[Victoria & Albert at a Military Review at Blackheath.] Die Königl. Grossbrittanische Armée Revûe. I.te Abth. Dedié à Son Altesse Royal Mos. Albrecht Duc de Saxe Cobourg Gotha etc. etc. par son trés humble serviteur Louis de Kliest à Dresde 1841.
Opitz del. Hilscher Sc. [Dresden, 1841.] Extremely fine & rare aquatint, printed in colours and hand finished. 570 x 720mm (22½ x 28½"). Superb condition. A large and colourful scene of a young Queen Victoria and Prince Albert riding through a military review held at Blackheath, with Greenwich Hospital at the bottom of the hill and London on the horizon. The uniforms of the soldiers are recorded carefully. The print is dedicated to Prince Albert, the year after his marriage to Victoria. The painter, Georg Emmanuel Opiz (1775-1841), was born in Prague but moved around the cities of Europe, including Dresden, Vienna, Paris & Liepzig. In 1840 Opiz, Hilscher & Kliest published a similar view of the Hessian army in revue above Maintz.
[Ref: 30068] £2,500.00