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Général Auber-Dubayet aujourd'hui Ambassadeur en Turquie.
Boilly del.
Mezzotint with very large margins; band around waist coloured; 540 x 360mm (21¼ x 14¼").
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Annibal Aubert du Bayet (1759-1797), French general and politician during the Revolution, show full-length in uniform, a battle raging behind. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he fought in the American Revolutionary War before travelling to France at the beginning of the Revolution in 1789. He began his political career with an anti-Jewish pamphlet 'Le cri du citoyen contre les Juifs', and was elected to the legislature in 1791. He served as President of the moderate 'Legislative Assembly' from 8 July 1792 to 22 July 1792, a month before the new National Convention took over, then as the Minister of Defense of France from November 1795 to February 1796. He was then appointed ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, tasked with helping Selim modernise the army. He died of fever in Constantinople in 1797.
[Ref: 34981] £360.00
Le Concert.
L. Boilly. I. lith. de Delpech.
[n.d., c.1824.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 310 x 245mm (12½ x 9¾"). Horizontal crease & foxing.
A group of heads: men play the recorder, flute and horn, and a man and woman sing.
[Ref: 62468] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Révue du Quintidi. Bonaparte Premier Consul de la Republique Française.
Boilly Pinxit. Levachez Sculp.t Duplessia Bevtaux aqua forti.
Déposé à la Bibliothèque N.le le 19 Thermidou An X. A Paris, chez Auber Editeur Rue St. Lazare Chaussée d’Antin No.88 [engraved. c.1802 but later].
Coloured aquatint with etching. 435 x 295mm (17 x 11¾"). Trimmed close to plate at bottom, edge ragged. Small margins left & right.
A portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte in a medallion above a scene depicting a troop review, within a printed frame.
[Ref: 63040] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Réunion d'Artistes. Dédiée aux Amateurs des Arts.
Peint par Boilly en 1800. Gravé par A. Clement. Imprimé par Bassand.
à Paris chez l'Auteur, Cloitre des Bernadines d.ion des Plantes No.136 & à l'entrepôt de Thé, rue des fossés Montmartre, No.6'.
Stipple. 550 x 430mm (21¾ x 17"), very large margins on 3 sides Trimmed within plate on left, year entering plate taped, slight spotting. Some loss on left in margin
A group portrait of twenty-nine French artists, all seen head and shoulders, grouped together amidst clouds, in an oval. They include Boilly, Redouté, Isabay, Bourgeois, Demarne, Vernet and Gérard. See BM 1882,0311.1242 for the original key of persons.
[Ref: 54913] £980.00
La Serinette.
Boily pinx. Honoré Sculp.
AParis chez Roger M.d d'Estampes, Rue des bons enfants a l'entrée du cloitre Honoré. [n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple. 510 x 370mm (20 x 14½"), with large margins.
A half-dressed woman and her maid listen to a music box on her dressing table.
[Ref: 45015] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
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