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The Montgolsier, a First Rate of the French Aerial Navy. A_ F_t_ An Ass_ A Fool_ A Monkey_ A Nothing.
Observator del. Recordum Sculpt.
Pub.d by E. Darchery N.11 S.t James's Street. the of October 1783. [but probably printed slightly later]
Etching, sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate. Some creasing. Nicks to edges of paper.
A satire on the Montgolfier brother's ballooning. Thought to be the first reaction of an English caricaturist to the possibilities of aerial navigation. Published by Elizabeth Darchery (1780-84, fl.), a publisher of satirical prints based on St James's Street, London, her name is often spelt differently on various plates and she is known for publishing some of James Gillray's early work. From the Collection of Christopher Hatton Turnor 1840-1914 Author of "Astra Castra"
[Ref: 58174] £290.00
(£348.00 incl.VAT)
The Montgolsier, a First Rate of the French Aerial Navy. A_ F_t_ An Ass_ A Fool_ A Monkey_ A Nothing.
Observator del. Recordum Sculpt.
Pub.d by E. Darchery N.11 S.t James's Street. the of October 1783. [but probably printed later]
Scarce hand coloured etching on wove paper with partial watermark dated '[?]1828'. Plate 355 x 250mm (14 x 10"). Creasing in margins; top left corner crease just goes through the plate mark. Tears on left and right entering the plate mark but not the image.
A wonderful satire on the Montgolfier brother's ballooning. Thought to be the first reaction of an English caricaturist to the possibilities of aerial navigation. Published by Elizabeth Darchery (1780-84, fl.), a publisher of satirical prints based on St James's Street, London, her name is often spelt differently on various plates and she is known for publishing some of James Gillray's early work. From the Collection of Christopher Hatton Turnor 1840-1914 Author of "Astra Castra"
[Ref: 58175] £390.00
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