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[Daniel in the lions' den.]
Theodorus Berna Inve. DGeyn scup.
CJVißcher Excu. [n.d., 1652.]
Engraving with etching. 275 x 355mm (10¾ x 14"), with very large margins, with contemporary red ruling.
Daniel sitting in a rocky cave with a barred grill behind, surrounded by lions. Originally published in a Dutch bible, 'Historiae Sacrae Veteris et Novi Testamenti', the red ruling suggests this example comes from the English edition, 'Figures of the Bible, in wich almost every history of the Holy Scriptures is discribed'.
[Ref: 52526] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
[Mankind before the flood]
Theodor: Bernard: inventor / Joannes Sadler scalps: / et excud: Antuerpiæ.
Engraving, scarce, sheet 330 x 445mm (13 x 17½"). Trimmed to image, losing text.
A group of naked couples sit around a table eating and playing music while the Deluge takes place (Noah's ark can be seen in the background on left). One of a pair of engravings by Jan Sadeler (1550-1600) after Dirck Barendsz. (1534-92). The pendant is 'Mankind awaiting the Last Judgement'.
[Ref: 45265] £450.00
Theodor Bernard invet: J. Sadeler Sculps:
[n.d. c.1580.]
Scarce engraving. Sheet 180 x 230mm (7 x 9"). Trimmed within plate, loss of image on right edge. Damaged.
A plate representing Autumn as a time for wine-making. In the foreground is a naked male personification, with wine leaves in his hair, leaning on a tub of grapes. Behind people pick grapes, tread them, barrel them up and cart them away. One of a set of the ‘Four Seasons’ engraved by Jan Sadeler (1550-1600) after Dirck Barendsz. (1534-92).
[Ref: 61335] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
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