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Napoleon 1er. Emperor des Français, et Roi d'Italie.
Napoleon 1er. Emperor des Français, et Roi d'Italie. Né a Ajaccio le 15 Aout 1769, Sacré et Coronné, le 11 Frimaire, An 13.
Bonneville del. et sculp.
[n.d., c.1805.]
Stipple. 165 x 115mm (6½ x 4½").
An oval portrait of a chiseled Napoleon in imperial robes. He was crowned King of Italy in 1805, the last year that the Republican Calendar was used (other than by the brief Paris Commune in 1871.)
[Ref: 36018]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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Catherine II. Empress of Russia.
Catherine II. Empress of Russia.
F. Bonneville del.t J. Chapman Sculp.t
Engraved for the Encyclopedia Londinensis, 1826.
Stipple, with large margins. 171 x 114mm. 6¾ x 4½".
Catherine II, known as Catherine the Great (1729-1796) was the most renowned and longest-ruling female leader of Russia from 1762 until her death. She came to power following a coup d'etat and the assassination of her husband, Peter III, at the end of the Seven Years' War. She revitalised Russia, making it grow larger and stronger than ever as it became recognised as one of the great powers of Europe.
[Ref: 24537]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Catherine II.
Catherine II. Empress of Russia.
F. Bonneville del.t. J. Chapman Sculp.t.
Published as the Act directs Jany.15.1795.
Stipple with small margins. Plate: 110 x 160mm (4¼ x 6¼").
Half portrait in profile, set in a roundel of Catherine II (1729-1796). Catherine II ruled Russia between 1762 and 1796, the longest rule by a female monarch in Russia's history.
[Ref: 33506]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Charles Fox.
Charles Fox. Membre du Parlement Dangletterre.
A Paris Rue St Jacques N.o 195.
Stipple. 195 x 130mm (7¾ x 5¼") very large margins.
Oval portrait of Charles James Fox (1749-1806), the first foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and vocal supporter of American independence, drawn and engraved by François Bonneville.
[Ref: 39899]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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J. I. Guillotin.
J. I. Guillotin. De´pute´ a` l'Assemble´e Constituante. Ne´ a Saintes le 29 Mars 1738.
Bonneville del... et Sculp.
[A Paris chez l'auteur, rue de Theatre Française No 4.] [n.d. 1798.]
Stipple. Sheet 145 x 95mm (5¾ x 3¾"). Trimmed within plate, losing publication line, mounted in album paper.
Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814) hoped that a more humane and less painful method of execution than hanging would be the first step toward a total abolition of the death penalty. The use of his name for the machine designed by Antoine Louis was a life-long embarassment. Although he was arrested during the Terror he avoided the death penalty and died of natural causes.
[Ref: 42164]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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Hyder-Ali [Commander in Chief of the Mahrattas.] [&] Tipoo Saib.
Hyder-Ali [Commander in Chief of the Mahrattas.] [&] Tipoo Saib.
[Hyder Ali - F. Bonneville Del.t. J. Chapman Sculp.t.]
[Published as the Act directs, Sept.r 10, 1794.]
Pair of stipples on album paper, trimmed as ovals. Each 105 x 85mm (4 x 3½"), titles excised and pasted underneath.
Oval portraits of Hyder Ali (c. 1720-1782), de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore in southern India, and his son Tipu Sultan (1750-99). The names have been switched.
[Ref: 52322]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Hyder-Ali,  Commander in Chief of the Mahrattas.
Hyder-Ali, Commander in Chief of the Mahrattas.
F. Bonneville Del.t. J. Chapman Sculp.t.
Published as the Act directs, Sept.r 10, 1794.
Stipple. 165 x 110mm (6½ x 4¼"), with wide margins.
Oval portrait of Hyder Ali (c. 1720-1782), de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore in southern India; father of Tipu Sultan. He is incorrectly described as the Commander in Chief of the Marathas. He fought a series of wars against the British East India Company during the Anglo-Mysore Wars.
[Ref: 27038]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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Gilbert, Mottier, La Fayette. Depute d'Auvergne a l'assemblee Natle en 1789. Commandant General de la Parisienne.
Gilbert, Mottier, La Fayette. Depute d'Auvergne a l'assemblee Natle en 1789. Commandant General de la Parisienne.
F.Bonneville. Del. Duchemin Sculp.
Paris, Rue du Theatre Francais.
Stipple. 257 x 185mm.
Marie-Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette (September 6, 1757 - May 20, 1834), was a French aristocrat. La Fayette is considered a national hero in both France and the United States for his participation in the French and American revolutions for which he became an Honorary Citizen of the United States. His full name and title are seldom used in the United States, where he is usually known simply as 'Lafayette'.
[Ref: 721]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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Jme. De Lalande,  Celebre Astronome du 18eme Siecle.
Jme. De Lalande, Celebre Astronome du 18eme Siecle.
F Bonneville del Sculp.
a Parisrue du Theatre Fr. No.4 [n.d. c.1780].
Engraving with large margins, 170 x 115mm. 6¾ x 4½".
Oval portrait of Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande (1732 - 1807), French astronomer and writer.
Not in Wellcome.
[Ref: 26344]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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La Nature.
La Nature. vous étes tous mes enfans, soyez tous freres.
F. Bonneville Del.
Paris, chez L'Auteur, rue du Theatre Francais No.4.
Stipple with large margins, scarce. Platemark: 215 x 130mm (8½ x 5¼").
A representation of the character of Nature holding her breasts, after Francois Bonneville engraver, draughtsman and publisher of semi-popular prints in Paris.
[Ref: 32089]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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