[The Pavilion and Steyne at Brighton with the Promenade]
[Etched by Frank Holford after a view by Charles T. Cracklow and figures by William Marshall Craig.] [n.d., 1889.] Etching. 215 x 360mm (8½ x 14¼"). A view of the Royal Pavilion and Steyne, with the Promenade filled with the people that made Brighton the most fashionable resort of the period, with George, Prince of Wales, and Martha Gunn, the famous Brighton 'Dipper', named under the image. According to a pencil note on the reverse this was 'Etched by Frank Holford 1889 from Pictures in the Pavilion Brighton', although a second hand clarifies that it is copied from the aquatint after Cracklow and Craig. A painter called Frank Holford is said to have been churchwarden of St Michael, Brighton. See Ford: Images of Brighton n.396 for the original.
[Ref: 58809] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)