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Mrs. Abington as the Comic Muse.
Mrs. Abington as the Comic Muse.
P. Wray sculpt.
[British, n.d., c.1790s.]
Copper engraving with some stippling, 110 x 175mm. 4¼ x 7". Pin hole to image; stitching holes to upper margin. One foxmark below title.
The famous comic actress Frances Abington (1737 - 1815) as Thalia, in classical dress with long billowing scarf, head directed and looking to left, where she is about to crown a bust of Shakespeare, on a pedestal, with laurel. She holds up a comic mask in her left hand, behind to left, a tree, pipes tied to a branch; in oval. Mrs Abington was rumoured to have spent her teenage years working as a prostitute. For the Court, City & Country Magazine. The image is extracted and reversed from the stipple by Bartolozzi after Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821).
[Ref: 24050]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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[Richard, Earl of Barrymore]
[Richard, Earl of Barrymore]
Painted by R. Cosway. Engraved by J Jehner.
Published June 24. 1778, by John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside London
Mezzotint with fantastic colour, 18th century watermark; 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Trimmed to plate.
Portrait of Richard Barry, Earl of Barrymore (1769-93), depicted as Cupid sitting on the grass beside a rose bush. With his back to the viewer, he looks over his shoulder while playing a lyre, all within a circular frame.
CS 1 I of I. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 65199]   £360.00  
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William Bromfield, Esqr.
William Bromfield, Esqr.
Cosway, R:A: Pinxt. D. Orme, Sculpt.
Sold & Published by D. Orme & Co. No.14, Old Bond Street, London, July 21, 1792.
Stipple with etching, 280 x 210mm. 11 x 8¼". Left margin trimmed. Light marginal foxing.
William Bromfield (1712 - 1792), surgeon to Queen Charlotte, with a human heart on top of an anatomical atlas in front of him. In 1741 he began a course of lectures on anatomy and surgery which attracted a large attendance of pupils. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821).
NPG: D14308. Wellcome: 428-1.
[Ref: 12444]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Caroline, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte.]
[Caroline, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte.]
[F.Bartolozzi] [R.Cosway]
[n.d. c.1800]
Proof stipple in frame. 359 x 258mm. Foxed, trimmed to plate mark.
George, Prince of Wales, was prevailed upon to marry his cousin Caroline of Brunswick as his part of a deal; in return, parliament promised to pay off his enormous debts. George had already married Maria Fitzherbert, a Roman Catholic widow; however, the marriage was void in accordance with the terms of the Royal Marriages Act of 1772. The Prince of Wales also had a number of mistresses; one of them, Lady Jersey, went to meet Caroline when she arrived from Brunswick on 5 April 1795. Caroline was twenty-six years old, of stocky build and little to her credit apart from a fine head of hair. She spoke too much and very coarsely, dressed dowdily, had little moral reticence or good sense. She seems to have had an aversion to washing either her person or her clothes. Consequently she smelled. When Princess Caroline arrived at St James' Palace the Prince of Wales came to visit her. After greeting her, he turned to the Earl of Malmesbury saying, 'Harris, I am not well. Pray get me a glass of brandy'. He then left the room. Caroline's comment to Malmesbury was , 'I find him very stout and by no means as handsome as his portrait'. The ill-matched pair were married on 8 April 1795 and it soon became clear that the Prince of Wales would not tolerate his wife's company unless he was drunk. The marriage was consummated and on 7 January 1796 a daughter, Charlotte, was born to the couple. By March, the proud parents were living separately and rarely spoke to each other.
D: 22
[Ref: 1391]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Rich.d Cosway Esq.r
Rich.d Cosway Esq.r
J. Clarke Sculp.t
Published as the Act directs by John Clarke, No 291 Strand, June 1st 1788.
Stipple printed in brown, platemark 190 x 115mm (7½ x 4½") very large margins.
Richard Cosway (bap.1742-d.1821), artist and collector, engraved after a self-portrait in Van Dyck dress. The most important and fashionable portrait miniaturist and draughtsman of the late eighteenth century, Cosway's delicate style and flattering portrayals epitomized Regency society. He was the principle recorder of the prince of Waless' image from 1780 to 1808, and exerted great influence on the prince's taste and collecting during that period. Cosway was also a significant connoisseur and collector in his own right, in which capacity he was admired and respected by contemporaries such as William Beckford, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and William Hazlitt.
O'D 4
[Ref: 41277]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Portraits of Mr & Mrs Cosway.
Portraits of Mr & Mrs Cosway.
R.d Cosway RA delin. R.t Thew Sc .
Published 1 June 1789 by M. Lawson, No. 96, Strand corner of Beaufort Buildings.
Fine stipple, printed in brown. 380 x 260mm (15 x 10¼"), with large margins. Uncut. Mint.
A rare self-portrait of the artist Richard Cosway and his wife Maria. It was originally published with the title 'Abelard and Heloise in the Gardens of Fulberts Country Residence at Corbeil', the same year.
From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
[Ref: 54975]   £480.00  
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[Mademoiselle La Chevaliere D'Eon de Beaumont.]
[Mademoiselle La Chevaliere D'Eon de Beaumont.]
R. Cosway R.A. delt. 1787. Thos. Chambers Sculpt.
Published July 12th. 1787 by B. Beale Evans, Poultry, London.
Stipple in brown ink, scratched-letter proof before title. 175 x 110mm, 7 x 4¼". Trimmed to plate; slight surface scuffing around face.
Portrait of Charles-Geneviève-Louis-Auguste-André-Timothée d'Éon de Beaumont (1728 - 1810), usually known as the Chevalier d'Eon, in female costume, including lace bonnet; a Croix de Saint-Louis at his neck. A French diplomat, soldier and Freemason who lived the first half of his life as a man and the second half as a woman. Living in England in 1785, he lost his pension after the French Revolution and had to sell his library. In 1792 he sent a letter to the French National Assembly, offering to lead a division of women soldiers against Austria, but the offer was rebuffed. He participated in fencing tournaments until he was seriously wounded, in 1796. After a trial in 1777 about his actual sex he wore female attire until his death. Surgical examination proved him male. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821).
See NPG D20293 for a published state.
[Ref: 19957]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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The R.t Hon.ble Elizabeth Dowager Lady Syttelton.
The R.t Hon.ble Elizabeth Dowager Lady Syttelton. Ob.t August 27th 1795.
R. Cosway RA. delin.t. Cha.s Townley Sculp.t.
Publsihed by C. Townley 1;st Jan.y 1796, No.19 Panton Square, Haymarket.
Stipple, very rare. Platemark: 205 x 145mm (8¼ x 5¾"). Thread margins.
A portrait of Lady Elizabeth Dowager Lyttleton (1749 - 1795), seated half length to the left. Her hands are folded in her lap. She is wearing a frilled cap and matching gown, with straps around both wrists. Lyttleton was the daughter of British cavalry officer Sir Robert Rich, and the second wife of George Lyttleton, 1st Baron Lyttleton.
Daniell: 97
[Ref: 36563]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Mrs. Duff.
Mrs. Duff. Dedicated to the Right Honorable James Duff, Earl of Fife, By his Lordships very obliged & most Obedient Servant, R. Ackermann.
R. Cosway R.A. del.t. John Agar sculp.
London, Pub. Jan 1. 1822 by R. Ackermann at his Repository of Arts, 101 Strand.
Very rare colour printed stipple; original issue. Sheet size: 490 x 370mm (19¼ x 14½").
A portrait of Mary Caroline Duff, standing on clouds with one foot on the earth, whole-length with a swirling shawl held over her head, a cherub at the left pulling at her dress and pointing up to the heavens, with another on a cloud to the left reaching out to grab her wrist. Lettered below the image with eight lines of verse, signed 'C.F.'
[Ref: 39396]   £360.00  
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R. Cosway delin.
London Pub. April 2 1802 by R. Ackermann 101 Strand.
Stipple with hand-colouring, platemark 240 x 135mm (9½ x 5¼") very large margins.
Stipple by J.R. Smith after a drawing by Richard Cosway described by Frankau as a portrait of his wife Maria Cosway. It was first published by Smith in 1785 as one of a set of four with 'Henry' (also after Cosway) and 'Octavia' and 'Ariadne' (both after Hoppner). This impression is from the later 1802 publication by Rudolph Ackermann.
D'Oench 251; Daniell 184; Frankau 128.
[Ref: 44202]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Major General Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, M.P.
Major General Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, M.P.
Drawn by R. Cosway R.A. Engraved by Anth.y Cardon.
London: Pub.d April 1. 1810, by Anth.y Cardon, 37, London Street, Fitzroy Square.
Rare stipple, plate 405 x 315mm (16 x 12½"). Trimmed to plate top, left and right. Thread margins.
Full-length portrait of Gen Sir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson (1773-1841) standing directed and pointing slightly to left, right hand on his sword-hilt at his hip, looking away to right, wearing military uniform with a sash and high collar, his hat, a scroll and plans on a drum in his tent behind to left, a standard on the floor nearby and tents pitched beside a river in the background to right.
[Ref: 63032]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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George Ferrars Townshend. Earl of Leicester.
George Ferrars Townshend. Earl of Leicester. President of the Society of Antiquaries, Trustee of the British Museum, F.R.S. and Joint Postmaster General.
R. Cosway R.A. Pictor Principus Pinx.t. P. Condé Sculp.t.
[n.d., c.1790.]
Stipple with etching. Platemark: 265 x 180mm (10¼ x 7"). Crease on left.
A head and shoulders portrait of British peer and politician George Townshend, 2nd Marquess Townshend (1753 - 1811), known as The Lord Ferrers of Chartley from 1770 to 1784 and as The Earl of Leicester from 1784 to 1807. Facing right, within a decorative trompe l'oeil oval on a plinth.
[Ref: 36325]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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R. Cosway Pint. R. Pollard Perft.
Publish'd March 1.1794 by R. Pollard, Printseller Spafields London.
Circular stipple 280 x 285mm. Mint.
Depicting a nude child, looking to front, sitting on a dog, which is licking its face. Surrounded by decorative landscape.
Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection, Sotheby's London 1997: lot 707.
[Ref: 7047]   £320.00  
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Ich Dien. George Prince of Wales.
Ich Dien. George Prince of Wales.
Rdus Cosway Pictor Principis Pinxit. Gulielmus Sharp Sculpsit [ around frame].
Engraved & Publish'd by Wm. Sharp No.8, Charles Street Middlesex Hospital; & Sold by W. Skelton, Haymarket, Aug: 12.1790.
Engraving and etching. Plate 241 x 165mm. 9½ x 6½". Trimmed to plate, crease at top right corner.
George IV (1762-1830) as Prince of Wales. At this time he was given no official duties by his father King George III. In a bid to gain power he sought to undermine the King by siding with the Whig opposition led by Charles James Fox, and when the King went temporarily insane in 1788, William Pitt proposed a restricted Regency to protect the King's interests. Pitt's Regency Bill was revived during the King's final illness and George IV was sworn Regent in 1811 and crowned King in 1820.
Ex Collection: R. Hobson of Hove. Daniell: 80.
[Ref: 25429]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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The Guardian Angel.
The Guardian Angel.
R. Cosway R.A. del. J. Ogborne sculp.
Pub Jan.y 1794 by J Ogborne No. 58 Great Portland St.
Stipple and etching, printed in colours. Sheet 260 x 195mm (10¼ x 7¾"). Trimmed within plate.
An angel kneeling, cradling a sleeping baby in his arms.
Daniell: 180.
[Ref: 57983]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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The Hours Crowning Virtuous Love.
The Hours Crowning Virtuous Love.
R. Cosway. R.A. pinx.t. T. Ryder Sculp.t.
Publishe'd as the Act directs, Nov.r. 1786 by S. Watts, No.50 Strand, London.
Stipple printed in sepia with small margins. Fine. Rare. Plate: 145 x 190mm (5¾ x 7½"). Bit dusty.
Set in a roundel, two children representing 'The Hours' flank the figure of Love on either side and one places a crown of roses upon his head.
Daniell: 186.
[Ref: 36847]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Frederick Earl of Carlisle Knight of the Garter, &c &c &c.
Frederick Earl of Carlisle Knight of the Garter, &c &c &c.
R. Cosway R.A. delin.t. Anth.y Cardon sculp.t.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple. Sheet: 275 x 205mm (10¾ x 8''). Trimmed within plate.
A portrait of poltician Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle (1748-1825) who was sent by Lord North to attempt a reconciliation with the 13 colonies during the American War of Independence, though the commission was not successful Howard was praised for his role and entrusted with the viceroyalty of Ireland in 1780.
[Ref: 50113]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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James Hutton.
James Hutton.
Painted by R.Cosway, Esq.r. R.A. Principal Painter to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Engraved by J.R.Smith, Mezzotints Engraver to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London Publish'd, Feb.y 22: 1786: by J.R.Smith, N.83: Oxford Street.
Fine mezzotint. 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"), with large margins.
Portrait of James Hutton (1715-1795), English Moravian minister and bookseller. Seated with an ear trumpet to his right ear, facing half left, left hand resting on knee, wearing a powdered wig and tricorn hat.
CS 90 i of iii. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd. D'Oench 272. Frankau 188.
[Ref: 64502]   £320.00  
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Sacrifice to Love.
Sacrifice to Love.
[Cosway pinx.t. Menageot Sculp.t.]
[London, Pub.d Dec.r 11, 1780, by E. Hedges, No. 92 Cornhill.]
Stipple, printed in sanguine. Trimmed to image, oval 180 x 130mm, 7 x 5" at most, title pasted underneath. On album paper. Cut.
A nymph alighting, waving her arms and holding a torch, from a carriage behind in which cupid sits at right, his bow aimed to front, a smoking altar beside at left and two doves embracing on the ground before it.
Daniell 201.
[Ref: 26434]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Vincent Lunardi Esqr.,
Vincent Lunardi Esqr., Secretary to the Neapolitan Ambassador and the first aerial Traveller in the English Atmosphere Sept.r 15th 1784.
P. Maguire Sculp.t [after Richard Cosway].
[n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple. 175 x 115mm (7 x 4½"). Thread margins. Very small hole above title.
Portrait of pioneering balloonist Vincent Lunardi (1759-1806), copied from the frontispiece of Lunardi's 'Account of the first Aerial Voyage in England' (1784), engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi.
[Ref: 52672]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Vincent Lunardi Esq.r
Vincent Lunardi Esq.r Secretary to the Neapolitan Ambassador and the first aerial Traveller in the English Atmosphere Sept.r 15th 1784.
Rd. Cosway. Deliniavt. F. Bartolozzi Sculpt.
Publish'd Octr. 5th 1784 by John Bell British Library Strand.
Stipple engraving sheet 220 x 180mm (8¾ x 7"). Time stained.
On September 15,1784, Vincent Lunardi, a young Italian, demonstrated the success of his French predecessors before a great multitude in London including the Prince of Wales and many eminent statesmen. In a hydrogen balloon, brightly decorated, Lunardi ascended with a dog, a cat, and a pigeon, and traveled 24 miles. His friend George Biggin had planned to accompany him, but the impatience of the crowd forced Lunardi to make the attempt before the bag was completely inflated. The British were immediately captivated by the fad of ballooning and Lunardi became the most sought after person in London.
DeV 865 III of IV.
[Ref: 61115]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathern.
Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathern.
R. Cosway delt. Engrav'd by J.K. Sherwn Engraver to his Majesty & his Royal highnss. Prince of Wales.
Publish'd Augt. 1st by J.K. Sherwin No.28, St. James's Street & W. Hinton Sweetings Alley Royal Exchange.
Stipple and etching, second state. Sheet 305 x 230mm. 12 x 9". Trimmed within plate, some staining, cut
Full-length portrait of Anne Luttrell, Duchess of Cumberland (1743-1808), wife of Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn. Posed in a landscape holding a garland of flowers, her left arm resting on a large carved stone plinth decorated with a cupid. A crown sits atop the plinth. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821).
Daniell 51. For a first state of the print see item Ref: 26281.
[Ref: 26282]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathern.
Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathern.
R. Cosway delt. Etch'd by J.K. Sherwn.
Published by I.K. Sherwin, No.28, St. James's Street, April the 2nd. 1780.
Stipple and etching, first published state. 310 x 270mm. 12¼ x 10½". Some very light staining, a good impression with wide margins.
Full-length portrait of Anne Luttrell, Duchess of Cumberland (1743-1808), wife of Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn. Posed in a landscape holding a garland of flowers, her left arm resting on a large carved stone plinth decorated with a cupid. A crown sits atop the plinth. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821).
Daniell 51.
[Ref: 26281]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Charles Duke of Rutland,
Charles Duke of Rutland, appointed Lord Lieutenant and General Govenor of the Kingdom of Ireland. Feb.y 1784. Died there Oct.r 1787. Universally lamented.
R. Cosway pinx. W. Lane sculp.
[n.d. c.1790.]
Stipple, with large margins. Plate 179 x 114mm (7 x 4½"). Horizontal creases.
Charles Manners, Duke of Rutland (1754-1787) was a British politician and nobleman. In 1775 he married Lady Mary Isabella Somerset, who was a celebrated beauty. He entered parliament in opposition to the North Ministry and as an ally to the Rockingham Whigs. During the American Revolution, he followed Chatham in urging reconciliation with America, and was one of those who questioned the conduct of Admiral Keppel in 1779.
Daniell: 125. In the National Library of Ireland.
[Ref: 39914]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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[Elizabeth Merry.]
[Elizabeth Merry.]
R. Cosway R.A. del. Anth.y Cardon sculp.t
[n.d. c.1790.]
A fine proof stipple with etching. Plate 330 x 223mm. 13 x 8¾". Trimmed to the plate.
Elizabeth Merry (née Death) (active 1824.) Wife of Anthony Merry the diplomat (1756-1835).
Daniell: 105.
[Ref: 20932]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[Lady in the character of a Milkmaid.]
[Lady in the character of a Milkmaid.]
Richd. Cosway, R.A. del. J.S. Agar, sculp.
[n.d. c.1790.]
Stipple, india proof. 361 x 279mm. 14¼ x 11".
A woman in the character of a milkmaid, standing next to her cow. Said to be a portrait of a mistress of George, Duke of Marlborough.
Daniell H 161.
[Ref: 20275]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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[Lady Isabella Molyneux, Countess of Sefton.]
[Lady Isabella Molyneux, Countess of Sefton.]
R. Cosway R. A. Delin.t. W. Dickinson Excudit.
London, Publish'd June; 1783 by W. Dickinson Engraver & Printseller N.o. 158 New Bond Street.
Stipple. Plate: 255 x 315mm, (10 x 12½"). Trimmed to plate on left, right and top edges. One repaired hole top left.
Full length portrait of Isabella Molyneux (neé Stanhope) (1748-1819), who married Charles William 8th Viscount Molyneux in 1768, who was created 1st Earl of Sefton in 1771. Lady Molyneux stands on the edge of a terrace, one arm resting on the base of pillar while she holds the skirt on her dress in her hand. Behind her rests a large grecian vase.
BM 1856,0308.20.
[Ref: 35046]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Sir John Henry Moore Bar.t.
Sir John Henry Moore Bar.t.
R. Cosway R.A. Pictor Principis pinx. P. Condé sculp.
Very rare stipple. 190 x 260mm (7½ x 10¼"). Trimmed within plate on right and left edges. Slight damage on right.
A half-length portrait in a oval of Sir John Henry Moore (1713-1769) a colonial officer who served as Governor of Jamaica and as royal Governor of the Province of New York from 1765-1769.
[Ref: 36849]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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The Celebrated Signor Morelli.
The Celebrated Signor Morelli. Febo gli diè di chiara voce il vanto, Eulerpe gl’ispiro l’arte del canto, Tulia mostrogli il gesto, ond ‘ebbe l’aude: Europa tutta ascolat, osserva, e applaude.
I. Godefroy Sculp.t [after R. Cosway.]
[n.d. c.1797.]
Rare stipple with etching. 190 x 127mm (7½ x 5").
Portrait of Giovanni Morelli (fl.1787-1815), the singer, actor and composer. The circumstances of his birth, early life, and musical education are unknown. He was a basso singer and favourite at the opera; said to have been a running footman to Lord Cowper at Florence when a young man.
See: Daniell 107. Harvard III, p.226.
[Ref: 34568]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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New Musical Fund, Established 1786.
New Musical Fund, Established 1786.
R. Cosway R.A. del.t J.Mitan sculp.t
Very rare engraving, sheet 195 x 220mm (7¾ x 8½"). Slightly trimmed to plate at bottom slightly. Foxed.
Ticket for the New Musical Fund. An angel is seated on a cloud, playing a lyre. Performance by C. B. Incledod. The New Musical Fund was established 16 April 1786 and consisted of numerous concerts all held at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket.
Daniell: 206. BM: 1981 ,U.475.
[Ref: 61993]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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New Musical Fund, Established 1786.
New Musical Fund, Established 1786.
R. Cosway R.A. del.t J.Mitan sculp.t
Engraving. 164 x 177mm. 6½ x 7". Trimmed and stained.
Ticket for the New Musical Fund. An angel is seated on a cloud, playing a lyre. The New Musical Fund was established 16 April 1786 and consisted of numerous concerts all held at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket.
From the Collection of J.S. Bumpus. Daniell: 206. BM: 1981 ,U.475.
[Ref: 17269]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Polindo and Albarosa.
Polindo and Albarosa.
R. Cosway R.A: del.t. I. Condé Sculpt.
Publish'd as the Act directs by I. Conde Nov.r 1, 1789 & S.W. Fores Piccadilly, E.M. Diemar 114 Strand, & Molteno Colnaghi & Co. Pall Mall.
Stipple. Sheet 225 x 190mm (9 x 7½"). Trimmed to plate.
The tragic lover's from ''The Orlando Innamorato'', an epic poem written by the Italian Renaissance author Matteo Maria Boiardo. Two lovers sitting against a tree, the woman divesting herself of her garment and glancing modestly away, the man in armour and a plumed hat on the right. He has one arm around her shoulder, leaning towards her and pointing upwards with his other hand. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821); a companion print to 'Andromache and Ascanius'.
[Ref: 45129]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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[Sampson Perry.]
[Sampson Perry.]
Engraved by Maddan, from a Sketch by Cosway.
[n.d., c.1792.]
Stipple engraving. Sheet 140 x 95mm (5½ x 3¾"). Trimmed into plate. Bottom left corner torn.
Portrait of Sampson Perry (1747 - 1823), a surgeon, author, journalist, vigorous civil and religious reformer and newspaper proprietor of 'The Argus' endured a “barrage of libels” initiated by the Pitt government from 1790-1792.
Daniell 11 I
[Ref: 64270]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Anne Pleydell-Bouverie] Anne Countess of Radnor
[Anne Pleydell-Bouverie] Anne Countess of Radnor
Rich.d Cosway R.A. Del.t. Bovi Sculp.t pupil to F. Bartolozzi.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Stipple printed in sepia. 295 x 210mm (11½ x 8¼"), with wide margins.
Full length portrait of Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), who married Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 2nd Earl of Radnor, in 1777.
Daniell 119.
[Ref: 31870]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Anne Pleydell-Bouverie] Anne Countess of Radnor
[Anne Pleydell-Bouverie] Anne Countess of Radnor
Rich.d Cosway R.A. Del.t. Bovi Sculp.t pupil to F. Bartolozzi.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Fine stipple printed in sepia. 295 x 210mm (11½ x 8¼"), with large margins. Uncut.
Full length portrait of Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), who married Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 2nd Earl of Radnor, in 1777.
Daniell 119.
[Ref: 60768]   £320.00  
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Polindo and Albarosa.
Polindo and Albarosa.
R. Cosway R.A: delt. I. Condé Sculpt.
Publish'd as the Act directs by I. Conde Novr. 1, 1789 & S.W. Fores Piccadilly, E.M. Diemar 114 Strand, & Molteno Colnaghi & Co. Pall Mall.
Hand coloured stipple and etching, sheet 225 x 190mm. 9 x 7½". Trimmed to plate.
The tragic lover's from "The Orlando Innamorato"an epic poem written by the Italian Renaissance author Matteo Maria Boiardo. Two lovers sitting against a tree, the woman divesting herself of her garment and glancing modestly away, the man in armour and a plumed hat on the right. He has one arm around her shoulder, leaning towards her and pointing upwards with his other hand. After Richard Cosway (1742 - 1821); a companion print to 'Andromache and Ascanius'.
[Ref: 17712]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Lady Catherine Powlet. Daughter of his Grace the Duke of Bolton.
Lady Catherine Powlet. Daughter of his Grace the Duke of Bolton.
R. Cosway R.A. Delin.t C.W. White Sculp.t
Publish'd November the 22nd 1782 by C.W. White Stafford Row Pimlico.
Rare stipple in red. 173 x 121mm. 6¾ x 4¾". Trimmed; slight paper tone.
Lady Catherine Powlet (1766-1807), daughter of the sixth and last Duke of Bolton; married 1787 to William Henry Vane, 3rd Earl of Darlington and Duke of Cleveland.
Daniell [Cosway]: 117. See Ref: 24408 for altered publication line.
[Ref: 24407]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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Lady Catherine Powlet. Daughter of his Grace the Duke of Bolton.
Lady Catherine Powlet. Daughter of his Grace the Duke of Bolton.
R. Cosway R.A. Delin.t C.W. White Sculp.t
Publish'd November the 22nd 1782 by C.W. White Kemps Row Chelsea.
Very fine stipple in red, laid on album page. 178 x 128mm. 7 x 5". Trimmed; false margins added
Lady Catherine Powlet (1766-1807), daughter of the sixth and last Duke of Bolton; married 1787 to William Henry Vane, 3rd Earl of Darlington and Duke of Cleveland.
Daniell [Cosway]: 117. See Ref: 24407 for altered publication line.
[Ref: 24408]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
enquire about this item add to your wishlist Sidney. Sidney.
Cosway p.
Publish'd Oct.r 1771.
Mezzotint, scratched letters, inscription area not quite cleaned. Sheet 390 x 285mm (15¼ x 11¼"). Trimmed within plate.
A woman with a cloak covering her hair and wreath, holding an incense burner. The painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, London in 1770 as ''A portrait in the character of Minerva''.
CS: 152. Frankau 319. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 65063]   £260.00  
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Mary Isabella Dutchess of Rutland. Dedicated (with permission) to Her Grace. The Dutchess Dowager of Beaufort by her Grace's most devoted Serv.t W. Lane.
Mary Isabella Dutchess of Rutland. Dedicated (with permission) to Her Grace. The Dutchess Dowager of Beaufort by her Grace's most devoted Serv.t W. Lane.
R. Cosway pinx. W. Lane sculp.
Publish'd May 1791, by W. Lane, No.10 Hamilton Street, Piccadilly, and Molteno & Co. Pall Mall.
Stipple, with very large margins. Plate 178 x 114mm. 7 x 4½".
Lady Mary Isabella Somerset (1756-1831), youngest daughter of Charles, Duke of Beaufort; married Charles Manners, Duke of Rutland in 1775.
Daniell: 124.
[Ref: 39926]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Georgiana, Dutchess of Devonshire.
Georgiana, Dutchess of Devonshire. Engraved from an Original Picture in the possession of The Right Honorable the Countess Spencer, to whom this Plate is by permission inscribed, by her Ladyships much obliged most obed.t & devoted hum.ble serv.t Geo. Townly Stubbs.
London, Pub.d as the Act directs. July 1782.
Stipple, very scarce. Sheet size: 190 x 130mm (7½ x 5¼"). Trimmed inside platemark.
A bust portrait of Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire (1757 - 1806), facing the viewer, in an oval. She was a celebrated beauty and socialite who gathered around her a large salon of literary and political figures. She was connected to key figures of the age such as the Prince of Wales and Marie Antoinette. Cavendish was a frequent sitter in portraits and although known for her style, beauty, and her political campaigning, she was also famed for her love of gambling. Even though her own family, the Spencers, and her husband's family, the Cavendishes, were immensely wealthy, she was reported to have died deeply in debt due to her excesses.
Not in CL-B's Stubbs volume.
[Ref: 34387]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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Col.l St. Leger.
Col.l St. Leger. European Magazine.
Engraved by P. Roberts from a Miniature Painted by R. Cosway Esq.r R.A.
Published March 20th 1795 by J. Sewell Cornhill.
Stipple with large margins, 175 x 110mm (7 x 4¼").
Anthony St Leger (bap. 1731- d. 1786), army officer and racing enthusiast. St Leger saw action in the Seven Years' War, and the American War of Independence (serving in the West Indies), before ending his life as a general officer in Ireland. Between wars he was MP for Great Grimsby, but is best-remembered now for instigating the St Leger stakes, one of the classic British flat races. St Leger had a racecourse at his Park Hill estate and the race continues to be run annually at Doncaster racecourse. After a miniature by Richard Cosway.
Daniell 127
[Ref: 33965]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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The Rt. Hon.ble Lady Anna Maria Stanhope.
The Rt. Hon.ble Lady Anna Maria Stanhope.
R.Cosway R.A. delin. Anthy.Cardon Sculp.
London, Published April 1, 1801, by Anthy. Cardon, 31 Clipstone Stret, Fitzroy Square.
Stipple in frame. Plate 360 x 248mm.
Lady Anna Maria Stanhope daughter of Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl of Harrington. [1783 - 1857] married Francis Russell 7th Duke of Bedford in London in in 1808. Tea in the afternoon served with other foods as a snack or meal is believed to have originated from the Duchess of Bedford who experienced a 'sinking feeling' in the late afternoon. With tea figuring as England's favorite drink, it was the most likely choice as the beverage for this new meal. Given that Anna's brother Viscount Petersham was a great tea aficionado coffee and chocolate didn't stand a chance. Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, invited friends to join her for an additional afternoon meal at five o'clock in her rooms at Woburn Abbey. The menu consisted of small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, assorted sweets, and, of course, tea. The Duchess continued this summer practice when she returned to London, sending invitations to her friends asking them to join her for 'tea and a walking the fields.' (At that time, large open meadows were still to be found in Mayfair.) Other social hostesses soon began to invite friends to afternoon tea.
D: 139
[Ref: 1399]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[Countess of Sefton.]
[Countess of Sefton.]
R. Cosway R.A. Delin.t W. Dickinson Excudit.
London, Publish'd June 1783 by W. Dickinson, Engraver & Printseller No. 158. New Bond Street.
Coloured stipple, printed in colours, proof before title. 285 x 228mm. 11¼ x 9".
Isabella Stanhope (1748-1819) was daughter of second Earl of Harrington and married to the first Earl of Sefton at St Martin's-in-the-Fields in 1768.
Daniell [Cosway]: 129.
[Ref: 24405]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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R. Cosway Esq.r R.A. Del.t.
London publish'd Aug.t 12th 1785 by J.R. Smith, No. 83 - Oxford Street.
Rare stipple and soft ground etching, printed in black and red, sheet 235 x 130mm (9¼ x 5"), within separately printed border, as issued, sheet 350 x 250 (13¾ x 9¾). Pin holes in edges, some slight staining.
A woman reading (probably Maria Cosway, the artist's wife), a spaniel by her side. Her skin tones are printed in red.
[Ref: 57552]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Venus & Adonis.
Venus & Adonis.
R.Cosway pinx.t. F.Bartolozzi Sculp.t.
Published June 1 1791 by I. Read, Coventry Court, Coventry Street.
Stipple. Sheet 250 x 190mm. Trimmed into plate.
Venus and Adonis is a narrative poem by William Shakespeare published in 1593. It is probably Shakespeare's first publication.
[Ref: 7611]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Venus and Adonis.]
[Venus and Adonis.]
Cosway inv. F. Bartolozzi sculp.
London Publih as the Act directs by J. Walker no.13 Parliamt Street 21 1778.
Stipple with etching. Plate 254 x 191mm. 10 x 7½". Good margins.
Venus and Adonis seated under trees, embracing; next to her right foot, two doves, one drinking from a stream.
De Vesme: 492; v/ix. See Ref: 7611 for later letter state.
[Ref: 20447]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Venus. [&] Léda.
Venus. [&] Léda.
R. Cosway R.A. delin.t J. Condé sculp.t [&] J Condé del.t et sculp.t
Publish'd Aug.t 1st. 1792 by I. Condé & Colnaghi & Co. Pall Mall.
A pair of stipples in brown ink. Plate 266 x 216mm. 10½ x 8½". Faint creases top left and faint staining bottom right (both)
Venus nude in the water, kicking her leg in the air as she embraces two swans at either side of her. [&] Leda kneeling in rushes beside water with her arms over the backs of two swans at either side of her.
Daniell: 190 [Leda].
[Ref: 20405]   £720.00   view all images for this item
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Wisdom directing Beauty and Virtue to Sacrifice at the Altar of Diana.
Wisdom directing Beauty and Virtue to Sacrifice at the Altar of Diana.
R. Cosway pinx.t. J.R. Smith fecit.
Publish'd April 1773, by S. Hooper N.º 25 Ludgate Hill, and J.R. Smith N.º 4 Exeter Court, near Exeter Change, Strand.
Mezzotint. 355 x 505mm (14 x 19¾"). Slight cockling. Small margins. Crease down centre.
Juliana, Countess of Carrick, as Wisdom, with her daughters Lady Margaret Corry as Beauty and Lady Harriet Butler as Virtue. Cupid stands at their feet and two nymphs play pipes.
CS 32, ii of ii. O'Oench: Copper into Gold, Prints by John Raphael Smith 31. Frankau: 62 ii of ii. Ex: Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd & Christopher Mendez.
[Ref: 64520]   £450.00  
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Wisdom directing Beauty and Virtue to Sacrifice at the Altar of Diana.
Wisdom directing Beauty and Virtue to Sacrifice at the Altar of Diana.
R. Cosway pinx.t. J.R. Smith fecit.
Publish'd April 1773, by S. Hooper N.º 25 Ludgate Hill, and J.R. Smith N.º 4 Exeter Court, near Exeter Change, Strand.
Fine Mezzotint. 355 x 505mm (14 x 19¾"), with large margins. Slight cockling.
Juliana, Countess of Carrick, as Wisdom, with her daughters Lady Margaret Corry as Beauty and Lady Harriet Butler as Virtue. Cupid stands at their feet and two nymphs play pipes.
CS 32, ii of ii. O'Oench: Copper into Gold, Prints by John Raphael Smith 31. Frankau: 62 ii of ii. Ex: Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64521]   £800.00  
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