[Vignette illustration; Music and five other female figures with an old man.] See page 324. Vol: III.
E. F. Burney delt. F. Bartolozzi sculpt. Publish'd as the Act directs April 30th. 1789. Etching on india paper, final state, 200 x 175mm. 8 x 7". A fine impression with full margins. Music standing on the right, with a laurel crown on her head and holding a lyre; next to her (far right) an old man seated and an allegorical female figure. On the left of the composition, four allegorical female figures; the whole within an octagonal enveloped by leafy oak tree branches. Illustration to 'History of Music' (London: 1776) by Charles Burney. After Edward Francis Burney (1760 - 1848). De Vesme 1945, III of III, see 20542.
[Ref: 21193] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)