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Toscane. [A set of eight views in Florence].
Toscane. [A set of eight views in Florence]. Vue générale prise du coté de Bello Sgaurdo + Veduta generale presa dalla parte di Bello Sguardo. [/] Ponte A. S. Trinita, Firenze. [/] Pont anx Graces + Ponte alle Grazie. [/] Palais vieux et Loge des Lanzi + Palazzo becchio e Luggi dei Lanzi. [/] Palais Putti + Palazzo Pitti. [/] Ste..Marie des fleurs (la Cathedrale.) + Sta..Maria del fiore (Si Duomo.) [/] Sainte Marie nouvelle + Santa Maria novella. [/] Porte St. Gallo + Porta Sn. Gallo.
Dessiné d'apres nature par Ph. Benoist. [Various engravers].
Imp. Lemercier, a Paris. Paris, publie par Bulla, rue Tiquetonne, 18 et (Mon. Aumont) Francois Delarue, Succ, rue JJ Rousseau 10. [n.d., c.1850].
Set of seven tinted lithographs with one aquatint. Unbound. Sheet size: 290 x 380mm (11½ x 15") each.
A set of eight views in Florence, the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany, including seven tinted lithographs after Philipe Benoist (1813-1880), titles in French and Italian, and one aquatint after Swiss painter Salomon Corrodi (1810-1892). The set includes a stunning panoramic view of the city; a view of the Renaissance Ponte Santa Trìnita 'Holy Trinity Bridge', spanning the river Arno; the Palazzo Pitti, situated on the south side of the River Arno; a view from the front of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore or 'Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower', which remains the main church of Florence; and the Porta Galla, or 'the Triumphal Arch'.
[Ref: 33313]   £1,200.00   view all images for this item
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Sicile. [A set of twelve views in Sicily].
Sicile. [A set of twelve views in Sicily]. Palerme. Vue de la Porte newe et de l'anien Palais des Emirs. + Palermo. Veduta della Porta nuova e del Palazzo degli Emiri. [/] Palerme. Place du Sénat. + Plaermo. Piazza Senatoria. [/] Palerme. Place des Quatre Coins. + Palermo. Piazza de Quattro Cantoni. [/] Palerme. Entreé du jardin Botanique + Palermo. Ingresso del giardino Botanico. [/] Palerme. Place Royale. + Palermo. Piazza Reale. [/] Montreale. Intérier de la Cathédrale + Interno del Duomo. [/] Montreale. Bas rote droit de la Cathédrale. + La navata a diritta del Duomo. [/] Palerme. Eglise Royal de Ste. Marie la neuve. + Palermo. Chiesa Reale di Santa Maria la neuiva. [/] Palerme. Chapelle du Palais Royal. + Palermo. Capilla del Palazzo reale. [/] Palerme. Eglise des Jésuites. + Chiesa dei Jesuit. [/] Palerme. Eglise du Monastérre de St. Simon + Chiesa del Monastero Sto. Simone. [/] Palerme. Zisa + Palermo. La Zisa.
Desineé d'apés narure par Ph. Benoist. [Various engravers].
Imp. par Lemercier a Paris. Paris_Bulla éditeur, 18 rue Tiquetonne et (Mon. Aumont) Francois Delane succ. rue JJ. Rousseau, 10. [n.d., c.1850].
A set of twelve lithographs. Unbound. Sheet size: 290 x 380mm (11½ x 15") each.
A set of tweleve fine, highly detailed views in Sicily, Itlay. The set includes five exterior views, including; Quattro Canti, officially known as Piazza Vigliena, a Baroque square in Palermo, with the near-identical facades of the buildings surrounding a large number of people, including two carrying a sedan chair in the foreground; the entance to the 'Orto Botanico di Palermo', or Palermo Botanical Garden, founded in 1779, when the 'Accademia dei Regi Studi' created the chair of 'Botany and medicinal properties'; and a view of the Piazza Senatoria, more commonly known as Piazza Pretoria or, the Piazza of Shame. It is said that this name was given to the piazza as a respresentation of the corrupt government, as in 1573, to make way for the monumental fountain in the centre, several homes were demolished by the Senate. The seven internal views are of various churches and cathedrals, including: two of the Cathedral of Monreale, one of the greatest extant examples of Norman architecture in the world; the Church of Santa Maria; and the highly ornate Church of the Gesu.
[Ref: 33353]   £750.00   view all images for this item
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