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Maria ab Etruria Cosmi Primi Magni Ducis Etruriae Filia Alphonso II. Duci Ferrariae Desponsata.
Adriano Halluech. Sculp: (after Agnolo Bronzino)
[n.d. 1741.]
Engraving. 350 x 248mm (13¾ x 9¾").
'Regiae familiae Mediceorum etruriae principum effigies' is the source for this engraving by Adrian Halluech [Adrian Haelwegh] working in Italy in the 1660's. The 'Regiae Familiae' used 54 engravings by Halluech and was published in Florence 1741. Agnolo Bronzino painted the sitter when 11years old. Marie de Medici (1540-1557) was engaged to Alfonso II, Duke of Ferrara, but died at the age of seventeen, before the marriage could take place. She was educated with her brothers and was among the brightest of the children. When her brother Francesco didn't understand his Greek lesson, his tutors called on Maria to explain it to him. Maria kept herself somewhat aloof from her younger brothers and sisters. She grew into an elegant, highly educated, and decorous young woman. Accurate accounts indicate that Maria's cause of death was probably malaria. She died in Livorno. Her father Cosimo I mourned for her deeply and kept her portrait in his bedroom until he died. Her sister Lucrezia di Cosimo de Medici later married Alfonso.
[Ref: 17168] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[The Prodigal Son.]
N. Strixner del: Angelo Bronzino.
[Munich: J. Stuntz, 1811-1816.]
Tinted lithograph, with white highlights. Sheet 280 x 315mm (11 x 12¾"), large margins.
An early tinted lithograph, showing the Prodigal Son in his debauchery, after Agnolo Bronzino (1503-72). From 'Les Oeuvres lithographiques. Contenant un choix de dessins d'après les grands maîtres de toutes les écoles, tiré des Musées de sa Majesté le Roi de Bavière.'
[Ref: 60949] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
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