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All The Talents. Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.
[P]olypus designavit. Rowlandson sculp.
Pub. April 18th. 1807 by I. I. Stockdale Pall Mall.
Etching, sheet 205 x 130mm (8 x 5"). Trimmed within plate on left and bottom.
Frontispiece to 'All the Talents', 18th edition, satirical verses by 'Polypus', i.e. E. S. Barrett (1786-1820) , attacking the late Ministry. BM Satires 10720.
[Ref: 61712] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Florence Nightingale At Scutari. A Mission Of Mercy.
Painted By Jerry Barrett. Engraved by Samuel Bellin.
Published By Thomas Agnew & Sons, Printsellers To Her Majesty The Queen, Exchange St. Manchester & Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. May 1st. 1861. Printed by J. Brooker.
Mixed method engraving, 665 x 930mm (26¼ x 36½"). Marginal tears, light spotting.
Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910), reformer of hospital nursing and of the Army Medical Services kneeling on the ground and offering a cup to a wounded soldier lying on a stretcher. Many people are gathered round, including a man in oriental dress with two children. This scene at Scutari, called Üsküdar, a large and densely populated suburb of Istanbul, on the Anatolian shore of the Bosphorus right opposite the heart of the great city. Florence Nightingale reformed hospital nursing during the 19th Century. She trained as a sick nurse and was invited to take nurses out to tend the wounded in the Crimean War (1854). Her sanitary reforms there lessened cases of disease. She was subsequently consulted by foreign governments at war as an authority on hospital administration and sanitation. After Jerry Barrett's oil in the National Portrait Gallery titled 'Florence Nightingale Receiving the Wounded at Scutari — 1856 — The Mission of Mercy'. The following figures have been identified: Sir William Linton, (to the left of the archway); Sir Henry Knight Storks, (to his right); Alexis Benoit Soyer, (in white to Nightingale's left). NPG: 4305.
[Ref: 8486] £620.00
Key Plate to Mr. Barrett's Picture Florence Nightingale at Scutari.
Day & Son, to the Queen.
Published by Thomas Agnew & Sons, Exchange Street, Manchester.
Lithograph, scarce; printed area 290 x 260mm (11½ x 10¼"). Staining to top right margin.
Keyplate identifying the figures portrayed in Jerry Barrett's painting 'The Mission of Mercy: Florence Nightingale receiving the Wounded at Scutari' (1857) which hangs in London's National Portrait Gallery. The scene portrays Nightingale's invaluable medical assistance during the Crimean War. The publishers of this keyplate, Thomas Agnew & Sons, also published a large engraving of the picture. for the print of the picture, see ref. 8486. Ex: Collection of Thomas Agnew.
[Ref: 32262] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Richmond Hill.
Drawn by C. Barrett. Engraved by G.H. Every.
Sketches Plate 11. Published by S. Hollyer 2 Everett Street Jan.y 1831. Printed by S.H. Hawkins.
Mezzotint and etching, rare with large margins. Plate 165 x 210mm (6½ x 8¼").
A view from Richmond Hill, with three deer sitting in the left foreground, trees, people and several boats on the River Thames curving below.
[Ref: 34654] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
A Sketch of Nature.
Barrett del. J. Ogborne sculp.
Pub Nov.r 1793 by J. Ogborne No.58 Gt Portland St.
Rare coloured stipple with etching. Plate 210 x 252mm (8¼ x 10"). Trimmed to the plate along lower edge.
Country view with two cows in the centre, walking towards a river on the left; trees and a fence on the right; a house in the left background behind trees.
[Ref: 52413] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
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John Stacpoolee Esq:r of Cragbrien Castle in the County of Clare [...]
Barrett pinx.t / James Watson fecit.
[1771 or after]
Very rare mezzotint, platemark 430 x 280mm (17 x 11"). Small margins.
Memorial portrait of John Stacpoole (c.1674-1771) issued following his death. Text paying tribute to his philanthropy, which went alongside his acquiring 'one of the Largest and best Circumstanced Estates in Ireland'. Engraved by James Watson after the Irish portrait painter Jeremiah Barrett (c.1723-70). Watson also engraved a portrait of Richard Stacpoole which states that the 'Stacpooles of the County of Clare' such as John Stacpoole are descended from him. Both appear to have been issued as private plates for the Stacpoole family and their acquaintances. Whitman 84; CS 133; for Watson's portrait of Richard Stacpoole see ref. 37928. Ex collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 37928] £450.00
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