Auszug aus einer See-Charte die Andreas Bianco im I[ahr] 1436 zu Venedig verfertigte... Auszug aus einer Charte die Fr. Picigano im I[ahr] 1367 zu Venedig verfertigte...
A.G. Ephem 1807. 10. stk. Weimar, im Verlag des geograph. Instituts, 1807. Engraved map. 180 x 230mm (7 x 9"). Folds as issued. Two facsimiles of Venetian charts of the 15th & 16th centuries, showing the Atlantic before the known discovery of America, The presence of 'Y.a d'Antilla', a large island west of Madeira, is often used to argue that the Portuguese discovered America before Colombus.
[Ref: 53128] £140.00