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Warren Hastings Esqr.  Dedicated to the Honourable the East India Company by their most obedt. humble Servt.
Warren Hastings Esqr. Dedicated to the Honourable the East India Company by their most obedt. humble Servt.
Model'd from Life by Tho.s Banks Esqr. R.A. Engraved by T.Gaugain. Painted in Crayons by S. De Koster.
London, Published June 4. 1805, by John P.Thompson, Gt. Newport Street.
Stipple. 550 x 390mm (21¾ x 15¼"). Framed.
Warren Hastings (December 6, 1732 - August 22, 1818) was the first governor-general of British India, from 1773 to 1786. He was famously impeached in 1787 for corruption, and acquitted in 1795.
[Ref: 502]   £450.00  
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Warren Hastings Esqr.  Dedicated to the Honourable the East India Company by their most obed.t humble Serv.t John Bryden.
Warren Hastings Esqr. Dedicated to the Honourable the East India Company by their most obed.t humble Serv.t John Bryden.
Model'd from Life by Tho.s Banks Esqr. R.A. Engraved by T.Gaugain. Painted in Crayons by S. De Koster.
London, Published June 4. 1805, by John P.Thompson, Gt. Newport Street.
Stipple. Publisher's stamp in base of pedestal. Plate: 390 x 525mm (15½ x 20¾"), with large margins.
A bust of Warren Hastings (1732 - 1818) was the first governor-general of British India, from 1773 to 1786. He was famously impeached in 1787 for corruption, and acquitted in 1795.
[Ref: 40168]   £450.00  
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Shakspeare seated between the Dramatic Muse & the Genius of Painting who is pointing him out as the proper subject of her penal.
Shakspeare seated between the Dramatic Muse & the Genius of Painting who is pointing him out as the proper subject of her penal. The Alto Relievo in the Front of the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall-Mall.
I. Banks R.A. fecit. James Stow Sculp.t
Pub.d Decr 1. 1798 by J & J Boydell No90 Cheapside & at the Shakspeare Gallery Pall Mall.
Engraving. 380 x 271mm (15 x 10¾"). Soiling.
Shakespeare on a rocky pedestal, one hand on the shoulder of the genius of painting standing to the right, holding a palette and brushes, while the dramatic muse with a lyre reaches to crown him with laurel from the left; after a sculpture by Thomas Banks outside Boydell's 'Shakespeare Gallery'. From that building he published his Shakespeare (1798) to which this was the frontispiece.
See also Ref: 18149 for printed copy of the medal.
[Ref: 28933]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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[William Shakespeare] The Alto-Relievo in the Front of the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall.
[William Shakespeare] The Alto-Relievo in the Front of the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall. Represents Shakespeare seated between the Dramatick Muse and the Genius of Painting, who is pointing Him out as the proper Subject for her Pencil.
I. Banks R.A. fecit. Benj. Smith sculp.
Published June 4 1796, by John & Josiah Boydell, at No. 90, Cheapside & at the Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall.
Stipple. 560 x 420mm (22 x 16½"), with large margins.
A bas-relief sculpture that decorated the front of Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery. This was the frontispiece to the series of large plates of Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery.
See Ref: 28933 for smaller version.
[Ref: 56262]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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