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View of Acre & H.M. Ship Le Tigre.
View of Acre & H.M. Ship Le Tigre.
Sketched on the Spot by F.B. Spilsbury, and Drawn by D.l Orme. Jeakes Aquaforte.
Edw.d Orme Excudit. [n.d. c.1819.]
Aquatint with added hand colour. 295 x 400mm (11¾ x 15¾"). Trimmed. Chip to paper upper left corner.
A view of St John of Acre (now Akka, Israel) from the sea, with HMS Le Tigre seen in the foreground. The draughtsman F.B. Spilsbury was a surgeon on board Le Tigre, which together with the H.M.S. Theseus, under the command of Commodore Sir Sydney Smith, was sent on a naval mission to the Holy Land and Syria. This operation was launched as part of the overall mission to counter the military campaigns of Napoleon in the Middle East in 1799 and 1800. Spilsbury's original on-site sketches of famous sites and local peoples were redrawn in London by Daniel Orme and reproduced in printed form, as here.
See RMG: PAF4679; Parker: 144A.
[Ref: 29960]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Adam Clarke.
Adam Clarke.
Painted & Engraved by D. Orme, Engraver to His Majesty & the Prince of Wales
Pub. March 8 1806 by Mr. Orme Manch.r and Mr Baines Paternoster Row, London.
Engraving, sheet 255 x 205mm (10 x 8"). Trimmed to image and text; tear through title area. Rare.
Adam Clarke (1762-1832), Wesleyan Methodist minister and scholar. Born in co. Londonderry, Clarke came to Methodism in 1778 and played a prominent and singular role in the evolution of Wesleyanism. A friend of the poor and the African slave, Clarke established Strangers' Friend societies in several cities and at least six poor schools in Ireland. He was a polymath with considerable skills as a linguist and translator, publishing many translations and commentaries on ancient tongues. Clarke's scholarly labours achieved recognition from Aberdeen University and the Antiquarian Society. Rare engraving by Daniel Orme (1766-1837) from his own painting.
Not in O'D; for other portraits of Clarke see refs. 4560 and 11296.
[Ref: 39841]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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Lord Viscount Duncan (from the Original Picture) Painted by Mr: Orme & Presented by his Lordship To Admiral De Winter.
Lord Viscount Duncan (from the Original Picture) Painted by Mr: Orme & Presented by his Lordship To Admiral De Winter.
D. Orme Pinx & Sculp Historical Engraver to his Majesty & the Prince of Wales.
Sold & Pub. Accorg. to Act of Parliament Janr. 1st. 1798 by D. Orme 23 Holles St. Cavendish Sq. Where Subscriptions are Receiv'd for his 2 Prints of Ld. Duncan's & Ld. St Vincent's Victory's & at E. Orme's Printseller 25 S0onduit St. Hanover Sqe.
Stipple engraving, with very large margins. Plate 186 x 123mm. Sheet 305 x 215mm. Fine impression.
Adam Duncan, 1st Viscount Duncan (1731-1804) was a British admiral who defeated the Dutch fleet off Camperdown on 11 October 1797. This victory was considered one of the most significant actions in naval history.
In the NMM.
[Ref: 12569]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Lord Viscount Duncan.
Lord Viscount Duncan.
D.Orme Pinx.t. Turner sculp.t.
Sold & Published March 1st 1798 by Mr. Orme 23 Holles Street Cavendish Sq.e & E.Orme, 25 Conduit Str.t Hanover Sq.e.
Mezzotint. 665 x 455mm. (26¼ x 18"), with large margins. Repaired tears to title area and on right edge of sheet in margin. Small stain to left of publication line.
Adam Duncan, 1st Viscount Duncan (1731-1804) was a British admiral who defeated the Dutch fleet off Camperdown on 11th October 1797. This victory was considered one of the most significant actions in naval history and he is here seen on the desk of his flagship.
Whitman 164. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 31528]   £480.00  
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Dundee from the West.
Dundee from the West. To the Right Hon.ble Lord Douglas Lord Lieu.t f the County of Forfar, Hereditary Constable of Dundee &c &c And the other Heritors of the Parish, This View is with the greatest respect Humbly dedicated by their most obedient Servant, Alexander Simson. [&] Dundee from the River. To the Hon.ble The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, the Merchants, Burgesses & Inhabitants of Dundee, This View is respectfully dedicated by their much obliged & most obedient Servant, Alexander Simson.
D. Orme del.n. Harraden sculp.t.
Published March 1st 1803 by Alex.r Simson, Dundee and E. Orme, Printseller to his Majesty No 59 New Bond Street, London.
Pair of aquatints. Each 355 x 475mm (14 x 18¾"), with large margins, watermarked 1806. Repair tear in margin of 'River', creasing in margins of both.
A pair of rare views of Dundee.
[Ref: 54954]   £950.00   view all images for this item
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In commemoration of The Jubilee, October 25th. 1809, The Day His Majesty King George III. entered into the 50th Year of his Reign.
In commemoration of The Jubilee, October 25th. 1809, The Day His Majesty King George III. entered into the 50th Year of his Reign. Inscribed to all the Loyal Subjects in the British Empire, by Edward Orme.
Drawn by Dan.l Orme. Engraved by Clark & Dubourg.
Invented & Published by Edw.d Orme Bond St.t corner of Brook St.t Oct 25 1809.
Very fine coloured aquatint. Sheet 400 x 310mm (15¾ x 13¼"). Trimmed within plate.
George III sits in Westminster Hall, Queen Charlotte seated beside him and his twelve children standing in line. Above his head are two cherubs representing the sons who died in infancy. To the right George's guardian angel keeps Old Father Time away from the king.
[Ref: 55489]   £320.00  
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Key to M.r Orme's Print and Picture of Lord Nelson's Victory off the Nile on the Glorious first of August 1798.
Key to M.r Orme's Print and Picture of Lord Nelson's Victory off the Nile on the Glorious first of August 1798. - now Exhibiting at his Gallery N.º 118 Bond Street.
Published & Sold by Edw.d Orme, Printseller to the King, New Bond Street, corner of Brook Str.t London [n.d., 1805].
Rare etching. Sheet 265 x 210mm (10½ x 8¼"), with label with publication line pasted on. Trimmed, losing letterpress description, hole in corner of folds, creasing, laid on album paper.
The key to Daniel Orme's painting and print, with eleven named heads, published as a guide to the painting when it was on display in 1805. According to the letterpress (here lacking) the entrance fee to the gallery was a shilling, subscribers to the print admitted gratis.
BM 1917,1208.4629, also with pasted label.
[Ref: 63997]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Key to Mr Orme's Print & Picture of Lord Nelson's Victory off the Nile
Key to Mr Orme's Print & Picture of Lord Nelson's Victory off the Nile on the Glorious first of August 1798. - now Exhibiting at his Gallery No 118 Bond Street.
Pub. by Orme, 118 Bond Street.
Scarce etched key plate. Sheet 260 x 210mm (10¼ x 8¼"). Laid on old card.
The key to Daniel Orme's oil painting of the interior of the 'Vanguard' during the Battle of the Nile, at the moment the French flagship, ‘L’ Orient’, exploded. It identifies the seamen involved, including Nelson with his head bandaged, all of whom Orme sketched from life. Although the exhibited painting is lost, the National Maritime Museum has another version.
[Ref: 40258]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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[Netherlands] Admiral De Winter. (from the Original Picture) Painted by Mr. Orme, & presented by the Admiral The Lord Viscount Duncan.
[Netherlands] Admiral De Winter. (from the Original Picture) Painted by Mr. Orme, & presented by the Admiral The Lord Viscount Duncan.
D. Orme Pinx. & Sculp. Engraved to his Majesty & the Prince of Wales.
Sold & Pub. Accor.g lo Act of Parliament Jan.y 1798 by D. Orme 23 Holles St.t Cavendish Sq.e Where Subscriptions are Received for his 2 Prints of L.d Duncan's & L.d St. Vincents Victory's & at E. Orme Printseller 25 Conduit St. Hanover Sq.e
Stipple, very fine with large margins. Plate 184 x 127mm. 7¼ x 5".
Jan Willem de Winter (1761-1812) was a Dutch Admiral of the Napoleonic Wars. He was defeated at the Battle of Camperdown and was taken prisoner until later liberated by exchange. His conduct was declared by a court-martial to have nobly maintained the honour of the Dutch flag.
[Ref: 24385]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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