CS 86, only state listed; Frankau 301, published state, iii of iii.
[Ref: 40690] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
The Rev.d W.m Vincent. D.D.
Painted by W.m Owen Esqr R A Portrait Painter to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Engraved by C. Turner Warren Str.t Fitzroy Square.
London Published Sep.r 1811. by Mr. Turner, 50, Warren Str.t Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. 510 x 355mm (20 x 14"), with large margins. Laid on printed album paper.
A portrait of William Vincent (1739-1815), seated in an armchair next to a globe and tables with plans, wearing a medal. Vincent was Dean of Westminster from 1802 to 1815. As headmaster of Westminster School (1788-1802) he won a reputation for his beatings. The album paper is titled 'The Club. 59' and has details of the sitter, suggesting it is from a print collector's club. Whitman 586. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 65239] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
View of Wampooh China.
Owen del. Wells sc.
Publish'd by Binney & Gold, June 1, 1802.
Aquatint. 130 x 220mm.
Published in the 'Naval Chronicle'.
[Ref: 4386] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
[Alexander Wedderburn] Alexander Lord Loughborough.
Engraved by J. Kennerley from a Picture by W. Owen.
Published as the Act directs, July 1804, by J. Kennerley. 1 Carey Street, Chancery Lane.
Stipple. 280 x 230mm (11 x 9"), with large margins. Foxing in left margin, old ink collecetor's number.
Alexander Wedderburn (1733-1805), first Earl of Rosslyn, in his Lord Chancellor's wig and robes.
[Ref: 64392] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
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