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Vue d'Annonay [4].
Vue d'Annonay [4]. Prise de la Roche Chevalier. [&] prise de la Terrasse de Mr Soras a la reclusiere. [&] Prise des Egards. [&] Prise du Pre du Solier.
E.F. Imbard delt. Litho. de C. Motte.
[Paris: Imbard(?), n.d., c.1826.]
Set of four lithographs, each sheet c.315 x 465mm (12½ x 18¼"), uncut.
Four prospects of Annonay in the Rhône-Alpes region of southern France. Annonay is built on the hill overlooking the meeting of the deep gorges of the Deûme and the Cance, the waters of which supply the town. On June 4, 1783, the town was the location of the Montgolfier brothers first public unmanned hot air balloon flight. The event is celebrated annually each June, on the site of the flight in the place des Cordeliers. The Montgolfier brothers were natives of Annonay, and there is an obelisk in honour of them. Possibly from the larger series of views 'Elémens de paysage' after Etienne François Imbart (b.1785) draughtsman, lithographer and architect active in Paris 1819-1827.
See BNF: FRBNF40492958.
[Ref: 20579]   £350.00   view all images for this item
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