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Irish Stew - Lick! Licking!! Lick'd!!!
Painted by Stanley Berkley. Etched by W. Heydemann.
London. Published Decr. 1st 1886 by Sidney Redrup, 175 New Bond Street.
Etching. 154 x 400mm.
A terrier attacking a saucepan.
[Ref: 635] £450.00
When We Were Pups Together.
Painted by Stanley Berkley.
London Published Febr. 25th 1886 by Sidney Redrip, 175 Bond Street W.
Sepia photogravure. Four images on one sheet, total printed area 460 x 460mm. Small stain on publisher's line.
The adventures of two young terriers.
[Ref: 636] £320.00
Going! Going! [&] Gone!!!
Stanley Berkley [etched in plate and signed in pencil lower left.] W. Heydermann [signed in pencil lower right.]
London Published September 20th. 1886 by Sidney Redrup, the Proprietor, 175, New Bond St. w. New York_Fishel Adler & Schwartz.
Pair of etchings, signed remarqued proofs, each 310 x 445mm. 12¼ x 17½". Repaired tear through sheet along lower platemark, 1st plate.
Three terriers engaged in a tug-of-war over a plucked chicken, which in the second plate splits sending the dogs flying backwards in different directions. A chained bulldog watches on with amusement to the right. With remarques of an auctioneer on the rostrum at a sale lower right. Stanley Berkeley (1855 - 1909) was a London etcher, animal, sporting and historical painter who exhibited paintings at the RA fom 1881 to 1902, and was member of the RPE.
[Ref: 9490] £420.00
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A Find! [&] A Find Indeed! The Biter Bit! [&] The Blue Bag.
Painted by Stanley Berkley. [to first plate, signed in first and third plates.]
[n.d., c.1890.]
A series of three mixed-method prints, each image 125 x 305mm. 5 x 12". Margins roughly trimmed; scratch to surface of third plate.
Charming triptych following the exploits of two fox terrier puppies who discover and dig up a wasp's nest and end up looking decidedly sorry for themselves, nursing stung and swollen muzzles. Stanley Berkeley (1855 - 1909) was a London etcher, animal, sporting and historical painter who exhibited paintings at the RA from 1881 to 1902, and was member of the RPE.
[Ref: 19452] £420.00
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Completely Routed. [&] "A Terrible Catastrophe". "Those behind cried forward. Those in front cried back".
Stanley Berkley [etched in image]. Painted & Etched by Stanley Berkley. Printed by E. Revel.
London Published Dec.r 1885 by Sidney Redrup. 175, New Bond Str. New York by Fishel Alder & Schwartz. Copyright Registered
A pair of etchings with very large margins. Plate 235 x 400mm (9¼ x 15¾").
Pigs charging away from viewer; and pigs falling over a make-shift bridge that is collapsing into the stream. Made by Stanley Berkley (1855-1909), English painter of animal, sporting and historical subjects, especially military scences.
[Ref: 29008] £300.00
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