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[Dresden] Prospectus exterius Portæ Wilsche, cum Bibliotheci Regia, Dresdæ. Vüe exterieur de la Porte Wilsche, avec la Bibliotheque Royale a Dresde.
Cum Gratia et Privilegio Sae: Cæs; Majestis. Georg Balthasar Probst excud. A.V. [Augsburg, c.1750.]
Etching. Sheet 310 x 420mm (12¼ x 16½"). Trimmed just within plate.
A view of Dresden's fortifications at the Wilsche Gate, with a bridge over the moat. Behind is the Royal Library. Bellotto was a nephew and pupil of Caneletto. He worked in Dresden from 1747 to 1758, during which time he often signed his paintings 'Bernardo Canaletto'.
[Ref: 38385] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Dresden] Ecclesia Regia Catholicorum, cum Ontem super Fluviam Albis, Dresdæ. L'Eglise Royale Catholique, avec le Pont sur la Riviere de l'Elbe, a Dresde.
Cum Gratia et Privilegio Sae: Cæs; Majestis. Georg Balthasar Probst, excud. A.V. [Augsburg, c.1750.]
Etching. Sheet 310 x 420mm (12¼ x 16½"). Trimmed just within plate.
A view of Dresden's Hofkirche, with the Augusts bridge over the Elbe, after Bernardo Bellotto (c1721-80). His original painting, now in the 'Staatliche Kunstsammlungen', shows the Hofkirche under construction, covered in scaffolding. Bellotto was a nephew and pupil of Caneletto. He worked in Dresden from 1747 to 1758, during which time he often signed his paintings 'Bernardo Canaletto'.
[Ref: 38386] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Dresden] Prospectus pontis fluvio Albi Dresdae impositi Ecclesia versus B. V. Mariae dicata. Vüe du Pont de Dresde sur l'Elbe verse l'Egise de Notre Dame.
Cum Gratia et Privilegio Sae: Cæs; Majestis. Georg Balthasar Probst excud. A.V. [Augsburg, c.1750.]
Etching. Sheet 310 x 420mm (12¼ x 16½"). Trimmed just within plate.
A view of Dresden's Augustus Bridge over the Elbe, with the Hofkirche, after Bernardo Bellotto (c1721-80). His original painting, now in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, shows the Hofkirche under construction, covered in scaffolding. Bellotto was a nephew and pupil of Caneletto. He worked in Dresden from 1747 to 1758, during which time he often signed his paintings 'Bernardo Canaletto'.
[Ref: 38310] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
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